Trump and his Repukes are the ==Derogatory Definition==>>> #RealNiggers

C U Racist MothafuckRs,..                                                                                                                             …NOW, We GOTZZZ A nigger IN OFFICE !!!!  !! !




Great Sign at a Rally:==>>=  Alternative Facts Are  √  -1  ======


===============>Imaginary Number(s)<==================

‘Trump: Administration running like ‘a fine-tuned machine’

like  a self-playing piano on the deck of the Titanic..

like the house band on the the Titanic..

like  a self-playing piano rockin’ and rollin’ on the deck of the Titanic..

like  a self-playing piano waltzing aground on the deck of the Titanic..

wasn’t that Thelma and Louise’s next to last words?


“inherited a mess”

if only you could see our view  ⇑



=======He Projects more than BOREilly====and ME==========



—————————————————-                                                                          btw, sure????  ?? ?

The press is bowned by Capitalist/ McCarthyist Homers like yourself..                                                                                                                 dough!!

believe me they are sugary as opposed to  real journalism



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=>>A Fart Blast from our Past===>> Baio/Piscopo Ticket…. ==  with  Gary Coleman as ‘sayer’ Press Secret fAiry..from the past/ or grave… @green room or screen
