The Big WigZ: Stay Outta S[light]…==>Diss ==>Spi(t)e(Z__) Err(zzzz)..knot B(R)ightttt..Si, shadow playerrz can’t be.

Miss is how weLL …the $worLd looks back at HussE in USA

==?===$cruplezZz==?==#Me421==?==your Country tasks You?

any Mother $ who worked for da Man in data/capa\city\town\

and U (W)ant …know more… to be a Winner on HistoriCali   Bevil>

+===C $mear  Di$$ is  Go(i)ng.!?!.. it TtoLLz for WE

I’m [abuse]…2      $<<==wing money fretting ⇑
Know Moore… the $eal of Approve<==>aLL                                                               has His$tory and Mine.. >> $heep a..yuh 2   CleanERRzZZ==>> \⇓/                     $ocialBidwhistzzz     <======KKKnoLLL Trump<===<=====<

We on the True Left will now proceed to Lawyer, Sup !!  give lawyerrzzzzzzz , A Great Name…YokezzZ on SmearED==>EZ

Lot ‘0  Cash available…to go around….Mr. Swiss Cheese, Reuben has IT, that You had major acts band from Showcase Live..cuz they had to take the BS about / in my NSA letter to be TRUE know matter what they saw of me, in (R)eality…..jeff lebar (hey, man..Stay COOL..(pool) //You Rule!.., Tom Kiefer, >.it’s the foreigners that caused the shutdown (red herring is people recording shows ==>on trader den,..)   because if they question the NSA Letter, u know come back to US…xtortion..RICO..write UFO?? a conspiracy of Starz?…michael schenker whose father was a philosopher hatez me……cuz i’m bright ??I can be Scary but i saw him there like 4 times and he won’t even shake my hand anymore…So, they never arrested me for smoking weed in front of stage…..even when the Soul crowd @Cinderella moves a sway from moi. to try to get the………u guessed it..the Staties to Pounce….they didn’t..?why?  ask’m 2..none of them…. didn’t want any connection to me that wasn’t [ deny a bull ]..i wish adrian..( edit: $aaron$, freudian Slip) ….was alive..2 talk..sad! he/they all know me..and so do most older patriots.Randy Moss.. know$ me all… going 2 the well..        I just can’t respect a player that dogs practice…                                     Peace…………………..u got your Piece ‘0 P$i…..EzzZZ

==Devil B  in the D-D=tales ………….. t..hey OHM=IT

====<<<======So, i spent an hour in the pool ..Yogging… going over my future testimony….and.. next, i wanna call to the virtual stand………..                                                former UCF Dean,   John Hitt,      remember me ?

Hi, Sir…… you know why u are here?

So,….do you know who i am?   be 4 being questioned by ….. ?                                             have your ..say..,grandkids talked about me.. ? .                                             i was @Ucf from 2000-2008 skipping 2005 or 2006.                                                           as I was  .between /\…./\Degrees.     nice hat, huh? 

$and,…Know,  I was  back here in Massachusetts,                                                                                                                                        nice place, huh?……                                                          …So >..Mr. President, [not PezZ]                                                           Suryou have NO (R)ecollection   …..of M……mr. Sessionzzzzz?


===Tanks, dude====>Be The BaL,L…..(Re:..Box IN Your Face\__



(Read …….., Mighty SpeciaL)****  ~ ~

Jewish billionAirZZZEE backing A Fa$cist =what a G=AZZ a

                                             Mic    ⇓

==If I were Prez========I, arbitrarily, would side with the Palestinians against the Jewish Regimez…    They Sir, Really  NEED To F’n Change $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/Cents….=======Religou$ /=/Arrogance has brought you and your home  state to Fascism===We Would NO Longer back you in your $light of JUSTice… See you in a couple of decades…=Remember, if you use weapons of mass destruction… your fate would be the $H==>aim

====Play $well with others of different everything ????  ?? ?                     We Shell—>Sea                                                                                                         =Sorry, I judge by what I see…Disagree???  How have they been open to Change=I $ense  Blind Hate..Blindzz of Tin..                                                          The underdog izzzz  being Trampled  A-GAIN   ==                 ==Champion of Underdogz…sez.. Poor Palestinians..Rich JewelZZ=>                Case Closed……!!!!

Day 2 of moi Prez DissPence

I’m Just Saying….


<=====Encore <===

==Thump reading to school children=Did Sy ..wut??

