This is where it all began!!


TK-421, why aren’t you at your post ?


TK-421, do you copy ?


Copy This !?!





Nobody wants to make Waves

…. all the whilst being swept over

.. by the Current !!

.                                                                        ~~~~~~ a Rogue Wave !!!!  !! !



“One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

. – Bertrand Russell

(kinda Backed Up by The Dunning-Kruger effect)




The world as one sees it is a collection of one’s own experiences and any “knowledge” that has been force fed early on via the naive and very impressionable minds of youth and it is this repetitive, force fed collection of ideals that this pamphlet deals with.

Are these ideas ever thoroughly questioned ?

Does an immature mind have the capability to sort through the complexities of multi-layered spin that permeates society ?

I think not, as most high school graduates have trouble with simple algebra !! Thus, these preconceived notions must be set aside and “re-analyzed” as Fact, Fallacy or just an Opinion/Theory (OFF) !!


Analyze Everyone and Everything !!


Do you see what you believe or

do you believe what you see ?




                    Be the Change you want to See in the World.

.                                                           -Mahatma Gandhi




.                                               Imagine – John Lennon




One who dreams of a better world must be open to change; better still one must embrace it as change is the only way to achieve new beginnings.

The first step towards actualizing change is to re-assess the present. This is probably the most difficult part of an individual’s journey or path towards enlightenment.


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                                     Think of TV as the

                                             Proverbial Box

                                                       and think outside of it !



                               It’s All Bullcrap and it’s Bad for Ya !

.                                                                 – George Carlin, RIP


The media’s left-leaning.

…. The media’s right-leaning.

.. The media’s this.

. The media’s that..

Let’s cut the crap, please!

With today’s media conglomerations, the media

is whatever their owners want them to be!

So, who owns the media ?

The Dick Cheney’s of the world or some sweet, caring

guy from your neck of the woods? Most likely the former.

If you think that most of these Uber-Rich guys are sweethearts

look at Robert Murdoch… and think again !!

The Reason most of them became so Wealthy

is because they have

No Scruples when Money is involved.

Think of them like an HMO refusing a costly

proven surgical procedure on a child

because it is in their opinion “Experimental ” !!

and If all else fails…

$$$ <<< distraction and misdirection works every time ! >>> $$$

and whenever possible,

Bastardizing Science with this study says this and then tomorrow

saying another study says quite the opposite.

(Critical Thinkers note: ONLY believe Peer-Reviewed Studies!!).

To the point that average folk’s heads begin to hurt from thinking

and eventually they become putty in the medias’ hands.

Right or Wrong is of Little Consequence to these people,

if they can get away with it !!

They are all for the “Children” until nobody is paying attention like helping Eliminate Poverty just in America.


Neither party talks about the Chronically Poor.

These Oligarchs are mostly Silver Spoon Sucking Douchebags !!

Black Folks’ ancestors were the hardest working people

.                            on the Fucking Planet !!

Where is their wealth to pass down to future generations ?

Oh Wait, ….

( with LOUD Emphasis)

                            They were Fucking Slaves !!


I guess the Bottom Line is the networks owners/execs look out

for their own first and foremost and then they’ll decide what is

good for the rest of us peons.

Now does this sound Left, Right, or Centrist ?

Greed and Corporat-ocracy seems to be

. a Right-wing rally cry, to me.

But, Don’t be FOOLED by either party

as they both truly work for the same people,

Corporations aka Uber-rich or Wealthy !!


What’s the Difference between Rich and Wealthy ??


The # of Lawyers, Judges and Politicians on their Payroll !!


——————page break——————————


                       Fear aka. CSI: Fear Nation


What Can I Say ? Don’t Let Fear Ru(i)n Your Life.

. Ye Shall Overcome !!!


                                    The Government


Once again it comes down to who really Owns the government.
Can you say Lobbyists?
Shouldn’t the government represent the people ?
Where are Common Folks’ lobbyists ???
People with real morals who try to become politicians get eaten up by the flawed and very corrupt system.

The problem could begin to be alleviated once Congress passes a (one bill- > one topic) bill that bans “pork” added to legitimate bills. Thus eliminating a large portion of political trickery and more importantly, saving taxpayers billions of dollars every year on projects pushed through only to get politicians Re-Elected by helping Corporations from their district.

If a project is worthy of the funding requested, let it get through the process as a stand-alone bill.

