the Following…. Hollowing…Wahl====>Owing… Hollo-WEen

takes place between the hours 1445 and 1455 hour$….//  1545



some girls,,i overheard… ‘Gotta Be Self-Sufficient !!”

$ear$ where i just made another player..layer to Funny

i immediately rehortED gives a Hooot:

Good #ord,      Self- Sufficient….. is their an



in the Middle ????  ?? ?


—-Level 1 Complete====================

i go to finally grab my post-Wit ....notes

and my rolling papers went flying into the windshield and tried to ‘jump out the window’  DT, $ir    you’re Underground,  !!! couldn’t help mysHell…………..f

======so i stopped and analyzED this 4 ‘Coincidental Irony’…..



got these since 1455 hrs:

Average Joe  with Average Job    #$o$


spear—->0       Spiro A.G.   Knew    Vice Prez…me ?  me ?? ?

+++++++++++++So now, it has taken new directions and i gotta go back to the original thought once i remem….burr! last night





You know who put-Z=$ ‘O’ in to be $elf-$ufficient ???

Newspaper Outlets     (Just $aiDD NO)




It’s Natty-L     Bullying  Month

====WTF, hey ‘F’ratEZ

Browbeating Locals…. will come round………                                                                                                               C-nuff to get U$$$e Blinkin’


==========⇓=bottom of barrel=⇓========

===have we hit China, NYet ?=====Scurry Supp, Hott ?!! !==