$nake in the Grass ign ore VelociRaptor on Front Poor

….Cha …chi…nGG O…. Fuckkk, He , I, Did Wit !




hottest in 15 years    HELL ——— >   o



we`(R)&R) knott Interesting

one of them…?

oh wtf…gaga …gono.. She’ll prob win Academy..b4 madonna

wrote a song…like to hear it ?!… AAAAAAhhhhhhhh Oh.

<thank you thank you very much >(ILColour)

bigg hand$$$

bend and break,,,fast

pourquoi  <michel>

cha cha changes

fantasy pick.. the Last one..i guess


I Believe….(satch)

you Will thank me event…u….ally

<i am on high alert for ladies wearing beards to cover up ….>

odds are viscous to stay clean!

tough to be responsibL

nothing MF’Zzz (inn my (W)allet)


the Jack, I,I Ham

====gronky=one guy can’t consistently chip him=

tough crowd..crown..King Me

3 ..betta ….

boom (bass) bar not for Apartments.. A=0

im on dvd tuesday JP:FKkk


run 0r naughtah

stop it ALL$$$0 …jax.edit: Rrunn Pourquoi !!.!


—i expect nothing butt i love buttons  [KkkeyBorED}

============My “tour” DDream===========

JaXxxe Running  B‘us’ out of tttttttttownee


Bill decides today…  Best player on jax is..Running G(aim)

oops they are amBIdextrous


i wood.en’t expect to say G.O. as…….

the lack of usary ….   >>> buy (crossed pout)..bye?

======you look up …..  wrote a song #ILColor ?

what a show!




5 min 1/2 thy..me

I FartED            L&F


J………abba   ate the pizza & the hut
<get in my belly>i know

#knotty gonna say it ! my eye


Hard 2 misLead

(W)no Hen (why did chappelle go 2 Africa ?}

i went 2 amerst ]immersED[

go ahead de nile we are similar .?!?.. listen to my street comments compilED by ?

==hen refers to $$$ ]A&E[

awesum thinn ? fumble ….6+


31… cracker ?.(white).. chips (commercial),,,,,,. a  boy ? he _



he caught it,,,<

bongwatahhhh lake…don’t

higgins is me ! magnum …no

Pi is my fave character

Cool boston baked ……

heinz 44 sauce 56?


my meat..in./                                                                                              /.out

Call Me, Maybelline

why can’t anybody be true (my unbias opine)

Chappelle Rules  ! obvi! 


livin in .a    ..Hear in my car(R)  and GOAT…mmmmmm …. I, I, I



edel..diesel  ?  CapitalWizDDumb

Sell or….b


Cough…drops a cd ?  cop…Y.. cool! C@


thanks hogan for the omission

<he’ll get his ??????????  >

JustPoshkosh??( ??Fame!Knowledge/ImpPress..cnn.msnbc

is this discussion gonna be ….

Reality Has a Biass

=======π===dolphins with “laser…beams”======



/Rush…..more\..High 5th


like putting a reservoir over town dump…and wonderR ing

why  PROBs?


you haven’t shown me …….. my Bat Phone & BMobile

now. Wicked Tuna.. While…..Hearts are with Carolina

money means nothing …Secure Witty !

Safe <empty>.. T worth ..my Life… CYHMN?

=====as of noW…no simulblog on shedUL?.. neXt*


i don’t want a snowjob  ……… nort a show Job


i think somehunZ kids  (Alot of Y’all$) are surrounded by my Ffans


At least they’re not…..moro$$$….

=====2 episodes of Wicked TuNa this season


Rights are  _____

=====whatevahhhhh$$$….. Left !!====

















































Can i,i,I Sue Msnbc, CNN, …  4 Treason ???

0ut of my brain on the 5:15

Can i sue Msnbc, cnn, …
4 Treason ???
not covering me… iam LegenD Dairy
and the only one with ALL D.A. Answers
they do not have the country’s BEST interest …not Even.Close………………..(R)


less and less of my loc.I ….

but yesterday wanted to go to casino ….. WT______


went to the stadium to go to Bar Lou… Big Lou’s on Meds 2


concert … parked free til 9:30 wasn’t there an hour…


didn’t know til left bar louie,, walking past DD

that i found out who was in concert…..oh…my…

bar lou.. Tuesday night …soon …

lots (t00o) see !


walked nervously around ..

ultimately couldn’t meet someone ..at ……a   ?   ?……c0ncert ..

no offense. <visions of driving to his cd>



Back in the USSR.. how.……L


getting used to using white text again and not [     ]

FUse(R,R,r,z,z) …….

Update 198
Posted by William Higgins
4 days ago

Here. ooH. Ulti..Mate..Li KK_a[n]y u.s.ED PutZz ..w/ Mo…Mo….Mo.Money Doe$ ,
a hubbble of ……TroubL
TroubL [ (Raymond, NH..¿,..)] ….<=== © [T.L.C]
Heir constaunt accusing me of Di$$ !!
Subtle in the WormHole B$..
little kid in the backseat..Royal car..
wink wink..¿¡
Remember Hatt
whenever I,I,I question…2 FaR……..(t)….CYHMN?
now U KkkNO…..(W)..= USALL


a hubble of ….a bubble [TubL ..TroubL]

I$$L And Mentall kkk.NO Witty

Zat’Zzzzzz. [can’t* DDance]. ~©©(R)

& kkkittt workED for a ‘small dick’ while [APU]

A F’real Mom..ent

Update 199
Posted by William Higgins
4 days ago

so… no matter how hard i try to stay ‘out of sight’…. the Boltwood PL (49) is unusable as far as Internet !!!

‘forcing me’ onto main streets..for any ‘C.connections’

i am on a fire tablet.
… another amazon product ‘hym’ about to

[========Prosecution closing $tatement====]

$$$H……….[Ur]….[~(uR)]…………….I[(~]t*[)] ………….C@n

Respect [yours[[H]]elf]

This Site is Non.Negotiable.

[+++++++—-:—last gram of LVBK–:::::::—-;]
my hobbies ..now.. WFI……!?!? [ Scribbling…no $,no crib, no bling..Scribbling!]
=====>=[TY! to appauseL appraiseL]=<=====


]Heir WANT me ]Infamous. $infam0u$

the O in $O$ has an ‘i’ in it…(glass onIon)
Update 200
Posted by William Higgins
4 days ago

To a passersby i’m technically Pant$ing..]on da Ground hear..]T[

…~doorstep to city ..town Hall…..[APUN..wtf!!]
(( (∆) ))
] [

[Painting] The $trie$& E..Ff..eckkk..T

[the ∆ …..Can & wilL be Used… substituted for FU ]

Update 201
Posted by William Higgins
4 days ago

How’$$$ my Patent for ‘newt fishing gear technology’ D….. dorKing???? ?? ?

Seriously..can/has it be done!!!? [electrical signal pellets!]

[dorking is one [add’l] letter from….?]



[[[obV. OdorKing ]]]


What percentage of Autistics ‘smell’ is sub standard ?

can’t smell my own shoes…that distance is hut ‘m talking about [ and that is my only [[way way way back]]..connection to BASS guitR !..Won?! ]

Pop.cycle QuiZ;

[[DDid the feds know Right Away !?!?!?]]
[[[berry berry disappointED …if naught¡! taught.kkknot?]]]
Update 202
Posted by William Higgins
4 days ago

Now they wait for…..OK !! [ CorralED near Taps(!) ]

[Over [?] Kill Bill]

Hott Sheik..Streakkk…[SHitttt]

[4,3 TD 2 Day. 421 Love]

And….How $’many IGNore Door$ du tay WANT me 2 kkick ?


Am i the ‘only one’ that thinks the announcers, coaches,+ get my updates..!! .. insane……….Re: Maine th[or]ough.t*!?!
==coffee PERKkk$ me $upp!=====
======See y’@ 4pm Sunday vs. Jax… ~[ ]======
Luv Ya, Mean IT [©H]!!!!
Fuckin’ Hilarious… is wHen the ‘eli’T say i’m being MEan !!??!

==did y’@llZ (b¡de) shoot champagne up your bu)(tt today?!!==

Knockkk Knockkkk…_
Who is it?!___
Land SHark!
Bland Shark!..You shouldn’t Eat Shark!!!..(opening door)
[P.T.O.] SHar[DD]key Gonna Eat …..

Early [hurl..Y?!?]
Start to my 2 a DayZ… You’re Not Getting TightErr….


| |
Get Back !!!! [2 Studying [/Bongwater]]

Who should I be most ‘@Fade’:

G’s S. & @posTL_ _
Bikers; 4 Boiling H.D. ..so we can make egg salad !
Joe Rogan
Guys of 413
STDz of 413
Tightrope… ? net??
Dead Kennedy’s
Are Jazz Folk …. ?still mad !??
Bored[(umb)].. Mary Poppin..any rhyme
oh yeah. &
[ I$Rael]

Update 203
Posted by William Higgins
3 days ago

I’m Not Fucking the Fat Lady…
so she $$$ingZ [season(G)[ee]Z[er:] I

=====I am Anger, Under Pressure…LockED in Cages..the 1$t* 2 E$_Cape..Rebel, Rebel… Holy Outlaw… ====I,I,I====;

Who Thought I Taught …. Tauntt* Tightrope Ballet. ??? [Balls, eh?]

Update 204
Posted by William Higgins
3 days ago

One Last $hot … mr Lahey !!!..Rob, G.W. #Netflix

George Washington!!… wasn’t he holding a drink .

[ i took a flight to AMS and a movie played and the Stewardesses performed in synch with the movie when going down aisles…a few times!

guess who just did it ….F’real !!!! !! !


Coke, Please!!!!! can ! I get a Re..lay! play

===weeks ago… DT sidewalk====meshugana=== Wiz===

Israeli parent getting his son to do the….] not 4 sale [ Sign!

[with Him.]

====still outrageou$$$======

Update 205
Posted by William Higgins
3 days ago

WhippeD. in Pubic..L
‘no Cubicle 4 U’
===which makkkez y’@ll hear..1 slice of K. bacon away! ==Hence | fence ===[my terms, my hotelroom, to begin with… obvi. tRUst[ or KnoT
RU Wild & F[‘]ree[ ..no Ly 21+] ???? ?? ?


Q; what is your point anymore !?!?
[[[#]]Empire EvisceratED]
A: Wow……. ¡ (($wish)) ! bah rup a bup bum.[ no more!]

People watch ‘Network’ Again !!!

we need to stage.synch….time/day.. IMAH AI’mNGTIA!!

anybody change just one Letter in line above ?!? WoW

Hay…Don’t* Give Them Thoughts..feelin…zzZ

con [blows] fusEdZ
pro [Repairs Rolodex] [[my watch..my eye !!!]]

Hottest Trend:

Palindrome License Plates

girls did you ever walk out of subway
………. with your dick…..[footlong] in your H& [no balls…uh Bag]

Whose Betta… @t. Diss ‘Game’. ???? ?? ?

Cocky Rockky & Bull-Wink.L

……….<Boris & Natascha…>…row faster i hear banjoes!

internet suckkk$ ball sweat…from an Ovarian Egg

who callED it..i just recallED wit…

probably 2 repulsed to continue !!!!

[ let go of my eggO] … random thought as hot asian walks by with friend..
. take me to the river.. (of your soul)

mustache made me think ……bikini wax it.. has a guy evah
ecout tres mon… (edidit: accoutrement)
above His Li(brary).. Card.[Holder]

Update 206
Posted by William Higgins
2 days ago

Stay Safe [email protected].
Update 207
Posted by William Higgins
2 days ago

What’$$$ the Tallest Library in the …….??

phallax… breathe in the fresh ……


@Umass Amherst

biggest..phallax in gallax…..Y


[Belicheckian locker room Logic is based on Island Mentality. (all for one or none for all…they can’t break us if we stay …..(OBEY !!!! !! !)TYGN!]
[[Big Bill…BigD]]

Update 208
Posted by William Higgins
2 days ago

I’m Hear!
[they have no plausible Knewt* F…lan… ‘ulC’
[e ulC…oN….[ Finger Licking..Hood ]

i M so much Lore…… no Ly..nor Lei

Legion (I,I,I).. they have Nothingg dogg !!!

This is the hut,.. Hut..Mike..whose Ggott the ‘Mike’ ??! [Mic]

420 plus 1…Champion agne. [am ion !?!?]
[?? on..i..on ? ;]

when U give the IMPre -$$…Yawn!

the Inn.mates have controL,L / ~~~~~~~~~~~~•

[ Look Around !
… BFF.right FutU…Re.., ‘Whore’ , Fu.tile.$$.. C..oor$]

Where is the Confidence. Ladies!!!
or doe$$$ take that away 2!!
chip on you hott ladies shoulder is getting dirty…
…… or OLdd… nott golDD.!…
WHeel All kkkno Hut … Romaine.$< keep rowing>….!¡!¡
(another maine reason to hate me!!)I
suckchrome.while watching the
Free.. Fall of (R)=0 [ __]..me!?!?

by the time they are drug alckie free… WTTM !!

‘Worth………less & less #EDu_My_Vacation

the gov sez. FU__
Team 00 sez. Welcome!…..


