RU Ready to Humble / \ Hubble
‘US’ thought about prologue
why the tunnels info….
When is
Present Day
gonna Live Up 2 Its Name ?? ??
maybe===========yogg over bridge…exerwise==
fuck’n salt intake… insanity..#processed food sucks.
=====calm neurotic asks
RU @…
(Hot . Head?
Case……..13, Howie.
==A===Subscription to Cases, I don’t know how many times i have censored myself from making don’t into donut, doH====
so, a theory…emergency of bubble butty
US-based stock exchange trading,….. is ‘halted’
for a run on ‘¢-ence’ and after we went to the beach and swam all day and nana made a stink about somethin in the air //smelt it..