Viva la…. Fried,  eh  White  in  ?? Vague~~ Us /ain../ him ……………

=Help =Fake America…. Return to the how strong really is 60 mg levitra murder criminal law essay essay on a culture thier language ,food, goverment,health care essays on historical events viagra and trimix inhouse pharmacy cialis source follow link marx doctoral thesis user experience and usability social media essay follow url when will generic viagra be available at cvs help assignment solution globalization ielts essay ambien sweating writing on the internet ou acheter du cialis how good is cialis substantive hypothesis go to link essay on good effects of watching television crab mentality essay help  ……….Big Bus…==== ==EDUC8===Freely and Thoroughly=======

———————————-4 …1st climb————————–

Seeing things for da rehearsed mime, young folks??.                                                                                      .. they Live                                                                                                                                   whilst U  de……… Liver….cheerzzz


you got to start at the local levels to change this clustersuck…where are you NEW  candidates.. marathon  running foe office / willing to stand up against this fascism….a bit 2 ….. ???



… he kept ‘only’ the FBI as is….that sez alot….šŠ Minnow (the Ss are Nazi SS))

A 4 our year Tour !!!

——————————————————————————         upon further examination of the dispensary flower for sale. I found that i had previously bought an “out-sourced” ounce for 3 bills (30%thc)… So, I spent more time this visit at the dispensary’s they have many strains of their own flower. I chose, Star Killer (22%thc) for “get this”    a 30 gram ounce for…….$180….yup smuckers..quality for $6 a F’n Gram, mah

shake is 120/oz when available

   o, i’m at the top of one of those escalators..on street overpasses and i’m lookin down over some cafes and the thing is broken cuz the taxes need to be higha…

i had stopped after a few steps and said out loud  —-my theme/meme–>

 I’ll Wait It Out !!!!  !! !


flight out morrow!!…redeye from LAX..So. as i walk through first class..i’m lookin for “celebrities”.. i see this huge fuckin head on what might have been a toothpick… like a pez dispenser with elephantiasis…. couldn’t put a name to WIT……

Rich Hall?? went straight to his face !!


HAnd, cuz   you a Kneed it (I found it  at Evil Dead: The Musical)




A Huge FU to People stating, “The Middle/Center couldn’t Hold

You are to Journalism & Integrity what I am to Comedy, Eh…. Dice !?!

== A Wicked Hack!!!!  !! !==Wickedy Whack (scratchin my Balls..) ============


==============I’m Trying… i enjoyed watchin utub egg fo young friar jross struggling roasting trump in 2004……..gave me hope ==tough crowd… stay away from florida folks… sun is not for direct communication people…cows are jealous of you feces, i meant faces///.===

Please tell me that most of y’all have figured out that the term and commotion behind ‘Fake News’ is a big fat Red CHerrying!!!!  !! !

So, now that your Political Herrings have been topped…                                                           Time to Play Ball Y’all !!


unbiased news or any facts in our reality always seems fake-ish to Stokes with heir  opinion or aggressive agenda (say 4 years) !

circular like jerk=off of intelli=kNots!

====facts just the Facts==people,  == not half truthers==all with dose aggressive agendas ….not good for joe and yoku===

=====We Got A Really Big Shoe Tonight======

Should Life/Liberty, POH be a game????

Shouldn’t games be left to athletes and freetimers??



Life’s meaning CANNOT  Be to create new life!                                                                                 ie.   workers to Bee Queens kneepads!

We have Intelligence no quotes


That’s KNOT how you change Shit  Sic





can u imagine a 9/11 with Thump in Chief..??

Can he count that high 911  without Lying???? 

Please don’t attack us…. cuz                                                                                                                    We Will Correct the ShipOSilverSpoonCNNUFF

they actually want you to attack us                                                                                                               so they can demand our civil “Wrights

– Peace is the WA~~~ve……                                                                                                                                      ..KKKNotTruFanaticalTerroristiPsycheFascism

===>>Canada, eh,    Way,  !!!!  !! !



u know Asian ‘errorists’                                                                                                                 Vegas would make a fine practice surface for the nhl team,

I’m ADD-Justin Sayin’ Hi to every thin mint i encounter..

Peace……// “Clout”   …neva ADDore… unmess Raiders arrive…then meh

Jan/Feb ’17      ….you bring a foxy 6 here… you are Elvis…on the Strip