8:48. a good plite. polite…me. Not Filthy !
Assman is what We make wit
[none wanna be the first nor left out]
is Heir precedent 4 twi$…t* ?? ?

i’ve done my best to describe the weird feelings of seeing the Reveil… RemovED
—Seemly (UN|..|$|$|$|ea|m|ly)

Do Hut We Say… Obey….[OK; [F…U ‘LL ….¡¿¡ ‘Uncle’

SteppED on alot of ____Me.tre$ !!!! !! ![ ¿SexxxA]


Go To School !!
it is Cake !!
Apply… ply..&reply

Study Kids!!
Bad Rep… Influence ¿

who can blame me!?!!!

They $$$’hoe’ no [sign]s of Making the conce$$ion.wary Call

#01. that’s hut perspective giVe_____ $U$

===========may he..==miss Mr. Lahey…No Lie!==

[ad]just [2] a diamond trying to be fit into male slot ( mail)
… are we trying… true nyet!???? ?? ¿

my empty datebook is … ReturnAB..L

a bu)[R](tt show t(o|n)ight!??
the player$ don’t wear visible numbers of ‘dare’ Sell Out Price ! …Tag !!! Sai………L
=ME!=it’$ like betti ng with all the cards turned face $up!!=

past week$;
guys are feeling pressure as i see a bunch of guys lock the GF out of her [PastANGER]door.. huhhuh

funny first couple of times.. [they don’t gossip!]
Now..¡Mean!…She will prob..forget!
No Fear

10: 4……8

Update 209
Posted by William Higgins
1 day ago

[===] $ic[.kkk =====>]

$8 [5-0 [X,Y&Z]]net worth of Black & Bostonians…. then HeirZ how much money they have!!!?!

[Amherst…..very few outliers…including youngin$ family….

100K+ ]

83 foot wave!!! [ hutz the alpha and beta on dat…a
<=========UCF ]

====Anorexia around me is not Cool (!¡)..

(DD)Neither .. [of a River]=====_____/ “slowdown i hear [t** *] banjoes!’

if you hate meoW ….
thanks for the Tugg…i wish my ….@…. was Betta

==Patty………… [Boo]..C@kkke===
University of Seeing Things on The Hear$$$t**** Ddime

0ut of my brain on the 5:15

Can i sue Msnbc, cnn, …
4 Treason ???
not covering me… iam LegenD Dairy
and the only one with ALL D.A. Answers
they do not have the country’s BEST interest …not Even.Close………………..(R)

do brain cells die at 20 here from all the drinking..illegally

Fantasy Intrigue IMH.. feel like Pesci in GF Getting MaDe




Peeps want me to be…Big ??…in the pond    [Todd Toad..no just a jump..got Cables?..yeah so what other animal statues in DT NoHo, MA ?

Toad, Owl


more more &






F’real Time…. ~oops


edit: 9/18/18 weird   oh..?

wantED to bury this one ($ic)

How Tall is Flea ?  (sorry, man.. love you, mean it.)


20+ pages of material laughter and not a single donation…..


…mmmmmmmmmmmmmm  ?



Just now
made or whacked ..this meek ??

2 hr

hey. due… How do they V. mask drive thru place key..key.!! po.p u 15 mil times inflation = ? who is he bloWIN ?? <verizon> Week 2: The Perspective $cotty…Zzzzip. $cot.me …Zzzzip ty.me t.H.y.me =======SCott…age, cHe ese============== as if i want to sit in a cottage and retain cheese ====== 27th mean anyone thing. 9.27. 3^2.3^3……..81 weird ====watt’s a Mead!===a Ring!== 9 day. Ne 27 …. B&B….fg!?! ===== TALK AFTA wickedTUB…oh

6 hr
10:38 Rise…. ITPL & Shine …. the Time 1pm =don’t be==,==a=[ ] caput…. hear that!! i heard teta when i turnED Mon..$Howwe my fingers were crossed behind my back…Hate.None!!!! !! ! [Nation] Think of me as ….all the times gov/media USed the [YOUR] system for MA..L…feasance Buffett* All Coming Due Bill Dill Bill.igence cha ching chung? romeo.. oh romeo gronk _____ what’ s Up ??? Opera Haters are $$$tanding tending Bar by my eyeZ [champ…pain…….ship] my Alma. DDo……esn’tttt* Mmmadder….!!!!! <ucf> Devlin..me?? < Look L&R> me??? WHooo ….1:24. capt.u. [ hayy are calling me that again… first…’caput’. not i..[ i haven’t met Tim Roth..mr.green..4 rooms] florida turnpike by keys exchange… in front of a young…black cashier!!!!! Rubio Cubic.illZzzz a nutter hubbL bubble infernal to opponents <Dante> peek from experience ============== fg? noW i was ready to say. 42. 0 ==== hard to use data from anywhere game 1… ‘cept kicker === milk milk harvey [wallBANger] say hut.. u haunt… this means little in the way of knowing anything..til Houston plays again+ ========= what are drunk bipolar$ like…. girl last night with friends really loud..d .. i ccot flack for saying.. can you imagine her going off [ on a dick!] =====not per($ea$)… on..al ========== remember these words on the malFEE …………..Bill milk the dairymen!!! watson!! you take this Case…. DOND =====yes my greatest blogging strength is my trivial itty ===alcohol is destooyR of mem cel
17 hr
F’Real Moment….. You Cannot Expect Respect from People …………. who don’t Respect Themselves !!!
This was shared with your email contacts

22 hr
Baseball been berry berry Good to I$raeliTes =[Miralax]===Me Relax===_(Crib)_=) talk of movement butt ====(hott gals)===== pick a leader and send her.. on..over…… ____ lay it on as necessary!! ====getting F’real====@ UMass===== an inclusive clan with little meaningful systemic over-plight ie..could never shake things up ………..(Money Island$ ttaallkkk$)) i won’t approach a group of ladies til….. i’ve fucked a 1 < # of ladies < Anxiety quotient ======= once a gain….or sack my ball..s deflatBED are you 21 & single ???? ?? ? supercalifragilistic….?!? [you want Change but your money is Canadian¡!] (Canada just got over that joke..FYI) = is this the McFly Residence ?!? ================ Chinese… Japanese.. they can tell diff easily!! facial bone structure? ======= cool peeps.. morrow!! 1pm======= ===if you now say you hate me!!! thanx 4 all your HELL

1 d
i think i enterED the Onion!!!! ?? ! i’m thinking i can peel back..one lay.err!!!! and .. [ jay mohr thanx for that pod info about Farley.. & the big H…. Onion_ Rad $_$ee?!?_roundtable discussions ¡ WTF…. shackled by jewish…….. a stigmatism…[my eye!!]…or self preservation…my reservation #TOTG. jokka…… =======smokah da tokah====== my point of update.lust..must.pick..two.!¡ ) Body and Character.and __2 gals___ (floor function hall ) ___2)Age(1___ ==== dirty imag.thoughts..lunch lady.. mmm. church lady!!!!! ====nothing luke mine evah makes thecut..such wateredown hackery from networks=== the ‘delicate’ point… ====The==== +++++++ (Glass Onion) +++++++ is the meta 4 me ( Beetle Bailey) ===black jokes white jokes god jokes. land shark..telegram.for….==monGO=pizza delivery!..i thought you had a telegram!?! SNL writers were and knew lots of jewish people.. peaky brilliant…..Rabbi, Hasidic, .nose, cheap, …… .n..yet…..any… israeli…biting … humor about the hipno in the driver’$$$eat..[Power diss..Play$$$] …. til this [(R)]AntMan [lorne: we are a variety slooooooooooooooooo.w] ===7pm.. no knocks on my door!!!_===ring my……====== Hott Chips hear are connected by Spring Backwards.. end D$T !!! been here 3 years so ___________________________ ??? mmmmmm! ======= It’$$$ F’real..ly Kkknot Me !!!! [Totally!] ==(group of ladies)==fall on wit!== pick a spokeswoman and lay it on …as necessary! i won’t be able to approach a group of ladies.. confidently..til i’ve fucked a group of ladies

1 d
4…2. further Define 1’s..elf; i would tell the Crowd. Court .. how great America is Fuck yeah!!! apple strudelll.(Hogan !!)[ right, bro? the $imZ are adding $upppp! L&F 3 !¡¿?].pi we’re #1.. just like the guy in Reefer Madne$$..the Musical ..!!! America the Beautiful…!!! you know what America doesn’t do..[. they $$$$$..Uckkk the Worst on the PlanET !!!!] < (petting the pet?!) > yup, Ju/$$$\t* ™ Like [me]..Dr. Evil.. . ..uhhhhhhhhh!!!! whutttttt****** !!!!??????? ======/____________°…………..•====[¿chumming¿]===== Donate

1 d

all well and Cool… this Weekend!!! $till [color ]coor…din..Hate..d street trollers lookin for acci ..akey de…..[me nor marquis de sade] Wait til’ Varsity gets Back…!????? ===Heavy Lifters of .._________==[Flow Chart]=Zzz= after a Victory T.Day !! 9/8/18 tomorrow is…Nein Day !????????! MayDDay!!!! Nay Nay Day !!!! ?? ! ==== me…!? me!??? I’mmmmm.. H….open. 2 ….3?…4¡ ……________________SurFinn the $H…i……t* ! Chuck L. ; Wed ………..Who???!!! You! lady did a ___shit ‘slide’_____ for…me!?! ===??? ==Anyone else like Mimosas .. Pats Gametime!===== Nothing sez America…. V.ike Hearing a great song on someone else ‘s car radio.. and finding it on the ‘dial’ going the other direction! ?cheap champagne? ??? ==Anyone else like Mimosas .. Pats Gametime!= ========= WHEN Y’ALL don’t* Ff….ear RErePriZzzz…L it’$ Ovahhhh!!! ====== Britain likes Trump and his Crowe$$$… ‘..maybe we should have more crowes here!’ the crowes can be easily substituted fo.. faux crow on command! even electric sensor implantED in real ones… german reichERRs$$ Fuc..KINGG ANnOYing …. Heir Point [….guaR..D (D..R)] ====####……####====== yup, Ju/$$$\t* ™ & Ju/$$$\t* ICE ™ are Patently Impatient


2 d
HoWell does he do it…. ======== The key to this level.. Drinketh___Cool.aid ==clearing thought$=== the key… to life!! Zen Speak fom Peek… into F’Real !!! .. Best described by DC… Equanimity

2 d
Hay, what where R my overall..$ (bRitches). Approval Rating!? based on my Leslie Neilson Ratings! (alteredstates, fischer king, ‘broken watches’! court. count =========== Autistic Hate High.chairs….bar stools…. Do…..We all ways & means to Keep Our Feet On The Ground!?! I generalize alot til a couple of days…..rethinking.. i’ll have changed verbi after further review IMH…& @ These B my almost totally unfiltered thoughts..RAW data!! then…. U’haul:’ carry my Sound-Off.BorED [MFC.. girls..I am sorry !] —-++++—my bitch ears… talkears… If you all haven’t realizED.. or always kkk..achu They are on shakkkky ground round hear….t* they only get ‘betta’ if i leaf !!!! !! ! ====U….. move…. Orca… [TorqueZ……leadd$ to $$$tork$$$] Iconic chronicle… can you say… Rich, Bitch!!!! & ArrI..grant.TED… Higgin$$$ ===== so i told ya about the car pushers in front of Starbucks and GNC… so a cop shows up ..in Hadley, Ma (wed midnightish 9/5/18). i know to leave! as i’m leaving a second cop car shows up..so he is on the record!! ===Altered States===== Do you now understand why the sight of his hand on mma ppv ….made me queasy!! (unNatural !?!) == AYRF$F ===blog..live..as if!===who!?! vs. WHo?=== why so … [H]………….. serie………………….$ gonna be funn sunn ..way! i ‘m not with a program.. so i won’t know many of the new guys.. (R) U……RF$F !?! Kraft Cheesy………. Wanna… Byte ——–\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////— Duck!!!! change is in da.. Win ===sept 6th=== Noho, ma… 1.5 hours DT.. coping the scenery! [ need a name for my maddow!!shadow.!! weird guy!! wears hat with ‘droopy ears’ in summer but in noho.. its ‘dirty sportcoatish,’. like i said ..whitey ScTFOOM ] i think i said..’that’s a rap for a….ddress rehearsal!’ === i said. k, ‘bring in the.. actors’ [ now…i would say.. Bring In The…[Talent]]

