Train ing 4 primary ….
Nothin….Hike…. Getting 3 $trikes @ Ten th FramE……D
A Munson, MA
Train ing 4 primary ….
Nothin….Hike…. Getting 3 $trikes @ Ten th FramE……D
A Munson, MA
The Kennedy’s were the ‘likable’ 0verHoarDZ$.. (heiL, living off of bootlegging criminals, and projecting me Ass the Bad Guy…..{
$ee … $aw as
Thor’s Hammer RockED
. Da World !
Mr. $ubway tinkks I’m A… Dragon
3 days ago
A$$ the Kennedy’$$$$ (R) (retail-i-zing)….. History’s Book (edit: (R)ight there on the very first page.. on the very first page…… HANDwrit,ten …. it saID[D]……)
Fuck You !
A$$ the Kennedy’$$$$ (R) (retail-i-zing)….. History’s Book (edit: (R)ight there on the very first page.. on the very first page…… HANDwrit,ten …. it saID[D]……)
Fuck You !
The Stop The Insurgency Tour has reachEd the Crux……
I now am offering 2 second row orchestra right tix to Anthony Jeselnik @AOM.northampton, ma Thursday the 14th of June 8pm. (an $80 value)
For the first donation of $4.20 or Higher to my FUNdage.
Lettuce $ee if discounted tix can overcome any “BlackList” !
What is the opposite of gofundme ??
GoFuckYourself !!!
=Amazon must be losing their Shitt=
funny thing happened on my way thru Amazon chat to discuss a charge… After getting forwarded through 3 people…
I was finally helped by….nice lady….
Harshita. [ Harsh Shit]
Saw Han[DD$] Solo
In Real 3-D by myself in the theater tuesday….[ Vape ignore the Trails.] [……..Cowa..Bung a Ditta]happy snaiLs…
Donate Donate Don’t Hate
A nutter byte of Reality KNOt breachED @ Local KKlan meetings….
No Need 4 and KnOw Unnecessary Abortions with Socialism !?!
Peace Know No Doubt !
For every Hundred Dolla Donation, You will Receive a heart pendant with my Fingerprint imprinted!
I Live and Love On !!!
The Girth of My Truth ™
kinda like a moment in my TV time viewing history when the great Harry Anderson (I was at the final episode(s) of Night Court) took on 10 superb chess players….@ Once…..
BTFW, DOtard$…
If you think I’m a blip.blop.blimp. in Time (X)
… You’re gonna need my number 4.21 objective..
A new Language… Universal and Unambiguous….. Cou$.
I OWN Di$$, Mon!
…..this is the condensed version……
=============Line in $and=======================
Can a Female Fail a Drug Test for Thc after Semen=Ding [@Dong] our Relationship ???? ?? ?
Inquiring Minds…
Gonna Be A Long Summer…Eat, Drink and don’t use the scale… their all wrong….. Smile ….. We All need to work on adding things up..(knew math)
=========Gonna Be Training For my Prez Run 2020 .. FlashBack Style..feds are already plotting $=tuff.. cuz they know when i’m sleeping..they know when i’m awake..they know when i’m bad or good, look away..for Heaven=$ $akkk$ 666th Ave
<<<===I am in Computer Science terms.merely.. a Pointer===
I am telling you all it’s A2M….
do i have to diagram the dick going to… O
i made my new How .(raise palm).LowGo ..B->4
[Wit sez .. Don’t Play .. & War Game$ = L ].
==== with A2M dick connecting W to M
======= ================== ===========
[Turn that $Mile UpSide Down]==Now=GBTFW==
=⇓==#Jeru,Shalom=⇓==- A [Me-$$]-age from Salem‘s Churchill
WH: Left the Mis-DirectionL Blinker On 2 Long…./38/?=====
=======H…ow is Miss Melania ? 2)======
Comment: We ALL now Know that sometimes ‘(R)ogue’ Cops Moonlight and even do ‘small things’ for profit while on duty… working for “Lie2u” and other unseen government payChecKKzz (no balance)=====
O-kay ..with rest of Blue… IDK
Butt, they Taint you aLL in View…
========Ball’$ in your Court..[side]===
SloW aGain St. ~stream~ ignore CruiSIn with Duty
Up..St..ream: Cla$$ Action $uit$ …
Like to follow this case ..Hey !!!! ..Wait A Minute !!!! Sam ~Ahhh~ Kinison Rile !!
