Yeah i’m an ………
but you read me……over And on.. write is Correct…..99/125
=====high expectation MoFo’Zzz….. Wang DD
====(fish are jumping in my boat)===allu$ion==
Investigative reporters need Ya .. . NO this…. .. .ph e nomam
bottom fishing line……..( Boat )../ .
Asians on the Clock..Power. Watch.. a Wa$H …….
¢hime….$in…….. on
World CanDo_r of Perception$
i luv Asians or the thought of them…. they don’t return the flavor..
they had the unique opportunity here to solve the ‘missile crisis’
Did they just sit on the sidelines ….. locals have little true oversight…hem?!
coulda, shoulda, once again… silence was def… not.icED
=======uck Me
i have to give a fair grade… analy..tru Swiss… perspect
here goes… the first point….
no religious issues
..china==>buddha ..good.. me, buddah no rubbing my … Human Rights… Left out again this year for MTheresaAwardendungeon..gone…
Emperor is weird.. 2 me.. is he paid obv.. palace.. strange but we chose otherwise Britexit #1 w/ a ___, Queenie ….. Babe.. Catcall me… wic?
no lack of pride…
character/…….scruples ? (Case by Case…APU…..whatta ya got? #D.Behav)
—-toast with the…. 2 sides diff toppings…. kinda dilemma 4 me..//. sta∏ds on the F’n===¢rus_p===
fair no HareA.. Hone$…ty.. rid of vent exalt.. breadth … weight… wait
|========I YA==?=====Rue FU.$$==?===|
==Roof US and ‘Hi Ku’.Latte?..==check under arms… in male… own we
Meek is on the ⇑ $Wing
do they care..bout me ?…$no$
/ Emperor.japan tweet$ pointed down mid finga // china.tellybanchanL
2 + facED // ?
china faces equal to.popu
japan: $$t*alkkk$ __ _____! face It !
who are these young adults… ?….. s$dD
B-M-Wing… Got ‘It …. Pp_–__Pa$$
china needs to workout more equity so we get back to even post bush….A (D)ata (R)e$et clintons, bushes ,… so we can part as friends post rug slipp;err. nyuk…
=======peace by piece======
Japan… a Mirage….. of Menage… contortion wait that’s israeli’Zzz gears re-ne.goat-i-H∑ ate…¢onformity ©omplic–ate–ity
=====side note… Mpowered by GG4 Real!========
what is diff between
======asked myQelf to define each in my own way… without looking up def.
Allusion: k… allude meant refer to… so does Allusion mean…
Inferred Scenario ? Bollock$!
Illusion: much easier…. one’s mistaken viewpoint
====if that’s not you…. You might be a NT
// i don’t even toe what this means..⇓. Roll .a DD..x__ no 4 finga dis¢ou_t lol
= immanence front… wit’s a PO
so hate to hal to do this..
the pallette has 3.+.. layers
in order of impot,rye:
4 Finger Di$$.Count Epic
4 Finger DisCou t* ….. no ‘N’ … Rasci$t*
4 Finger Disc Out ex. NPR call from a bad cellphone .. ‘Ray’ – a Trump Fan dow..⇑. in FL
behind washington state car…
Walla Walla Washington…..
..Welda walla walla wound washington DC
===Choo WH0 ?? ?