3 d
kkk, my dick itches from all you…. =my [eye]==dr VB=he told me…… next time don’t put the condom on the doorknob! ITY… <AFT> ======= the funniest thing is how they coordinate my [(viewpoint)].. BitchEZ === he ain”””””””””’t** “*********** Got $hit ==2 a Days..TC 365!!!! !! !===[(L)] keep chore…score. on my 2@daze.!!! == who what where..blog repeat! ==back in GC==on a==perch..porch.chop.chop!! [chip…&..Chip…AAT$] what is the sign language 4 …… stuck up……P ? ====== so the big news lastnight ..midnight @ $tarbucks/ GNC (DGM$). PL… dude and black girl push car from bumfuck?? where? [that’$ why i make the bigg bbuckkk$$$¡¿¡] ttowardd$$$$ me…! under a lightpost!! I say .. Nothing Odd about Di$$ !! the guy pushes the car mostly..she?? a thinnish girl..!…[steroidddddZzz] then walks around to my window… afterwards thinking..pumped on teste$$$..jacked up.. tthe !ook!! (sim2 puxy Phil)! ==== he actually got too close too soon..i looked down and saw the lights on my center panel on and then relaxed… as i closed my window…. [why do you give them clues, dr. evil!!?] [ give me a hand with my…..$cotty…Zip!!!] ==== whose gonna be the first that i tell…G.O. for____ ,______, _____ ,=== today got the sd card for my car camera!!!! weird.. now i’m taking pix of them..NoHo… enjoyed!!? hut they weren’t out in any force…to fiel…..d….° Amherst!! unknott so mach..much[0] ===== they meaning fascists and …tourists still take ‘secret’ pix all the time…celebrity ?? know wit!!!! !! ! @49=@!?=[i heard…like being rap ‘ED’???] ‘Bunt!’ing?WEv! & lots of asians go by there! ===BitchEZ..Bee..Hive..Have==== my train of hott…. yeah..japanese porn girls act weird!! cont°uscious say!!! if oyster ….. bring…Pearl pluck it! [ Jam on [W]it] ==== bottomless line….spit it out! I Trust None Of Ya do…..gg…$$$$$ cause its my Bone against the Chain whorEZ ====== i told ya..small minds need total control…… & a room 4 bOOk$$$ ===== Sorry to my fans ‘in hiding’ ! Hate Me..k! Hate My V…. ====== all i see is ultimately my hubble….Heir Prop….[audience!] (@genda) == ====\\\\\\ ====0y…& $ir (‘found sum’) ……t bartender sez… I’d like to get you ice but the frigidaire makes us all hot under the priest collar …a..hound y’@ll ======*** there late $…t* ..ya they are literally running a mission impossible show…. impo$$e…Bill…. cumming$ due! 42.10% ========= Bebe’$$$ kidzzz are Upset… by my blog…and the spoils ==== Udo kkknow i gave out a Wonka tix this week! due dill…..[I’m] kinda a big Dill ===AWOL===== t shirt of month National $$$e….cure.. itty % y’@LL ===== they are gonna edit me outta everything… They are seeing cracks in Heir $$$truckkk..[i.N]sure! [nuance to my case!¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿?] ——#best tightrope fartist oops…[sh…. it] What is Love… American Style ? one aLkie dragon hound a friend how many gay guys were 0riginanally..[a lie i tell ya. a damn lie…]jumped on by gay friendz..)@( ? & got ..a___whole lotta Love A.$. ===true storiEZzzzz Good… ‘tight’=== [parents put a ‘chastity belt ‘ on Sonny’s @… wtfdhjs!]

3 d
oh i Luv the circus peeps over in EH…. They inspired me..along with chuck barri$ good thing he wasn’t ‘nam……ED M…. ===M==>(W)======== Talent…and then seeing those jugglers playing ‘catch’ fris…bee H……ive…. got a true……….. kneed sub-stance A Dangerous minD <===============> rosie the riveter look 2…the shit… ============ quasi… |….[owe dough]………. < © ==== call no…W! 5 x5x5 – 421 – 1984 ===== back to back.. to write a Filler ..Thrill.H@(R)!I jack ryan vs A vs P [..B..& Fel.on..y]?! [ mr. magoo.. vs. pbj jbp Game…… wfi… Battleship..[ J vs. I ….getting ahead of mysa elf] Slap Jack…. WGAW? hockey GoaliEZ ====move along nothing to see or hear ] (W)…..\itch/…$& [bloody fuckin’ mad !!!]

3 d
bounty is the quicker picker upper

3 d
What if….fatwa ?! ..fitahw

3 d
C$N is depoting ..depo(R)ting..repo!?! [[w_]here’$ my kkkey[€Z]$ ?!??] ====the defense in a pre-$$[$] con.defer.mince======aCCusedd the Poor.Pro..sec.u.again! of playing….WFI=========== ====Pope!?..nah!==Rope_A_dd…[H]ope!===. ===tightrope meet my feet===== choo choo….along DA tail trail Rail <—–+——–

3 d
[big boobED…a boob] operator far…[far away] waiting..weaVe gott all lines….full!?!??!?!!?!??? Open! All Lines Open!!!! DIETYAbout$_ _$

3 d
Going Off[2].the Wavy Train!∆!

3 d
&__________Bah Means….. [ audience]

3 d
Late Breakingg Knew$; In the BoxED [v$.] WHine section….. a H.ot dog took a $$$hhhhH….iiiiiiii.t* ===officer..i was changing my clothes…….&.. ‘said woody'[munson”…421 average!! IK ] Ball…………………..|……………………ED.US.& ~Them [ negative numBAH$ ule!] AND Bah Means…..[ audience] TY &…….; GN

3 d
Late Breakingg Knew$; In the BoxED [v$.] WHine section….. a H.ot dog took a $$$hhhhH….iiiiiiii.t* ===officer..i was changing my clothes…….&.. ‘said woody'[munson”…421 average!! IK ] Ball…………………..|……………………ED.US.& ~Them [ negative numBAH$ ule!] Bah means…..[ audience] TY &…….; GN

3 d
Home Plate..base! (Bill) cars be going by….. IMH [ no…body! circles the (W)..egg..onZ$! [FU!!!! !! !] Psyche.!class?!?!?!?crass!?!?!!?!!? U ..Buff ..HeLL……oh! F(R)iLL$ ] ======*= howl many times can they use sirens to ….sedate your intellect ==== Can I Get [2] A Witne$$ [Stand, The] ???? ?? ? === 5 TDzzzzz F'(R)zzzzEAL israel…lear…..[ how to get si….into n…omg! judges gavel just fell on the floo(R)] Prosecution Rests!

3 d
That huh..AlterED ReaLittery …you all ‘mu$$h’..T listen and watch…brokkkN oligarch trekkkiEZ ====== do not mention …WHo?! my humor! deny! deny! watt![way dim] ========

3 d
(R)eelZ hike….. 3-TDay

3 d
10; 4! 21?

3 d
VIL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]N

V. IL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]………N

V. IsraeL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]………N

Japan. V. IsraeL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]………N

==then ‘fischer’ King…. Que$$==t*ion==Israel==!!===                                                     Japan. V. IsraeL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]………N

==========\\===============//======= Japan… Stay Safe…. What a Survivor of a Country!! Think about It[*] ===then ‘fischer’ King…. Que$$==t*ion==Israel==!!=== Japan. V. IsraeL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[i]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]]………N = (W)@..It…wing…Ve$$$t^__ for OT ..Overnight (R)…@tings ..H………… ate……..(R)zzzzzzz ======= my Kkknew Showwe,…… F'(R)eal_(C)H……< (aim)



3 d
Joe Rogan… is he gaine on Mma. Me!!? ============ Seriously. Peeps!!! If you haveevah (i ule!) seen alterED States…. he is doing that Shitttttttt! ==stoneys..WatchTFMovie[10.4][kkk(no atchovie$$, Plea$)]¡ ==exhibit zero zero== Someone take note of Altered States Downloads..streams..& the criERR$…..wet dream$$$$$$$$$$$$ To..RrENT… pay up cretins in my ghetto..——>Master today. tom.. IJS…they are! (TAD, B( ========== how (R) we all reeling / ° . =====big sigh of relief== tokyo won’t have…..deal wit moi! stay safe and prosper!

4 d
==========\\===============//======= Japan… Stay Safe…. What a Survivor of a Country!! Think about It[*] ===then ‘fischer’ King…. Que$$==t*ion==Israel==!!=== Japan. V. IsraeL[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[[[[[[[in]]]]]]] ]]]]]]] ]]]]] = (W)@..It…wing…Ve$$$t^__ for OT ..Overnight (R)…@tings ..H………… ate……..(R)zzzzzzz ======= my Kkknew Showwe,…… F'(R)eal_(C)H……< (aim)

4 d
oh no..Tyler! ===== wow…… sus…detect. [V] You can’t have an alcoholic as a Mate! i am the media coverage! ==the show…=#capt..comes down..We_____ON!!= it’s almost like the ‘tuna gods’ (R). wanting a change of Capt’$$$

4 d
pearl jam is cool…[MLB,,,,,,,,,!] but this DDouchebagg at the ‘Heralp’ no peers… yadda…. jerking off….. yadda …..cuz he wants a K.I.$.$. Fom E.V. [an halen?!?!?!?] no peers! you want to take him under D.A. peer… ie. FU..mmy PPier.. [..[DD]………………….O(R)C@… 2]. [!my wedding theme!]. . [Hats a _TD_]

4 d
i said 11:24….no………. W [me… if you could only comprehend the number of ‘teste$’ i took for free!’.. on a tightrope….. crazED… #a weird crazy. 3

4 d
11:24. P.Out…

4 d
B-sides [of] the record…. $]crib[bling

4 d
Mr..Musk, Do you belieVe that someone is always trying to distr..act. you fom PROgres$

4 d
Weird is Writ…ten on my Spinning top…wanna be my ‘Tar.J ‘ ? [fucking brilliant..thetop has a tar[J]get!¡ wink to dinkkk$] ===== newcomers should note this is written in my code!!!! #D.A. ==== if you are getting a correctly viewaskew s….elf [omgwtfdhj$!] =someone smart i wanna thank for it!= +++++++++++++++++ big buck ..paidd 2 moi..[ve[.jew$]] .. i saw feed jews..sorry nomindclature.I$(raeL)i$

4 d
Real Time OT

have you enjoyED my houR..TowerR Vote KlingOn !!!! !! ! [Bearely!]

the jokes

(R).ejection..[(NA$@)] DD..ye..[ode..#FU] Statistical..lie! Autis…[w/]tic !¡¡¡¡¡¡ are much much much more likely to be abusED than ‘V…iC………….e.

once again…i still haven’t+* Hott..y tomya yokEZ. spitFire quick mostly…sufficient pauses..i was am a…Zzz..$.on..DDe$$$…my eye..ire [ know no..no.kKknee..¡…/?¿.. DT..doing my PSA… put the keys away.. !!! after im[[big]] bibe( H……,……………..,…………………u…GG.doGG.OG

Election Pri!ar…y day..; free speech zone…. …..smoke..rings the hell..bell…boston garden 2nd co Pea….body! IAS! Set the Wayback (L)out*****************

hear..is.t+* y..because we love..L.uv..cancer

10:4…is when the CloCk[€] on ‘boltwood’ $truck Lout!!! or they mov[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[i]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]ED wIT Ppppp[(L)[email protected] from….?, MA] +++++++gla$$ +scream $…screens!+(+++]amm]¡¿++++{~2nd} door onleft from P[(@)]L..RI

Busy Day along the Free $$$peaked.@ D.A…Speech Zone


Oh… These crepepe..z dramatizin’ …Don’t Resist !..))idk)) I exhaiL… Don’t you kkkno …bah… Means NO

And if you believe that story… I know where Bigfoot Wiz is !!!! !! ! [They have ..musta…put the pic up!!!] Let me b fFank Sir, rePrIse..Coffee, $ir!! Knot…TY..(zz|pp)

.. ===== K..and How. minus Y! ====obviously…I’m telepath(et)ic !! Knot…TY..(zz|pp) ==nobody ……. Hike [( 2)]mi== Off the chain!!! Newest Fave strain evah…. Could only get 2 grams total in 2 visits today [RISE] Went back for second after thinking of a storytime..line! And Csi supposedly they misplaced the last joints of this strain….. Still can’t get to my stork!!!! !! ! Story! ==== Passed thru Campus today and cot … Throngs..of thongs Ladies did you see that driver ..baiting me into hitting him! =========== Strain!? See LV)………………(Burger is the King ======== This is good stuff literally and about to be )figure(@…!lovely! =======drinking. Out We.WeED.We.We ======= Religous.no.witty… B Furious My Tierr….Y^2..? I am obviously not in God’s ‘image'(this is the last time I’m gonna on the record (who doesn’t love B-$…i…dez…) mention God!! This Story!! [ If you hear me use god.. I do by bad habit! Let it go!..working on my astonish..ment.. Vocabulary!! Practice my Puttz! ] So my theory of my greatness is .. Th in.k about when God and the devil’$$$ wives have …enhanced feelings!!! YKWIM! What if… They got together every month …year what’s the diff to them…are they on a neutral dimension…!) for a poker game! Earth…WTF!! I Know!! (Seinfeld tone.IMH.sorry!) Who you got on your List????? Who you got! Yadda (repeat) =====ty..Good Knight !

6 d
I thin…kkk my hidden brilliance mighta been… The day…I didn’t know it was labor day..til morning!holiday rmv closED.. Was parked out front for awhile last night! So… V, N(Ot*)yet!! [Ouch with the ( ) comment] …. Scene: family gathered..sum hun reads my post and wonders …A & E ==== Asks D.A. [¿?] family…. H…u…t*….$ Duh DDiff..¿. [Big Fan!!] ____ Who Kkk..newt ???? ?? ?

