Punta Gorda ’19… $pRing A Leakk B…. reak

Whut Happens Dare… Is …                                                                                                 __bottom__ less,     bottle_____Neckin’ &   $Huc..kkkin…                                          ieocd….                                                                                                                                                  Skippin..$ipinnin’ ….. Winnin’                                                                                                    Clean Southern FinED FrolHickkk$

C me in my HummUH. $… Fuckkkin’ ¢(R)ackU$

====Yeah,,,DVH,, a cleaner, saner version of SunCity===

=========No Glock & kkkey 2A… Dead Pool ===

Palestine wins by DaeF GauLt= People’S ¢ourt


Tear Down that* WaLL, Mr. I$rael Gorbachov

+++++  #meet your new neighbors ++++++++




if ever a comic uses this line..

where are my fans.. tru fans…?

he’$ b..rinGin $hite ! hack lookin ‘foray’…magic__carpet …..


wicked tuna ___…. sorry bad thought / choice of words… peace


===weirdness as  the Parting Sways across the Frills ..b4  Fini   Keys?


Assuming i’m a “Mirror’… 7 years bad.._uck_k to touche’..


=======Marty R. sez ¢ellot*============$t. EW  ie…. 




== not moving swear…on my grudget== X….van noy==st and lam_==


====btw, AC, uma, ……. knotty don a yappin’ so stop!===========

sHill All Hat*E


another Do … Do …. generation ….?..


look like i’m being fit to be TiED…..

akg….O’  Double Down on more Mirachille$


day win day count…..Literally   No @nswer 4 my Unique Subset of                                                        deja FU 

ref$ fixED the game like 3 card bounTY