th∃Ê dRam@ unspeak@bull
IJS$, the Quo better rethink their ¢enter of Gravity
i am betta { HAL —-> ‘F’}
th∃Ê dRam@ unspeak@bull
IJS$, the Quo better rethink their ¢enter of Gravity
i am betta { HAL —-> ‘F’}
is too bring light to darkkk.ness.tL¢
if you continue to diss / disregard…. i have a B.C. silly bunt$.
oh, it may take decades…………
the whole area is soul sucking
kids wayy under 21 …
‘taunting’ me out loud for points.
i hear. from FEDsS
outta oxygenie bottleneckkk.ed.fu
tri county forcefield
for the next
Nothing is more American than:
Spoils of PooR
Nev@H@ Gelatinnin’
T@ ever Gitty Up to ’88 MPH’
You Cannot Donate Monies, Mr. Trump
that need to be GarnishED !
is that a connecting anecdote ‘abutting’ Trump HardcoreD.
P%R P0/|\0R; pooR