Ah Ah Ah!!!!!!!
$=Hock…Confusion….. Ridicule ….. LOL .. [ For Humanity ]
tanks, michaeL
Rough Draft ..did someone say draft..not in IS,Real …[2A] T
>->-Ass-Blasters in the Kitchen-<-<
Dear John,
DEEPaFarting FOM JuR .[y]… KKKrispies …….. ‘Logical Reality’ [ KKKnow shame …the J€wish Media ..[ie]..and Conne[L]dUS once again ran a OG Re;Play…..Who Ha$ the BaLLLL..ieio…. Reality’$ $tatu[t]e of Liberty play …
Trying to $HLep It in between Graduation / Mother’S Day.. $HameLess $aim Me $$]
CYS? CaHoot$$$
$eems over / undermining of sum Liberty,. Basic Choice$ Lost …
War Ain’t Kno= L Card Game .
Insert Keenan Wayans… He’s Not !?!
Keenan ..what is it ???..Meat Movies Guy ? Thompson ..
Holding …a
Super Troopers 2 standard regulation Mustache Template
To a JB … FatHead ….
Shaking his head .. In Refute
edit: let’s send it back up to the booth.. Bob ?
Euck: .. Just a ….. bit Outside #
back to U .. SA
==Wednesday =Bah Loon under the Noon===Gotcha @
JB, Reality sez you’re fired in @ 2 years
¿ Feel the Bern
Anybody Else see that Wells Fargo commercial with an Empty Hangar ?
Projecting Mucho ….
Just [ice] $aying … They’ve been Bad, Bad, Really Bad… [High A[L]titude ¿ ?NoseBleedERR$]
Imagine .. [Hat]
I had a $hark Prank idea;
I’d look for property near French restaurants …Chez ??????
And I setup a dive bar chain called you guessed it ¿ [Chez Lounge]
Second joke not about “Amerst’
If you initial your son APB !?!I
Court Based Options 4 Choices
Attorney., ,||||||,
I made a King of Comedy like joke tonite when I said to ????? …..
I’ll Be ON Carson, Next Week !!!I
====¿[Pride and Joy]¿=====
Wow, trump will love this joke … He’LL want to make his own video…
Ever ?????
Try to take a piss while having Sex ?
Go Fu[nd ME]
Is this thing on ? (Touch mic to my dick!) ….. I kid myself .[..I don’t even know mike. And I sure wouldn’t want him to touch my snausage]..I repeat !myself when under stress.. I repeat myself when under stre$$ ..I talk 2 much …..udjust tye … am I doing for a time[X] ???? ?? ?
Who are we Roasting AnyWho ??
Woo ?
I saw his last pic, nothing like a Woo film !!!
I heard Tang and Clan just got outta…… $. money …
And are UP for a Reunion Tour ;
Or .. just a part in your next flick?
What? , it’s Not John Woo !?!
—–Well … That’s Wrong then…. Change the Monicker … Fuck Comedy Central … Tear Down that 2 4 $1 …Paper ..impressed not..Pressed Paper ….and Put Up…
Woo Hooo To Nite..(Wave ); Thanks for the future Mammories, Peace [ I put up 3 fingers inglorious German HeiL]
You Hear Pootie ?…….
Sa Da Tay
Wait For Rep- Lies
Jeff has been around so long and gone so Knowhere$ backwards.. He’s a mirror image of his bulbous cranium.. Pluto
He’s $till Out There We Just Don’t Care Anymore !!! (J/k). ¿ [God. that one hurt me in the mirror]
So, I’m a Point ===> R. to random memory …overbitten…
Chris Rock. ;
I’m $till Workin on that FUNding for
Pootie Tang IV :
President !
Graduating Class of ’18 ….
Work Makes You Free
…… Hurry TFU ….. ProCreate
Anybody Else see that Wells Fargo commercial with an Empty Hangar ?
Projecting Mucho ….