7 d
Wow! We’Re Knot Tight Anymore. #entendre$ I’m c at ~ 3-5… Don’t$train Your elf. =elf==Fucking’ GolDD !! ====,,,,U know WHo?==,,=, They will want to FEEL bigger than TGIF again! My ideas opened up feelings sup ~Pre$$!)¿…….ed Thoughts that make them think clearly and laugh… Be there totally for them or…. It won’t be me !!! Forget drinking (maybe weed only!) one night a week and spend hours talking… Once a Week!! No BS..Real talk! Weed can be distracting but soul.open.zen No.. Recent syncho…patient….zzz (I hate the sink) Lots of… Ba$$….Turds… )With a few words( I only play a psychologist.. As a gist U..?who? ====yup!=====Teenage Bassline! ===Teja$ on my Xass== =====word herd…I’m Lamburger=== Question..numbnut$… If I’m being watched by (Feds..?you!?)… Why would you follow me!?! They Know every text.. Call in this area!!! [The texts make heir confirmation$$Z] [You didn’t a knoW!!?! a_knoW Wonk_a they spent a year upgrading data lines just as I arrivED!!!! !! ! That cage like atmosphere b4 home games… Litter.all )glee( See you don’t T………rust* dem.or.rep with that kinda power..fools..sorry Power Tool$…and heir on YoRe Bide.] Mommy and Dad…. Gonna need to ….. blow sum hun! [I wanna delete the parents comment but ……2 funny] =====don’t poke the grey hair==bear============ The sign was there b4 the mini-me rotary…or as I call this 1/2 ….. Wheel…Circle of Con….fusion… E, Amherst…….cente(R)ight!!!!! —————— ]D€€… ¢…Me!?[ Along as a surrogate band! Hello, Holli$……ton. !?! ==== I ‘read @’ll T’ ”””s ! [Date…a ??? Fetish….[final..i.e]] [Breathe]……[Repeat as necessary!] =====2 nd time today ..C…….Lock!!! )Picker( ?! In summation of their paper…t** were kkk 3 + years of using doctors, family member___________$, You’ all’s texts ( oh my, nationAl security…@kkk@ BigBuck$$$), their omnipotence…. And my words thoughts and actions!!! 3+ year$$$.$$ Of BitcH Bunt Caking ======== Jackkk $$$.H…..it [$€@ H..u. t* you Don’t $€@…0@R…¢…. You just got corruptEDat*a!!… Y Y Y ============ Negative A/Effects.. Mysteriously not app….LiED…down the path to (wait)erR!!!… Check!!?!! [Really!] Please !!! [Negative #’$ (R) Impotent!!!! FU!!!! Import..ant_werk )Greate$$$t…Eva….H..¿[TD!]¿( ,,,, BB.q..c? Host..t*0@$t** with[ Here’$… Johnny] Mo$$$t [Who doesn’t love J.M. ?!!!!!!!. )insert magician yoke..L ]

7 d
Memba the banner that hung DT Amherst in the 1940’$ ¿[Arbeit Macht Frei]¿ [Heil all the While!]

7 d
H… oi L $Hoop….. (BaZzzingo..a to z..A to Z) $$$kkk’RrR000bbb’ ‘Hail Skroob’ War Machine by Winery Doggs…and Whole ‘Hot Streak’ CD playing [Maine( bridgton drive in is swear I saw spaceBALLs when it came out!)] ========== Gay guy comes cloose (o zZzz are $tackED) by my car!!! …[i push the doorlock…LOL] === Breathe….. Amherst! .. Step O…..n scale today.?!!!?I For Compari=stun purposes lonely!?! (Walk) Exhale first.. ….Trump Island….Orca,…. WH…o? === Bono lost his voice!!! FU 3. (U WHo)? Outside ire……+ More land.$$$! (Loltm) (..DDelic)! ==playing against ==bobby fischer.. =he would=!== Rushmore… BitchEZ… Playing against fools or at least Tool$ ======= Guys you just placED your local milk supply on the burner. ($$$. 0..UR??? Huh!..G.O.!) Ready for Choco..Latte Milk….

7 d
Ja evah wake up in your car to find a person sitting in the passenger side that you have no idea .!! Who!?. WTF! Get Out !!!! !! ! [Locks are made 4 ??] Tru Torry..’Van’ A—>B==Ultimately [(foxnew$$$)] bubblED ==Dear Hear===> …I previously statED #whippED cre@m Up.data….corrupt?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WhippED Creme BrawwwwwwwwL… eh?!?!?! ==literally SupperTupper(Ware) III —-< The Fork in the Road (I rule!) Paddy Wagon=====>[a]…choo! Che…….W [b] ====== [No more DUI pix in Amherst blog… Or any journalistic inherit .age. Integrity! Sweep sweep broom .meet. Under..hiDDe n….rug..] Cock..Y Rocky…Return.eh?!?! Chip…&.

7 d
2 minutes to 8:71 ====== Alice comment b funny!I Vote early vote often also! (Chi ^2) ====== Thank you Capt!!!! !! ! .. When the Masses [email protected]… $0mething!! Some or a lot of the time the ‘M’ is $$$$$i….L…ent** ===== Til morro…Foe!? ==== The Give Peace A Chance…Love.Fest!!! Con…T.t*inU..A$$$..[Chloe!!!!] Remember Ep. 14….$4… [I don’t either asshole!] =====bitches ain’t one….=== The Prob ‘2 me’ (Sorry but that’s Hut Matters) is where ?!…$@F€t*¥ ???

7 d
Wow, I Just wanna Hug You All.. —- oooooooh… How to Not Be a Hooooooooooo [my!] ====primED for Early Bird[Watch] ‘Special’, K? [The Cereal!] ==== Is this how Hefner felt…in the Midwest…+ ==== Chi town thinkkkk$$$$$ I’m a [[Square]] ===== Hef…a Genie of A$$ ==== Just ….. ==Yawning.. Cuz..I’m going No Heir Near the U.MassEZ ##########dat.a…Pole …to Vault…fugEDaboutfit!! ———–regression..depression..memo If not in Tokyo next weekend!!! Konishiwa

8 d
2 timEZ a DDay—0

8 d
They Live…… ===**== [Under your beD or IYH] Speaking of Living… Add Maine to my a MOE’S^e^x.t**H@TED state Li$$$.t* :a contusionary tale! Y….? Barney Frank Marijuana Grower$$$777$$$777$$$ Quick Slants gal ( original) [Hot ‘Donna’] H ugggE LLettteeeerrr$0$===$$$==== Stephen ‘He[e] Haw’ King Stephen #Kingo [Don’t Be A Dick in Backkk-Man!!!!!] (Rich Hard,Back.Man) My Irony is HOT!!!!!!!!!!! from ~~~~~~( (•) )~~~~~~~~ And FREE !!!! !! ! ===make conversation!! noitasrevnoc ekam=== Cuz.. I was sent to Bridgton [where my GP lived and now reside peacefully..] ,.every year for the summer.. He was a member of the library board before moving to Bangor!! lotta stories eminated ..animated in his head dare! =====#Big Fish…. Little Pond. … (Lo$t WagEZ) The big fish in wage$ i$….. [Carrot Top… People!!!] Bigger than Bieber NoW!!!. Bigger than the Beatles.. FU!!! PM..& R$ ======== Guy walking by [I am smoking!] And gives me the smoking sign!!! I think he was mocking my ‘hyperbole’! ===== May be right as I’m [ knee deep & purple from a WW gob stopper] In the middle of my last 1/8 of …… LVBK ===== They use noise around me when I ‘Homer’ to make your memory skip that feeling ===== The sirens make people do different things..Non Organic

8 d
Is this… Good Copy?!?!??!??

8 d
Yeah..another night..fun…eee me?!!!! !! ! L. So going to take a hidden piss… And these 2 Young 8ish yo kids [ran in parallel to me &]are looking at this car… And they say is this your car.!!! Setup!!!! K. [NBC in middle of plate as I walked by sec b4] J. I say ‘NO’ !!! ‘I Don’T Work For…… W…nbc ! [ walkED 10 yards ] RaisED both arms..to indicate TD .. PronouncED myself in front of b4 pissing behind.. [ behaVe!] City..Town Hall. King Of All Media !!!! !! ! [Reality] ====== Fascism.example: JAILsezBAIT Aka power!tools @ Fool near U Y ???? Cuz all for all Trumps All for …. FU ==== Fascism is Here Ditt[arian]y ====== Bitches… B Afraid of Thunder &Lightning!!!! !! ! [Thunder]<Clap><stupid clap..joke..penecilin!???!! ====== 1:14a…..w….m. I gotta ___\ Did I ‘just’ guarantee a fit generation???? ?? ? ‘Fuck You’ Richard Simmons… Who. Who the fuck is ???russell..?? no, whitey! fruity pebblEZ =*=*==**==== 1:40 Time to make the donuts! Glazed no ED.. In fact no act ====so so …yeah!!! 2@m ……no ~static~ at all…∆temp ¿ droppzing Whilst.. Where’s my BJ..s member ship ? ================= Where shoulda woulda if aye!.could I use as venues on tour?? ====== A Gentile Establish…Mint! [Pepe #? passed by]

8 d
‘Bah Toah and[.with] the snow dogg

9 d
Puxatomy Phil… Just had a look in his eyes I have never seen before..!! [ they are Hypnot*izing ‘cretins’!! Leslie Neilson ..Hear!!!!] memba I told ya about being in stands behind Reggie Jackson when Billy Martin blew-up! WTF ……reggiEZ BacKkk! https://vimeo.com/148833046 [Ricardo.$ Re Re Re a..@$$$ .oo…n] Bazinga !!!! !! ! [[[¢H€$$]]]. V……….$. CHeck..of E..(R.R).$ [ in the ‘Sale’. Capt! Th∆nx]. Mate…….y? ?? ????!!!! !! ! =====ReRe..Cap..t*======= Phil has ‘followed’ me down to Key West.. Imagine seeing him [as he approached me..you from Massachusetts?!? Duh..MASS plate!!] outside the pool close by (TMSPIUS) [man crush?!!___(re$train your$elf)!!] ===wow..retrain your elf!=== The way I’m almost always ahead of the curve…..is I allow myself to empathize. Regre$$$$$$$$$…. think like them ..aka..Real Dr. Evil !!!! ===after I ______==== I will almost guarantee a major ‘terror=i.$$$=t*’ EMF attack at hubs of internet… Thus eliminating traces of ME ===[EMF song with Dice!! C Hut I mean!]== Gue$$ HutZzzz Weft!!!! !! ! [{Debt Info}{poor¿saving$}{KFC recipe!! George!! Van Delay!.???}] ===eVent..u.ally=== You All…have to make a statement of ‘No More!!!!’ [Network clip!] ======Irony turns Tree.’$$$$un’.t*.’us’

9 d
friday___ Browse lo[w…W] CaL bare … beer selectionZzzzz [Kahlua 4-Pe¢] Do it 4 ????. JDI ===seriously.. I just like 3 days ago, read the owner of A2M is TRMITW !!!! !! _ [Heir new Nasdaq..NYSE… HandL it….HandL it DDam..it upp! Beavers be Bu$$$..Y!] ======speaking of busy…. Construction Workers who scratch a lottery ticket b4 work! ======grantED it was Friday b4 the 1$t*========== Do you see… what I sea? [Eye ¢aptain] Plenty Hei[~L~]R~R~R~R ….. ~~4~~ $@le[WH(oaR)z] ====ready for di$$ one…=== L…k.L! WH)oar(Zz ,,,,, WH is in trouble on the River’$ L..edge! Trump sez…. Keeping Rowing…I Hear Banjoe$$$$ [B Sticker minus $$$..I see.saw] =====. Yeah…we’re gonna have to ask you to move your stuff down to the basement!… Leopard [on me] st.ripe$ You’Re Now MoRe TRouble than …woRth.! ?leo?

10 d
They almost got away with me forgetting!!! ====.$@w’ “BASS”=on Recruiting Hive!!! = [I said.] .. $ieg [E¡] Heil……Minimum Wagers….[ they look relievED!!!] They WFI… @nd saw $tarrZ OF THE Government ! =====’benefits are Good’…[& Plenty!! Literally!]===== [UnioniZzz @ KkkFCrackHouse!====] ======== Since my sit in ‘Give Peace A Chance !’ is Happen.i..ng ! IMH… Around the Globe !! It can CoExist anywhere!!!! ===(Dekoy)== As a ‘yokeD’ whutt doors the ‘ng’ stand for???? ?? ? Ill…U…min..@….I _ _

10 d
Password; @$$_2_M..out….H ========= The Poll i$ IN Believe Israeli[€] .So@R @$$. $0rrY..US err [Media] ‘arafatRat’ Or Believe….. B.W.W. (broken watch watch) ========= The overt rhetoric t*.is ‘frightening’ ! * = World Religions Cla$$ =======_= So, My Give Peace A Chance … Sit[.2.W]in Had made me into a Real…Real Time (Fuck You) 4-D P.S.A…… I movED to the passenger side (back/front)..1 step closer to ..hiring Trump’$ ButleR ====== Jolly Ole England… You know Hut Dey wood Do !?! ==== Things don’t mediate well !!!! !! ! === Big Ben on the Line, For You, Sir [are.a..fat…B (Gold Plated B (ov..ah?(..Rat!] I’ll Takkke It in my Oval O[.ra.]ffice [on the phone on his throne.] ===I should get 5 ‘ mercy’ blowjobs for that R.A. joke!!!!! ===NJ, NY, RI,…. Creme..[(R) Here!] ‘De’ BrawL..e…e ++ Missed a layup today.._ Dessert question!

