Fascism is



Island Mentality on $error oid$





































wHen;     IM sends out for …….You#

who .s who




In The Longitudinal CUrrent,       they are  a  faucet of ……….


// not an answer but a Q:  ;dewey decimal system  

Fascism is Gotch@; IN¢ore




Bottom URP


where middle class are harassed by ‘peons; whom sold their liverous soul and are ‘Immune to condemnation’, such as for all jackie rohr’$  ….


Fascism hates Middle Çlass


act tung:  Jams to $smother = $WeeteR



Desperation of Losers resorting to

@narchisT Democracy



M   N    D    Sleep


crazy     crazy     crazy       crazy   



now                     read between the LINES’

it’s All There







how far off am i really””’ ? //// as i am not omniscient like big bro can tell me now: f’real how long b4 ‘XXO’ gets the ‘greenlight’ to date me




it went from redneck spreadsheets to $silkKk

eVery grOup has their aGenda and every  agency Usually has ingratEs



Mole @ Queue


heck,  most of  the info could be public accessible.


combine data and

‘redistrict’    hence


RNC has guilded spreadsheets to prioritize  Market BA((skkkeet))$

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!