The 13th thru 15th pounds of championship b(OT)oxing

my mother past away 2 years ago, 2015 on Jan 13th

those are/were  (wearree) my first 12 rounds …..;]

My last 2 years (R)<<== D.A. …….Champion=$W/Hif.t? Grounds…

=====straight outta MalignED BOO==========

==Johnny Beaver, Hear ?!!  ==No $tatic at ALL….._ _

overheard…”agriculture college”??

“Nice Field”…. was my quick reply….¶….π…….∇……..šµ……then Wit came back to Bee

======>$/To(rr)y\s bin  E(rr) Attic<====<<Si, Senor===

Samantha, su…it’s your GOV/Canadian name ?? …Luv Ya….CAN‘ll Do

===any discussion about my case should be wary wary about the Gov/shLeperzzz using misDirection Again…..Big Bed BearingZzZ====i believe U can See Heir Man≠i=p=u=adult=Nat=iiiii=ShunzzZ========and when they event=u=ally==say WE..wealth is Hut “play” demean=======