II ∩ am/pm Arbitration ∩ [ fist]
..tig[tight,,,,type fist]
=Good Security costs Billions…. 4th DDimesionally Peaking =
==Best TraitorrzZZ…….. P/c….Lans…Go $tranGe===zz_==
=..power of rock and roll, huh….lol
I am the Ultimate Whistle Blower..
Thump-litez R turning as DEAF from $our towers than the Israelites around jerusalem
==Peeps are Kinda Smilin’===GaZZa, Bee Home, Money===>………H
Whutz the buzz word tell me what’zzz a H….app -mon ?!#@?
=============my Menendez warning kinda Putins the reality of what i believe to be Gaza condition $Wing ==in Foci======= ========Do you Si whut==== i do===== ====== That’s the most comments about any comment since
“Chess Pieces Are Dicks!”
==================re=prize TiEZ===============
==playing both endz of ties for status and quotE
Cagey I MoFoezZz.I.. Culti{mate}ly I stuck I in I between I bars I smear(ED) I too I
==== Better Man/child @heart Than Me??? $…WHO?.….Oh -VARY? Clear
I Still believe in Jewish people…F’Ree All
I don’t think I directly added the capital L with parenthesis after the slang, ‘Jew’ !! // fuck it, you know what i’m trying to say… i am arbitration [fist] which means i was inferRING your Paths’ End Zone …………..H
Blood on your hands.??.. Deny it! Pretty Please !
others surround you surely do too!!
let’s deal with the multi-facetED Elephant in your vestibull
educated, educated, educated in what??
war, $, hatred of competition, Control … to the point of Kaos
$eig WHeil …i can see through y’alll..
I See Motives... mr poirot, i assume
never …. Acquiesce ..always remember/sting the …yadda yadda…yadda ?
Get Over Yourselves ?
No Better than Christians !!
Exactly the Same !
i “smear” that II ….saying, Check, Please ! $lur, ……. ..intellectual ga$$$trall integritty , on Hold for you ………….look ‘mahvelous’ !!!
How much more ‘Help US’ can we listen to ?
You are the “castle keepers” …Not Persecuted….Deaf
kkay, stop your EZ pleasME…. Internal Dial-a-Fog…
get a line of independent thinkers / problem solvers, Master’s Degree students..of Math/Science/CS/..gagahopes and dreams haven’t yet –—— on both sides and every time there is a “burn”…sea like that !
let it go.!!!. or take your ‘sides’ allotted ‘NEXiT’ pass badges
Oui, a peace pipe of thc……….Si?
at the end of first decade…get back to USa
Arrogance fueled by hatred, a madman and his fascist frays.…and Arrogance…Can YouzZZ Smear me now?
and then..Remember…. Hitler and Company
=====>….your..home is really ……sandy…… go for long drives in the country by the lake ..sea the sights? romantic…..amusement parks,,,, disney?
why KNOT??
====get to try some differ…rent due this week…
=========wow, nevah heard stuff hike kiss=tanks.. MIC=====
whut doez hat tell ya..???…. $tttttttttttrike…∑
I drool….cuz.. I Beat SHemp at tare own game/brullez
and from a kid’s point of view, i don’t like to cast aspersions butz ,
somebody is welching on a bet-tor man=hay =hate…⇑..
i hope some re:speck….. My Convictions
==========History 421 , Baby BoomerrZ … Love===li[ez]===
=================>=cockroaches…..any? or r they …………?============
results in Gaza Kaos…and Big Purse ramming , not $o Cute, from Hear, the poor religious kin..
====Social Tie zZ……woo z oooo! .?brain fart?. … how about letting females be the peace-makers…
..sez the ‘snow BALLS chance in $hell‘….. appeared out of Zen avalranch–
When-st You
====Si HuLL========
<<=Go Left at the Υ, Tuning Fork in the road =>>SSDD, (L)==>>Si??
=====ben from dover writez========
get to the spoon-about 2 $miles outside Berlin, MA and head towards Frankfurt & Bean$town
GO Left at the γ y is a why a fork.. fork/spoon, maybe. <===<== in the road ==>>SSDD, (L)====>>Si??
========Why is it dark at 4:21 and the only lights out at walmart are right in front of the store??
curious shoppers===want to bee illuminated at …is the ferry from china too full of junk to fit a few extra big bulbz,??
waiting for your food stamps, this month…money’s white?===BrichEZ., Pleaze====more control douchebaggery…paper only @amherst..Hadme/HadWe/poopZ/FU=Z/complicity hopz..yes Sh=ire, how high…heir furor..===]
ru …oops sorry, dawn of the kushner rock pile concerto
==⇑=⇑=You can’t disc/play the s../ H –>ame a POWealth,Duh K(R)aut
. Turns °……………………..$our
====who woulda thunk that Ties had so much Stretchagility======
=====Fascists R Bukkks..be a $crew $lut…Ditz a Sway of Life====
. my competition..@ nothing… POS=>ZzZ
Story tiz they were RationED on Brains……..WHey heard trains…yada dabba due !…CabooZe CZarz ======connected to===== ==================CHeirs’ Long…….Δshort bus∇..
