y’all most done huh? ….Happy Thanksgiving ! …..Peace and Fami…liar ..zZz….a Trumpzzz Eg…Go Sized.∑ Thanks to the Better Half of you for being True!………final projects & finals.===>

If you hear of a Lawyer with                                                                                                                     Brass Balls and in Need of Fame …maybe a grass fed—– ……                                                                                                                    #Talk To Me, Pal

====Peabody, Set 4th the==/ Wayback 2….1   HHS /========

<====Hey,===What ya doing…………playing Pocket Pool?

====>at least, I don’t Play…..Away Games

===============>>>Back 2 $our FutIle (R)==& (D)=========

===============Good4Hell and you can call me… JJ===========

“This is about power and control, not the contract.                                                                                                                             That’s all white noise.”

                                                                                  – NFL Exec

#White Noise                #Red Herring                  # (D)==>Cyst

Youth.. my fans,..                                                                                                                                        I half Seen How U can Surely  “HAunt”  Be A ffective !!!

==Swan==A.B.A. to a $   ………ocialist======>


C= How Mayberry Whitey of Big Bizzzz ….Building Bridgezzz  to kkknot AnyCare.health?.Civil Slightzzz   I’m Mad About SH==>U…            4 star, caviar, think i’m gonna ..watch those crazy guyzz                                B $===>Cram Bling=B=Brains and then there’s the players… 
C…Vegas Raiders fans gotta be on the radio tonight..saying..
@ =   pats 30            rai$EZ 0
is health insurance for life ;                                                                                                                 code for…  //don’t go where? …space cryogene$$$Wish
Mr. Davis, sorry, not familiar with your first name…
              When in Vegas,,,,,,,,,,   I Bet
 your GM saved 300 denierr00p$ using looking.comically
                 for power kraut reubenz $wiz cheese management.
========I was a GM !?==================
========                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
They…/F\all !! , (R)efuse/===>>>(D)efuse\\   ¿ (gotcha-cha) to catch any  Red Herrings from our Poignant Sea….whilst (R)estockin(D) the InTell…I SpockED out of Yearn..Inlet….Under Veil of nothing.. Bright in Font of U… We have just learned to —>Why? PourquoI  ¿
..they HoweL,L  kknow the SynLapse are Starting up yIkezzz                                       the[    ( insert Nascar Event)     ]..WoW                                                                        Gray Matter Lives 2
goodness ..graced  DE, Jr. with a Love of Banana & Mayo…WTPuke……clean up on aisle….. do it my $$$=elve



==Nothing Err-attt—ick =(t)in (t)His Attic==¿!?=/=>>>

Roy  “The Toy …Co(R)nFED=irate  $old==i=err” Moore for Prez !!!

Volun==>tear==>zzz  ==>kneedED…// brains are detrimental hear!

oh wait..err…….He all Sweaty….. JIZz

============B4 Snow============

=====>>>House Hunting…………..for Alliteratez=====>>>

==anybody see me in my used Mighty Whitey==Equinox==>


Peace and  Equanimity

..i can’t wait for DC’$$$Till OG

¤Prime….justCo- Signed …………a …….$99.99 deal……...drum solo……..

Paul Mooney’$ ….         $equintial….$




===on the Homeless Front Steps==\\\ 

u heard of WaterGate and DeflateGate….from the depths of = Taco Smell……….. ..    ⇑     FumiGate      ⇑    ======>

If the CVS in DT Amherst had balls…they’d sue the town for reasonable co$t of public bathroom privilegez and Do Knot red noise around the fact that their are none…..  ?? How Convenient ??.

=======I’m Just Saying;==========





Funnnnnny  Fa$chasm$ for $1000…(R)0L_E of……. EX

A Bridge to Bar:⇑

Video/D\aily Stubb.. Le………

…..Autocratic is NoChoice.

$yndrome from $tockholm on the line, Mr. Prez.                                                                     ===>  when will $(W).IT  Arrive?

hands him the WHack  bone….

Hopefully by 2019 cuz I’ve got Hotels to Fill…

Hooking.gov just banned me from…hold on…

call the Vice prince=A=Pal… I need to speak to

hot donna…i don’t $care…if she is in Trig class or ….(R)ecess..

IM In Charge, do Whut I say ….knot what some teacher thinks..                                                                                                                                                                                                              this is the US of Alabama Sow

What The Funk is Ska, Anyway  ? 



=Still of the Fright…..









