the Re: PUnkkk$ have nothing butt RasHputin,
WPOD..Columbia WHite House of poppy seeded bagels and ….
Ccc..lassy livin in a Chateau <wah wah wa>
in put……t $in issues $and · ……….\……………/0..
that is all that’s left sic of Kkk…….on serve a stigmati$(M)
…. .. . – (W)
we A gonnab ”Bestez” on veteran’s issues… u ‘Care’D.?EFG_
W hen i’ll Hold the Demo$$_ 2 the $Hame Standard
–abc now eliminates the text when trying to override it’s faulty over reach fu fun fuckers
titles of …..&……. tosts
LiberTY )M(utuaL
(F)armer$…doink da doink
E.F.G. Hutton..Button…w◊hen …< > bloggs
People Glisten
Poor … Qui-Kkkin
<intently play(in)>
If You $tand for Everything ∴ You Stand for Nothing.
========.discuss amongst……=======