American InGenuity !!! !!!
-the quality of ⇓ being fair and impartial.–uknow-hike¢Rap$caliaN-
From our ‘No eQuity Zone’ a Fudge DepoRt picking up …info about uMA FIne arts building being desecratED. .and Spicey and the Girl$ .. t*wa$$appearing @.IT…
Damn Commie T/Free-Huggers !!
===(R) daze..=the only one saved ==AIG ? =Oh yeah…. alotta rye bread,∇…$182 billion bailout of insurance giant AIG=Goldman and his balls will be close!!!!====== We All Laugh..
————-&– then all the 2Big2Fail Banks– got no interest mega “Loans” … yup… NO USURY. now that’s Rich ! FU sez Average Joe (i Always use the original definition. $(L)eigh\t*
*of hand-ERR$ )
===$(L)eigh\t*====⇓======SNW skit
<$$$, a Loot>
Tyranny is All Present..Sir !! no accounting for skullbuggery
Guess those 2nd Amend. Arms had kkKNOW BEARING
tbc…a Hoot*
===if only ch 22 had an Eye for …. $$eeing Ting$ for 1$t*I,me
in town cen⇑er asking questions of people
All onion or union of $nakkke$ can be contextualizED by the orgy pit in