=====Know==>Piece Of Cake,,, When I Surround


=======I Forgot..Just Say Know !! .===Tanks…===youR Tops=



<<==Any Vetting== \0-       /      U     \     H    -0/ == Trump ==>>




Hello, is Diss Mic On ??

FU  Con (we all CU now) ReDress SSDD

Sum Core Trickle D-DownEconoMIC SchtRick======>

Personal Exemptions, this year worth $4,050 each for taxpayers, spouses and children,

                                                                          would be eliminated.

$/Hound Fare….fcol   ???

<<======Wit’$ $end 4 our Elve$====

while car buying in CT yesterday got pulled over for “speeding” ……….and the first thing she sez is…Is that ALL the Marijuana in the car?==WTF==<<=laughing a bit now=

<===========had medical marijuana card from Massachusetts..still thought i was @#%!ED ===Luck=ill=me====i at least had my pot in dispensary packaging===========




So, while doodling I noticed why AJ. oops.. OJ..picked on Clapton==

==and how clumsy that kid was==>JezzzelnECk, .                                  …………………………you bastard,,,              EC is Maude


speaking of caring peeps

=======so Fascism happyendzzz when the wrong Right people persuade  uneducatedz that they can have tangible powerZ over un-wealthyz and get p-p-paid & codge charges/r ??? =====                               ==the weight 2 bait ==> ..Bitch kklife of those uneducat=>fed z  ====this has been happening since foreva smear…shadow playerr$===Fascism isn’t knewt here.. just in tower shadows==Pence, my case finally show$$ them in the mirror at the web/scene of heir allll-t-matezz crime against me but Really Humanity                                                                                 =Mic.. is diss thing on ?====                                                          ==can you hear me now ???  kkknews /whitewash/C->ZZZar$$$ ?==>

storEZ bean unRaveL    \swing\ Fully.. in  Ca$$$H cLown$…across the    Common  ≠  Wealth,..,   ezPEC/(i)/ALLY….. $tell/$Wealth…….chic!

?Know  So?  have they privat-ally deniED anything………..$ignificant???


  Si//cc dividerrzz...

#FU ASSangeL

Did ya hear in BeanTown–>/\—-[$3 million to a church]                                                        Just for casting A SHadow…upon a time


I just Swanna talk to sum one in charge. ie                                                                                    Take Me to the Pilot (cover)                                                                                by PT on E=MCˆ2 …… plus a constant.  btw ..                                                                                                                            Which, i believe is Family


Intellectual  Integrity,,,,,NoWHinezzzzz$moore

[  There is KNOW broom…$$$where???    ],   #man inside the box

====Wear 2==Where to Wear==2=>>COLD<< All—>gReady..

====I, FamE<<<=US, no ZzZ$

Did ya hear the  one where the gov a WoWzz duh. mental health candidHatEZ to achieve tactfully inaddEZquake                                      Pro/know miss/=>$$$hun………..ta..                                                                                                            ……have and become expertzzz in All typez of Guns…R mental health individuals even allowed to get a gun permit ????

ANAFM=CG=>gives Knew meaning to the term Special Options$..                                I C Problemzzz                ……Kan UCFastChasm ??? ICPosse, Si… Come Won Dd….own zzzem… putty…that might explode… C4 ourself…$……WE ALL…think/thought our Country was                                                                                         $$k-mart=Know=err……….                                                                                    our home-known   Blue $Light Special.tv AnallyWu$$a

Red Apples (boston globe ?? subliminabilitv)...dope, ia mean…..Herrings..Red …….U..to Sea intact…Si? knotz?  “growing”, manufacturing red herrings >.Rings True ..Si Me.

i can see the change of expression on McConnell’s face  as he mimes sympathy over future gun attacks….


Ya WHinkkk

to follow up..how many timezzzz have U heard that term used anyclue

kinda like Centrist….