10 d
The only one in the $$$$ring without an earpiece was the kid on the electric bike texting on king st…route 9 cross heading towards NETA..& Cop substation next to carwash..the guys who ran waste of a $tin_ were stationed out front of the biz by the carwash entrance which I after losing my Re…Tail$…DT..preceded to have a wash! And sweep…OMG… ShiT every..dare… WTF.. They had pix taken! They knewt onian onion The NeWt Onion == Peel Back Sum. IJ$

10 d
SPoil[S].. Or rU…. $p0y.L…..ED ==you Makkke the Call !?===, Later… What If (Jerusalem~and~the~Gaza) ….. Hover~over the Largest Oil DDD.E.po$$$.wittt

10 d
my Apolo [Gzzz] ANBTYRSPAIP. The Monopoly CONvent$pun ..

10 d
It is my belief that she being born thin thin.. She is not a threat to the Fenway faith..full of _____ ==otter…wi$e== Meow BitchEZ.. Like I Said they are Funny! ====Peace ! ! ecaeP=====

10 d
B.WWitch …Hunt. [Darren, I Pre=$…U…..ME !!!!??! [ Peabody set the way back AGAIN!]] Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo

10 d
Funny…’they then use my booking photo as a fathead!! I bet that isn’t the first one maiDD..fop..of.. Me???? And in unrelateD new$!==Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo ====== Remind me to talk to you about the stunt they tried here at Amherst Common parking area where the cops emerge sometimes from home ‘BASS’…..! =========== Boy..I Won..duh !!! How the stock$ will Z00 morr..owe ===history professors had hut 2 sWay ??? ==== SPoil[S].. Or rU…. $p0y.L…..ED ==you Makkke the Call !?===, Later… What If Jerusalem and the Gaza were over the largest oil depo$$$.witt Watch.mouth as I sing songs from Yoko from ‘Bed’ IMH

10 d
Give Peace A Chance Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo 2

10 d
[====I have never ever never had a limo riDDe..[L!]==] [Discuss Hat in Court! Open Bar??? You don’t $@Y] Why can’t I afford… Security…+ Driver.. Uber [tricky know it all _____] I have approx…unused $40 credit!!! Smoking Gunn…how did my rights or privacy get butcherED! They know..they no…hay No[.W]$@ (patent appre……[ciatED… ?!?] And noW…back to The Monopoly CONvent$pun .. my Apolo ============= Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo


10 d
This is where a Passenger Door makes the Political $tatement of the Millenium [(Falcon)]…. 2ndly…IMH…. I’m holding my Give Peace A Chance… Lennon Bed $$$$$$it In ====, Why can’t I Afford Security! ..+ ===gue$$..hut!!!? Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo

10 d
This is where a Passenger door makes the Political Statement of the Millenium [(Falcon)]

11 d
Shark …[Tank] (bowl) . Have I Got A Fi$….H..Y [? Tale] ou Ask?! Yadda…Yadda… Bad Fisherman…has to be my Butler! Voila M.F. ! VOILA ====NoHo, MA==Wed 29th Aug=== parked out front of Israeli cafe by 5-0 have a missile l@unch. Err..excuse me… A car with 2 surfboards on the roof rack..cuz we know surf’s [corr]up[….t.] Yup! Tightly Secured Down….like border wall !!! Nothing To See Hear People.. Go back to your homes…. ===things that make you go hmmm=code like Health Insurance for _____ ..!Goodell speak!= My point is …Wink,… Drink $$$$$$.UPP [Great Imaginations are often ………¿] And a MAniac in Amherst did the same thing round Cook’$ Block… My anecdotal moment..was a guy in smaller car..and 2 surfboards…he flew through at 35 miles an hour when it is always alwaYs stop..wait..stop ..ok go !! So you see my connection! Now it could easily be coincidental…. Not a big fan of dental place by Iron Horse either ! I’m Just Pointing Out.. ReD F..L….agg..$ = Early=happy b-day =sister in law..=== ===========\=your present…[is in the trunk] Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo 2 === A2M…. For you..Funny Guy…)lol( ================== =Everything should B!== Everything is in the trunk said a lawyer once! === I add this!!! ==KnoW hen to throw the __________!!! ======= Wake Up Text AmeriCA ===== Now $$$$um A$$$ EZ May think I Have AbandonED my Roots!! Pi$$…’$in’… I heard… New Decree[p].. ====== Young MA teens KnoW hut’$…$hite! === Sorry, gotta get this OUT in Tramp Stamp ====Nesn gal is probably sweet..[and blackbeltED]…butt … Cup….. | Tea….Me ..HC.. Oh Fuck yeah..I forgot..they have so much info on my fluids now!!!. I have given multiple blood urine tests..lately!!! They KNOW X..act…lie! How many Nanograms of Thc I drive around ‘near perfectly’ with in the morning! =======B$+$0B====Trump ==== Back to my Back Tracking like the video store guy in ‘clerks’ … Sweet gal at Nesn… Playboy??? [My Point!!…. Bikini yes!Nude….] That’s as far back I go there!! IAS! ======== Spring Break comment is like me talking about motorcycles ====’IC’…IB Kennedy’$$$$.. Please!!!! ==== So yes… We are Hearty Peeps! And WickED Fun..ny! ======== Yes the girls leave for college far far far away! Where the commitment to fitness is ….Sky [ the cute buff guy] ,,,,Hi MA will not ….follow So maybe comedy will help!! I Love You.. All ..with a Wink to $ecure Witty ===== Do the math… That’s local..views for this weakkk Then..gue$$ Hut…. Local cops had a ‘$$$$$.ting’ 0n me today in NoHo

11 d
my billion dollar industry ?!!! Fishing with electric stimuli !!!! !! ! Small additive to bait adjusted for diff….. biters =====Hello There…Mr. Apple of my [Adjusting Tye….] Patently Mine!!! Til Socialism …… Hat I$ ====== Sum @$$ I$ gwanna $teal Wit$ U Know Da Tooth.. [Fair..? Y ]

11 d
Guess Where I Sam T&A…nightie.might.he?!? ———- No Love !!! ie….T&A…. Please…b4 the schools get here in boston…… The stadi…um… Is full of Fork$ and Corkkkk$… [Good Hearted… Lottery… Winnah$] Not even a Clark Kent comment!! WTF..is going on America!!! =========== Not even close to any connection….. [meh!] Girl with boyfriend./brother… Short Stacked howl i like my Pancakes! We noticed! 0 for 2 @fen….S…..S..way…… knot ..even a bunt…..[checkED..swing]..Matey!!! (Honorable..as are All.. Soldiers.. they are here on leave?!) FU Trump ==here goes game time …… buy a tix?======= Yesterday..I had one of the best moments in a lo ooong time… DT Amherst parked by FH!!!¿.. As semi usuaLL…y? Idc! === So all the families go by and I riff here and there… Hott…(doggin’)…Bloggin Live from the Mean $tre@t$..k.. So getting late and less passersby… And I let out a minor FARt….. And across the street a family I guess..I know!! The mother said to the others…….as they packed up their stuff….. [….see ‘everyone they know’ has a story about me ..Talking!] Nobody tells anyone…. We Heard Him Fart! ———–parking 2 blocks from Fenway $0—–ticket behind first base dugout ..20 yards——-Sec 14, 15—–$15– ==Total minus Gas!== $15. And they Won!! ====NE$$$N==I ‘thin’k I got more respect from the players==hr..that I called as it went out and then when it was questioned… ‘Fucking Gone!’.hr trot..dugout walk!!! [ @2m ]TY!!= (0bviously I have a great imagination!) Notice: If your wedding ring ‘setting’ is 2+ times the finger size…. Bordering on………Bordering on….. [‘Goddy’ !!!! He doesn’t even need his glasses IAS!] ===obviously I’m not totally in to …thin nor thick…… & Speeking of FINGERS !!!! Joe Rogan….. Got STEROID$ ?!? ======yeah. around here the G.O. bit$$$$ got rep?ies…. And If.When. I $am PreZ ! … I won’t even have to Ass..kkk Cuz…. Once everything is paid off…. No more $$$uc.kkk.Err$ ======@Anger Point$$$……=====> The Con is Expo$$$.ED !! LOL..to World they will get heir hands ‘dirty’ ..helping Socialism ???? ?? ? +++++++++ I think ‘God’ is Even Laughing !!!!! ================

12 d
If i stoopED to Howdy Carr.DDumb!!! .. ID wonder if all these cops and governorZzzzzzzzzzz We’re waiting to AppreH………| end | zone [A2M] …a MWC ..or something to COVEN….COv…ERR. Yup…[4.Wit¿?] ==== Conspiracy Theory..Mel blanc checK…..k…? K! Meep Meep, Motha.. ===K.?….C?……$onny……..?====\ That lady Statie ‘scared me personally’… Just the kind of Moley moley…° === No…..thin. 2 hide….IJ$ ====== Girl walks by ..sez weird question ;to friends+ 2k to buy something frozen….? I…………..i… Ted Williams ==these are my thoughts on cheap land!!! He@r!!!== ?? Over-$@turatED. _ground_ ??? Sneaky water! ===Pipeline$=== ######################## +++++++++++++++

12 d
I Said…. If no one knew… They all would !!! [ALL… ALL] ====F’realization afterwards…===== +++++++ I had just recently watched the 3 and a half hour version of this comic … Movie…. Guess who it’s weird to ‘diss. Play’!!!? WOW. ++ ==========* !!!!!! ######## ==broken ..2.. WatchWoman…where R U. ??=== I Wonder!….. Alexa..Stop Putting Me On Hold!!!

14 d
Got…….(you already know!!) Locally!. WFI….. internationally. ………… Mars sez 2 thumbs Sup!!! Got 21 ? ====== Anyone else notice that this is my 114 update….or in my skeW. The 411 ===== Jimmy. Fall…..on…[A Dick!!! , JGL?] =====or the guy here with handlebar mustache and Big ‘413’ tat on back left shoulder==== nothing sez gay more than a handlebar mustache today=…gay…guy. 2.. Gets on the ‘guy’s and grabs the handlebars… A2M….. peeps..vroom..vroom…!!! Speaking of Pee.King.. Ass.oh? =====wow!!!!! See bel…ow!== Don’t blame me for noise pollution plus…..( a minus..or negative number) Hutt.. .. What do Millennials Hate as much as TrumpEZ Hate Me !!?!! hint: B….B.iggg….Fff anne. [ Trump Killed….. ] MotorcycLe[$$ Futu.Re..am I correct. !???? Mr. Hopper] =======,,==== ========overt threats…===== Remember to have a good springbreak…. Tell’m you’re from RI.. You’LL… Get more…….#R-E-…. == oh yeah…! Yesterday was thinking I’m in the Pioneer valley… The ‘only thing’ that they $eem to need here. …. “Now$@” ® (patent apprehendED).(N$A) is the invention of………wfi….[the Fork…. [in the road] ….RotaRy night.mare.cuz ……what’s a Rotary?!!!] == ========\\= I ‘d love to get over myself… 1) FU? Really u???? F’Real..U? ====

15 d
It’Zzzzzz a Know-Brainer that TrumpEZ buy most of the scratch tix in MA !!! ===== Trump…Y! Devoter(R) walk……..$$$ In to 7-11 and sez give me newish…$5,$10,$20 scratch tix… ‘I wanna be Knewish!’ Scratches the bottom of all the tix first ..CBP! =========$$$$$$$$$ DDancing in his greenjean$ .c.f…? Green acres?? Mr. Greenjeans..google! ….[Captain Hippo..kkknow!…fictional! .Kangamangawhoo.roo..no he work hear 2*!].. Closed his eyes and scratches off the winning combo on the $5……. Opens his eyes…. Instead of numbers it read. [Really!] Closed his eyes and scratches the winners from the $10 ticket… Opens one eye this time…..[ally? Re] … Instead of going back into …get 4-11 on these ‘Bogus’..’Bone U$’ tix… He decides he can’t look at the $20 last one so he scratches it and sticks it to his forehead facing out (like card game).. And looks at a passerby and sez… Please tell me what the winning #’s (R) ?!!!! The guy repliEZ: Fuck You ! Guy sez… I know I’m a @$$=0.. Butt please tell me if I Wynn! Won… PLEAse Guy repeats… Fuck You ! & walkways A….way! He gets back into his charger…. And goes to comb his hair [strand……!….! …..s] in the Rear View…..and $eas his fortune clearly…..! [uoY kcuF] ==========================\\\\\\\> As opposed to my Rear View……… Anyone?? [Fuck You] =====_ Was WFI mocked!! BackACoupleOfDays..@… Should I change to ?another?? ========== The porpoi$e..richpoi$e … Of this update[less.my badd.wtf.trying.really.keep.listenwing ] is i just went into a fine establishment is Cause I saw a winning ticket… 3 most excellent babes.. To be more entice… 3 min blondes [i wrote non] lovely gals as they ‘invited me’ to indulge in $1 donuts late nite…. Red flag wasn’t needed cuz the nest is not the place to talk to chicky….. K…[fc?] Cuz I just applied for my doc..t.oraL..by asking one question! Does this person buy ???? ?? ? Lottery tix..duh! [ I tried today to delete my last duh comment about … I couldn’t find it!] ======>[$ign]<============ Porpoise.. I left giving an ‘uppercut’….crossing the street to my vehicle…. So.. This is where perspective divides the ma$$EZzzzz ,,,,,, One side thinks I am into these babes..ie..tricky …. Waiting to GRD¿ =========== The feds hope something changes cause their getting a ra$H… Fom all the form..i.case..atilla?![€omb the desert!!] cuz they ain’t found $hit !!! [Seems the Hun was a Great…Negotiator [2¡!]???!] …. And then theirs….’B..Where?!?’ Hott… L [for max. 3 more! Big room…. Discretion..as if…. ===== The one thing I haven’t heard lately directed towards me…….’ As If’! ============ The point of …order I provED to myself I can do it if… [Sigh] I will make contact known!!! Ball would me…….|……….° ====== Now find ..Yadda…ad..nauseam… (2+ (21+)year old) To juggL ============ WH(i) Aren’t there any ….I wanna be first..21+ hotties!????? See this is red flag!?! =======drink responsibly when not at home!=== But.. In the ‘$$_pirit of Halloween’ have another quart.[..err of your liver] ===== You know what the greatest gift I could ask for that’$ not $$$..or Sex !!!!! Nor Love! ….. I don’t have the patience…hopefully someone has it written down…. I really should take the time..as lifelong dream to do onstage… [_y_z ClosED]]… Written….the words to *Dice’s ’42 Long’* ====== The local’$ B$… Is funny year afta…! Thin Veil til Hail !!?!!!…Heil2.00… [Heir GPA b4 deadman’$ curVe] ======= Tomm..or ??? ow..a weak..my soup distributor cappED my creDD.. Peace ..my duck soup is loneL….Y..? Don’t Lie [there!/] ============ Who R These People ?!??!?

