Turn Off The Boob Tubes !!!! !! ! now the superfloo-u-zzzy newsy woozzzyz are ‘relinventin’ aGrim… who got relevant, re-inventing, superfluous???

 Front Row Seatzzp~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ 

===== (Dim ∑∑∑ MSM ….  wHut, wHut the 1%Duties)=====


something nobody wants U to  C …  Fully

What is anything written by 421, Alex?






—@modR8—-suggestion=-Every state gets a bigger monument displaying names, info about officers killed on duty===== in return, please set phasers to STUN——-do they wear 2 guns or 1 and an anti-asshole weapon??——————————————-

I’m not against Flag Burning as an ‘appropriate’ show of                                                                  DitzzzGust….

I Don’t Think this is IT…,

In Fact,  Today… trying to avoid being Munsoned on Hicks Way

I empathized how the ROTC-ers must be feeling NOW  ….

=========First Amend DDis=get my attention===========

I don’t ‘wkno’ a thing about you, bust I’m waiting Patiently for:


Oceans 7 / 11 Dank, UUUUUU?? Cup A Gin??

=====i figured out what the ‘deal’ was with that strangely not out of place guy in KW that wore face paint / make-up to look like i thought was Flea from peppers… now i realized he was dressed to look like a Rooster…. cock a hoot a little …initiweight cloaking                                                         …beam me da fuck up… snotty ! ====

and speakin’ of ‘cocky’..….Now…

@ Fox Snoozzze,:    ‘Democrat’  ‘strategist’..      Fuck    N.     Foolery                                     wears a Strap-on bow tie to show he’s faux 2 & 2                       (peace sign then backwards like  that cool cat,  chuck coolery)        heir here ,  do as i say not as I hairDo …….. just pulling the Woolery over ..whom?                  …gonna B Busy Beezzz,,,,,Waxin’,,,,,,                      ,,,OBTW, ,,,,,,    i’m lust pullin the coolery ova yas

=======cuttin back on the my neo= nazi rhetoric  cuzz  pointless..til it is….. hands wringin’


Rhetoric   …………….                 Seashells @Sea


==========  antici-Patience       =======settin inn==

Kudos to Florida’s Beest Band @ chillers wed  .23/:11…Dirty Dancer fans… ..it seems…        Tough Crowd.. (Rodney…D.  ) ————–


Speakin of FL, I saw a preview of Al Gore’s soon to be  sea-¿quelled¿

An InConvenient American Pi..…I mean, Truth….. ==============it’s Called………

======It will be the South Rising Event…….=====A Healium Momentrump ======patience, patience sweet patience..========


anyone…….????  Sea Below….and ALL Over… Check, squeeze meee…



It’s gonna B called:                                                                                                                                Lights,……. ‘Role’ Camera,……… Action!======>>




Business and Government are not supposed to B  Bros

…one’s supposed to ‘Care’.                                                                                                                  .. the other only ‘Stares’

                                       down over

                                           dare PIn-No-Key ===Θ==⇒    Knows

======&===i==A Pearls ..Daily 24/7/365/SO-FU=====>>


=V==Mira…===Mirror…What has become of U?…                                                       Does anybody else ..here…feel the way i do?… one sunny


                                                             Calm…Mess …. A  (Bounds Me)   

.Fini oBlando,,,quips……

knights library—- closing while i’m stayin out back …smokin..

B=Lame Bastards.. Alcohol-Wicks

you get what U stay 4 (sorry, no time  to peruse the millions of new places even if i wanted to,,,,,  the tolls here  increased 3-4 fold in 8 years and they put more shit malls  in every open area…                                 more subdivisions/parking structures.. … all over… ⇒… ‘mucho Duh- Air-NO’ ,,,more air congestion…                                                                     which means BIZ   needzzz more stylish outdoor patios     (cough)   to breathe in said,    SUCK-CESS … moronic=stinky idea…. 

I try to always lead a force/source nare off hourse—> h2o  hear  butt crackers R afraid of the                                                                                                     ‘Mo∏’=====  ~~~<~~~<~~~<~~~~Gators~~~~>~~~~>~~~~

–>>push people pinto Poverty and then cry  ‘Fowl’-(smilin’)—(R)-Fl.-                       bred nazi-backed propaganda;;;;;;;;;Thum(P/F)…


When your car has an escalator to sit in.. you might be from south America?/  no C –>>tint             and an offensive driver


UCF….has waaay more clubs/bars =  means less camaraderie-… more clicks..harder to change/develop cross section dialogue                                                                   ..everyone gets full car heavy tint.                                                                        what R Massachusetts laws…note 2 self


My final Florida HRant ..so i’m nuttin dare=

@Susquehanna Hat Company…Slowly I Turned…

JackKareokeOn The Road, Never Again…

The Quiet Bee Leafs...told an awesome one liner as i passed the xmas tree place in amherst…but it hurts me to censor myself cuz MA legislators will no doubt use it against my dream  coming through   in 2 – 1/2  weeks    legalization