Nowadays, if a very moral politician votes against a bill to cover

the cost of bullet-proof vests for our soldiers because there are

100 -200 million dollars of earmarks or “pork” added to the bill

to cover say an Alaskan bridge to a remote island, then he can

be “swift-boated” as being against our soldiers.

It really isn’t fair because most citizens are clueless of the details

and once again


.                                  Who owns the media ??

                       They Really Don’t Want an Educated Population !!


The Catch-22 is we need our VERY Corrupt and Hypocritical Government to . Legislate the Changes to Fix Themselves !!!

Voter Initiatives, for now, are the Only way to put the politicians in                                                                   check !!!

Gather signatures for legislation that your state/local politicians                                                 won’t touch …

….Even though the People have Spoken !!

Please, Think about Abolishing the Senate !!!

They are nothing more than big business’s check-mate
on any major changes being attempted !!

Actually, instead,

Abolishing the House of Representatives

does the same thing…



                                                Law Enforcement


When I hear someone say that they want to

become part of law enforcement

I tell them that when looking for the

Real criminals (in terms of # of victims) in our society to

Always keep an eye UPwards !!

Justice is supposed to be Blind, not its Soldiers !!

Blind Faith is, after all things are considered,

still a form of Ignorance !!!



                                       Organized Religion

OK, next subject…..




Mary Jane should be legal soon enough,

Then I would ask

Why Can’t It Be Almost Enough ??!??

Why use heroin, cocaine, meth, …?..

…booze > 1  a day, then smoke a jay.                                                                                     2 titties 2 jays, and 2 beers    )‾ ‾  ‾   ~~     ????  ?? ?


I believe that once marijuana is legal and tried by nearly all, this blog will become less and less relevant

but stay just as true !

Why, You might ask ?

Alcoholism will become much less prevalent !!!!

Yahoo Seriously,

Alcohol can easily turn into Slave Juice
keeping the working class “Asleep”

and blissfully ignorant of reality !

Marijuana elicits Awareness !

It’s such a Friggin’ Slippery Slope from

occasional drinking with friends to -ism

Stay Aware, My Friends ….



Yeah, but did ya ever see (insert movie) on WEE………D ???

.                                                                                  – (Half-Baked)



    why do humans have cannabinoid receptors ??

why did big Pharma use people to study their new cannabinoid receptor BLOCKING drug… how;d that work out, douchebags at the HIGHEST Levels    ????  ?? ?


When people ask me what I do now, I tell them I’m a Mason’s Assistant building The Wall  –>   X  aka      D—-> a stoner…


—-If they are Sooooo wrong on weed, I guess they can be wrong about ANYTHING (or Everything)-yet they still continue dragging their heels in their ignorance/ guana——-I know BatShit!!————–Actual Change is GOOD——————–






                                        Self- Analysis —> Self- Actualization


Now, I could start by saying that real progress is only made through selflessness and almost complete honesty (some Aspie’s greatest trait)

but 90% of you would be out of the mix at that point

(I hear Tom Hanks has raised his level of conscience this way, most likely to a different outcome..)

However, if one is truly honest with self…. ……(long baths help)

then positive change can be made almost

. daily with some aspect of one’s life.


Happiness is when
.                             what you think,

.                                    what you say, and

.                                            what you do are in Harmony.
.            – Gandhi


If one doesn’t begin to “rise” above the status quo,

then they really aren’t trying as the use of

                                       simple logic towers over the status quo !!!!


Even If I am a minority of one, truth is still the truth.

.                                                          – Gandhi


An advanced degree in Tact (this Aspie’s greatest deficiency)

may be necessary before trying any level of Honesty

with some due to the

Astronomically Large Degree of Delusion

in Today’s Society.

. Denial is a River in Africa, Right ?

I have found it best to just Avoid these people

.                               as best I can…

.                    Cognitive Dissonance SEZ What ??

You Cannot Educate Ignorant Ideologues
(Don’t even try, just Walk Away “Smiling” !!)

Who needs their baggage anyway ?

This Weeding out process makes for a much more

.                                     Enjoyable Existence.

———————-page break——————————


                                               Chapter 1


The road towards enlightenment is littered with many unexpected bumps and sharp corners and it is how one deals with these obstacles that truly Defines one-self.

Make good, logical decisions and the way becomes clearer.

Make decisions with other parts of the body besides the brain

at one’s own peril. Love’s a Key to Life but at least think

about the future and use condoms (protection) !!