15 d
This is why I can’t understand Writer’s Block! Marijuana and ‘street listening’ ! A ‘Gay’ guy walks into a bar and gets approached right away… Hi, I’m Adam !!! The other guy replies; that’s so Funny…Mine’s ________[Apple]. a Trillion Dollar Joke!!! ====( GED u GRE )=!¡=( GED n GRE )==== G[(R)e]..EDucation ……gettin us ….our pay..[Stab in the `] back =====shadow_pay….play!======== =str……..ike…. 421 million ! GTP=== The camcorder comment sealED the Red Flagg


16 d
Bottom [ Sup!?!]….Line…[ Forms in your 21+ tight bod… Mind]¿√∆\. =& How……ard can it B … Moe ???=== ==The Surreal Witt ……………………. ……………………..,………………………… ====of Lenny [& $.quick.lie..squiggLy] Bruce== convenience..Marriage… LL..c of …. ==Tank you…come again…[.next year]====== Reason why has more to do with my writing about penthouse letters kinda stuff… The attention skyrockets locally females of all types..want more!!! Now they’ll get reality….bytEZ… behaVe !!! ===== Peeps in u-hauls …[ Parking gonna be $carcer…than [$$]Sin. $in÷carcer…..rate_____________[- Chuck L.] That one crossED a line tru Re…al…Equallity ==*=== If gay girls are MAd at me.. I think I…have (W)on. ….. Sticks and stones stay away from my B-(own)$… Best Buy Pee(p)$ !??????? B-(they own)u$.. Ti$ $h……€@® ? ===on the Bu$ ???=======food stamps???==== LMK Howell tat ( yo.yo.Z ( ???? ?? ? ( ================== Lots of attention but….. how _L…D ? ========== Looks like I have a hotel room sunday….21+…going?once! =====maybe add ? saturday?=maybe knott____Y==? Best thing I can do for 18 + is [lap..dance] Wait !! ===**= Dealing……..0_______0…..r.. deal with the ‘Fisher King’ of Kendrick..[Dorky] Park ) ==great flick!= =================== Who am I ??? ====> Mr. Hopper…. Um.. uh uh big ff… Big ff ..fuck it…! Where are all the Easy Rider …… Rebels, Today ? Big Fan!!! ….. )- ========== =======Who can tell me… My #1 Priority !?? ===to play cards with me..to deal …with…$@Fe…T =======DiffiMulty only makes IT…. [I Can’t Believe i just used that word! Truthfully!!!] ======= Well th…is like ..half of Rock (4X) ‘Rockaway’ High $…Cool R.. hear! ========= The funniest part is …they use these celeb ‘doubles’ ..more… Hike. ..°…¿?…Bunts and .?…[Bunt]$ So there is this one guy today dressed like Billy Sheehan….following along while in traffic…hair .. Look .. correct but he is skinnier! The FBIa jerkOFF 2 di$$ $.bunt.. GettyZ berg …. birD thinkin’ …Jack Bruce is a legend. Kay I’ ll play along….. Took it down…and ‘hereZzzzzzy…here$$$$$$..Y’ ??? Where they keep getting wazooED. (You Will Learn!?!!!) It turn$$$ !! Clout! I Con$i$.[(.no.. Circus)]..tent..[Know]..ly ==[X13]======== $0.. Rest Well.. America the…. ‘Building 20 – 1/8 ‘ [Wow, Dr. Evil.. Nice GoldMember!……It’s fom $.’Harp..Heir’ Image [mirror].. Moving Pictures 4 2….day 1. =[~shoe phone vibrates~]==ya this . Is…yaDDa ×124=== H….(air)… Playboy…book…. ‘Hasbeens’ 2 makkkkka meeezzzza thinkkkkkkka HollyWood…is where my ‘Cement Puffer’$ Pond’ T…I$ !!! Go (W)e$$$$.t. Young ‘i.Cann [Conn]’ ……… = They are figurative..ly running …’Dark City’. Rock Rock..[YW…L!] ====== Wanna multiply hat…. I’ve been meaning to discuss Dark City for a weak…internet signal… Made it secon’dairy’ [DD] …========================== [\\\\\\\\Who Do You Think You ¿^R?////////] Yup…. Free Range Witty =====TPB..cruise! Anyone think I’m $@Fe on…any public cruise..? Heli..He.then…. hop..2.Err Halloween?? Mardi Gras? Klan / Church ..White Sheet fundraiser? The old ones were …..old confederate flags that they bleached out! ====my middle name whiz. … ‘Kinda Like’ !

18 d
Trump…in an….. I’m Peachy moment..US.. Really, Really Needs A Big Pole (his ZippERR [°]laughED confi’dent’ly…Moley Moley…mole. [ • ( side view.. — ) ] …sum one say mole ?!?? ‘I Want All my Matchbox countED & {accountED 4}’..Now!. The Baron of Ba…….rren gave those to me as a {Pre$ent} when I was 17!!… American Made !!!!!!!!? … )To anyone who ‘L’ isten !!!( ======================= …… ∆Til’ Stunning Single ‘grabs my [c]Hunk’.!_ 2…1…bo…jangles…sorry…being Re; ======= Was that a … my oh my..Icon…oc…Last Chance fluff….bluff…sir!???… =kidd: Hey Traitor.!.. [Must be a line from that ‘Ho !] How sWeet.t.t her … The Endzone ============= Had ‘max protect’ callED.! You blitzed. Un$uck..©€$$…!! FuL.L??! ============== Couple of days til the masses show!


DDump Du Jour Nay Nay …. total..witty So Far[.t]


30+ pages of material laughter and not a single donation…..