Won’t Fret, cuz P-Programs now Kknow that Y’all now  know a whole Fail is $our grade bought store  about $tuff…                                                                                   Ho, to ~weaving~ $ound( D)(R)elevant they Bust acknowledge  the Ch-Changes… so as to look and feeL…not RuthLess.. just $mostly TruthLess not very Crass butt berry Putin$wish-Tri-pointzzz


Red Herring

=======use these terms alot….iez…..you corporate red herring WE Centrusted U POS..point of sale for Heir..loomzz =====Biden, uncle tom$,ClintonzzZ,  Bush twirLzzz..DNC didn’t C that coming People…KkkNO F(R)ienD=Lawyers foresaw…/~\..Yupsa they all knew and told anyone on Heir team as much info as necessary w/o giving as tried to get me to go elsewhere, LA,…..To FinaRealize My Red Herring Fill-Layerr==== ============A$$uch Utter$LEEZZZE =====i’m doing a Checkov  a Job dI/$$\play=$wing===my boring Life…===


======Imagine the Arrogance Pil..ED gone!=============

they kkknow and kkk is my $Way of  saying a.. Mindless Hate                                                     cuzzz  …there are $$000…. Money Red Herringzz,

#the Debt……… #Red Herring…. as I IllusionED 2 earlier


R vs. D

Voter’s Fraud                                                                                                                                          …We know whose da Fraud, Prickzzz ===>Oui>>CUzzzzar


Redd Apple Cusp G=low 0    cuz hare

  DissPLayers of Denializzzzzm$$$

——————-almost untouchable……all moist…speaking of tat



Never get …zzzz.~~Be astute…                                                                      to Heir ASS Tute-L=R/age\D

$ignore&Guile..$teal….. /@/….. WHeeL A..Gin

on the blockzz (Auction) aswin DLeRD


Feeling Rested and a….. Fad …..(t)estED..bill hicks upp STares.                           .Sty-chill ……………..MoFoes..                                                                                                                                                                   Pro Spock Party

=======When on my feet in public====so cold I don’t  think well on my feet to begin with…imagine  Snow !!====>> have i ever mentioned my unwritten mantra..I only sleep with girls that I would Marry.?…              Mostly True…talk to/@ me.??==….still He♥r=ta= ===P-Play==

==in case Just icen’t Speedy…this much money gives ya nightmarez

I, William Charles Higgins, of sound body and mind, on this date, 11/13/17,  declare that 99.9% of ALL my Future Estate earnings                     go towards as follows:

  1.  Establish a Socialist Only     Law MNC  ( 50% of total  Estate )
  2. Create and Fund                                                                                                                                        THE Socialist Party… at least make FDR’s 2nd Bill of                                                     Rights, a Reality ! (49.9% of total Estate)

Signed Electronically and Existentially,

William C. Higgins                                                                                                                                         dob: Sunday, 9/27/64  @ ≈11 am LMH, Natick, MA

–note to family members..for every Billion, you keep a Million…

“Winning” was my fave overheard remark…

Were they being Sarcastic either way ?!!

======= Sn. ===========

the others were good.

i know…..my verbiage is atrocious


head trauma meant over a career.. snot  get distracted

stand-up 4

don’t be Ignorant about Marijuana and its wonders 2 Medicine


my innerLawyEar:                                                                                                                                  Stop Writing Checks with Currency You No Si                                                                         ie. from the Outhouse..

===lmk if i should have kept the meshuggeneh joke about hell /twitter


I really haven’t changed.  much                                                                                               little more comfortable &  honed as research / learning to Hi  goes                               Sir Real  organic thoughts from diss guy                                                                      .people are weirdly confused.  Now                                                                                                    ..speaking of heads spinning..                                                                   . toes  Gov heads can’t keep up with my synapshtick                              twilight booze zone nightmarez…

Have Another Onez


Players i believe could really benefit from indica strains.. thai (sic) sum

Youcan Call Me…..when my croissant is warm’.

…A Left Frack (R=\  Mine   /== D)



====WH…∑..DD… Our Back====>1,2,free—4===Call===


         CAN L—> Orr /  . ∑  /    〉 …CAN DOOr


Peace … Cake and Edith where aRt Though?


——-MeanHeil back in Gott’em WRitE

==I think y’all will be Great Lawyers…Judges.. ..                                         .WHat Anne Oppurtunity that your Parents Never dREameD …2 BizZ==>>>Eye !!                                                                                                                  Imagine  Nation © <<<==



Anyone else around hear.♥..not getting


–feel slow—Frustrated Ink====





Wish a whole L(ot) that Amherst umass has law chicks ?//

gonna Check the Sisters…

———-still looking..for lawyer(s)..haven’t got a single callback!!!——

—–BottomZ maLign—-END ⇑

you gotta become socialist lawyers…!!!!  !! !

end of shhhhhh————AIM—–rushmoore speech——->

Change is FREE

MIC  ⇓

The 13th thru 15th pounds of championship b(OT)oxing

my mother past away 2 years ago, 2015 on Jan 13th

those are/were  (wearree) my first 12 rounds …..;]

My last 2 years (R)<<== D.A. …….Champion=$W/Hif.t? Grounds…

=====straight outta MalignED BOO==========

==Johnny Beaver, Hear ?!!  ==No $tatic at ALL….._ _

overheard…”agriculture college”??

