Washington CapitaliZzz.ed Frigidair Ye.02
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷Cold Front dropping by… Matter % “@nti- ”
At this RHo D/@n/………..ime
Cannot Exist in Proxim.itty
Vinegar and oil/ $haken/ Bacon, no thank$
÷÷[($how[( who are my en(æ)mi||eS ; ÷÷∃xpos∑÷÷%÷÷UR÷÷÷÷÷
All in it to ; G/\\⌊R⌋\//\In ….©H.eat
][ <Penthouse>
[[ gRound flooR
⌊R⌋ = Under/Ōvert Result of Righteou$ Rhetori¢
Nein Pin Bowling Tuesdays. You’ R gonna Lov itz…
Thursday/ ???? Then; not so much.0