Putin Will NOT NUKE US
End of Story…. MOVE ON Dot Fuck’s Sake
==COI BYE ==>POTUS<=====So much else to Fuck with him about
ConnedFlicksOfInterest = Bad Boys (penn), Let’s Go to ………..c ricky, julian…in S11
============================= ⇐ ⇐ ⇐
=====NC-17+ warning for this Sole Shell Difference DiatryBin ==
====the market knows heir bancks are always covered // in deed
===Look how far outside the DC/WallSt rimsickle they went..sewerturds, i meant stewards of fat street .
#Stall for ALL Heir Worth$$$$ $$ $
Lawyers, Accountants, Money….
Prey ∑……..∑………..with US∑∑ Children of the Corn
-warns the (Scarecrow) of heirs reaLm
========================>>>> >> >
does the stock market hitting “BULL HIGHS”…. substandard living contradictions, substantially effect anyones butty …. ….. the 1 Inverse Placentas ???
Really, Literally ?? WTF AWE Thinkin ??? Frack Them Back
=== \USA‘lsa boobscruise/=Quite the Chip !! >>We have 3 silver spoon huggin Petulent Brats (Trump, Owners media, Con/Regress)=We R the Parents==Tanks !!!! !! != = ====How Do We Parent these Incorrigibles ???? ?? ?=== ===btw, FU Andrea Mitchell and your hack equivalent..Greenspan==Blowhard Corporate Cockspacklers==
=Now Lump understands the American Dream. Hi-Wire TRapped Act
Ain’t HE a Real PissA..
he throws more shit and piss around.. ‘sow’ …..i.….. never hass to discuss cuss
=====not true=======but Funny>>=========== =====i need to eat salads but~~~~> O-NOse zone ⇑ =======
.my [futura] flask of homemade salad dressing which i keep on me when out, that’s not weird is it??
==========dream zz=======================
So i met this busty yet petite 20yo Wicket at the ‘seaside book store..surf shoppe’.. Prowlsing Dating for Dummies in the self helpless /waxsex/tion and we both ‘had to go’ to the bathroom at the same time……
…. U Knight.,,, U // don’t remembah writin’
i picked her up by her boobstraps / wet~~pant~~ies suit and placed her in the PushInHairy position on the…bathroom surfborrowed,,, ans began Grrowwinn——>in purr pelvis with my dam muster… when it seemed we were about to breach the top… there was a knock at the door..and in the hysteria the Gnarly ??Baby Powder Wax felt soo comfy /shakes / ….shit. ..we was .. ……………………. on the floor.
..i reached up and started the noisy hand dryer for cover
she was not ready to leave!!!!!…she grabbed my Jammy bar and proceeded to time, i meant mime my jelly-roll towards her back country.. i rode her PullOnHairy style while calming the person on the other side of the door .”nothing to C /\ hear.. go a…way”….finally the loudspeaker comes on stating..’wrap it up‘….the shock of that sent me into a quivering release as i ‘Deep’ 6″ my way out and ………….then………….. thought to ask her ‘Btw, What’s Your Name?’
Destiny, she said…and we laughed together….
The irony was when a couple try to use it legitably afterwards….
or was it the ‘pe’ on shoppe??=======
——-========That Time of the LoonieR Year========
Fond Mammories every time i go through that Carwash…..what was that chicklets’s name ??
========> ~~~~~~~~ / VOTE /~~~D~~~~~!!!!======Pleas======
Start bye reBOOTin Tower……..
House of Lords
================Vote LEFT======================
do people who live really close to waterfalls pee more or less or as frequently as an average family ??
====<<====~river mind~===<<==========
That Was A Great Quote, BenDecko…madison ave assblowers
more core pirate Propaganda to Distract
Fiddle Playin… to keep youzzz zzzzz
Secret Service.. Plan for Trump Security WHeil in Florida:
Where’s codename Waldoa nearby [Orange Grove]
=====he’s been in Florida so much his butler/staff-aha-caucus has to have their immigration applications updated and rubber stamped so frequently….causing Hump to tweety a flock of seagulls that obama’s immigration laws were bad..bad bad bad…..======