un.Knot u Drunk$$$, …. .. . the Utter DΓ[un]kk $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

morse owed on green monster…

un.Knot u Drunk$$$, …. .. . the Utter DΓ..unKK  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

==============Ass If, We Kneed ED==== ? A Mother ?===

Example of New England Disfunctionality….besides moi…

Dot Com,   WTF, do you not know your “alliant” phone #  ?

almost “criminal” to be hike….. shat {the cameraperson talked ..WTF…sense to no Male avail or able]

Bitchy Poo Pooing  … Personal…2  !

No Communication, $∀dd

=========How’dd Hay  ..QuizzicalED

==Alcohol and /can’t ignore Mental Health                                                                                                            vs.                                                                                                                                    Sense uncommonplace dis$place==


========The only peeps$ who really will …..Hate on steroids…

Rubio Cubes… Laugh…  omg ….. ? get a math tutor ?
Straight Guys.. No Reason…so, they may be in a diff category…

Toppers and whipped ice queen$… Audience  ???  [BitchEZ]

the more they talk Shit….The More Shit They Like..


Can’t Hate to see them Hating in my Hold Haunt$ …

Dolla Dolla Heinies …lotsa missed oppurtuna B4

o…rmond, correct

================\\\\  ////============

Theory 421:    Preparation G  on the WH ole

Word for this weak’$     SNW……

                         Publican:                                                                       A Good Man 4 America

===Coffee=========Business ………  Beer===Re: Publican$===

==Sue R=we all know now to:




My $tormy Manual ..ie. Farmer’s AllManiac$.                                                            predicts I leave 4 21 days……..2 Return to Happy GlaZzZe…Love Ya, Mean It……..

.                                                       W[o]W


will they or have they begun to change ???





Iff Reality & Bubblicou$ crossed ways

Would put my Brand, 421blog.com’s Worth for Integrity A Honed ….. at over a Billion Lbs  ….

so when peeps “piss on about past hundreds” you question motives.

Just Persuading …”Purse” Waiting… Boxer’s $poiL$


Pop Quiz: Coffee Drinkers, Why did StarFuckers Relent and Put Bathrooms in ‘ALL’ Stores ???

Wrong…!!!!  !! !……….. (unless you really know)

Ask ArounD

===Tax Ways and Means CommutED, Eh====

I’m Not Gonna miss Rory’s band on 20, 21st… You probably heard me listening to him, if you are @

fence… EDT….4/24….

Nothing Funnier than  Fang $howing 10yo  Rubio Cubical…zz                                        Fighting 4 Capitalism  !!!!  !! !


Elsewhere St. … JeRusalem’s Lot……..

Reminiscent scenes of kids floating…. down here,,sorry wrong king’s story….

[    ] [   ]             a window plainly                                                                                                  [    ] [   ]

floating, knocking lightly @1st..$wing Batta Batta (Up-Chuck- L)     or   1 plus 1 is  1    [Won]


_unday _oston _eaner$….BakED…. Political Cartoon

The scene is Downtown COstOn…. Monday…Patt’s Day…

421K Marathon Just about to be Won…

Rox are about to let out and

Oh, yeah… Tower Presidential French-Fried Military March                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  crosses into [ Tiananmen Court  ]…Now…



President Lump is Driving the Lead Tank

…into Passing Runners…He Just swerved and $’mooched’ the Lead Runners TV Crew Vehicle like ……’Jurassic Park’

Caption:   When You Absolutely, Positively Have To Be The $hitt


FreeDumb  $ Amock @75… Livin’ the Ream..AmberED..  yup their ftre   [fret]                                                            Dirty SanchEZ    HeiL

=Please==Don’t get me started on French and Military parade===>


U.Surp.rised Mexicans attack/rob tourist$…

Put up Walls to keep their families out..then go there for vacation…

BALL$$$   or Ignorance  ?! # No $i

=======Trumpies, ……Mexico’$ Safe….Really….!====


=====Who are All tease People Yelling Hate ……..Hat ???=====

===I Just want to compliment the Patronization @====

=============I couldn’t have done better !!!======




Imagine……..[’til Utopia]……………………. Sir Dylan winning Nobel Prize again and not giving money to moi…the reason they have award is to give money to needy World Changers in Fields of pro-Gress…a Prairie Prince.. [Achu chu]


W.C.Fields..⇑..C Wit. ?..


……10 years of penniless blogging….caring……$$$caring..                                                  …Milli@ns O’   Views  …..

what have you done for free ungratefully for 10 years besides your mate….IK, j/k ..funny tru! look @’em

====name one tangible thing I Got ???===========

that’s B421 Maddening $upp the

Oppression ASS Topping$$$$..                                                                                                                        …Electric Phase    A..Multi…PL….Y     ERR ?



