Gaslight Tally: Burn && Kkk rout




// obv. political repercussions of Fascism like thi§




the @ & e f fort to 7″ cockbloc… for 1+ years

bs thrown about


the money alone.#* = Tales of the #


taunting me as faded, never been stronger, betta everyday

info taint rum

laugh it up, #.00

overhead over due !     Ignorance Citi blankkk


IGNO Takkk en To thee  :

  《《《《   Outer Limit$》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》



~trial and terror bill @@ bongg



teach your kids WEll


one thing in common with all these badd politicians:



G R E E K..




Anything that PROP @ GATE§  ∀ TnTrump


cannot be good and should be Banned;


$kull and Bone$


ask the students ?   #Real ly ?



Wwworld^$ Gratest Hickkk Cupp Fez } t





































& &

























DuH Nihilist















Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!