aic cia PO$[?] A[2]Mazonal Bezo$~125 billion, huh ? Close Enuff?? // T&C vs. Under_Dure$_$


/Bezos/ /A2M/ wants omniscient info fishing permit  @  |Wall St.|….|Pentagon| and every heir between and around except trump casino/hotel$/newark tanning spray saloon$..

he walks in take 1 of his commercial



..shot of Bronze 18…. leave the mirror

(inner thoughts being  heard )                                                                                                 …. less than 5 billion..bezos is.. my itchy ball’sic’…He irritates me..

oh yeah……..         /  CUT ! \



Ass å Ω  Mouth Θ            ( åΩ Θ) and the horseshoe you rode in on !

1+ Billion should go to……..                                                                                                 You(R) Workers xmas bonusEZ 

B00$t the local e¢noMies                                                                                                          around existing —————————————————————————————————————distribution center————————————————————————————————————————⇔———-shoppes

Think  of (W)It* A$$A  Re$et of DA ..Tax Break_k(R)  

=============================================humanity ideas ring hollow in empty boughtL==

Idea~$ is Hut U FEE (R) !

hut kkk(R)out =(L)out a { [bout ny]   Bounty} ignore$…. ¢Harmin Sling tied behind my back….

…. give me a chance to _ue amazon/bez0$ for ..domestic surveillance on my kindle and on everyone else.alexa mic..                                                                              T&C vs. under_Dure$_$    ie. unintelligible

C  my my if everyone started with same monopoly $… i’d be ….funny


you see heir i’m going win this

Kkk…Han !  He Do It      ?  ??  ?

you want to know the number ..up stairs…corporate problem is …


my socialist lawyers whom i personally put through best univ.$$$


¢©an u  ®(R)ig it™ !! was the Warriors, I  saw them…Right?? uh Yeah the Warrior did it Sir…


food stamps payback…hike walmart


Corporate Malfeasance…. covered up by merge(R,D)

=====LRO===>’Cocky Bastard’..Reply;  bark tuff on diss route tree

Who will get 5 bucks for tellin me the meaning of LRO ?


=====aic cia …AIC CIA … ..Alice in Chains or Pregnant

aic—— is where dartmouth scanVeiL coulda been quietED

whose really ever heard of it ..?!!?

=====notice snl used taint that explains the search engine tread on ‘TaintED’ this month…lol=Puck ..scoreD============