Just [ice] $aying … They’ve been Bad, Bad, Really Bad… [High A[L]titude ¿ ?NoseBleedERR$]
Imagine .. [Hat]
btglue fact oracle,
The Criminal Deep State You Speak Of.ten…of
it ceasED to exist the moment the election was concedED
…. You and your Moley Mole$z ..friends in entrenchED FlunkERRzzz…Bunker$$$ …have to this day played everything from both sides of mostly fabricated drama….non-arguments… for
sway…..2 duh White House in the High Ca$$hTeLL [everyone cause kids are mostly correct yet, they don’t have the dues paid to be taken $er-iou-$LY …my Due$ card is freely avail for Letterhead]
You However, were Dis-RobED in the ProCe$$$
$Mile$ 2 Pass GO.. to Tower’s $Hell=Turd
hide under Bolton’s $$$tach…an attache
Dow Down 2 even for the year ..trouble doublED by A HounDD Dog
frank furtherly i don’t care ..just seeing TruthiMe$$ Blue$
—==once aGrin… no deep state any more… near fuL,L,L,L on Display====
no need to be deep around dumb-WE.zzzzzzz
===turn off commmerciaLLLLzzz
i got sick of the anti-me propagenda shit after 1 show……
btw, Happy Mother’s Day !
is that Honey ???? ?? ?
421, ….Hear we go round again !
Life Ain’t Free, …Yet
My Insulting ..snore… Consulting Analysis
Golly-WoodA, [Diss]MayBe [MSNBC white thru yayas], [Foxey Murdochtrine!]. ….Coulda figured out ThumpZ Israeli Gaza West implementation in time.?..the Jewish owned media would not be against it and would crucify deterrents such as me!..more mime ignorance prime time About ??! No Help There.. Pay attention!!! Missed it…Slight of Might ! … Not $oUR Problem….in the past … We Reserve The Right To Fuck You … T&C, bitches
Happy FestiVuS…
Your Help allows me to air my grievances ~~WHaley~~Whatley~~
final round #2 updates
Sorry, sometimes gems like this miss my (R)adar…..
read this and I was Flabbergast:
Trump has criticized McCain for being captured during the Vietnam War.
==========Reality from El $hit-Head==&==Hubble Bubble=====
5 minutes ago
Sorry, sometimes gems like this miss my (R)adar…..
read this and I was Flabbergast:
Trump has criticized McCain for being captured during the Vietnam War.
1 day ago
Ben R. ….
Think of It as The Empire $triking Back [up]
Black gal sez Stay Away From Hymn
Cous what she really said was. Leave Him 2 US people who think we are better than others or $… doll a doll a bills R really good.. God
1 day ago
Been listening to disc 2 of King’s X : Live All Over The Place
Thru 4 states
2 days ago
WHi’ll Knott Don Go Hoe $Hack duh Gator Country …..
POS … Hampton’$ [ beach] on LSD
2 days ago
In what could only be described as…….
_ _ _ _ [ 4 words ]
It was not as good as the original … Only a glancing blow was Allowed. ?!
3 days ago
Harrisburg, PA ….
watching Wicked Tuna
can you do rotc and decline to join A,N,AF, M at 18 ? hope so with trump in office
3 days ago
You would have won … Can’t be there by 1:30 and who would pay $50 to listen to her career!
Peace and Pot and a Key Purr,
If you go ask her about me Positively
as I’m sure Richie Riches swill knott.
3 days ago
Wanna bet $5 A.G. Of MA cancels or ban$$$ me from her UMass appearance !
See Ya
3 days ago
Par for the Cour$e, globe article which I only got headline cuz my free articles are ovah……..
If course, needy students are being kept away from Amherst. My whole fan base is needy peeps. No $$$
3 days ago
You wanna know who hates me the most:
Other Comic$$$
Free and Ultra-Current and lastly,
Spot Fuckin On
They Now show their True Color$$$
3 days ago
No nomination for Nobel again !!!! !! !
Sir Prized ? KKKnow
4 days ago
Forget Snowbirding when I can’t even afford a place in florida beachside.
Tank$ Stall
4 days ago
Anybody who bet on me leaving when my weed ran out… Wynn$
MotherFuckers targetED me cuz my blood thc level is huge. In a zero tolerance state of incarceration
4 days ago
The FuckED up part is ….
The kids are Scared and joining the. Rotc to feel empowered.
Good for Them
an Open Mind with Confidence…
Great Things <<<===
4 days ago
delete update
It’s supposed to be a quick who saw that kinda move…..not a drawn out mime
You want me to talk…talk to me….icebreak[
POS feds …your Leave has been cancelled..
