interesting film,
Luckily, I am not singing the same “Hymn””
Every generation needs a voice, last crowd around
Tee÷Morton Downey ÷÷of the BOurgeoisie÷÷÷-th
Was (W)It, Bill O’Reil up the foxe$.ly,
that tw@s
Faux News Cracker Barrel “(ties)” to Control,
~nouveau ~~~~~~~~~~Comptroller~~~~~in ToWn
Right motto: ‘Share iff;
the citizens who have guns aren’t even close to our
Best and Brightest.
Crazy MESS × @ge.
×××××× Kids, Re; Re: Boot. ××××××××××
Life. Monopoly. Sorry. [ Milton Bradley College ]
Profit Trumps Suckers and Losers
(More More @More 0n & 0n(