If you hear of a Lawyer with Brass Balls and in Need of Fame …maybe a grass fed—– …… #Talk To Me, Pal
====Peabody, Set 4th the==/ Wayback 2….1 HHS /========
<====Hey,===What ya doing…………playing Pocket Pool?
====>at least, I don’t Play…..Away Games
===============>>>Back 2 $our FutIle (R)==& (D)=========
===============Good4Hell and you can call me… JJ===========
“This is about power and control, not the contract. That’s all white noise.”
– NFL Exec
#White Noise #Red Herring # (D)==>Cyst
Youth.. my fans,.. I half Seen How U can Surely “HAunt” Be A ffective !!!
==Swan==A.B.A. to a $ ………ocialist======>
==Nothing Err-attt—ick =(t)in (t)His Attic==¿!?=/=>>>
Roy “The Toy …Co(R)nFED=irate $old==i=err” Moore for Prez !!!
Volun==>tear==>zzz ==>kneedED…// brains are detrimental hear!
oh wait..err…….He all Sweaty….. JIZz
============B4 Snow============
=====>>>House Hunting…………..for Alliteratez=====>>>
==anybody see me in my used Mighty Whitey==Equinox==>
Peace and Equanimity
..i can’t wait for DC’$$$Till OG
¤Prime….justCo- Signed …………a …….$99.99 deal……...drum solo……..
Paul Mooney’$ …. $equintial….$
===on the Homeless Front Steps==\\\
u heard of WaterGate and DeflateGate….from the depths of = Taco Smell……….. .. ⇑ FumiGate ⇑ ======>
If the CVS in DT Amherst had balls…they’d sue the town for reasonable co$t of public bathroom privilegez and Do Knot red noise around the fact that their are none….. ?? How Convenient ??.
=======I’m Just Saying;==========
Funnnnnny Fa$chasm$ for $1000…(R)0L_E of……. EX
A Bridge to Bar:⇑
Video/D\aily Stubb.. Le………
…..Autocratic is NoChoice.
$yndrome from $tockholm on the line, Mr. Prez. ===> when will $(W).IT Arrive?
hands him the WHack bone….
Hopefully by 2019 cuz I’ve got Hotels to Fill…
Hooking.gov just banned me from…hold on…
call the Vice prince=A=Pal… I need to speak to
hot donna…i don’t $care…if she is in Trig class or ….(R)ecess..
IM In Charge, do Whut I say ….knot what some teacher thinks.. this is the US of Alabama Sow
What The Funk is Ska, Anyway ?
=Still of the Fright…..
=====Know==>Piece Of Cake,,, When I Surround
=======I Forgot..Just Say Know !! .===Tanks…===youR Tops=
<<==Any Vetting== \0- / U \ H -0/ == Trump ==>>