~trial and terror bill @@ bongg



teach your kids WEll


one thing in common with all these badd politicians:



G R E E K..




Anything that PROP @ GATE§  ∀ TnTrump


cannot be good and should be Banned;


$kull and Bone$


ask the students ?   #Real ly ?



Wwworld^$ Gratest Hickkk Cupp Fez } t





































& &

























DuH Nihilist















fascist formule.ae 2024 – 25 : lie, lie, ply




Riget Minefield for a blind lemon STAND out there

magaga no care packages

insecure gals

$watchbouy§             ready to POSקe @



& *****taken away by gaslighting~:

any useful means to break free of said Riget whilst on a


0÷÷÷÷÷÷===tightrope cross town=====÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷#1


contin u ally   UP fate=D- niled daily


No Regard For Slimming chances for requested help !



actually gives them Glee ¿!


#talk squackkk , fbi chatterboxing, every detail in my life#1










fluck Musk ! unAmerican Mercenary !! chinese informant ?

security !!!!! ~


#$hady GaGa







Fascisn’t Love, it is [(virtuO§0,,,& so!,,,,, Slavery], oppression,, class and educational punishment


Gottcha cha cha

playing Scratch and sniff lotto

                        with Beauty, Truth, and that pulp, Constitution!

American WayZzz & Means Commit tee

#mull agin

AnothE Rr         4 years to Juxtapose with Democrazy






R E S P E C T   

for anyone who Dissents ,

tRue çowards of Civilized Debate



hence,   NO TRIAL


   Democracy Demands Transparency   ===      Republicannery DDT’§



Ættack the debater when you suckkk at IT !




Bar  =========   Low      all ow erR$,    MR.


Dark Half of Statue of Liberty



Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!