“I Will Choose a Path that’s Clear, I Will Choose Freewill !! ” –


Being a Rational person means:

IF you can’t Prove it, you can’t Rationally discuss it as Fact.

Science is a Great Thing …(Repeat 3 times)…

Gravity was once just a theory..
. but has since been proven and measured.


Side note:

Can one’s Soul be proven and measured
(the newly found “God Particle” may contain the answer) ??


Whether it’s doubling the number of college students

Graduating or at the very least greatly raising the level of

America’s basic Critical-Thinking skills, our Country needs

to rapidly show significant improvement or face the

consequences as our current path is fast approaching an

.                                                Idiocracy !!


We keep electing these same douchey politicians, right?

….                               We expect a Difference ?!?

..                Words have Meaning,

.           Don’t just throw around Ignorant Rhetoric !!

Look shit up !! Read !! Do your Friggin’ Homework !!

Be a Responsible, Intellectually Honest Person !!

Don’t Stand for Hypocrisy in any part of your life !!

                                     Call It Out !!


                    Question Everyone and Everything !!

( It gets pretty easy as the sad picture becomes clearer !!! )


“To think deeply is a double edged sword… at times I used to

wish I was not so deeply curious about everything, but

experience has taught me that it is in embracing everything

– good and bad, uplifting and painful – that the soul evolves

and our inner strength becomes manifest.” – A.S.


* Since ones’ soul hasn’t yet been scientifically proven, all

instances of such herein should be thought of as “soul”.

——————–page break——————————


                                            Still Here ????? Good !!!


“One of the hardest things to Teach [anyone] is
that the Truth is more important than the Consequences.”

. – O. A. Battista


            Don’t Blame the Poor for their Poverty !!

———————-page break——————————


                    Remember, Don’t take any of this as Dogma !!

Put down these pages for a period of time..

do some Un-Biased research..
.                         Check it out for Yourself..

….Long Baths ………Introspection…..Re-evaluations….

.                                  Repeat as Necessary.




Begin to see yourself as a Soul with a Body

.                              rather than a Body with a Soul.

.                            – W.D.



—————————-page break——————————

Does Wall Street truly care about Main Street ?

Corporate Espionage, Insider Trading

and other Chicanery is the
.                Status Quo
Behind the Doors of the Corporate Boardrooms
.                             and the
White-Male-Only Social Clubs of the “Elite”.

The Average Person has Little of this Useful Information

available to help them determine what is really happening

Internally at these corporations selling their stock.

Stocks are in a very real sense,

Corporate lottery tickets (buy them and then just TRUST the                                                                                   Corporate Ho’s not to screw ya !!)

.                        and
Every Math Teacher
.                       will tell you the same thing about lotteries,

.                           It’s best to just save your money.


Try Separating Greed from Democracy

.                             and you might have something !!

That was however a pipe dream as the old

Republican administration with their Democratic enablers

have proven. The best candidates aren’t from these parties. Rationalites pull their hairs out over the current

mindset in Washington. Now we are seeing Corporations

asking for [More and More] government assistance to pay

to fix Big Businesses Screw-Ups !!!!!

Socialized Corporat-ocracy is as in-humane as not helping eliminate Poverty. But eliminating poverty just in America doesn’t mean profits for Corporations, so it can’t be “good” for our Democracy !!

Actual Change (Alot of it)

and not that same old empty F’n Political Rhetoric

is the only way our country can pull out

of this depressing recession.

To compound things, Democracy today is a travesty of

humanity for 50% + of our citizens, ie. those of us who

live paycheck to paycheck.

Can one really argue against that ?

Little is as soul draining as working for the “man”

40-60 plus hours a week just to be barely able to house,

cloth, and feed ones’ family

. (Welcome to the Machine !)

Never mind any unexpected problems and expenses !!!!

If you and the company that employs

you make it through a 20 year marriage,

You may get a decent retirement package, if you’re lucky !!

Now, I’m NOT truly against Capitalism or Democracy per se,

I just believe that:

Every Human Being has an Unalienable Right to a

Minimum Standard of Living that Guarantees

Free Healthcare to Anyone needing it

.                                  And

a Free College Education to Anyone wanting it.

.                           FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights

is the Grand Bargain that WE should be chasing !!!!!

If the Rich have to pay more Taxes for such,

.                             It is the Humane thing to do !!!