The sewer level and number of shitlitez in daytona alone was …….see most of that population are peers of such-lockers
The locals started telling me where when not to blog
==during SOTU, leave town ……if blogging !! OR What ????I
All rich as fuck, retired or…… dumb as rock, & happier than them rich folke*******_
5 days ago
Florida’s full of == Fas??st$..sorry.. EmBolden$wing $$$’z Open Minded Compassionate Conservatives
What is the name of that Prime series about Germany taking over USA that these fascists drool over cuz they saw “POWER” IN THE SHIT …
Power over their real peers back home….jumpED quick when realized the show was actually an approaching historic or bubble or burp.bLurp re-establishing their superior superiority.. gonna be HuG e
———gotta see that series!! I nailed their plan to dumb down education and embolden the road workers and construction types… Ie. Uneducated to always combat and Re$i$(t) B$ … ALLwAY$
6 days ago
Tanks btw …
i was referring to the good ones…
u kkknow …Seig Heil….Panzers….
6 days ago
Lettuce B. Frank…..
means …..pardon? [as he cups his hand to his ear]
hanging on by 2 fingers, America
6 days ago
waiting on a house
House Wynn$ BABY
6 days ago
robert parish was the key…[edit: Peace]
==========( )============
and what does 00 stand 4 …anyone ?
can i hear that again ??
—-suck me siren toy [ 9:58am ]
back to our broadcast here at kkk$
live at o-town ministry band meeting
can u lick my siren balls?
pissed off dollars
same diff
we all know…
we have a call from….
“bob” in Chicago…. [Philbert]
yes…..we need to ……
now Phil, may i call you that ?
no, you may …. ok
what is this 00 tattoo across your back ….
7 days ago
implicit systemic collusion
Prosperity and Liberty Are Antithetical around Capitalwizzdumb
i’m like batman ..i mean ben aflac..sorry ..i tink.. banned from casinos cuz i’m 2 Good at Life
……………….. Tru DDatt
7 days ago
band named room ..Comfortable S Wee t DT
…………..only 1 kingbed.yada shurE……………………………….
uber Wit………
after the .. Glow… it’ll be Hi ke G.L.O.W. … Big Fan
7 days ago
DB II Hartford Thursday May 17th. Finally get to see his band !
Auto Correct blows
Waiting on hotel check-in @ N. Orange Hotel
Room has a dishwasher ….. Lol
==========12,000 Tokens…sorry Subway jokey…. Points==
Ladies…. If around and I am bucketheadlistDD
We Can …. Freshen Supp …hear !
7 days ago
Who Loves Ya …. [ no maybe$ ].. ¿?
. =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.
8 days ago
A lot to do and little time ….
I got a great scene for my next penthouse letter and gotta give some details so I remember it !
Car/Van bucket seats straddling lady met somewhere…
Couple of things…
Sitting DT and church bell goes off….. ( oh, crap ! )
After a sec i raise my hand as if pintin’ and say …. Cheers
and in that moment…. I followed with…. You Equal MothaF….s
B4 that …. As purr usual … A little car made a lot of noise… Sitting on a bench? I followed with …wear a prosthetic then you’ll have 2 ! (only Trying 2 Help)
Sidenote to O-Town… same old story …….
I’m Not Here to go out Clubbwin … Really Ever …
I’m just making my name ….
Then …. Mi Casa… to few
Wanna Know Mor[s]e ???
As observed and etched in mammory to a beautiful blonde @Pine St. Walking….
I am 6 months from adequate to take off shirt during sex ……!
Gotta give Props to some of the Amherst girls who once did this for me….
8 days ago
Iff the Lines are full .. Keep dialing as we are getting overwhelmED with donations and Well Wishing=$ !!
Peace and a home on the grange……
8 days ago
Who…. Who…
Would U T[H]rust… If U were Moi ?
8 days ago
Wednesday Night DT Orlanddo
Hotel within a mile ..not . 2 big beds 2 Bee me
Ya think I’m gonna be …… Choosy ???? ?? ?
The funny thing is I’m not really interested in college students cause the locals are so much Hotter ie….w/o a rack of chips on their $houlder$
==and knot Ante’n ….. Supp?========
8 days ago
American Politics ……and its.. Fuhrer …Psyche…. Furor
W..hut hut ?!!!