Waitin On A Bust

UC, iF             I          had any TV exposure, you’d call… be different…                      C what/who the media creates as Hero sandwiches..jared yoke…

How Many Times CAN I Say this… and doesn’t it disqualify the entire media Planet..                                                                                                                  I CON=zzz=PI-RAC===>Y….(What is Heir Excuse, I to I ????  ?? ?)       Þ)                                                                      – IComiCp,AL

====Israel Hoover: ME==============



Constantzzz’m’Aaisement V=Owl :<  ~~ .I’ve Got My   I    I    On   Uzzz

Can we agree, if you haven’t EVER heard of ME, here in the US…..

Then you are either a typical Liar… or NOT voter ready… clueless..                                      like me and the female -‘thought process’…

you could have a field day picking me apart, if that is your choice.FU 2

My point is… if U ladies treat me like every other guy…BYe..



you should ‘knwo’ who/what i am and my social retard~ation~


So, if you see me and put up your normal..Front…                                                    KISS my B=ass… cuz You aren’t worthy of my MIME

=overalls==Florida has changed 4 Worse ….                                                       Daytona has really changed for the worse….Xcept no building shit there!!

hooker PropositionD whilst in da Oyster Hub,,Pimp, followed afterwards… seems like gangs b=rOam this town now,,,,, Poverty   Poverty, Poverty…

==Yes, Florida belongs in your dearaskewmirror…                                                                    ==I Care, from Afar.. =U?

Diff country then just 10 years ago… all the old tactless folks keep dying givin heir kin money w/o any tact 2..spurs more rock/\hard.. arrogance.                on Second/Third base thinkin  U can hit…


=still=trying to find a Tru diamond====jaded view ,askin-U

==========sorry but i have to get this all out!!!!  !! !==========


A Socialist’s Plea:

Kan’t We ALL B Middle ClassY


=========?,  classy classes will B offered..=======

====Fuck, Building Walls… Tear Down the Pillars of Ignorance… Piece-fully (I Wule!! snick==>>R)                                                                           ==Dr. WEvil, RU Takin NOTEs????  ?? ?==Scotty,    ZZZip..====



Good Night and Good Luck,

ERMA reportin til AFT- A    ID-pediMENTAL Peachy MINT                                                       (impending impeachy-ment)

4 more RETARDS !!!!  !! !  sorry, develop=MEN=t=ally challenge=Id  (freud ID, doFUSSzzz  

How ya like them Peaches, W/ dim ∑∑ ∑ cream?



It came to me White Aft a 4:20 Carwash…….                                                                           Lucy, Tweety Miss YA All-sWeddy ….. TPB S11…shart tank to S12, 13.. my ideas are  free…….

The shrilliance of heir KISS approach to $20  F-Up:


They finally put Gerry Electoracle Meanderer to full use…                                        slight of hand-l-bars=alkies pivot to the KNEW SHRILL:                                               SH Hillary IS   da rare and formerly thought to be extinct…                                                                         Fall/Winter Gal

  (KEY-SERvant like Trump’s buttler SooooZEN)


Correct MEow , If I’m Wong????  ?? ?

I was ‘asked’ if i thought the election                                                                                                                            was Stolen.(by D MON)????  ?? ?

I:  you canNOT ‘steal’ what u already OWN

chads ta  dumb dads… what’s next????

======Funny Woody scene that has many red flaggs–>>>

WTF, the only ‘Winner’ was                    Woody.Allen …. 4 …..Bananas



Free Press, they talk about here,                                                                                                 I’m the only Truman with Free  Pull… unfiltered NY-uck=ly

So, kids the Machine showed itself & kicked your ASS with the Bern,,, Now, they’ve shown their innards and they spawned ass blasters…  like Tremors 3..~~~~~~blowin~~in~~da~~ wind~~                                                                              who ya gonna call ?

————Clintons can kNOw—–Fuck OFF with (t)HEIR–Millions, Political Fucking Pays WELLTH… —–                                                                                        –once aGIN, 8 weaks til we can  say   STFU, B buy buy bought long agoooooo   on layaway


So, Trumpies,                                                                                                                                     Your Rhetoric, better turn out Peaches, (sad-WE) ,snicker..                 cuz,   your kids are REALLY Paying Attention to ya NOW                 you would’ve complained for 4 plus years of DEMs..                                                 now YOUR empty-headed rhetoric will be on full display….                                                                       CHEERS



Squips dump…….



The Trumpies CANNOT NOW pick and choose his hits and misses…. cuz..

