M@D   anti matter (> ∀ttrition //Ro$$ coeffecient ¢CY   the Young “hurl fire”.


&  A  new comfortable  reBoot has @     Wide Foot T00.

where the right to live overides the company line.   insolence




& &yellow marker

《about here                  #Duckkkkkkkkkkkk》》》



Shits & GigglEZ



niagra falls,           slowly i turned.            step by step.

========Ænd of YelloW     Keys to Much. FUtur÷




sigh gone;      gang groan green




VC ? ¢ u2 Æchtung


  Rabies to Civility.



stray much?

betray who ? who you say i betray ? give me names.

i’m just saying your parking tickets are from all over the place,


  .00ff the || Raeli












trump….he wants his own pad.. Rocket Dream

who will he bring in from cheQ ?

r    uss    ian mafia monets

cuz         …….

  you se∀…                       In and Out Burgh.


will Melania be HRC for $Htickin’ ?

           for kid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


what money ?   ; [(   Return$     )]

late and for services viceroyalled







20 21




Welcome,  Ladies.. meet me       ep





#Politics ‘0 Goodness

&&     ad just   IGNore    G.O.P.


change the stream. turn the river beds #



Round Table Talk


&    #Something Has To Give.
    & this just in;  Israeli’s are  oblivious to US all.
                                                  ye/T\  ₩ally–$
LLiterally ¢annot $upport Themselves.

help      help          help         help

#####dee    Moat#####(lifeguard:$;)#####

hell     hell

































so much Trump drama to detail

seperate rooms……… # #…….. Russia gated.

no problem.00


==i saved 500 gallons of water guy===》[putin on the range] photo====





========notes dump===============



the point [(guard starting )]


sometimes a movie should make you ask

mmmmmmmmmmm ? Q is that an exponential tissue ^

[Triple 9]

is the movie i am watching/ discussing

who know$.    ¿  ~25% is approxxxxxxxxx, x =k Rising. no rainbow


influk . the subversionary answer

[##|bling thingy|####]

——-judge sez what what ;?

ij watching.

connecting dots

Russia Is ^% Israel ? and our enemy ^ now

《lights flashing synapse》trump… putin ..internet tubing. lol..pee ¿.

/R/ave :
will baskin



                          Whose always in the middle ? greezy. subjective..






                                     [(WAkΞ up)] PU










Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!