How about this as an exercise in life.

Next time one looks in the mirror,

Imagine oneself in thirty years (ie. Like your parents are now !!).

What is the world like then ?

Do you like what you’ve “Become” ? ……

Probably Not as most people end up like their parents

.                               (ie. status quo) !

A Corporate Ho, Who doesn’t even Know !

The time to change your outcome is Now !!

What jobs then aren’t soul-suckers ??

These are, IMHO, the Keys to Life, my friends !!

Teaching, Volunteer Work or anything positive

that doesn’t feel like it is work !!!

—————————–page break———


.                                   Chapter 2


21st Century Pragmatism Vs. Quagmires R Us ?


The Iraq-Afghanistan War,
War against Terrorism (Guantanamo Bay is still open)
The War on Ridding our Country of its Corporate Criminals . (Yeah Right !!) and its partner,

WTF to do about the Economy (TAX the RICH times 1,000),
The War against Poverty (Does Anyone Truly Care??? Occupy This….) The War on Drugs . (Legalize Them ALL and deal with it as a Pragmatist !!), Health Care (Single-Payer Option !!)

Environmental Issues (just acknowledging the problem is a start),

Frack You !! ….> Frack You 2 Obama..(corporate bitch)..!!!

………and then we had a Catastrophic Oil Leak that Nobody
seemed to be able to do anything about all caused by corporate greed and our government’s incompetency in regulating these corporations gone wild.

Sure, you can blame W. for putting these despicable cronies
in positions to monitor corporations in which they

have indisputable conflicts of interest.

However, Obama didn’t change much when he took over…
. and still Hasn’t !!

Thus, the blame lies with both equally !!!

Obama was a “thinker” but one has to wonder about the

people he’ s surrounding himself with continually !!

WTF were/are they doing still trying to be Bi-Partisan
when dealing with these brain-dead obstructionists in the GOP.
What is really needed is a strong third and fourth party to . bring about some kind of intelligent discourse.

This he said, she said bullshit is getting old while
. the truth is never seeing the light of day.

The spin from both sides makes the truth harder to figure out than stock market derivatives !!

Surrounding oneself with Scientists/Professors
and not career politicians (Hillary, who ?) is the

First step for any incoming administration.

Which opens the door for step two..

Pragmatism, it would seem, is the only way to right the clueless policies of not only the Reagans and Bushs but also the conservativeness or fearfulness of the Clintons in implementing anything totally unconventional like

Universal Healthcare (single payer option).

The time for thinking outside the box is fading. It’s time to climb outta the F(n) Box as it has begun to smell worse than a dog that stumbled upon a pack of skunks.

Obama brought Hope but Remember without Wholesale Change(s)

.                                         The FIX IS STILL IN


and Common Folk Lose Once Again !!!!!

Change Can Start by First:

Abolishing either the Senate or the House of Representatives !


Eliminating the Electoral College !!


Have All Voters Utilize A Ranked Ballot System !!!!!!!!

** The metaphor of identifying a person as a douche or douchebag is intended to associate a variety of negative qualities, specifically Arrogance and Malice.


The Bottom Line

WAKE UP and Smell Their Bullshit
.                                  or
Doom Future Generations to also become
game pieces or pawns in the Wealthy’s sick game,

The Circle (Jerk) of “Life ” !!!!!!!!

Viva La Revolution !!!!




1 in 3 Black Men will spend time in Prison
Not jail-time for a bender but PRISON
mostly for non-violent drug charges (via Snitches)
Obama has done Nothing about it, WHY ???
(He actually makes it worse by default)

Is he a Corporate Ho, who doesn’t even know ?

Does he Lack Passion for his People (Dis-Connected) ?

,                                          or

Does he not truly care about these “Felons” ?

Where’s the Hope and Change !??! ….. ’13 update: LOL

Drug Use/Abuse is not a Criminal Matter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Inheritance or Equality Tax should be:

90% on every dollar over a Million with No Exceptions !!!

Maybe then they wouldn’t be so Greedy in Life                                                                            . (Food for Thought ?????)

Try giving your kids something they need more than CASH,

.                    LOVE and Affection !!!!!!!!

.                         Be A Real Parent

Not a Sugar Daddy Douchebag who spawns

.                                          these Monsters onto Society !!!!


Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once ? Men generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it is the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than the evil. It makes it worse. Why is it not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform ? Why does it not cherish its wise minority ??

Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt ?

Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them ?

– from Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience”


Just found this great blog by my favorite Astro-Physicist,

Neil deGrasse Tyson

and it got me thinking that if we gave everyone an optional,

FREE College Education

Then limited voting to ONLY people with a College Education
We would definitely be much, much better off !!!

THAT is Not Elitist !!!!!


“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been
lowered considerably by the prohibition law.
For nothing is more destructive of respect
for the government and the law of the land than
passing laws which Cannot be Enforced”

– Albert Einstein



My Favorite Gandhi-isms…..

If by strength is meant moral power, Then Woman is immeasurably man’s superior.

First they ignore you,

then they laugh at you,

then they fight you Then you WIN.

There is no way to peace; peace is the way.

When restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible.

Nobody can hurt me without My Permission.

Whenever you have truth it must be given with love,
or the message and the messenger will be rejected.

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s Greed.

You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do Nothing there will be No Result.

The Evolution of democracy is not possible
if we are not prepared to hear the Other Side.

Patience means self-suffering.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the Strong.

Truth alone will endure; all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.

A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better
than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.

There are many causes I would die for. There is Not a single cause I would kill for.

Corruption and Hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are Today.

Even If I am a minority of one, Truth is still the Truth.

Happiness is

. when what you think,

. what you say,

. and what you do are in

. Harmony.





Know your Rights as a U.S. Citizen and Potential Juror:

Jury Nullification

Spread the Word !!!!!


My 2 cents about eliminating some:

unnecessary bureaucracy
saving/collecting billions a year:

Eliminate the IRS,

Have a 50% Flat Tax Rate for any Income over 250K,

X = ??, X % for any Income between 50K and 250K

No Taxes for any Income under 50K,

No Exceptions !!


Ban Political Contributions of any kind and you can’t use

your own money to run !!!!

Which levels the “playing field” across society.

Thus, Cutting all the Corporate and Individual Lobbyists

. off at the balls !!!

If a politician gets the necessary signatures from his/her state

or district they get an allotted amount of money

to run for office.

If they win the election,

Then they get a strict budget to operate within !!!

That’s It !!!

You cut out all the political bullcrap !!

You make it so that the political job isn’t a lucrative one
(have oversight on their financial records).

Thus, only people with good intentions

want to take these average paying jobs.

The Fundamentals of our Democracy must Change
If the Experiment is to Continue !?!

Viva La Revolution !!!!






People that Despise you will Analyze and Criticize you,
. Don’t let these people Compromise You !!!!!!!!

Matt Taibbi: Americas’ Greatest F'(n) Journalist

1951 – 1963: The Good Old Days, For Sure (Top Tax Rate)!!

The American Dream !!

Robin Hood Tax: A Good Idea ??

Steal This Movie ……. Abbie “Normal” Rules !!!

Aspie is Asperger’s, Not ASS-Burgers


Ladies and Gentlemen, Glenn Beck and ??


. Hippie =

Highly Intelligent Person Pursuing Individual Enlightenment
. – Anonymous

The Dunning-Kruger effect

If you Don’t Appreciate Deviation from the Norm (in terms of approach to life) All You’ll ever Get is the Status Quo ! ie. A Corporate Ho who doesn’t even Know !!! (well, now you know)



Ultra-Conservatism is like Constipation of the Brain !!


T. H. E. = Tact Honesty Empathy



The most meaningful quote

about living with Asperger’s that I’ve ever heard:

Your gift is seeing through the lies that others tell themselves,

Your curse is choosing when to let them know.

– A quote by someone called Uncle Harlan, that isn’t necessarily about Autism but it describes how i feel to a “T”



An Interesting hour long Video about Karl Marx who famously

Wrote among-st other things,

“Religion is the Opiate of the Masses.”


Do you think that the Truth

is more Important than the Consequences?

Snowden and Manning believe IT !!!

True Americans Want

the Truth and Nothing But The Truth………

NOT the Allure of Some Big Deal

Not the Latest Bling


an NSA Letter saying that

. Being a peace activist

. is Equivalent to being a terrorist (A Police State)



Douchebags of Liberty (They Live) !!!!

Gang Stalking a Targeted Individual = We Got One that Can SEE

Kudos to The Daily Show w/ John Stewart for the term DOL


side note: When George Carlin died some media douchebags

had to point out that in his later years he used to get into

verbal altercations with homeless people. I guarantee those

weren’t all ordinary homeless people !!