“Nice Field”…. was my quick reply….¶….π…….∇……..šµ……then Wit came back to Bee

======>$/To(rr)y\s bin  E(rr) Attic<====<<Si, Senor===

Samantha, su…it’s your GOV/Canadian name ?? …Luv Ya….CAN‘ll Do

===any discussion about my case should be wary wary about the Gov/shLeperzzz using misDirection Again…..Big Bed BearingZzZ====i believe U can See Heir Man≠i=p=u=adult=Nat=iiiii=ShunzzZ========and when they event=u=ally==say WE..wealth is Hut “play” demean=======

Smittin’ Hone the Mock of the Way toW Zen


Drink-kŸng and WInking (finger a pointing===>) .???


.                       —————-

.                                                     …….Stoopz..**** ** *    ;)~*

.                                                                          ……………………


King of Rushmore :p Ladies, Come On Round.. bt hay.. ..Mount Sup, w/ Valid IDD

Hutt On==============>…EF


=Fed yoke in (LIEU)===One Had M 13…P..hay==duh===>Klan

According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:.[?.is that true about MLK getting that letter?]

(1) Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents;


//moral sarcasm- opinion//

Gang Stalked Lives Matter  2                                                                                                 cuz They R Obviously doing SOMETHING ! Correctleo


inner hear…’hang on, big brother’ by PGP (?Dug!)                                                          um..trying to knot use youtube!

===2018-20==>Happy New Fear<===

=== in my IHead====King’S  EX==Sorry Guyz!!=======

playing  Lost in Germany & Fool You.

there is NO room inside the box…!!!

======any news organ..hoagie.

Now,… REAL LIES…[Bazinga, just look in mirror] I gotta Pee

Question Generated Spout My Ass !

posted by William HigginsNov 1, 2017 • 1:26PM
1 day ago
Question Generated Spout My Ass !

How would you

(W)Right Tower Ship

without Sinking


????  ?? ?

Thanks for that Xquisite Quest End ; ).


A 3rd party backed by a Trillion.$$$….Socialist Lawyers Galore !!!

No BS, We All SHare a commonfolk RE-Vision !!!

=========A Snowballing Effect \

=UHC=No Homeless/Poverty====== >                      (0)







Cup ‘O  ..Cocoa …Some Herbal Thc

and weir dc off……

hog$$$ Tin Distance……


Why’ZzZ Everybody So Serious ???



////////If I get P-Paid !!!//&/////based on my upcoming case, ..



Start my own Socialist Law HardenED ( free services to You))                                                      #fight da Mann !!!

Sway Left of the ==Free Dumb===> ACLUe                                                         ..oh they know very well t-heir part in heir MACHiNATION



and yes, Socialists….(W)HIz  could be our designated Letter  (Scientists and edu Ma Crafted Thinkers..Mclover, Correct?                      …4 shore…….////////sorry hot ..lost in space between hear and earth)

BongDreams Hear t===>


(W)HI ZZz_ENUFF_ cases and TV Studios will be Built <5 Stories (sn)


HI…21.(Sir) Plus


America Bee A Woe-akin…


What’s the Buzz, Tell Me Wits A Happening ! ? ! (JCS)

And How Ya Hike ZamBoni MachWinnTosh 4.21 s ???

…Howd Ya ah Like (D)em        _______     !!!





<<========== Mailed to me 3 weeks later, 5 days b4 Election.. ====Hutt..I’M Live… Hoes! =========>> 

Why was this photo of my letter ERRased??                                                                        moore $hadowplayZzZZ @ Gov/Biz/bedbuddies… This is my [kkk]===>>>life

heir excuse is all swayzzz e sum unforeseen glitch in an  update somewhere  Hat just happens to coin=zzz=id e with your info …….obliviouzzzzzlye  ba bye miss take

[replace photo…if aclu has a problem…call me, Pussies ]


Load of MisDDirection


and bt..hay bye the glue house…

Gang-Stalking.. Has nothing to do with anybody’s definition of gangs… They R&D&$ Supremely A-Stare of Tits they SUCK

ItZ USA GOV [ KreeperzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ]ˆ3

there is Know Broom Inside the Box king’s x rules!


anyone else read the final …

Take Care

.as a


How Appro…Fluff R Butt Heirs ….Tanks for all your BackBone

Stay Away.. from street HalkerRs Collecting for Centristic BSerrs

=====>>><<<<Thanks Johnny Beaver…for that Hole damn Ting


========>FU Centrist Whores <=================


Can AnyWho Tell Me The Only, Only Reason tHat I 4Took 2Wit 1WiZzZ a…Far ??? ie….got diss far!