Mr. Rea….Sir …. Sy.Sperling on your Heel phone, .excuse me kids. I gotta take this call from a World Seeder…….l’ll be White Hack.. back to reading  From my ….Autobiography…… in a NY mint…….

+===Sy, Fine….Schedule my next (R)ake0ver for 9am.. Tanks…



Did I Deeprive Them to  Mi$$a???>> <====twas==this ==== Heir Only option to combat====< <=========================                                                                        <==My Synaptical Gymnas/t\Quick-Diss-Man/age\ment=<

Twist(R)==> Fascism==> the only swayZZ Hut Capitalwhistzz can (R)e(D)(J)act Socialist populismmmmmm ?

A Kkk(New) Jew Low… History MajorzzZ= ….O=Obliviou-sly ???                              The Fascists ALL Kkknow WHattzz Happenz$Zwing  their worker beez or Antz only See through the  tunnel vision of an..uneducated…i==>ear………… the first thing you learn in a Real College is Don’t Take Shit From Anybody !!!

and Police Yourselves by Example

You R our Future…Mold Us don’t be Molded

==========uneducated are told to…Shut Up, Sit Down… and they dooooooooooooooooooooooooo==================

Smok’em Peace Pipe…Love will kkk(R)eep US 2 Gather Votes

============To paraphrase my commentzZZ===================

True HatERRZZZZ, Hate Competition, which I AM to A(L)(L) $tarZZ…

I have reached a Whaling Wall…Smear…

So, although True of ∼ALL your Power Playerzzz, R Complicit Love $Hacks of Truth and RighteousMe$$…Gaza…Detroit??Baltimore?-wherevah re$i$t  hintzzz R tattlED…FU corpoorhate Douche  dis$,pose of/al .z_z_z……HutzZz ….Diff under Fascism ?

=Truly Sorry !!… lovely Jewish peeps somewhere..(after a joint or 2, i realized WE have alot in common, past/present at home, we are hated from most sides …… we both are strong and prideful..Facing Adversity and Staying True to Beliefs !!

In the US we R moving left quickly behind the SHill-k Curtain

New representation is inevitable and I Am Sooo Proud of OUR Progress….we couldn’t have done it without one another, obvious to anywho paying attention to the pulse of the Nation

<<<===Our====Band<<<=Wagon has Room All-Swayz ===<<===




—-I am not a Monster as they would X=ToLL———-

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\#Pay the Fair \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

But you as wellth as US are judged by our Power Playerzzzz====So==>I feel YOUR SHame!!<==in Fascist ties==                                   ===This is what they believe was needed to keep the “Palace/Tin\Simian$”  here @/On Ebay ..

$$$/¢              dollars over ……….


Jewish Socialists would be Great @  ????  ?? ? //

My one question is, and I have the same question about myself…..

Can You Play Well With Others ?

It will take time to trust, l know…..//////////////////

Tear Down Those your mind….

and be Grateful for the Differences

MIC    ⇓


=======bounced back up like a yo-yo====

………………………..I am that Cool !

===========~=~=Sea by=~=~============

Any Rationale Thinker .. knot Win(kkk)errz                                                                                                     ..My Beliefs.. Trump.. You..(J)(R)ZZZ.  $$hame========>GaGa4Gaza<==$$hame

—I’m..a Prince compared to US Fascists … (D)(R),……..(J),….—

==============they had us a wrapped.. sup ?=====                                        Your Welcome, World… Peace, Love and Genuine Understanding !

=======the Arrogance is where the Indemnity Multiplies=====



===Thank You Good ….Night======


===========Inter=>mission====>Pee !==========




//    (Re)==>CEASSE$$  ⇓

//       (R)==Sie$$$ta






—-BS 2nd Album has ann appropriate instrumental….



<<<—-no one person makes/breaks a REal Movement——-Hut to Tut–>>>— Post (R) Child====∑==aCCo$t ……(D) Now..

A good movement .∑……………………….\every generation is great for intestinal and mental health ?dare?

<<=====i guess, i am using.i/\sing=Military strategy=======

Tear ⇓  B421 ==<<=(R)e(J)=U/0=kkk=en(D)=fate==$tyle=(W)ist=<<



res deserve ation ha$ been Canc–heLL—D…for Use..(R)Zzzzz

======>====So Back to the Bone====0====> [   ?  ]*

can knot be ____*   ? rhymez with Caught ? //==  ¿ ==/\?Who?

