what comedy club allows jokes or commentary like

yadda Meshuganah,

Who @ctu’ally’ Hire$ Blacks    ?

info rules ………. !             desiren’ &  getty are plainly

so many shades of corrupt

and their code Heil “haven”” [(cordiaL)] been going on

for too long to be believed.

Semantic SeMites   as seen by
$.[0]Haven[0] …  Vanity Person@


@  ..//,  I am not /A\nti $s$[[[[c¢©H]]   \\e/   mitic,

i trust them as far as their sideburns.

//#they would @nte my $ouL

that is more than ..quip.. ‘racist shit”

=====÷comedy lite bill==÷÷÷over, duece.÷÷÷÷÷

Israeli gonna make convo’ like or allow within heir wall$.

self serving shade   layer #1 Bar…..  where is the nearest ; billabull

×××pun×××cRease // and detest, || iffy×××××××××

imagine            fairy bitch

deal wit


   Sideburns , eh               ¡1/0¡

yeaH          #looks good on U ;


oh …..  $.00 Bee have hive of pest$.01111111

#fl@Nkk K    $Hake;

Frontline shore mee‡ $and 0’Boon ….#4

4 lad fom ‘Holly’

‘iN Search oF’ … / / \V/ \\\\

//——-,–,,,,-,—————————til’ till was empirically a lie.

note to thee       ? Budge ‘

how can I say I am not anti Semitic except by my day to day actions.

I have issues with the

G∀/’Elite agenDa

              not any individual of a particular faith.


wokkk is hot

With lots of Palestine starch 4 my shi(r)t tales,

      No ……. coverage,

÷÷÷#splendor in erasing my street art

MSNBC/Disney,…..cast inets at cable companie$ …Rights as a Person/American


Arro ….. Avoidance … Denial, Respect nobody even U

PU Rr ÷fect Southern  II STorm

delivery of deliverance found thee soft spot…


retooling in the

NE@$T hallway …. ¢©rridoo

÷÷÷SC gone to Boston ?÷÷Portland,  4 Shore.÷÷÷÷÷

ihearneptuneclosedthe2milezone. rumor,,,,