Wednes Hey





opened a baking biz




til they met Heimy BILKU

Connections Distribution;

he   $pecializes   in

‘ Human     Resource$ ‘


he knew just the sea salt.

//Day of the Dead Sea Shores 


the perfect water..

NYC. badda bingo..

lingo we weren’t that familiar with..

Servitude ?   Inherent Charges & fees ?

he seems.. So

  much smarter than us..

&& always

 @ Warm Feeling coming from him.   //Satan


——scene !!


the paperwork session


the papercuts we inexplicably got.


We Signed ?? ( In )

to be #1 pretzel logic bakery in    Asia


Which Way is Up ;  ¡¡ ∀sia !!


up til Capital R&r iot@

Terrorist …. Asian !