—-> I would never have escaped (still Haven.. not yet…)                                                   their Virtual…… Cube (movie),

anne A+ BeneFITzzz Kind=a=Game to them, A “life” to me !!

their Empathy was....whom am I      kkk-ID-Wing   ???

without my strategy, I never would have escaped thee Matrix of Cobwebs set=up=heir, Si, they Wield N$A letters like Cash to a Hooker..ie,…. InfraGard..zZZ. Everywhere and AnyWho..they come into contact with regarding the “defend”ante..getzzz …and here’s where the students are “in play” as they are probably told by Uppies to pay no attention./we’ll handle this/me..defaming me in da process inferRED or exPressed, th@ knowledge is crucial to my case


If the ACLU is worth their Weight (wait,lol)..it should be transitively used in most Gang-Stalking cases…ie. Precedent.,,   cat..   /bag\

That is the Crux of the ACLU’s P-Paradox ie. being Just Centristic.. I’m getting ahead of the Game again~

====[====GOV/BiZzZ/Organized Religion/C.O.C./……===]====

CuzGue$$WhuttHappenz$zWhenTheyGetCo$zy ???

DefamationNation   uppies yup, uppies..

Example / Version 1

get detailed info on “defend”ante from:                                                                        InfraGard                                                                (why confirm info????  ?? ? or…Who else is @complicit ?!?)                                                                                                                  BeeCause my plate is  CLEANzzzED                                                                       and their Hands are Oh Snow Dirty

Uppies, Yup, Uppies get info from GOV via $$$ ==> /InfraGard\ and heir $ilk …. managerial wise tell underlings as little as possible while still alerting them to the “defend”ante.. thus creating a potential for skullduggery/power trip/bullying by numerrous employees by talking trash about and casting aspersions to whoever will Listen…                                                no checks/balances anywhere !!!                                                                 after hours lips be waggin’   …..

# the good name of the “defend”ante

and  after 10 plus years of such at B and M’zzz across this Beautiful Country….My name/brand is/was

Literally MuDD …to $$$.      Si e.    GOP uppiezzz.

whils(t) still being bullied “forever”by operatives of GOV who use the same unchecked gossip spreading…/ aspersions/..get the Chromacolor !! $hameLess Me$$     ACLU who?  

They AllWays push you towards more bad decisions / situations and  Heir people, (think about how many people U know, that are “Free” from pressure from “superiorzZz”???)                                                                                                                                             ..all Snowing…ie. my keystrokesNOW...den

LoosenED lips here R  mandatory as Shatan’s Shittle ShLeppers need to blend in  and make heir puppeteering cost A++ffective

Hence 4th and 21,  I knew my weakness was Communication….

Si, I am at a Great DisAdvantage…around peeps, (t)witch is when they send in the A$$Clownzzz and HoundZz

Ware, and How (raise your Right Hand, … take off your Hat!)                      will they use NSA letters and Heir GOV (knot ours) to MANuFACTuRE distress and pain without and this is their justification for this kind of TORTuRE..tort reform can suck my weiner!   No-Touch  Torture                                                                                               ..your work/company can ….and usually is complicit..hut all they Ever need to shoe is a horse in your previously stable environment ..EZzZ pickingz$z…

# destroy your Good Name.                                                                                  ..it could be said that’s a Show/Bizzz…

DefamationIsAsAmericanAss…Fast Food



Answer is Quo   Obvious….

They are at this Bevil ,                                                                         $$$willing to sell their Grandparentzzz to get DDirt on Moi…

Think About Data Day or Moe


btw, GOVernment…U Know My #…. Call Me………Collect !?!

==ACLU==i called again today and Left a message with Secretary to call me…getting



answer is obviously…

Choose Your Battles Wisely and Your Confidantes, Few if any !!

===I said from the Heart.. Judge Me ?Lonely? By My Results===

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!