They were “paid” homeless snitches

involved in gang-stalking…

After which some in the media (cough!! mainly on FOX) tried

to deflect from this brilliant man’s career with some cheap,

pithy epitaph ending with these altercations !!

. Shameless !!!!

. We Love Ya, George !!


Every Once in awhile try Asking yourself

Was I brought into this reverse polarity world

To be the best or the worst ????

Which way is up ??

To be the best at profiteering means that one

should act like the worst person and,

in my case, the opposite is also true

To be the best person that I can be,
I have to only think only about

the greater good of humanity !!

T.H.E. = Tact, Honesty, EMPATHY !!!

(although I struggle with Tact !!)

The older generations decided…and…
they lied their way into profits with deceptive tact

and little, if any real Empathy !!!

. to the point that

The Circle of Life is now gone Full Circle-Jerk of Lies !!!!

Even the Poor STILL want to keep their kids

. IGNORANT of Reality !!!!

(“but, they can’t handle the truth”) === >

. Well, Obviously Neither Can You, Jackass !!

Truly an IDIOCRACY in the making !!!

(laugh or cry, both equally appropriate ..)

Oligarch’s love to throw around the term,

Meritocracy like a hammer,
. this is the biggest pile of BULLCRAP !!!

LOOK Around !! Do You See Justice in any walk of life here ??

You WILL NOT get honest debate around family members

(especially under-educated ones)

So Please, Just Wait and

Test all your thoughts and beliefs

in post-secondary (college) Academia !!!!

Talk (and LISTEN) to others who have

different perspectives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Admit it, when others prove your Indoctrination is Incorrect !

Be A Changed person from that moment on !!

Otherwise, you’re lying to yourself !!!! Liar

The best way to approach this is by being a

True “Curious George” !!!

Try PBS as your News outlet !!!

Find an unbiased book of beginners

Logic and Critical Thinking !!

and make the world truly better for your kids !!!!


I can’t draw but my sunday comic would read:

A bunch of slaves all chained up working in the cotton fields.

BO (now somehow unchained and runnin’)

Rest of Slaves (yelling): Barry, Come Back, Help Us !!!!

BO (still runnin’): Fuck OFF, Unchain Yourselves, I’ssa IT !!!

(extended pause)

Slaves: (lovingly) You are The Shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some might counter that BO never had a chance
when dealing with these obstructionist Repukes,

Don’t Believe That for a Second !!!

He had the upper hand,

He just continually played it badly…

Like a true Centrist Democrat !!!


The Whole U.S. Capitalistic Economy is like a

. Huge Fucking “Led Zeppelin”

. with

Madison Avenue constantly painting new facades across it.

Those Turd Blossom-ers team up

with the Mainstream Media (Ho-Ho-Hoes)

to constantly fix leaks on the Mother-Ship

Blowing tons of hot air up the ass of

Uncle Sam’s Bitch whilst simultaneously

giving the Public a …… Reach-Around

This flight (or Experiment) will however, only end one way

. and Gravity Wins …..


. 2084

. Questions for the Future


Will there be computer-controlled flying cars/transports ?

(Roads, Where we’re going, There’s NO Need for Roads” – BTTF talking about 2015 )

Will there be any need for fossil fuels ?

Doubtful as supply is negligible

Will nuclear fission/fusion be safe on a large scale ?

Space travel / Space colonization ? Almost Certainly
(“We can’t be all there, if we’re all here !” – Dr. Tyson)

Population control ? Almost Certainly as China already does (and they own us).

Education or Idiocracy ??????

Poverty / Hunger ? Food Source ? Water ?

Government ? Socialism ?? Money ??

Global Warming Effects ???

Telepathy / Signs of Evolution ?? Fingers Crossed….







When growing up,

Selfish-ness was frowned upon !

however as one gets older “Family-ness” is par for the course

It is much, much worse; Think selfish and very, very arrogant

ie. a real monster in the making …

People today care about their family circle 10 times more than they care about anyone else..

It effects everyone eventually but people WON’T put the pieces together…that guy “who broke into your house or another crime” just needs basic shelter services and proper medical/mental care which he can’t afford because the capitalist system is unjust, in that it is lottery-winning difficult to turn a dollar into a million as opposed to turning a million into 2 million (a monkey could turn a dollar into two.) That’s all they are doing and they think like fucking Trump!!!, Narcissists ..anything else is redundant!!!