Thump has to $cope he makes twit to my fave freak $Hoe SOHeil ReUnion.. a crying howLo….\ ¿ /,,,,Le,,,MONion
======this has been a stink fartin male Pro duck Son
=====the $/¢ -old Testament……========
Curse Word$..would be my Pats game ..$hy/whine..# live blog=thing=
———Fascist Complicit Planet ——kids don’t go men/end/ez..wait ———–they are not healers….cold fisted $teel (R)(D)(J)..oops. they said..can’t Steal WHattz All $teddy Towerrz—-bear with fuss–
stockholm on your HotWHeel phOno..Tur…
H…………..uH bRasH..putin.?.im
…..imp press What .. heirz ……kkk/Now Press, I Azure you
Denounce fRee/as\Dumb –> Talk About…. Voodoo EconoMICzzzzzZ
======Good Thing, my Shows will be Invite Only========
===my theory is i go onstage as:
unknown comic jr….big paper bag over my head
wear a wrestling facemasks …plural
over/under for impeachment, i think was 9 months or was it a year?
tHUnder ..instaSHam-poo !….
======i also want to paint Heir Back(R)ode to the Future!=====
My/($$)+($$)\Optic Test
My/(?)Δ(?)\Optic Test
My/($)÷(¢)\Optic Test
…yabba yadda Who————————-
———————=============================================================================================================================So, i’m on the inter-tubular thingie…and my peer in female form appears on my screen…wow… i introduce myself in a way just like i do….
So, this Beautiful Princess uses a High Powered machine gun as an emoticon… as a reply??
I reply..now this caught her off gaurd because she thought that she showed their power....my point exactly..we made the gun or sold it to them..NO More!!
i retort:
Auto… Draft is Not Funny !
like i said she saw Auto and thought …POWER….
here was a chuckle…. then silence…disconnected..
my comment
=====F/M= ≈21 there..full combat knowledge and a ‘certificate’ in Arrogant, Urban guerrilla cookie making…peace..i’m out…..aGrin
=====you get the point??==they wanna bring that guerilla training to USA and 2 its soldiers for domestic strife which they have created by tower.. Writ$ Cracker…ZzZ.
========How Am I Doing, So Far?...t, j
like i said… they are no different than christians… t…whom i have already spelled out my feelings..now and in the future ..organized religion…… Capitalfizzm
Gaza Mentality tis worse than the …. Devil.. !
“Devil” did nothing……Humans under the influence of brainswashbuckling… are cold blooded enablerrzzz of batshitdumb
mandatory service over in Israel, means. free,….. brainwashing….also mandatory.. nice glock!,, my beautiful baby girl..so virginal…lofl, please, i’m the bad guy hear…..
not a huge stretch…..Insanity..crazy from the hot seat….
rational people .. are not there…
Mexico seems safer……more FUN..
I am not trying to solve Israeli issues…
I’m trying to solve ours here in the US….
analyzing your impact here, you cannot be a part of it….now
when we are socialists..come on down..check your hat at the door..
only thing we have to fear is ourselves and getting involved in the crazy muckers across the way………..#Absolute Power===>>Batshit…..
last thing rationalites would do… is Whine to US Again .about..their sandystorm of blight or their Walls of Confuscious,
we are knot your therapistzzzzzz!!!
fuck off!!!!!!!
i say this cuz i hear that trump is gonna “codify” Jerusalem as Israeli ..gears we cannot be a partnerr 2
America doesn’t want your gaza mentality !!!
from within our culture.. u and our fascists are making a quick 4 year dash for your….Wanted Land…capture the flagg…
ENUFF, …..
Jewish Aspiration$ ⊄ Rational US Domestic/ Foreign Policy
Socialism laughs at your predicament..Arrogance and
=MFC=>==G.O.A.T.=girl>>=The J.P. was/is ARROGANT…lol. Porn Jews PJ..$ are just as Arrogant as BizWizz $mearZZZ=== ======wink,,, smear some more on that bagel…. Arrogance …#GsS… filling massive soul holes with cash and it never works, sir…..===Poster Goy of Arrogant, $oulless Chess =BoarED==I bet he went to college and knew everything before he took the first class… never had to change a thing about himself, #surrounds oneself with the good goys
========Mr. Ferguson, you got paid for that!! ======
Meathead, come over here and tell these good people what you think of organized religion ?
G, Archie….. wait for the new shite