What we have hear people, is a FFFFFailure 2 Communicate [1 thing]

a Karmic Clusterfuck of  ‘$on/$Hine Boys Cub$”.._  ,

a  Volcano of Pimp-L’$$$ …wait for sit down have a breathmint….                                              the rapture …sorry, E…RRupture

=Your Honour=this trial… HeiL is a Hit =Lerch go to JaiL !!!!  !!!  !!  !=

take your hat off and raise your right hand (mmmmmmmm!) ?     wooob wooob woob      yeahhhhhhhh.            < Repeat TYHOARYRH>

you’re making a mockery of this mock(u mentaLL ??) Chile … No ?VooDoo sez …… He $ez $HitE Hear.. Me  ow and believe your 911 away



I View this case as Discovery for my Trial vs. $$DD




====wifi is always $$$p00raddict About Me==


1/2 hour later after FU$$$…eye I

saw a AIC ‘commercial’ Decal and thought of mail order like colleges …

Keeping …

Alice In Chains

4      $100’s of P (L/R) @Y.ERR.$s$

===it only means U if it includes U & U====

it seems at the end of the CHarade$$$…. Soylent Green will B.


                             Mad  Men










======who ‘we’ playing Sunday…Sunday

not a Karmic Clusterfuck

20:20        // it’s 10/10 today

Nun-day 2…. 2 day

<none>-around my a(bod)e=====bttf………..!==

they say they are Monks behind..

Oh, Really ?!?

======on a diff wavelength=====

go with the newt flow…$ir

New t GeTing Rich .IMB…ED

==On the Heal of Soul==Annie best be h…




Wow, Talk about Communicating !!!! Miss Demeanor…. all that was missing was your trenchcoat…. i can’t slee∇….coffee awake 6am…SB$


Yes, I had that S.G. yoke in my Hell0 Baskkk….ED…ET a bit.


trying to remember stuff…


disconnected again lost info…… mmmmmm???


they fear every KkkeyJoke


Sorry, i get excited when i see the local skunk………..s


(deniro) fingers to eyes and point them at ……


don’t you have to talk with the victim and get his side of this …. conspir….ac   ?   y  ??

=============Buy Chuck $ell================


======$urreal as Certainly A Lotto Denial on Both Sides


my comment from day one was/is   i should have no prob filling my dancecard with athletic 21+ ladies….  Correct ???


gonna need a bunch of different team programs…

====== $ir oy Vey sez======”it’s never gonna end!!” – tanks AH;



  1. Are they killing each other now. Black on Black crime.. now this ?!  Sad
  2.  always gotta take someone else’s side ??

