FU Con (we all CU now) ReDress SSDD
Sum Core Trickle D-DownEconoMIC SchtRick======>
Personal Exemptions, this year worth $4,050 each for taxpayers, spouses and children,
would be eliminated.
$/Hound Fare….fcol ???
<<======Wit’$ $end 4 our Elve$====
while car buying in CT yesterday got pulled over for “speeding” ……….and the first thing she sez is…Is that ALL the Marijuana in the car?==WTF==<<=laughing a bit now=
<===========had medical marijuana card from Massachusetts..still thought i was @#%!ED ===Luck=ill=me====i at least had my pot in dispensary packaging===========
So, while doodling I noticed why AJ. oops.. OJ..picked on Clapton==
==and how clumsy that kid was==>JezzzelnECk, . …………………………you bastard,,, EC is Maude
speaking of caring peeps
=======so Fascism happyendzzz when the wrong Right people persuade uneducatedz that they can have tangible powerZ over un-wealthyz and get p-p-paid & codge charges/r ??? ===== ==the weight 2 bait ==> ..Bitch kklife of those uneducat=>fed z ====this has been happening since foreva smear…shadow playerr$===Fascism isn’t knewt here.. just in tower shadows==Pence, my case finally show$$ them in the mirror at the web/scene of heir allll-t-matezz crime against me but Really Humanity =Mic.. is diss thing on ?==== ==can you hear me now ??? kkknews /whitewash/C->ZZZar$$$ ?==>
storEZ bean unRaveL \swing\ Fully.. in Ca$$$H cLown$…across the Common ≠ Wealth,.., ezPEC/(i)/ALLY….. $tell/$Wealth…….chic!
?Know So? have they privat-ally deniED anything………..$ignificant???
Si//cc dividerrzz...
#FU ASSangeL
Did ya hear in BeanTown–>/\—-[$3 million to a church] Just for casting A SHadow…upon a time
I just Swanna talk to sum one in charge. ie Take Me to the Pilot (cover) by PT on E=MCˆ2 …… plus a constant. btw .. Which, i believe is Family
Intellectual Integrity,,,,,NoWHinezzzzz$moore
[ There is KNOW broom…$$$where??? ], #man inside the box
====Wear 2==Where to Wear==2=>>COLD<< All—>gReady..
====I, FamE<<<=US, no ZzZ$
Did ya hear the one where the gov a WoWzz duh. mental health candidHatEZ to achieve tactfully inaddEZquake Pro/know miss/=>$$$hun………..ta.. ……have and become expertzzz in All typez of Guns…R mental health individuals even allowed to get a gun permit ????
ANAFM=CG=>gives Knew meaning to the term Special Options$.. I C Problemzzz ……Kan UCFastChasm ??? ICPosse, Si… Come Won Dd….own zzzem… putty…that might explode… C4 ourself…$……WE ALL…think/thought our Country was $$k-mart=Know=err………. our home-known Blue $Light Special.tv AnallyWu$$a
Red Apples (boston globe ?? subliminabilitv)...dope, ia mean…..Herrings..Red …….U..to Sea intact…Si? knotz? “growing”, manufacturing red herrings >.Rings True ..Si Me.
i can see the change of expression on McConnell’s face as he mimes sympathy over future gun attacks….
Ya WHinkkk
to follow up..how many timezzzz have U heard that term used anyclue
kinda like Centrist….
Won’t Fret, cuz P-Programs now Kknow that Y’all now know a whole Fail is $our grade bought store about $tuff… Ho, to ~weaving~ $ound( D)(R)elevant they Bust acknowledge the Ch-Changes… so as to look and feeL…not RuthLess.. just $mostly TruthLess not very Crass butt berry Putin$wish-Tri-pointzzz
Red Herring
=======use these terms alot….iez…..you corporate red herring WE Centrusted U POS..point of sale for Heir..loomzz =====Biden, uncle tom$,ClintonzzZ, Bush twirLzzz..DNC didn’t C that coming People…KkkNO F(R)ienD=Lawyers foresaw…/~\..Yupsa they all knew and told anyone on Heir team as much info as necessary w/o giving as tried to get me to go elsewhere, LA,…..To FinaRealize My Red Herring Fill-Layerr==== ============A$$uch Utter$LEEZZZE =====i’m doing a Checkov a Job dI/$$\play=$wing===my boring Life…===
======Imagine the Arrogance Pil..ED gone!=============
they kkknow and kkk is my $Way of saying a.. Mindless Hate cuzzz …there are $$000…. Money Red Herringzz,
#the Debt……… #Red Herring…. as I IllusionED 2 earlier
R vs. D
Voter’s Fraud …We know whose da Fraud, Prickzzz ===>Oui>>CUzzzzar
Redd Apple Cusp G=low 0 cuz hare
DissPLayers of Denializzzzzm$$$
——————-almost untouchable……all moist…speaking of tat
Never get …zzzz.~~Be astute… to Heir ASS Tute-L=R/age\D
$ignore&Guile..$teal….. /@/….. WHeeL A..Gin
on the blockzz (Auction) aswin DLeRD
Feeling Rested and a….. Fad …..(t)estED..bill hicks upp STares. .Sty-chill ……………..MoFoes.. Pro Spock Party
=======When on my feet in public====so cold I don’t think well on my feet to begin with…imagine Snow !!====>> have i ever mentioned my unwritten mantra..I only sleep with girls that I would Marry.?… Mostly True…talk to/@ me.??==….still He♥r=ta= ===P-Play==
==in case Just icen’t Speedy…this much money gives ya nightmarez
I, William Charles Higgins, of sound body and mind, on this date, 11/13/17, declare that 99.9% of ALL my Future Estate earnings go towards as follows:
- Establish a Socialist Only Law MNC ( 50% of total Estate )
- Create and Fund THE Socialist Party… at least make FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights, a Reality ! (49.9% of total Estate)
Signed Electronically and Existentially,
William C. Higgins dob: Sunday, 9/27/64 @ ≈11 am LMH, Natick, MA
–note to family members..for every Billion, you keep a Million…