=Hear this..not necessarily directed at me…and wanna laugh and cry


Show Some Restraint      !!!!  !! !               WTFM


just watched SNL cold open 4/7/18   ..$ure..Lie Read  My ‘stuff’

Donation, Lorne ????  ?? ?      Huff and Puff was WickED …Blow is for LoseeeeRRs, btw   and Way worse is H.smack.chasing the Dead.   attleboro.mass.smoke.more.Weed! Please!


I haven’t sued the Bar$ nyet for political discrimination…. not u drunk$$$ the Utter DRunk$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                                       


 my theory is

their                       “job” is  to force / channel   the educational institutions to teach correctly… by testing grads…FailED.ED ED ED ED 

need to read heir mission statements for Cha-Cha[$$$]

\ Danger / ……Will Robinson… Dr. $$$-Myth got a Sex Change

Fuck You, Fuck You, Karma’s Coming For You MoFo.. You’re Cool, Fuck YOU !!!   half baked style

You Can and $wiLL Leave… in 3-4 weeks… CYA Next Sept.

Quik $Mart EDu…[7-11 chant from Audience] TYCA 

i didn’t get my case heard, no donations, no model citizens


FU ..+  /changes\…………comin’,

Spoiled Rich Dicks


Dealer’s Choice…. I”m Wild as usual

–some of this must be getting through his hairbrow..=to quarry


=What HappenED to the Big Lou Commercials hear?=Is he still on his meds …. Inquiring “minds”……..=

=Jobs for everyone by GOVernment   ….                                                                                                   KNow [Corruption]  !  Dbble Down Mon t

==I$===Warren, playing ….. w/ Fire===                                                 ============We Are Stone, ...U R Not.==





——–Seem Hester —Movah …—-

Now. I have NO Strings

True………… Wild Card 

====May………. Away no shows 2C                                                                          ==Still G@nna Stay==..P@$ every@WH@re==

=Female=Lovers Apply==YOURSELVES==as Bill, I



uMA ….↓. uMA…. All Trysts , if i ever …haven …will occur at my new house.







This $tuff Rights …Wrights It$elve$

HiDDen Creep$$x in the underground tunnel$ of DC presumably to brothels in olde rhymez  there occured a ………                                                                     HUge GOPP ‘red‘ meat and deli $chm.org.A$$.Board…

and a SS (german name/ american players)  How To…..$emin8..

.                                             Heil RU

=============Scene 1 Take 24!==============

.                          Dah  Core Vetting PROcess

Pan to Thump on his Golden Throne…..pic of dream in his cranium….you guessED

Hair up in a Samurai Bunn……yCruisin with …WHoooze Hat  ??? S.D.?  in a ….                                                …..Yellow..$$$    ummagumma    coRvette

Scarf blowing backwards.. His?                                                                                                                   . then there was  Calm.melania.Daniels..in the B.S.

chuck——> L

uma……uma………uma? he got paid for that shit 2

=====================That’s Not His Scarf !!! =======

I haven left…4 left haven

=====KFC Tonight=======


….so stupid …. RU21?? Yes, ….Talk to Me..                   .



$ignore. .. …./        /……… Cheer$……..


I Literally CAN’t unKnot tell the diff between…

Whispered..            Fuck You             Fuck ME

=My Ego and Your Young Budding Chips  shoulder to Should=

i evah tell ya bout my crewD

530  Don’t Mess with Her

976     a F’Real Hot Tomale !!!

#*8   she’s always late..?..Star Time



Whatt in the WWOS is a Goin on here…





writing t⇑ese letters from Venus is torturous squarD  Milo




Crooks and Scoundrels.Racists and that’s just what their Mother’s said about them !!……

Then we get to the Non-Senior WH Staff


Empathy……….is for Devil

Insanity-    …i mean    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm   ???

Check, Please !!!!  !! !

Alexa, Stop the PressEZ !!!

These Politicians are just,,,,,,, $$..oh….Suckce$$….FU,L,L


FUCK YOU    & your contributing   Re, Re $$$

========UnbeiWEbervilla====⇑==                                                                                         ==i mean FU2 mimes  Maddow= Dickless Prick ==anybody still listen to this “ex-hosED” Lesbian==Conniving =Centrist Clinton licking Cunt=====


I WANNA B SPINE-FREE                                                                                2 Do Hut, …                                      ⇐   I Di$ P⇑ea$e  ⇒

   – not delivering this                                                                                Dam⇓ PiZZa  … Hike !! ?….

channeL changed .new dish gets a w=ritter more channels and weird ones..flew

Ball…?!??                                                                                                .Ump$$$ B…L….in Dit

In Unison We yellED back……$-T—(R






======$leeping My Way to  A ...$leep….





