The scene is Downtown COstOn…. Monday…Patt’s Day…
421K Marathon Just about to be Won…
Rox are about to let out and
Oh, yeah… Tower Presidential French-Fried Military March crosses into [ Tiananmen Court ]…Now…
President Lump is Driving the Lead Tank
…into Passing Runners…He Just swerved and $’mooched’ the Lead Runners TV Crew Vehicle like ……’Jurassic Park’
Caption: When You Absolutely, Positively Have To Be The $hitt
FreeDumb $ Amock @75… Livin’ the Ream..AmberED.. yup their f⇓t⇓re [fret] Dirty SanchEZ HeiL
=Please==Don’t get me started on French and Military parade===>
U.Surp.rised Mexicans attack/rob tourist$…
Put up Walls to keep their families out..then go there for vacation…
BALL$$$ or Ignorance ?! # No $i
=======Trumpies, ……Mexico’$ Safe….Really….!====
=====Who are All tease People Yelling Hate ……..Hat ???=====
===I Just want to compliment the Patronization @====
=============I couldn’t have done better !!!======