Racism & South band2hand

Overt Northern Racists                                                                                                            are  usually in ‘lost’  Confederate ..truckkkS

however, t*owe(R) real Hate Dealers (R) deeply rooted / layerED  in                                                                      War ….

and $will always find room to Hate Another                                                                  Generation of Guilt-le$$ Non-White$ in need of peace


Obama’$…’G(R)ift’..                                                                                                                         Washing  ton of (+) Black (J Sedi-)$enti-ment outta America..

‘Legitimized’ Heir (R)acists views of  ‘good ole boyZzz’ Blackeys………  Slave 

Just a $lave.2 Tower $y$te(M)….  PuRRfecta…

Don’t think alot of Democrats aren’t Racist also.                                                                                                       butt 99.99% of (R)_R.


Rich Blacks have a  Huge Burnin’ ¢ross to bear !! !

=====step fo’=cuz=>you’re Deer….. Fr0nt Line 0f Battle\\=======\\

Divert attention

Israeli’$  @ Cable Call 

,,$will til’     Netwerkkk$…/CNN / MSnbc

chaim‘ IN


oprah ———–Harpo marx 

=====getting antsy now decades into Wealth … or Lackey B U

Fight or Flight to Your  Compound of FracturED moral=itty




======¢How many Israelis work on factory lines ? JC!=======           =                                                                                                                                      Still trying to Figure out what an Israeli SocialisT would be good at¿ =


if poor, vote with your (W)allet.. ..or..B….((M)allet steW)…



$till Waitin’ for Bezo$ to Help the Twerkers hat coverED hymn !

====$1 Billion to your workers and their/your ⊂ommunitiEZ. ==  === Merry Holidays & Thanks For Caring $0 $0 (m)uch !===

Coloring Book of Revelations




oh btw, was I  kkknott supposED to mention                                                                            Mr. Whipple’s Store…chore                                                                                                    And My       Charmin SwayZ ,    eH ?? ?

====Crass Act or ?===He k_knew?!!.? & Did Hut* ????  ?? ?====


==Check ?  Check ??   Check this KLaut ==meep, meep, got your 


“The first is the idea of getting total information awareness. That’s always been the key linchpin of counterinsurgency theory, is to get total information on the total population.

And that’s what distinguishes it from just getting good intelligence. It’s that you have to get total intelligence on the total population, not just targeted to people who you suspect, but on the total population. So that you can make a distinction between or you can identify that small group of active insurgents. And you need the information on everyone so that you can make that separation, those fine distinctions between someone who is in that active minority or someone who’s just [in the] you know, passive masses. So that’s the first strategy. The second strategy is then that you have to [GET Smart] rid of the active minority that you identified, just that small group of individuals, the insurgents, and you do that through any means possible. [¿Hello¿]And then the third strategy is to win the hearts and minds of the masses, basically. [I pin-point ..hot air pop wit]

And I think that starting after 9/11. We saw that way of thinking become the dominant way of governing abroad particularly with the war in Iraq, but then more generally with the use of drones outside of war zones et cetera, use of total information through the NSA in the way in which everything was captured about everyone to the most minor detail. And then also trying to pacify the masses in Iraq through kind of some provision of services or just distribution of cash. But then eventually, when this way of thinking comes back to the United States through different forms of pacification of the masses. Particularly right now, I would say through forms of distraction, really.”

  • https://theintercept.com/2018/11/25/counterinsurgency-us-drone-strikes/