Are they the Problem ???? ?? ? b..Lame
IDEAL$ vs. Reality AccepStance……$
==============WHole Lot of DEM===G.O.=====
learned to type whilst under t* /R anchore
a bre@st… arrested redevelopment , L
Gray Pride Day… FU RepukkkEZ
======Gray of Hope======
cartoon where [dØn’t U dØn’t dØn’t] and the U flies around til
====police station huddle & break…fast…. busy ====
===DO repubs eat the most Donuts on the force ?? ?==========
Krispy Kreme Konfe$$-HUN
How am i doing ?
I knoW….. O’ knoW U knoW.
My Lift is Copin-e’ with the Rift ( @Rafft )
============= [–[ ] —- deal or ….? // oatmeal
ask me 4 ….. // ( . moor )
, A
is whatever you are doing this weekend bigger than my Dick Placey ?
t*racy …Later.
=====Real Feel …F’Real
4 More t*€ar (inni=EZ)’
Hand in cookie bar With Israeli F(R)iends like this