thing$ that make ya go……mmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

William Higgins·5 hr
How Well Sam I Doing ??? ============== Saw one full nose hold and a half one stopped by a friend mid – squeeze… Betta to be incog! Was the result! Peace
William Higgins·2 d
Need A POLL to LEan ON !!!! !! ! No…Tank Ride ti$ $t.ear ! Marching Orders…. Torn $uP¿ ============&=========== Y..up, Napoleon Syndrome is why States have Military Parades !!! (My Tiannemann Circle Gets @ $quaRe) Sorry … Mon Amies!?! [My Girth has ÷ lately! My yob!] ========= Do a lot of Israeli’$ drive German Engineering? ========== FU Amazon and …. A2M …… (R)epeat ! Quitting Amazon Prime ……….Toa$t !!! PO$! They produce that DIY Fascist bible.. Hi(t)ler’¥…..High Castle program… based on a book by…. ….PAD…..k. ========what else is in this country United these American$ into hard core MindLe$$ Fa$¢i$m Hat must give its uneducated viewers the power of…. ‘Simple Thing$’ like.. action$. They understand.Power…. corrupts the best….& ..sum..bodyZ…. Word is a 4 letter ….? [ (L)ord is @l$$0] =/========U are ….U$…..ed===to Pe((on))ic Rentameter =====/=tart and=[tart@R]== ======== PuppetZ$z… DanCe… ========= Doe$ NappY ……. Have a breathalyzer near his Twitter POA…. And also near the bat….phone…humpty… Dumpty and hi$ waLL.. Phone in the Throne .. um… Hi$..The $hit..U….Nation (R)00m Queer..Y…?? Oh…query..I . I just wanna know whose uniform you ‘ve chosen !?! ============== That’$ Hut Universities have DDon…….e $Hed u…[shed true…..EDucation.(tooth). promote Capitalism (tooth fair..?/… Y. LOTM\ ] GRE..EDucation … Bot’$ O’ GED.zzzz wound h..ear ! Heart and Mind are in 2 separate timezones. [ bubblEZ au )R(eality… ] =============== ============== See ya at the game!!?! I’ll be that blimp flying over the s…..TaD….i Wa Wa Waittttttt.. Tat twas (L)@SS.t oooo ======Who$e… thinking!¡ i….m. Goin ?? ++++++++++——+++++++ [Sign] ……….====> You ====== If you think the Subway girls are an ‘0 pp…$..hun’ ? FU…. GAC ! PO$z ! ====my charismatic aura gets me in weird situations with teens…..I’m doing my best…. And any…..how[(L)….[Chief ?] ===== Will This Wall of Name, Please Fall !?……[Hide your Mama……Tow your Sister !!] ====== Hot Grad student s …arriving ??? ====impressive sights [and little sound. TY]
William Higgins·3 d
McD’$$$$$ .. Excuse me for thinking you hire quality ! Wink Dink Dick. ======= Tough to find quall?! i.ttttttear. Palestine has a wailing list…. Do me a personal flavor on your day off!?![FGAF!] Learn the name of 1 Palestinian killed recently… Focus on how Dear….Deer.. family Must feel… feel… Feel.. Your Country …Your People Kkk..NO [===>Bet.t~@<===] I Got 40 plu$ Tier$ of B$ to ReRe…co…V…..err ====Monday the 20th …k.the only name they learnED Was ¿ [MiNE]========== ======research history of comedy clubs in usa ==== Good research topic; depending on professor…!smirk! =======Irish jokes Italian jokes Chinese jokes black jokes Korean Vietnamese jokes gay clergy jokes …..Hitler, WW jokes…… Dick jokes Fart jokes , Ass.hole jokes, States jokes, political satire, ….. Gross jokes silly jokes..clean right bill… Clean Bill of ….Court Fee$…. Blue Jokes…The Ari$toc(R)at$ [C.M. Never did [m]any Disraeli Gear$. jokes but …. Wicked !!!] ___Speaking of Wicked……………….. Local….. Yeah, that’s watt wister needED?!!! Half of RI ……….Visiting………¿ [$oRr..Ye][Rut.Ro…146 speedin’ tix.] ====== Sorry to Shoppe peeps ‘Ho……W ‘[L] is your day ???? [Insert appro. WT…..cuz they KnoW….I’m Ang…..[st]] ===#=#=#= I re re.press. To pull..the lever that makes me a 21+ only. celebrity in ~2 weeks….. [+1 wk. To get date B..fuck the date a..c…d…e..f…] ===== Social ‘Rules’ don’t apply !! Peace 4 Peace ===Who thinks anonymous take out is betta? ===== I Came….. Eventu..ally.!.?!?!?.!?..=##@#@#% === An ode to another beautiful missed opp…I I guess… Every weekend someone turns 21 ?!! ============= My My….__________ [….make..(Room..) …. [ Alas.. ] May Be BookED ¿] ======= Goodness Gracious Me..?Me? …. ====== ========= Romantic Swinging on my swing ‘4.21+Sexxx’..Y…fU! ======= Sunshine on MY shoulder reminds me to get high…! -ode to john denVer ===(Perfec.t 10 = a Dime)============ When I go on BorED…Tour… I’ m hoping to Stop on a Dime &_________ [bring tHem back to meet my close personal friends! After the Tour.. C.Y’a…!.. (Y so many….? If somebody needs to talk…. Plenty of ears!…if there’s a conversation..I can leaf..fly ====== Thought process sex not many gals transfer senior year of college… Thus…what awaits is last year’s ‘Jrs.’ Now 21…. I can only hope some sanity reresides in amherst….. Hopefully they’ll get their marching orders CorrectED fom Tower Pez. N.A.P….ole…[2] \lean on\____ ======== Hee Haw Doggs….. Meet the Dogs of Amazon !???! A2M. MofoEZzz ===========
William Higgins·3 d
By ostRich..sizing Israeli jokes besides superficial, superfacial..=> One$….. Biting ……..[(] ha$ been con…done.[)]….DD. tttttHu$$$, [Y] We have given the Devil his PEW !! [ $…..$…..$…….$…$.PEw….$……$…..$….’View$’….PEw ] ==Public Enemy (w)===>>>>==>>=> <====== === Cause Everybody in Massachusetts [ except the Kennedy’s] knows… Life is Really trying not to be the Butt of Jokes! We R berry berry gooDD at busting balls!! [ You will…. change!….. To better yourself!…. Jokes truth….[hertz] or society will pass you…ba…Bye..[G.O. seem$ to be their……..¶ HORI.endZONe ] When I’m m Prez !!! Pick One (home or away)!?! I See a WALL being put in front of any dealing$ with Israel…. ===HDYLT….==== Apple$… Pi ========== No more DD……Fence…. ¡! Not being Fasci$t….* Trying to $@Ve my Country… And future generations with Pacifism of Heart and Soul…. With a Wink t• Thinkkk !??Moley moley …==== *===Turn the FU chann..Hell…]O[…. Table by the…. [ Ice Machine] Oy…! Sir, ?? your……. t Kudos, NY… First way to single payer is free education for Doctoral student…$
William Higgins·5 d
MoFoEZ…. I Am White Hot !! ‘BWW’ Blogging Without Walls….out Broken Watch Watch. (TAD) +++++++++++++++++++ ============(\\\\\\\\\\\\) ++++++++++++++++++ Anyone Else CHill..ED ? [©H@d$] Sci Fi written …butt Hut…. I See it Clearly ! [ IMH ] ======= They still think it’$ PO$$E Bill. [Me] ==…Knockkk Knockkk…[ Purge V ]=== [ My version of sci-fi would have the papers transferred to USA by a band rendezvous …runway @ Orlando Airport… Great tangent for a book….YR ======== People wonder about My God comments…. Duh……. I’m Just Denying My AbilitiEZ….. [I kkkNOw… The Devil is for UHC. BassturD!] Back After These Me$$.@Gez With…… My kkkNew interview with C$N.. Chri$tiaN. Wolf Man2Man [in the Hot Box] = [ Who doesn’t kkknow I’m talking bout CNN Wolf Blitzer in the…? I forgot.Jersey Shore Apt? $ituatiOn[‘$] Room.] ====$y Fy peep$… G.O. Back 2..[1.] Zzzzzzz======= # AJ Yo..Yo….. Tony… That meeting at your place….. Forgetaboutit ..I’m going to Church !!! Hee Haw….Doggs. DYH?
William Higgins·5 d
……Raise your left hand …Palm open…..it’s Chief Ruining Bull How….. How many of them…like the Jeselniks, in WW2, were Here working’ undercover for the Germans ?!?!?. =============== The reason Playboy no longer has …is because of parenting! Al Sharpton: Jesus and higher morals..praise jesus!!! =====STFU======== The reason there’s no longer playmates is cuz there aren’t enough anymore…….Yup..all the.. Bunnies Hopped into Sum …Chunky Chocolate Cookie Dough…and got BakED…. [Grew..&..Grew sum more, Please!] Parents ….. If you guaranteed a bright future for T…..[Hem]..all !!!! the Weight is ___________! ===========\ Yes, the non arrogant young Israelis don’t deserve this .. [Of Course, I’m Sorry to Have to do thi$$$$$$$$$!][WTF] [Where is my Justice ….? Justice? Justice?___ vs. Humility of joke$$$$$$$$$][jokes is how you change people…] It’s your parents.grand……fault…. You Are the Change !![bit my tongue] Peace… Sorry, this is my country! Israel… [Who? [FU]]
William Higgins·6 d
You don’t fuck with the people who handle your food….. Now.. My Coffee.. Fuck Me !!! ====for ‘Car$0n’========= Looking for my 10 minutes worth of material…. My Pi a la Mode to the Media that IgnoRezZ Me… With a Flash of Rodney… I Hope!?! ===Ye$, All Israeli Jokkkkez=====’kkkk’=4th Reich=== Whut’$ up Doc ?!?… [$ever[L] $0ns got that¡] =========,==== July… Brought…. *Humility. Vs Humidity….into August. *Cave…under Rock joke… *like a child molester (someone else wrote it..I Think!) *Witch Hunt..??. Warlock… [Same initials as me] * A Ritz cracker…. cracked egg…. shellED Fom Humanity (@) [egg shell yamaka prop].. think about What that make$ them…? [WFI] $0rry..My…. B@D [Yoke] *People ‘tell me’ I’m gonna be $@fER[(R)].. On $@ turd.a¥… I Say… Nay Nay…. That’$ )w(hen day ALL haVe Alibi@$$$ ====these are hardened gang members and family… With ©ove®. ™ ====Am I Wongg ??? They are Flagg-like !!! They “Care” little outside their internal $.wh.earl. [ Of Decen$$$$______…..me no see, senor¡] ====correct me, iff wrong!?!==chuck..l= I read that 20 % of Sweden care about the Israeli state more than the country they live in!!!! America, Wake The Fuck $up !!!! Rug under you is $$$$$lippery !!!! !! ! You have handed your children’s future to the 1%eRR$ (Israeli$, K-mart $pecial..T ‘@merican$’…. and (R)ed.Collar$ ed is crossed out.t.t (love of guns and money???? ?? ?)[purge from the Middle Cla$$…¿.UP ¿. Til satisfied…al$0.. the thinkers who are poor..] —- Don’t get me startED about that pairing.. 0f ; Mindz !!! Which one is Barnum and whose the Fat BeardED Lady ? =====I Tell Ya, ()===[fake.tie.adjust]==… Audience FinishEZ Wit!!! === In summer nation… I wrote all these jokes in a month or so…. Think of it like… Marijuana and it’s Research…. We’Ve Mi$$…€D ( ‘Lout.ttt’????) On 40 years of Laughter !!!! !! ! Peace !!! ====The.. Grab Your Ball$ Tour [Ornamints] == *So, first I need to determine the content ? What..??? My Notes from the day(s)?…Street Cam?? Games? [D.B. like] Talk? Questions? [ I’m NostraDumbAss] … I’m Game til Naught! **Second find appropriate ‘secret’ ]A.I.[venues ¿ ***Age Restrictions… 18+ with wristbands for 21+ [18+ worries me cuz if you ask me to break the law for ….You… Strikes are given !!! ( kinda like the upside down middle finga) ****Cost…. The Prob !?! ================= Yeah.. Venue$ = Bar like that newish movie with Burt Reynolds ====== Did you know that ‘ I wouldn’t finish saying my title’ in Japan …. 4 is Evil !!! ?! ====== To put this last month in context !!! I think the Israeli’$ know which of them.. I’m talking about…. [Israeli American farmer… He knows whom I speak of often!] I Am Sorry to the people unfairly lumpED with these Ba$-Turd$
William Higgins·8 d
$iM peopLe …… $ay… That humans are inherently… Not $0cialwu$$’$ I say… That’$ Hut Jail is 4 ====isn’t that Fascist ???==answer; [‘This is where you show your critical thinking. ‘] =stupid que$tion. Gave….stupid answer==== We are all ….. products of our environment / upbringing === People do good in better environments .. [Need Knott$] Guarantee Good Environment… (How?..I have suggestions) What Wonders Await ???? ?? ? #Do U Play Well With Others ???? ?? ? =========== $eem$ as Ho[L]e… Sum… Feel $uperior !?! ========== 2 times a DDay…. Correctamundo!! =========. Nevah a Hangover… Always @ Aware [¢orny .. 3] OPposED to 5 hangovers a Weak thought process & Ornery =========================== Here among the ..Cornstalks ~10 feet high ======== ===== I also wantED to Reiterate that my Future Estate Must; Fuck’em Hard ($ue!) & Fuck’em Often (Do Not Settle… Cuz In these cases to be brought…. After each one..more info arise$$$… [Guaranteed¡] Collusion becom.EZ Much More than addition! Laugh all the way to “our” Bank$.. !!! & Our …socialist only club… Law firm… Will be handling all our cases!!! ===this is not a video game…!!! !===although I Do… Rule=== Whateva outcome i have… They Know…they had the Glasses and Know Long.err need’em !!!! !! ! Oui…Oui.. !!!! !! ! Now Towerr Gov Fear$ the.. People V[iva!!!! !! !] ===¢elebrate ?!!!======== Gonna Get ……. ======= To my peeps… A Personnel favor.. Please keep quiet for 3 week$ I need to identify Venom [ Interesting…++ Crickets..Anyone!! ++ Both Ways ] =====$Cone of Silence======== My shrink IMH.. seZ Who.. Who.. R…R….U..U…trying ting tu tu prove ove it’s tits Not ot a o ….(screams) Video Game !???? ====== Gov [ $hell Love One….¿$] isn’t.t.t really under the delusion that they still have any case against me….. It would get thrown out of Court …. They have trampled underfoot my Liberty! 4 Justice??! 4 All U ¿? Soon EnuFF !!!! !! ! ===\……Purge ….Trail………………..err…./= Do You little boys and girls know what a Witch Hunt I$..? ===the Oxford dictionary updated with a pic of me ====[WarLock. Is the correct nomenclature ? ]==== How hot does a lighter get? [~77°F for disposables] =====Don’t Do It.=== Did I Forget To Say..?….(Yup)! ====== Trumps lips looked like ‘Mick Fagger’ In pic with the redundancy group Bikers For Trump ========== I definitely have issues with the media. !!!! All HeiR Faul.t So, I now ‘blogcast’ My Network via The Tubes of Gore, Al [Franken? He’$ busy!?!?] ‘BWW’ blogging without wall$ WHere Sex y.. Meets…supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ! Cuz if you can’t Slow & Easily…. pronounce it to me… You are 2 wasted tonight… !!!! !! ! =============== Hats…..My 21+ Party [with Me, Lady Loves] …… Password !!! === Saturday….. Some have hinted that I am ‘$afe’R den… I $@y Nay Nay ! Actually It Gives Them All Alibi.. ===== Lettuce Break Celery !.?.!! – Lettuce Bowl Partner ===== My basketball skills end when I have to move… Free trows .. Betta than … Hack.a.? ======
William Higgins·9 d