These narcissists will use mental abuse “White Noise” (gang-stalking)…… Be aware of these Alpha Douchebags!! Do you think they will not rat on you, ,,,, if their “career”/reputation depends on it?????? Remember they can do no wrong and Y’all are “Infidels”!!!

check, please Garçon !!!


as Bill Murray’s character in the great flick, (Rushmore) states “Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the cross–>hairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can’t buy backbone. Don’t let them forget it. Thank you. ” !!

Keep on Swinging !!

Chop, Chop ( meta-4:21 ically speaking) !!!!!



great example of the “10:1” in action…….


the career of comedian Dennis Miller

at first he seemed righteous, calling out douchebags

then he got Married with Children

…. and he became

Family-centric, a delusion in which

He worries So Much about his family and the future .. he loses all perspective ( Empathy—>>>Humanity )

. and

He not so gradually loses his Soul

Now he is just a Shill for faux news …

…. a Pathetic human being

.. Society Suffers but he gets paid …..



Don’t be like him……

Care about everybody and less about yourself……….


Good Luck….



You Want to know why France is now

a more Exceptional country than U.S. ??

Their Government FEARS the People

and NOT the other way around !!!

Total Shutdowns occur there when

the people take to the streets !!!!!!

We got it Backwards, Once Again …

. – da Contrarian Repor(t)

We are basically a second rate

or a second world banana like republic,

Right, Obama !!! Call Me !!

Oh, that’s right !! You’re already listening !! Ya Bitch !!


. “WWJD” ???

. …….. LOFL !!!!

probably start by saying: I got your Backs, Truth-Seekers…

And btw,

I’m a million times better than those tools at the NSA/GOV

and I’m taking meticulous notes on them and all others

involved in ANY way for “future reference.”

Live Long and Stay Soul-full !!!

We’ll be checking soul levels at the Front Gate !!!!!!







Alrighty Then, . basically, I’m truly sorry for being “rude” whilst . testing your foundations.

However I stand by my words as they have meaning and purpose

Which is to promote Humanity instead of Dogma                                                                                                                   and it’s . Inevitable Ignorance !!!!

It’s hard to balance Humanity and Love of Family but

. neither is truly BIGGER than the other.

non-greedy providing is one thing but,

If “providing” for your family is your conscience,

. Then you’ve already~~~/ /~~~~> ….. lost your way….




da Contrarian Repor(t)


Prologue: da Conclusions


I know this blog jumps all over the place. However, one theme becomes abundantly clear…. Big Time Change is inevitable and the populace, better be ready to vote out these greedy traitors to american ideals..not christian f’n stupid ideals but empathetic ideals combined with a healthy dose of Pragmatism …,

Re-shuffle the decks on the Zeppelin…

“Socialism” can WORK !!

next Thought: You can only reproduce if you’re a productive citizen.

Then: This isn’t gonna be like movies such as Logan’s Run where everyone must wear THE uniform and/or their name is eliminated and replaced with THX-1138… That is Sci-Fi bullcrap as the future reality can be whatever people dream about…

Just start by dealing with the concept that everyone has food/shelter/healthcare… Does anyone with an ounce of empathy for humanity have a problem with that?? Really ?? ….. Really ?????

Ayn Rand can go Fuck Herself, the petty Bitch !!!

Humanism is what it really is……

It seems Neuro Typical people decide things with their heart and NOT by reason….

This is our seemingly fatal flaw which has stemmed the progress of society….

Some people, and they know who they are, want to slow down any progressive-ness (Pro-Regress, All IC, Trump-ty)  any way possible

….keeping control = status quo

Keep on Swinging !!

Hey, Hey,….





Under The Dome (which jumped the shark in S3)


I had a Truly American Dream….. food, shelter, healthcare, a college education, fast internet, and clean, efficient, transportation via computerized flying cars were all provided to every household Gratis.

Usary of any kind is Banned as there is no money, Imagine!!!

Each community has a water desalination plant and gardens galore….

When something necessary is invented every household will have the specs sent to their 3D printer for creation.

Everyone can then only be judged by one’s true actions as monetary issues cause no problems nor stress !!

Narcissists would freak-out as their actions would stick out like a little white guy in the NBA.

They remind me of the all the bad in the Blue Ribbons from (Disturbing Behavior)


Do Good Things, Lunch boy !!!!  !! !