<<<===:13==W<===it’s …….. going to the judges!?!  <<<===


Btw, Si Senors and “Seniors”…      SH….Don’t Tell Anyone, Si../Hut/ Those 2 owners (R)  immaterial backerrzz $tackERRz $hove..∑ L..                              PHatt WAL,L…..Just $—(W)a(y?)Zen
=======Complicity/town smear U==?!!==========

Seriously, Mr. Sans-forward                                                                                                               .I Smear,, Lox … your Box…aka.  Kraft and Son…

Remember Me @ training camp chanting.. from 2 feet asway.. [Terry] Glenn Must Go !! @ Bryant College..i was there 40-50 times WATCHING.. swaying ..Ted Johnson,  …. A rookie QB.. no more,,,Ask’em ???!

How Bout,,,,,,(sic) …One More ??                                                                                                  to Tom with nobody else 2 hear… best Parcellian..(MNF)                                                                                                                                                                          The Truth is SHout *** (AskewJew$, LOW/Down)


===Poun…(Ding)Sand !!!

===Mr Rogers Sweater ..sez… Won’t U Be My………♥


—————-Fuck the Ferry, I’m $t-aye/-Win...over-mime..42-1 bout Time


=…(bigg theory)=>>==so my access was someone filed a motion…my access was granted but no  pagez to update..shadow play…….was the motion….denied ?  trying to update my personal info so i actually get note===i===>fed=======>>

=======I get to express my Aaron ttheory…========

So, i’m at Soo many practices @Gillete ..back row of stands always..\stand up\….\Stand\   \ Stout\

SH<==>0       they know of me very well and i bet they can pick out the /FedE/rally (around me )@(t)imez..cuz feds like famous folk 2, .. knowing this.and them..

mother and i went vacationing for the week on martha’s vineyard.. the week b4 Obama…..AH.probably knew this!   Serious!..                                   My mother worked for the secret her schedule…

my Theory….i lived close to him/stadium..

he’s “thinking” /drinking,……that Hey.almost.all the Feds are on MV…limited coverage around attleboro…..

i might get away with this?/


=====The Feds Hate to Have to Play Beli-check-ian====

iEz……………….Weighttttt……………. for Opponent to….∑ F Upp

==========ie,,,,,,,,,,, Miss Fakkke==========

Kill the Winfidel castrozzzz=====Clinton Cigar Writ…..



 tanks Mr. Wuhl !!

the Nation Thanks You !!


Knot So Fast……<====>Doomed to……Fascist pLiez …..,…… Repeat..ED….Lie


It Ain’t Over til All……Pollution ENDz..airwaves and cable spewzz

===========IZzZ Downtown Amherst A F(R)ading=?= ============Do they blame, Moi  ????==== =====Wellth, It can’t be US a $mear=!===Nevah!====                  If we “hurt” and it fits $our Agenda…Wrath of $$$$$!                              Now, Palestinians aren’t close to perfect…Hut,                             They aren’t Germans, So, Check Yourselve$, Jewelzz

===You seem to becoming Hitler-esque.. minus the concentration=>

==@me====People are saying, “Shut Up”.. =============                 ==Not til I See     =Daylight…..til when…Fuck…OFF===

How are my ratings compared to the NFL…?  Simul-blogging games/…..Can U Hear Me Now ?!?   POSzZZZZZZz *****

How are  the Kids ?  smarter than you…just by being young and awake

—McDonalds now allows me to once again, blog from blocking my site is acknow–h/ledge my existance….oopzz

====This folkEZ is …….Hut                                                                                                                               Fuck Off Money and Integritty                                                                       can do 4 discourse in the Digital BitchEZ (W)Age

Aye, Aye (II)????  ?? ?     Jewels and Power Tools of $Hit(L)eRR

power tools, I Can’t Lose, In My head.. Power FooLLLLz  Powerr (x3(


a mother theory….

Everybody Judges You By Your Actionzzz and the                                                                                   Bee==>Action of your Crew
 Trim those MoFo Treeze ! <<==========



======A (L)ame (Fu)KKK PeZZZ (D)iss Pence…next  $$$carrie====



====Did I…..I………………I…..$wiss Miss Any DDawn??

of the Wed

my future is Here, Y’all Hear♥

Balls…∑  ……….Mic DCropped