They will show us                                                                                              how Morally Shameless Broken they GR IT,                                                                                                                                                                    They OWN IT

Half the population here just had their anti-depressant dose increased…

Dear Mr. Trump, Responsibility is a HEAVY _________

Saw a ‘komoda dragon’.. turned out to be a huge orange joweled Iguana…

Duval St.:   “redneck” w/ girl  sez to her…

….It blew my mind…

I said :   What, did you fart  ???

(C ass-blasters above)


He wants to Jail Hillary !!!

Kids, Listen Up and Hear me Here:


Debbie Washermachine spit out hillajoke… and we all pay,  FU, You $illy Bunt..

now kids, the Democratic party is at fault hear me now and thank me nevaahhh… The Repukes have already been  shown hear to be Douchie WhiteWashooooosie..

So, that means GO LEFT !!!!  !! !

If the term Socialist bothers you… change it to, say.. Humanitarian Party

========Key South=================

.the Roosterzzz Really Rule this Town..

… prancin round with their mating calls

(get a watch, will ya??)…


I am disgusted with the nightlife here, gonna go on the 6 hour adventure ultimate tour @Fury in the next 2 mornings and i’m mobile again…

I just wanna say that the majority of ladies here with guyzz are giving me signals left and right,  WTF

why are you with these DUDeS????  ?? ?

What do you expect from ME???  3sumdimfooey?                                                                    Co-Dependence is an Ugly trait !!!

So, the KKKicker  was tonight… i”ve cruised the Duval area back/forth with no sign of BEAUTY

So, i get out of the car and start walking the route… YUK…..


I am hearing one of my fave things.. drumming

There’s a black dude with some 5 gallon buckets

Whippin it UP… I gotta tip this guy… I walk up and emphatically tip him as i walked by…..he sez thanks and i give da peace sign……

I took like 3 more steps and this 60ish  ‘biker’ t-shirt wearing POS says to me:  Whigger


today, one day later, i’m in DD and the staff is all nice black folks..this 60ish T-shirt guy was disgustingly dismissive of them… ‘Pathosetic’ People , I Hear                              ..the staff brushed it off. by not even recognizing it..kudos!!!!  !! !


If you’ve seen any of the pictures of me here ==the “tricks” peeps use to “discreetly” take my pix/vid…

Kinda perverse, B’s.. both genders are guilty..


my point: I have (Big C) Man Boobs… Kaitlyn J. would be jealous… it is anecdotal my connection with weed and man boobs… see ladies, i feel weird when i have the boobs in a tryst..

my point is jokingly, to say, ladies smoke weed…..



=========a=movie bit============

a dude who was at the end of his xxx auto membership and he hadn’t used his 421 mile tow..                          . So life sucked where he lived…

So he drove 420 miles  to the Fig city  and got some Funky Monkey.. .LOL..

all he has 2 remembers IS 2 call                                                                                                                            and say  he needs a tow….home============




Greetings from O-Town..                                                                                             …reflections of a Kkkiwhite  place

kkkay, I’ll B Back @Fury  (my underwater pix were terrible)

Key West is a Hampton Beach,   South,, diff.. is only a hop, skip, and in this case, Lump ….sum KKKinheritance

From White Trash—-> White Brash!! POSs

the non-bartending locals are Awesome…FU Cunts at KKKat 2sday (PO2stains).. go work at VIP down the street..as your acting is more conducive to whorin’

and with all the shit “layed” on me in this town…..

i show the greatest empathy for things that i could care less about,,,,that’s how u  fuckin ‘own’ em….

tbc… porsche, piss. bitch, “is it true that you cut your dick in half?”


my nickname here was/is     Justin     Case    …

. well i think this is why  I  i    Bee ..Bumbly.   ….==>>>Humble                                                                                      after he  did come out of the mirror                                                                                       Donald Pleasance, where were you when we needed ya… RIP    

cuz now,

Case in Just.ice ice we    r  sooooo fucked……they are gonna do sooo much greassssssy shit …again/status quo will move waaaaaaaay right cuz it is downhill for the righties…greased slide…..

this has become a Final Exam for the Capitalism.Experiment…P/F

FDR‘s second bill of rights…should be the platform of future left parties…


crazy white girl on bike goin by 20 times, i finally joke…i want my 2 dollas….

finally a beerbelly of a black guy sauntered bye to get said renegade… i sez:   B meet   ET….


Bobo said the position is for “someone who is recognized not simply as a scholar or teacher or significant voice, but who is on a bigger stage, who is speaking to a broader public” about “the important questions of the day.”

Knock, Knock….==>>>Owl, WHO???? who wrote the book of love ??


=========Virtual Knock, Knock,===Camera meet  ‘Role’ ======

Mr. Chomsky ?

Hi,  Sir,…….    Got a few minutes to speak to US All

Q: What, in your opinion, are the best languages?

Q: Are there any  un-ambiguous languages used today?

Q: Can the English language be morphed into such?

If Not, How and where should we begin again?


Dank U