=====Coming of Old Age=======
how am i doin’ ? ……… Nation !!! – Alien
I haven’t bought any property yet and already A Lien
US Steel, huh?? Douchebag…that is fucked….
U Just PlatyPussed US with IT (<==clown) ASSHOLE
u should bee A-SSHAMED
..OOps, we ‘foeget’ most and 4hour host, neo polly “scientist” zzz
lotzzza sHARMin
=========know how they use commercials and much to counter any my points.the iceberg is ‘hear’??….laughable to me butt USE==diff story=\
==(Luke, not Puke)====== ¬
—————————————–(Thermal Exhaust)————
¬ = monkey with the typewriter/paper ==> Shakespeare
Imagine the money and coverage i’d Bee getting if i had any coverage…
never a request for an interview..
===State of Irate=Analysis====
Trump is our nextus 9/11….11/9ish
we let it happen
we are to blame
we are at Ground Zero as a Nation,,,
……….You CAN and MUST .
Carpe Diem
===my theory is that FDRs latter days were driven by his wife and all her Lesbian friends… socialis-tact thoughts..2nd B.O.R.====== =======I Have FAITH in ==>females….===
Eyes Wide OPN
Ladies, if you C me, Deal Me……IN ====Poke Who ??======
Things I Recently can’t /UN-C/
Mike Smith (Bubbles) EDM dancing (do they wear that shit????) $ 4.20 canadian to subscribe if you wish….to Ketchup on all kinds of cheeseburgers …
Congress EDM Cocklin they put mayo on their idahoe fries
==Kudos==Dante S., the G.O.A.T.. ???? Cannon Fodder?? we have 3 plus on the team…=====