The K__(R)emlin$” ..Red.. …. Herring of the Year…..goes to

Casa del Pink taco…..Day©are

====spa.. spy spfu===&=@fter the cere…=first ‘bitch’=======

Pee/ .. . ©        ‘o(³+²)x³y°’      gent……                                                                                                                                              get a tabΠe dance ?


I Kkknow….. so do you…   whut i missED ????? ??? _

w/o Media  [  ∅, a S¢orned ‘Female thinker’  ]

Di$tur(bin) {“Behavior Modelin’}, {} = M$M

bin —->Laden to [Tree$  in Bouy$]   [] = noo$e

Got Anothe(R) [CorneR]

Putin 2 Blame, Penis 2 ButteR,R




==⇓=//this is theory of coinciduplicity in 4-DD

// trump pee event still occurred...

putin win$ before deal of cards.


if if he took one for the team ala Alec….

quite a trouper, $$$uper Duper……., hey now ..Marino!


so bttpotm, $0uR Pez Dispen…..

He allows himself to naively be (treat)FED

to shameful acts for his pleasure…

the job is to match/box with foreign state actors… [strat.ego]

to better our position not show our ‘kkknickerr$  B-(R)ight after the

deal. cards become irrelevant as ….?…  hint: ‘iq declined with ‘hair-loss’, excessive inhibitions, alcohol and unspecified meds”


AC ‘threats’ mean.. ladies

not going out tonight.. carry bon


bed rock pile chain gang of thrones

==   x°= 1  ==

oh yeah, my thought… my work..

Ms. Klein,

I don’t believe Americans will put in nor up with anutter……                               Comcastanet$$$ (maraca$)…twerkkk$

                               ad …… $$$Hoc(kkk)

===================Bubble _rapped _ockkket*= _ide=

check box for insurance…. [NMP].


[f’n empire] = [f’n empire]  ≠  [ {empty set} ]

although we dropped our kkknickers for……


Sammy D Jr. singin…..

The Candyman

can cuz he mixes it with Love and makes the world

Russian Candy…vodka, prostitoots 2?