Corsor Words
Cursore/// ouch
eating ,,,sorry…. mcdonough… good genes
Mia 6
not trading gronk
not looking 4 21 plus date thursday
jamie foxx???
So, missed first 3 points.. Mia yokes 2 personaL…
WTF, one of these things is knot like the other… Gecko
a new chapter of idiocrazy see above
kevin faulk ?
71 has some belt size
what a room in kw… i spent 30 minutes alone up with john yoko elvis and i forget … good meme
which team am i voting for at 4-21?? nice
Wow… think about that play…lofuture loud
weed cutler…?
black napoleon…pimpin’
Kat’s ….
peyton is a bored lame
oh i know about him
my lips are smeared…sorry
Norm !!! finger…
Barnes and Noble,,, nailed it !?
….i meant those guys on the porch when we hall of fame dumbness realized they weren’t the character they ” espoused “?
really should bee a guy doing that coffee $wing
25 a rookie ? —stats gal ?
knot a good idea….
my….lack of borders….Trump/Isreally???
if you sit through that POS, you are as pissed as me
holly could blow me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sup??????
Wake and Shake..of baggie
2nd outta Baylor;;;;Sophomore Hump ?
i think they raked drakes …
Asleepless re learn flight
Re: …Turn 2 …The Mender
Hogan……….from my german compounded daily bitchEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
—-sez…Sgt. $Hlitzberger
I KKK=NO ……………..
sat err daze in snow, huh
i saved 15 % on looking …
Brady looking 4 a Bunch…..Monday Lite Brunch
–get here for the game.. w/o distractions…
I can understand Hat
oak to mexico city… that farther ?
doooooh re: Cutler not getting first down
i know…ez from hear
hurry up, i need another joint…
not really,,, still……
Danger, Chill Robinson,,, SuH!
Robinson from the Hoodie
Whatz Up, Rich ?
War Games…. what was the s0ul Evolution???
they know what a computer is!! FU
should oh
3rd and Know
EZ Please ME….
Tear …….falling down the Walls
they played Pitts this weak
you R what you R
costly for HFA
i’d give it 2 him
brady brilliance //hogan’s fault
he’s tryin!
Howard Cosell in bananas
$how am I Due… ? win
============No Borders or Order$$$———-
Stout !!!! !! !
===i swear mcdonough and Cult Hat@ pennywise wuhr sooo reading / snickering as i posted…weird as COS
ABCing you in
re: tort ….sUeR… Hatzzz my ESPNN
kids, if you know peeps on the MNF crew…Were they talking about my posts……??? ===Torture to knot acknowledge me any$wear and then do what I kkkno…what they did and will do until stopped by ??????? Kids, this is who you can Plame for every problem you have…derivative of your external Bullshit factoriezzzzz ==== ==ink about IT!!! =Brim hot======$wish
who?!! said the tao w/L
========i showed you empathy and you LaughED====
guess that first bunch ………. >>>caught up to you ..Mighty Wick
LLore Checkzz been Re LearnED…
==========indiegogo updates merge=======================
Whining at Valerie Plame @ Smith College!
Fuck You !!!! !! !
Please label me as an Anti-Semite !!
Rational thoughts in that article for the most part… The author may be Anti-Semite but his analysis of Jewish domination / abomiNation here is Spot Fucking On as well as that Umass professor and his film. May be Anti-Semetic? Hut, analysis of gorilla and little guerillas here in media….is True !!
Fuck’M ….not endorsing anybody!!
Analyzing Analysis…I Concur !!!!
We Are Not Your Therapist!
Seek introspection and then we can talk….
See Bernie would struggle with this and blacks….I Don’t…not running..just slaying demon$
Peace w/ Clout
So, I here! Sy wants US A LL to Gaza Fy.. He WantZ Conflict!
#Wall 0 Wealth i $…i
Why not turn the wall into a multi language drive in from both sides……….. …HollyCouldBeBent — 4 2 pix of bigg lollypop ?
Talk About (please) Deaf #WHite Castle.Can U $mear me?
That white castle was a Strea…..m of consciousness as I wrote this!!! lol, H&K
Is DeniaL flowing through the Holey Castle?!!
Please throw in the white howl
My Fists Hurt !
Now, how do I apologize to powerless players of the Jewish persuasion ???
The 24 in the New Site, took “k=new” Meaning !
Who was that corrupt president and more importantly, where’s that comedienne Chloe!!!! !! !
Peace Stout !?!!!
alwayzzz TRY to look at my writings from a delusional prop/agenda\ american=know
Order or Anarchy….How 2 “police” ? Not My Choice….they know Hate
still not # Star Wao
beautiful college student @ cumbies… didn’t look 20+ thought……… don’t change 2 much !!!!
So, when will i be contacted as i’m skeptical of lawyers per C me?
i’ll try and be light for the holidaze butt the tax planet Nein from ….C, i can’t stop the Great White buff a ~~Fl~~oh’~~
Talk to Me,, Mr $How
==peak Sing====
anybody a fan of TV38 show back awaze…. Ask the Manager
what about.. the sports reporters (Chi)
===propaganda ≡ prop agenda =======
everybody seeing things for the re: imbur$ED Lame Blame /SHA\tame…..d
corroding our sanity