the )M(ilitary $ta[[L]in]te is Cone’$ Dome of CI_ (of $igh-(L)en–¢ )?
Puck = (L),… Pick a Puck of ________ Pepper$
south otb.. no..? know hockey ?
=========Don’t be a Puck======
Those search engine results are also from / for other countries which might kite need to explain in CS classes..analysis., technical reports, ieioeu explaining deer OOwn
=====Hague CourtShip… Can You Bear Me lloW !?!!??=====
======Drinkin ‘Tang up here, Peeps====Windy? ==
===oh Wendy… so in a BIG Hoser InterGalactic borde(R) high–>=T (wrap around tongue) Y
=i respect.fully.... my job as a So….Might.I’ll WatchMFrogg ..
I ……pibb-ET, ==ramble..==∞=< Dave Thomas was…… THE MAN !!
we can sum… HOW learn to Accept that ouR views are baseD on the action$ of people in insTintuitionAl chaIN—-<$….
shamus …the dog knows betta
Trading Places is a better outlook …SurroundED Bye chaoS..Kkkao$$$
Yeah or Nay, Nay, Nay… serious diss—-¢u$$...H…
==here?==heil FUhrer….. EUrorr… FUrorr<<==o==breakaway=
// \yachtzee/ …. \nachtzee @C/
Happy Indigenous People Lamenting !! ¿
The old ‘Balm in My I’ trick… second time this Week !!
=================acting trick..====
slaybells.. doinkin
Tokyo..? BbD?
what/who is the #1 systemic problem in courthouse justice…
Court Clerk__$__ Randomne$_$..
2018: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[i]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]told ya
$outh backED sly Israeli $emi-Citizens
Carpetbagger from MA …Honest ape Abe Link .missing anyone?
========Civil Wart* of..that is Trump==============
====Commercial Take route 666… ¢ome On Down to Hell and Boch
i think you get the driftwood… i not fonda males
——–gay closet-baggers———-
they All have a Masters DegreeF in Self-Preservational Behavior
Easy Pray …………..prey … Malcontent-U & US
===why i get alot of foreigners hanging aboundary==
=where was that coal going on military planes…AND
….. What’s in the ‘Trunk’…?” of F’n Plane—- —MP …b4… Home $t———-retch, if cot
I C Cenarios
====just not age identification
Who’s 21 ?? ? …..