Where TF is my Generosity.com Fund…raisin whine gripe grape…//// // \



 front row [[b]al-coney …cuZ

I’m a  W_ _ _ _ _ _ ??!


//  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/intellectual-integrit-t#/

//   https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/421-a-life#/

// see the 3rd below



then sold to generosity.com


Poof….all my info.. Gone(R)

now  GoFundMe   i wasn’t told ??!??


They Really Thinkkk They Deserve                                                                                                         R-E-S-cue the Crimes of Capital iZzz.$&M

==Oops…my facebook link worked…0 for 2 today a bye pass___\o __=

//    https://www.gofundme.com/home-home-rerefund?

==========  burr bank =======

if you know law like i donut, ?

i will be ~5 layers away cuz

I’m TaintED  with @ FunnY, I >— ∑outh

<i blew a kiSS at the tv monitorium.@>


my tink tank


civil wart  Ø heart deep blue bloodED