The Repukes are aligning up behind weed now…$$_
Never Allow Banning HomeGrown ! ! !
I Can Grow My OWN…..Tomatoes…..Headz O’ Lettuce B. Frank
8 days ago
My fave Dennis Hopper movie is on Prime this Time….
Back Track
The Singing Detective
King of Comedy
Escape from NY
SpaceBalls 1
Chopping Mall
Bad Taste
And …. And….. [maybe]
8 days ago
SHelter Me, means means
8 days ago
I just started Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams …S1
I am watching my first full episode….Ep 10
i’m Stupid like that..
this is so fucking realistic
33 minutes in
I in no way endorse the actions of said traumatized man.
weed states going R=height
==========K.A.O.$.$.$. =====i am your Radio…Radar=======
===subliminal billboard======
Give $=Hell 2=R … 2 I,I [me]
8 days ago
I just started Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams …S1
I am watching my first full episode….Ep 10
i’m Stupid like that..
this is so fucking realistic
8 days ago
my….[Wit] ….
It’s Never Really Perfect…..
NEVER really Wrong about impotent fuckERR$$$
8 days ago
every group i see… one of them …sez to others…that’s 421
nyet no donations …….. 4 greatest Evah !!!!
the system is …BS …your parents knew it and puntED.
Ratherr. PINTed ed ……….. <====ed cross ed [peace] out
9 days ago…
=====Insanity Incorporated==========
kinda like a cop giving a car carrier a speeding ticket for each car on the carrier truck !
You still can’t get thru to poverty peeps, low info ..Failure to stand for much that hasn’t been pre_VettED…dba Idiocrazy …..
They are Slo PROud of their American Dream…Dusty Rhode$.. Oop$, that was one of the other trysts Hump had while Melanie was prego
9 days ago
When I heard Thumpy say
Are Their Any Mexicans Here ..?… I waitED for the Jeff Ross byte
12 days ago
Rich BoyZZZ….Aka A..Kennedy – ” it’s not supposed to be easy ! ”
WE should -ERR IT All …. they have a safety hammock with butler Totality is Tru ….. BS
Our Pioneers struggled cuz of lack of technology thus a cost was necessary ?!
actual costs today are minimal b4
great gatsby god gets guise
We Do Knot Salute’m… Cuz they do Nuttin Admiral-able
12 days ago
that pic was taken at the spot where super troopers II went ovah da Cliff
20 days ago
The under the breath / hide your lips around me…. Is Damning of U$$E !
The Pussy’s Outta The Bag
meoW, Baby, MEow
20 days ago
Lucky for ME I Don’t watch TV …..
—-Diet Coke…… [ We Can.]… $$$HIt
The Prop=AGEnDA… Clearly missing the whole point….
[But I Don’t] ………. cuz [ I Care ]
23 days ago
IRDKA…U… @@@
I’m Betting on Meteoric Changes #TPB
27 days ago
They thought that i only had 15 minutes…
uncanny ? YES
imagine if FED had anymore inside info… they’d still fuck up the process
like a great party member…Poly Sci 124
they are ….. ϖ ….joy$ ..remember to wash your hands before DS.
i used the term a couple of times and ….WTF ..chuckL
Church Street is ____ tar pits
—Really disgusted with the Publicans as it is now a shithole rooftop bar, the deck has potholes and the decor has effectively become Bei…Rut a Root Rut
[anyone talk about that guy on the billboard….]
nestled above 2 ……shithole Perception areas.
========================================= i might have to actually recalcu fate the locals beauty. Oops I…
btw, not that i care ….guys are thin here. (i know why)..ladies think they are thin here
! the contrast doesn’t help !
generalizing a BBit ⇑ hear, peeps
numerous ‘player’s wives’ with DD.. no tanks..discuss
Overhaul, America
I, fan ! see why Playboy mag subscriptions would decline ?
…ouch..1 7 and 6=pack…… 21 and a [24 pack] …thank god trumps around to help pick you ..2 finga$..Ladies up [he said he washed his hands..oh, his hair]hyperbole…
A Butterr Case of ….. Good Grief
. Modelling
High Fructose Corn Syrup..a..long ..Denial River
not that i could live in orlando…..too congested 16 hours a day
===========which restaurants have hotties ? ======== =last time it was ..not smores
======never $ubway====
What A Country.. -SBC
Benny A. gets money thrown at him everywhere .. except Casinos…
I can’t make Penny Dreadful anywhere except a Casino .. FU.
