TPB 11………421 Opined ..


Episodes 1-8, i give 7+/10…am i so wong or wh ..

 i’m thinkin of at least a B  i think i shat meself


well i’m  done watching a rerun of S11…..

Solid B, no shat

Questions left:

who’s Ricky’s Father….Julian’s for that matter…?

Will the Liquor be right and Lahey’s out soon with the 270K ?

Will Lucy ever come back ?

Is……………Jacob is an AlienHey Mon … ???


…i have to say giving  consideration that they HAVE the Jets GM helping out at “SwearJets”, it’s no wonder the franchise is still afloat after all the leaks lately.. i forgot to mention  ray, phil…

lahey’s kid with barb, Trevor, j-roc, his kid, lucy, .her and randy’s kid, ..?

why no  don/donna…too close to barb?

tough void to fill as they are all loved by someone…

that greasy lawyer makes me squirm so much he takes ova a scene… the black guy, “Suge not as heavy” couldn’t show his skills properly…. he probably won’t get much, if any screen time going forward, (    $prove me wrong always$


–sam couldn’t Shave it-–botox,, funny–

—Randy was   ok, i guess—weird look–??wedding next season…??—

—-.. lahey was a voice of Treason directly.. not his role—

–at least he’s back on the….it’s back on him==

so, what i’m saying is that the Boys did a very, yup very good job especially considering management at “sweatywet”

the dialogue was actually succinct, funny, and i ate sum crow…

i just hated a couple of moments like most police encounters…bull squatting ” scemenes”  .. //ricky rhinking J./B were stealing his weed plants… not thinkin grade 10 butts//and the constant guns.. that’s to be expected….gay stuff outside randy/lahey was blah… flight of the  bees snacks was funny


Weather Addin new talent… not like that europe tour mite i meansa mate.… or dues  TBDirty





had lots a Mixed nuts  Commotions

delighten one self by drinkun some of that de-energy sauce and frame yourselves a mona pisa…. the tower moans cuz its “back” hertz from the scaliaowcuss    So takes awhile and create a true Picannos for     S12: The Big Dirty Dancer, …Julian does ??



More On than Aloft—Brain fart…#9…#9….——–S12 memes——-

+     Selling Vacuum Cleaners to ‘dessert’ peeps.                                                                                   . “Door ta………..Door” (chuckles)                                                                             .fuckin tons of sand/dollas to clean ups witt

+    ashtRAY of Hope


—digress—-> am i Billy  jowl, howl…Idol,  know !!

Billy Vital !!!!  !! !


===============WT: S6===========================                                          Suck it, Dave on Dotcom!!!!! Way to boost that future credit line for your own tuna boat, Sandro !!!!

look what it musta did for paulie’s ex-mate, the Nord….twice as nice as paulies shrimpy boat,  (snick-ah..paulie laugh)…..