Demographic Dream of a world where everyone is                                                            GuaranFuckinTeeD a job…..

working deaLing  for/with  the Devil

and the thing that struck me most was how far they moved………………………………………..yeah spend our money on infrastructure …jobs for decades.

..Doesn’t Change a FUCK U $in Thing !!!!  !! !



note hump:

does porn star’s pussy become a True Glory Hole afta  …ole.? i did it

Bowling League of Justice …umm   Dept. of Justice

Wanna See A Racist get confusED???F in ED  Tell him that seemingly 2 slices of white bread can go into the oven                                                                                          and come out Charles Barkley..    Donnie.Darko,2,

Capital/Empire PivoT toward$ Fascism whenever Socialism occurs and then /    Re$orT       \……   Frack to Capitalism….. That’s Heir Playbook , i ‘Hacked’ from the now deFunk Capitalism or Bust telemarketing / debt collection Empire of Yugo Slavia, the famed Russian Ex-KGBFF who Now Lives on an Airplane Glider  $lip-$treaming


TrainTrips.com across Canada … ladies, will you meet me at the station ??? Clarksville..?.where?who’s slingin’ $   $   $  ..Hit !!?


Make infrastructure the whole future…University is  Only  for  Eliti$$$TzZ …..eventually dumb down the population to manual labor and then poof…. Co-Mi$$ion Comp-lete

-=  -=-=  -=-=-=-=                                                                                                                                               show me your ,,,,,,,,,



I,R, ease ………L



===Ego, sez i had a dream where I went to a Amsterdam prostitute and when i came she was …idk, i was wasted…..’bagging my jizz’ and i heard someone say…flash-freeze it now, this guy has a HUge bounty … they put the frozen bag into a cooler …

5 months later i get a court summons from an Amsterdam girl from …….Slovenia asking for support for OUR Child !!!

9 months later… my jizz turned up in a murder investigation in DC

‘I Must Have Magic Jizz’, I said to anyone who’d listen….

=======beware baggied jazz collectorzZ====$=ill=Y???=Brilly==AntZz Y in Me … ====

==/            /====


lady in parking lot boltwood sez ..why now???…. “Lock the Door Behind You? …

I retort for sum reason...ltm

I usually lock the door in front of me                                                                                                                           ..i get confused that way..   bump…bump…[lockED]..bump..?? insanity?/practice?

–    =     +   Completion Backwards PrAnCip=/L\e


ΓΓΓΓ  ΓΓ Γ        EmpiricaL Evident-P[ .. ]lie


..$cotty, ZZZZip !!














@No@Shame@you all are $o into MY internal // affairs, No Shame, Glee like.[Empathy is for DevilzZ][In$$$ert Platitude] FU nosey ! picky…. pinky dicks

Internal affairs in g……FGov…. All Criminals of Intellect

infernALL Affairs…..


==========]]]]]]]]]]shakes peer]]]]]]]]]]======none

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$alt and Pepperazzi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


quick vid/photo.unseen by mortals.i am colonic cellphone cameraclan


Nosey p(R)ickz                      2,  1 for each Hear

=====GOtcha Peggyed …….===Beeat⇓chassss===

once again they appear to respond with their testosteroni  …….

Violence is for  Comedic Losers cuz a well timed joke hurtz way longer.============



Eternal Affairs  –     I Won

Infernal Affairs  –  Yo⇓ Lurn


@No@ Shame@


my personal life

==@No@ Shame@===try living in MV…no shades on windows ….@evah==you wouldn’t understand ………@No@ Shame@…….. White Privilege doesn’t do that !!!                  @No@ Shame@


Today, i’m refilling my rubi pods and these nosey mothercunts can’t wait to take a pix of me in my vehicle ,, like Ricky  from TPB sez …when you say i can do this in my residence…… my vehicle is my residence              ….so i use a syringe which i got from my MMJ  caregiver to transfer the shatter liquid into the pods,,,,so within 5 minutes every douchebag in towns smiling like a shitting Cheshire  Talia ?

U wanna talk B=Leaky Conspiracy !!!   DOJ .... Knock, Knock !?!

==cuz pepperazzi gots a $$$$$ pic   once again FuckerZZZz ……..                                             Where the Fucks My RoyaltiEZ   ????  ?? ?============⇑=============⇑===========

Any WTuna  fans…

..talk much about the underlying reason boats have under-performed ???            Tar and Nicotine Residue  … Tuna Know Like

  Answer: Swab and …….vaping as some have now done…









Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!