Betsy Ross would weave over in her dressy grave if she saw we added Fear to our Flagg.., Fear, fear of
Understanding We fight for our Right to Debate Not, Not for our… ……….oWn(R)ℑ………..{Hub(R)i$} ~ political ~Magic Carpet~ P~ride~
[ ℑ = Imaginary Part ]
Debate/reality leans left til B$ takes a dump … dealt a <————-
big pix. imax big
motivation to progress stalls in the $weet $pot*$
hence heir affiliation is not a prerequisite, known offen$e
. . . . . . as they will have you believe.
President¢ ≡ CatholiC. . /?/ CCD = Card CountÆd Deckkk$. /¿/
U.$.©asino …. we see you ©heat… we prejudge judge blacklist ….. ReNeg ……#gauche we hate.
=========Would You Believe…..?=========
// Love Ya, Mean IT. even….. Cho
‘mason-dixon’ line moved C ⊥—-
some much ‘respect’ the southern way …south of ¢anada that is..2019
=======line in the sand=======
===40% off <== Goth St. Entrance… Wink Y
Intimates & Lounge: My Whole Existence
+=========== +======================+===========+
Seig While I -99 is Luftballoons
+===/===== +======================+==============+
// staying fit to faddL my green jeans..DCBA loser of weight!¿!wait
// sounds like ⊥ had fun & ame$/
/// fook meow
Jeffrye watching a movie with …… his bros. [Glen Garry & Glenn ross]
yup, you heard of Larry and his brother larry, ????? ?????
Glen was the first born and Glenn the last…
yup, yup. . . . . Jeff t*was the Lonely. . . . Jew
almost hall-o-ween
lookin to be……….. hall-o-lean
oh,…. Valentines Disarray
never meant much amore,
bold and beautiful
cold and dutiful
not gonna be @B.L. in near future….