Special Twatt: =if you r a Capitalist, ……>>Don’t Get too Close to Me as your Prospectus ……will Def initely …. Event-uNo-Ally Go L..⇓ ¿mp ¬
Gall cuz, ignorance pushers and their fiends… have money/f’d up values
=======Be Fore IQ’d=know your Flow, ====my lips ..Zip=====
==I Ham the Antithesis of a Trophy Spouse. ==mostly a stay homerz=
============Is there anything Badder than Gall, heck, my Gall was sooo much Bladder, it was taken out after a week of consultingconfusion… ========my firstish year of college….
was my gall taken out or boldened?
USA TODAY launches secure whistle-blower site
i know if i had to take a leak somewhere, ,, it would be on, i mean….to USA Today !??
Bitches, Please…Really ??? USA Today is so far outside the DC insiders…
they have to use a 2 condoms when suckin Hump’s dink
=a=== carbon copy of torts====RE:Tort-zzz, Kids=========
======More 1- Placentas BS=Perpetuating themselves always and by any mega means (they have much more than U)============
===========================================1st thought as I ASassed @umass was how R these kids Being .Edu-C8D… hear we go C,Ders.. .Real knowledge wise….
Feeding..being Binge fed…Jet∑..(corn)… what do our bodies do with mucho corn….holy fuck….. Shit it out with a Sigh!
Learned: corn sucks… .critical thinkin only for my ass
2nd: fret (PumpkinHead) Halloween 3: Season of the WishICounTed
Trump is empirely a Bobble( )with few honest/sane answers.
He is only as GOOD as his A/D/visors/… and even HST can see past his visor in the Afterwife .. bevel of brilliance bizzz bluffoons Left in Lair belfry..
see yall next time on……….friends or flagg
ie, next time…..
(Honesty can be pure /focused like a camera shot)
Moe, today
the reality of pure honesty in the USA per se
you really have to know your audience….( .. takes constructive criticism?)
if you NEED to tell someone a truth about something that you have been there done that and so grateful that u did..kinda stuff…
… Joe know problem..
so dial back the focus until you notice some tangential BSs and focus lightly on these with that person….tread ____
=== ===
==========Followed Haterz bOuy==>>>> >> >snickR==
Quip Tonight
HOTzilla like-c Japanese Woe Woes (of age, off course) … wishes Japan liked Weed((
Mei Primed Plucks
Street Trash 1987
Bad Taste 1987
The Tubes – The Musikladen Concert 1981….good vibes from this
BCC – Shepherds Bush Empire, London
The ‘Burbs
Interstate 60
A Clockwork O / Satan’s Little Helper / River’s Edge / Freeway (ALL 4, not for the light-hearted)
Reefer Madness …with the very talented Campbell Family
Robocop: Prime Directives………………..b4 they Pluck’em
The Van..w/ early danny devito 70’s Cool.
Opera (Giallo)
Forbidden Zone (underground zany ?mess?) , Who dug this crap up? ……….oooow!?!
Stephen King’s Silver Bullet….
Chopping Mall 1986 ……Have A Nice Day.
BoonDock Saints …w/ the best bartender EVAH
Kentucky Fried Movie (Landis)
The Good, The Bad and the Weird
Can’t Buy Me Love…
Black Mirror
Escape from New York
Big Tub, Littall China
TPB: S11..
Silver Streak
1941 (..Holly…∏…Wood !!!!)
LVT: Riget aka The Kingdom(miniseries)
Carl Kolchak: movies/series
Vincent Price less flix
Gorcey/Hall shorts
Godzilla (ferris wheels bueller version)
C.H.U.D. 2: Bud the Chud
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (w/ humor..dennis hopper.)
Disturbing Behavior…toast came in how many flavas?
Where Eagles Dare
Kelly’s Heroes
Giallos back b4 mtv Giallos were slow cool now they’re ……..slow..
===G===>>=I am a Projectionist==========>
===Note to self: Twin Peaks Marathon==>
================LP’s Coming Back ??? ==========
I have never said Sorry to ALL the India-ns, for making fun of them: cumming, and ……again
So, ……………………I’m Sorry, Mr. & Mrs. Patel !!!!
====so bored on the road……. sucks…….=====
=2 spoons come to a fork in the road=one sez to other: ..you 2 go that way, i’m gonna go look for a klife…=====bad i klow====
=2 knives come to a fork in the road=one sez to other: .. get the fork outta here…., i’m sill gonna shoot for the Spoon?? ====or ======== go find 2 Spoons==
Y’All B=Snitches whether or not u know it or siCare
they are reading / scanning all your emails phone calls # ……… that even hint at me,,,,,
i am heir focus ..here dear and sea shell .. chopping them D …/OWN/ with the Edge of my Hand they r red herring you all into friggin KNots……..knots they plan to keep buildin on ….your young or alcohol craven minds
imagine 4 more years of this BS…
—-Kids, this is why i couldn’t bring a kid into this SNAFU—hurled—.
OBEY …. expect y’all to be “mannequins” to things,REPRODUCE ,,slavery redefined.?.Be Mute & S⊕ullute
Close to ∑™ close to sumtim
Where’s MY Friggin Weed Date ™ Finder App?
Plausible Deniability….(the key and my peel ~~ –¬ ( ….mmmmmmm
sAssy whOlesomemess ®
I almost forgot my next Thesis title:
$$$$ $$ $ Alcohol Retard Nation $$$$ $$ $
=====UK, The Mirror reflects badly on U2===
No Doubt this election was waged and won in bars across this lushly country… ever try and bring logic into a bar discussion??? (insert loudmouth ignoranus ));;;; low info/ high volume/little thinkin never mind critically…
============U2 UK===============
So Fuckin What who hacked who… (Red Herring) Hillary Couldn’t KO Trump. Puss .Patty or Party Rehearsed
=btw, IC Another Lost Generation==Cheer-ios–>>drinky-poo<<==
Trump would say he and his cabinet are in the words of VV’s character in Swingers….. Money
prob is they are all
Douche-Markk ERR zzz
Whenry Whill our collective Stockholm Syndrome Kick IN???? ?? ?
Baron Flan–i can’t AGO 55secs..let go of my EGGO…… waffles … .let alone minutes w/o a LIE–Fubar, OUR NIGGA!!!!
=============@~stretching~@ true=======>>
Yeah, so on my up-coming trip i’m gonna look for cool girls/ladies..@church
The only problem ……………………is….ya know….. that Jesus crap,
can’t we have religion ………….without a book.?
.. huh
Spirituality U (insert your own jewish yoke)
=========FU Holly & Drew Wood=================
btw, in psych class, ever see that experiment about the fruit on TV.., eh