R U Talkin 2 me ?
Fair and Balanced . On. Up and you knowz…
Benny, Smile…We’R Antithetical Kindred
you like Bill Maher, I know he’s a POS… so do u
=We are gonna elect Dems Again..ALofty Goaly==with tourette’s..
==badda Loom==
Democracy / Capitalism is a Big RiggED Casino…
prez: r you talkin 2 me ?
cuz during ‘wartime’ any talk/blog that doesn’t kiss prez’s balls under new proposed interpretative laws…..i,i…ie…ME
Woody B. Treasonous,
$will it Happen soon err than Jerusalem’$ New Lot
hatred of change……yet we still produce pennies
so now that sending the blacks and whites at me to little fanfare..and incredible frustNation
they turn to the spanish speaking to halt my devastating bubble bursting skillzZz..
How (raise open palm hand)..?…i speak truth…
What’s Left..???.. C Ya …..
chinese 2 give me shit but who understands them anyway$
—————————-0, 00, 000, 0000,….———–the key purr is———-Hat, —-T&C state clearly on page 420-21 fate every year another slice O’ Life is given back to the Louse…House…..didn’t read/see that……ba bye
oh she’s still on the way…your Bad !
Have A Nice Day HAND…y talk 2 it with Wit
====Pita backs 2 a Tip===========================
feds don’t get enough …. light placed on them
Literally Figuratively Looking
an American Idol
whoMe ? Flipped off $imon $ez
Orlando Knight …. Lighten My Road
no more Dirty SancHez was “hot” at first but once again frumpy mom-$S now mimic your Sex Me signals ...Rubio$ are Frump in Time
=========@Sanford, FL HootS=============
saw annual central florida Hooter’s Bikini Contest..⇑..Schwang Dang
got an oil change @Walmart by UCF…
now my car is set for Spanish…WTF, Senor$
I’m Really the Good Guy Hear…..Ty
——generosity fund me page suff—bookmark that page 2–
=========His Story===============
421, ….Hear we go round again !
Life Ain’t Free, …Yet
My Insulting ..snore… Consulting Analysis
Golly-WoodA, [Diss]MayBe [MSNBC white thru yayas], [Foxey Murdochtrine!]. ….Coulda figured out ThumpZ Israeli Gaza West implementation in time.?..the Jewish owned media would not be against it and would crucify deterrents such as me!..more mime ignorance prime time About ??! No Help There.. Pay attention!!! Missed it…Slight of Might ! … Not $oUR Problem….in the past … We Reserve The Right To Fuck You … T&C, bitches
Happy FestiVuS…
Your Help allows me to air my grievances ~~WHaley~~Whatley~~
sometimes ya gotta return Plucka Dee Bass..Base..Bast,
2 $etS O’ H…ool$ ..aka..A…..c H….u …..
on further calc. 3 .. the 2 rule sets overlap ==>>> 4 Luxury and $ouR SS [germ. SS] Hover @ mIDle
To Hate is ………..Not ReligouSS ….. DeceiverZZz
===Graduating With/Without ClaSS, UR gonna work with many other graduates out there in Job’Z R U$, Very Few Erudites, mostly Eru=Lite===========Take Notes and En-Light the FartZzzzzz
====Will be @Spring Break Locale, Morrow Late… =================
421 @Route 421...not port orange, yet …..Bristol, VA
The reason i’m winning the PR Battle:
I constantly make parents fight to defend capitalism…
ovah and ovah and they couldn’t keep up …..StarBuckED
Facebook made 12 billion in 3 months….i get looks ?
Just ‘Ice’ Sayin
==—-I have done more for Knowledge, discussion,civility,…!!!—-=======================’
=========i am teaching how biz and media can be taken on..
==We are ownED by China, get tower media from IsraeliteZzZ and an Aussie = We R $tupID …build walls ??..the enemies are here,hear?
Contemp(LA)ting .. LOTM¿
Spa [F]arting Sooner than Latte(r)
I’m gonna buy land only…. And I’m asking for Designs FannED Funds to build a Way Cool Home.. On the {St}range …. [ Talk to Me, Pals.. ]
What U Rink ? Dude(tta) ?