un.Knot u Drunk$$$, …. .. . the Utter DΓ[un]kk $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

morse owed on green monster…

un.Knot u Drunk$$$, …. .. . the Utter DΓ..unKK  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

==============Ass If, We Kneed ED==== ? A Mother ?===

Example of New England Disfunctionality….besides moi…

Dot Com,   WTF, do you not know your “alliant” phone #  ?

almost “criminal” to be hike….. shat {the cameraperson talked ..WTF…sense to no Male avail or able]

Bitchy Poo Pooing  … Personal…2  !

No Communication, $∀dd

=========How’dd Hay  ..QuizzicalED

==Alcohol and /can’t ignore Mental Health                                                                                                            vs.                                                                                                                                    Sense uncommonplace dis$place==


========The only peeps$ who really will …..Hate on steroids…

Rubio Cubes… Laugh…  omg ….. ? get a math tutor ?
Straight Guys.. No Reason…so, they may be in a diff category…

Toppers and whipped ice queen$… Audience  ???  [BitchEZ]

the more they talk Shit….The More Shit They Like..


Can’t Hate to see them Hating in my Hold Haunt$ …

Dolla Dolla Heinies …lotsa missed oppurtuna B4

o…rmond, correct

================\\\\  ////============

Theory 421:    Preparation G  on the WH ole

Word for this weak’$     SNW……

                         Publican:                                                                       A Good Man 4 America

===Coffee=========Business ………  Beer===Re: Publican$===

==Sue R=we all know now to:




My $tormy Manual ..ie. Farmer’s AllManiac$.                                                            predicts I leave 4 21 days……..2 Return to Happy GlaZzZe…Love Ya, Mean It……..

.                                                       W[o]W


will they or have they begun to change ???





Iff Reality & Bubblicou$ crossed ways

Would put my Brand, 421blog.com’s Worth for Integrity A Honed ….. at over a Billion Lbs  ….

so when peeps “piss on about past hundreds” you question motives.

Just Persuading …”Purse” Waiting… Boxer’s $poiL$