Word of the Millenium…… WFI …..back in 5 ================== ====k…..===member’ back in the day ending 1999== ====Hair Weirdo.. Word oh… Twas….. [ [Pagan].$$$] W.O.M……… Mammon = wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. ==== To review..[oops..y] ===== Here goes. = Me being a Di$$-ID-ent… [ent….FU] and looking for a neutral country to sue from: N$A, Gov, Trump, Ma $$achu$ett$, ..ACLU, every Bar Association InvolvED…… Man[DD]y More to Cum U ….$©um!! My thoughts of a country to $€€kkk Political Asylum..[asylum..funny..FU]… Sweden, Japan, [Romania..],….. If you think I’m not being persecutED… Think of it first like the ‘Cube’ movies… But dropped in a jungle with no protection.. And you make it to an edge…& [Back at $.tart] And whilst on the topic of ‘groundbog may’ I get my ‘Due Process Clause’ donation$.[Almost…All Photographers are Closet Fa$ci$t$ !and All you phone pic peeps are Soooooooo C…lever…the phone only moves the size of their dicks!!][bt.bay …. I Here my MV fan$$$ mi$$ me!??!!!] Reason for my previous point… Minutes after update.. I See a girl looking back …sez to bf.. ‘He’s never been to Palestine’ !! “i.swear “!!!! !! ? ====Plan DD========the kick.eRR… whiz Me buying a 2 [°R….3] bedroom condo in Amherst…cuz … ‘I Can’ (W)@Re ????? ====Back to ……. Me heard posturing a day or so ago….. Give me 2 generations and we’ll have over 50% of young adults graduating college freely… The rest….will be enrolled ’til. [Freely Free.??….Freely!] ===== I also propose that you can’t vote until Educated Procreation Rate is a Problem. Here is a big step….. ¿!¡? “Kids are not a right… Both parents must be educated…” ========= Not a Roadblock… But an Awakening…. If you think being intellectual means ??????… STFU. We Will Go Back to===university / college mantra===== Students Mold US !!!! How can we be Betta ??? ==Dreams of a first…..a Dissident running for U.S. President from …? […abroad.]I = ==Children of the grave $ic.u.Nation ===$ic==>°N U.U.U==[$y… Con U.U.U… “$y $perling”] = ===Children of the Resistance===== = So they (are gonna) use Bernie’s Jewish Heritage @gain$.t Hymn.. 2 pu.$……. HeiR agenda F.low.ing. through ..$pice.ly Re:Re:creating more major Middle East probs and Terrorism. Everywhere..[ ¿?¿? Military / Police $Tate [ ‘Purge’ ]…¿?¿?][plan wood a woRkkkED except………. four 21… Don’t be fooled EW doesn’t Kkknow……..(raise open left Palm) [B.B.burnnnn!] =========\ #Long÷Divi$ion \======= You Know The Truth Now!!!! HoweLL Dey $€LL ITT and ……How [raisED left hand..’HoW’] [& How..L did it workout for you…..Chief…?!? I’m Ju$.t $@Y$in…. They have Precedent!] [ does anyone remember my relatives sailed here as pioneers to escape kingly and religious persecution… and married…. Natives.] Born & Brai$.ED in Massachusetts… ~Near Plymouth Rock…. $0….FU…. $Hat.eRR.$…. [ G.O. ] ====Sorry))====***====== Up to this point … I’DD say the females @ “negotiate like… =============********==== [ Barnum and Bailey ] I wanna have a dating game where we sit opposite one another and don’t talk for …….. Signals are Ok. Move back a little…. Flirt like across the room… Show yourself !! [Not Basic Instinct style…ChuckL] fluent in Interaction w/o Words !!! [Dream Girl] ===Peace======= I hope y’all don’t jump………. 2 2 many conclusions 2 soon ====I …. halfta … Sleep on it !!!!======= ======== How High’$ the Watt.eRR..??? ========== ====Do Israelite$ have a true sense of Humor ???? ?? ? ===Humility…. = SO………H == $Oh !!!! !! ! Lots of Jewi$h Comedian$…. No Biting Commentary. (W)…. [= (L)]…N..B..C [Lackey$ …of Introspection…~~~DD~~~~~Nile~~~~] Denial is Based on Fear… of Retail.E.ation =========+++++++++++++======== 2 time.[X.]$ a day……A..DD..ing $Up !?! ========== Can Anyone Gue$$… My least fave school hear??? ========== +++++++++++++++++++++++++ What I’m Saying is Its Gotta Get Gotta Gotta Get… Kinda seeing a slight change….TY [ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ….. FailED] Then there’s the Overt Recoil from I$rael Ite$
William Higgins·10 d
Fri night/Sat morning … Not one drunk girl said ‘Hi’…. Didn’t miss much…. single wise… –even if I say no soup for 3 weeks… Obviously Exceptions!!– Ladies.. 2 to Tango ….. 3 to Play Pitch… 4 for a Grand Slam…. ===Back in 5…..=======piss break outside A’$=== 1:33am street empty..yup A’$_closed !!! ========= Amherst cops have these disorienting lights when they pull some people over…. 2nd time that I’m be been a block plus away and it hurts my eyes. Epilepsy Inducing Insanity. WTF ! ==[Literally WFI;] License and Registration… Let’s see hear… [Ralph /!!!/] OUI by Cop Lights.. ====can’t wait for the new logo………====WFWit…..===The===[ ATMF ]===alcohol… ==IMH=a=Guy in a grateful dead t-$hirt.. Looks at a passerby the ??wrong way? And the passerby sez ‘weirdo’ The GD guy replies… Yeah.. I Wish I Had Weir Dough!!!!
William Higgins·10 d
I haven’t posted on my blog in over a month yet…everyone knows even my < 30 minute ago …updates…. ! Yet 1300 views….. Yeah like in radio every call is worth 1000 Viewer$ …. Where the Fuck$”””’ My Royal-T ‘$… And why no donation$ ???? And all these “videos supposedly made of Me” … Youtube? As money went to who said the ‘t.owel’ Seems like I should be able to $^$.ue someone???? Yelled at ACLU kids…felt badd.. Me$$…@ge ‘HerDD’ lol when I see the DD..zzz! [DD, does not refer to anyone from ACLU] All the points being made off my….. Presence ==== I’m just saying … Presence… Equals Acce$$.. TMZ like sites offering money..!! One transaction… I own the Government! N$A’Zzz… Gonna Be Mine !!! ===NA$A?==$murk..[Y.¿].== Sweden, Japan,[ Romania],…lead my list of countries to seek Political Asylum..[asylum..funny..FU !] I am a Di$$.iD.ent.[..ent..FU2 !!] I need a neutral place to sue the: N$A, Trump, All the pertaining Bar A$$-0.ci[.t.]ation$$Z, ACLU, Ma$$achu$ett$,… Take Heed…My Future E$tate !!! ===Plan DD=====. Buying a 2[ or 3] bedroom (?lotsa guests?) condo here in Amherst…. Next year !! (W)@Re ?? The kicker is not about $$$… It’s CuZzzz.. ‘I Can”‘”
William Higgins·12 d
Un… Doc[ked pay]uMENt.ED=Re:TALE= NOT That Funny !!!! !! ! Jewish/Israeli Comedy Clubs in America=== Started with the no Biting [JokkkEZ @]..the Jew$ ====trash any thing…one… but US !!! ==[inferrED?] ======= > Fare ???__ (Hand out ____) T’ is a month long ex.poseur$.. Later this Haikkku, Israeli “Value$’ vs. Core American Freedoms and Rights … & Upper [Tax] Cu[N]t.t.$$$ +++++++++Translate Thi$… (Jock Grab)+++++++++++ 3 weeks left to keep chiseling my chin for ‘The Stoney Look’. … [Sen@or Witty ] === Hot. Ac. Hott. Ac.Hott.Ac…..Hottt………A…….c_ ====== Wicked rain.. Not like Florida! DT :cooks; block: … BorD… In car..a/c …Wicked lightning with ~3 sec diff… === The point was.. Oh yeah… Just even propo$e that I’m no longer alive…. Will. Thing$ Be (W)etter ???? ===== Can it (L)EVEr be the Same ??? [Indian with tear running down face … commercial] & On the flip side of the coin…. I Am That Good (Bold & incr. font size) ==and that’$ quite a $cam …Racket….[ Hitler Be …. Your ID.all…..?!! LOL for Humanity…..or Human.itty …bit… We,(R) On…………… (taking line)—————> $.He’s @ $creamer !!! ] …like a Richard Lewi$ diatribL……… …… Ya but the Holocaust.. ‘Sir, I asked if you wanted more ice water.. ‘[for that….Burn] =$&M.ore==Levity …. This week I feel if I have a minor fenderbender …it will be an elder Israeli who somehow dies… I’m Bat …Ba[(L)]dd Guy ======3 weeks of Hum Know=>=====>=====> [ I Have Know Problem leaving now!!! Who Could Blame Me….??? FU!] CuZz, You ‘ladies’ ……… just .. Closed the Soup Shoppe.. ==========Pro.u.DD of You.$ell.F ==== ############################ How will the Israeli$$$ pivot… They, like me …. don’t forget !! The jokes have now been heard everywhere they are and beyond…. Humbleness? Humility? Heck No !!! $$DD.. Til we say ‘Nay Nay, Nay’ !!!! ==========
William Higgins·15 d
Yoda=====π====Pi Chair….===== My essence ….. 4…….21 =====a Kingdom for my Essence===== Fo…… === The Rule here is female beauty hides ! =====[or safely shy when alone?=]===== == (L)0Ved hearing that Dem$ workED [educated people] 2 years on a slogan…. Me…Me. MeMe ??? ==¿====Smith College====¿== The funny part is if I’m in Northampton… (I love to root dare?) I’m not worried about ANY Black person…. (Appause……)….(N)0w………….Whitey..Whitey…sCare$ the fuck outta me!!!!! ($ is crossed out) …[ Love Chris Rock….] ========================= Imagine the In$idiou$…[.Now.. MEsss]……. Power CenterED Hear….around one goal….. to €ducate…Subjugate…. [already wrote that joke which has been thought millions of times but only heard now on a large scale ] Fooly….Ful.lie…Fully…ieiouZzz to..prevent jokes & subversive comment.Wary like mine from hitting the mainstream….chlymedia ..tv time !! ====Me???…. !!! Me ????… I’m waiting on a …… ?!friend…. ====== To those of age gals in the area who expect to break bread together… DWBH.. Unless the bad guy$ ……!? ++++++++++++++++++++++ ===I’m only as good as my info…[sour. [X]Ce$_$]===== ++++++++++++++++++(;; ====== My Condoms are so Old….. The circle hadn’t been inventED ====Circle gets the Square!(#)! ====$tatistic \$\peak…… ====I maybe the Exception that Rules !!!===== K, Stay tunED
William Higgins·15 d
Told ya T..dump , a Billion Dollars for …. Personal $$$$ecur..Witty ===== Note to Future Estate.. $ue the FuckRZ$. Hard and Often. /til.t/ !!! Game clOver 4th Reich !! ====Free or Dumb…U make the CaL.L.?===== If the Israeli’Zzzzzz perpe’trade’ any attack on me .. A Virtual Soldier & American Hero to many…. [An Act of War!!! [Hiroshima wasn’t far off ????]] =========Who Doo Hut?!?=====[exactly!!!====]
William Higgins·16 d
There are many things I could say…. Dissappoint.vent! ….. $ad deci$ion$ …daily…. Then there’s Me… ===TMI…..haven ought fop.ed in 5 weeks and y’all still can’t motivate me..!!! I’m Lust weight…king== Lettuce & now ….. (BTW)aist)… If I remember it and my memory bank is a Trillionaire!!!! !! ! … If you brushed me off… Or made me feel bad…….¡ No Soup 4 U ! …… ========== First question I ask ladies… How many degrees of bacon between you and Israel ??? R we Kk….k-o…$ure!?!!!
William Higgins·16 d
[It’s ‘finicky’] the perception of my crazy banter… WHizz a Barometer to….. one’$ Reality ===whizz is followed by kid whizzing over the a into the O… Sorry.. Wrong hole…=== ‘Eating Oneself’ to $urvive… Dark MatterZ ….. Diff Peril.uma..gum..a ..[SOYCD]..chanNL….. Chanel #86 [into his shoe phone] ….. 99. Beam me ….Sup ?? Shazam!?! Shamu-Poo!?? [N°t lately! ..[.pmotb.it’s so ‘easy’!]] Call the Chief !! ===Larabee..===see if heeez got any ………………D….noW!=check his fake statuette!?= =========== Reality is we’d both feel less weird, if Assman…. Waits in the hallway… and in this Radian……….Spoon.man !!!! ¡¡ ! =========**============= Who is it that fights for its right to write freely with creative license ? Stephen King ?? Solomon Rushdie ? …. Journalists? Cameramen & women. ….ieio…. The Media = The Press…..[ U ]…. turns to Pull our Wick/ett !!! ======== Back.No.Court.Pre$$ ====== So who doo the IsraeliZ need to reach out to ??? Humility was in July.[.guess who “forgot”?] This is Humidity… Weatherman???? ?? ? Same Umbrella ! ====== Memo….Random… To All Israelis living in caves…. under a rock.. Yamakah …. Alert The Media !!! NObody will Listen to your Complaint$ ===== The inhumanity….. [$oRRy.. I win the Roast with a properly timed version of it!!!] ==>Tear Down your wahl…wall<==== Gates of Heaven…. An Israeli for some reason knocks on the per.lie$.t gate$.. And the gatekeeper looks at him and says.. [ Can you name any 4 of the last 25 Palestinians killed by your elite gangmembers.?? Can U..? H.u.H.. 3……. ????….. You get the picture… ] G.O. !!!! !! !
William Higgins·19 d
Def… More than WhelmED !.!! oh yes…. Kissing your mate in front of me…. Out Holding Hands… IN (pinkies… Way IN…. 5 sec max.) =========Real Love wouldn’t need a test==== =[¡/DD.ail.[ME?]y\¡]==Buckle Up !.!! [=¡IMD!==LOTM===] +++++++————======= People luv to plant seeds .. Words…. Sometimes… I bite.. === Oligarchy.Oligarchs…….. Can U ‘Gui$e’.. Feel Me ??? Touch Me !!! Hold Me ??? ===[‘$uck Me’ @ The Writ.Black Sabbath]== ############################## ===TannED=¿?====>[GTL] ======>[R.alf] =====> The .. .ease with which we $ubjugate PoweR….heal.t…..H “CONcern$” ============== GF brings me to meet the parents……. Which household kicks me out first, second, ….??? 23yo Daughter of a _______ family ??? a) Asian (except **)..[u know… Japan, HK, I know..beauty!] b) Black [ Beauty .[can be very scary!…..notice the b above..]] c) Israeli** [JAP &…[Hiroshima?…[2 $$$00n??!]]] d) White [Y. Indulge Her] =====R all Israeli peeps…. Jewish ???=== [ ==&/or am I RetardED ?==] ,,,,,,,, August ….. Nut…. much ….. 2 say ===@$$ (L)if (t) ! ===== 4:44pm the 4th Reich, $e@M[€] to have creatED a gypsy like culture of ‘security’ … ? Mercenary piecemeal workkk ? Kinda Deek hiring the RB&BBC ringmaster to head FEMA… ‘He is uniquely qualified as a public speaker who’s been everywhere in our land …They’ll be a very Small Learning Curve…Hear ?! ‘ Back [m]on[€] Frack… FU.$$… The illegitimate…& True P.O.S. 4th Reich…seems to ‘haven’ eating away at itself as a means to ‘$urvive’ deez a troubling times… was Hitler A Cut/t/er[R] ???? ?? ¿ # Your Welcome Nation !.!!__ _!!.! ========== Apple prices must’ve gone way up…. A Trillion !!! ===swear else have i heard a thrillion ??? Actual not Honorary Doctorate……JOOR. ===
William Higgins·20 d
Hey Rodney [D.], I’m …TIME Person of the Year 2018, Fuckkk’M. – (W). A man Of The Times .. Eh, [Wo]men ???? ==*****_===== I ever tell ya my t.Heir..Y?!? Bout how World Leaders were $$$$educED …. Inn T.A. The 4th Reich[.Err$$ I$.L.&]… Rock $Tar$ and…….[Feathered Belly Dancers…hhhHott!!]. Oh yeah…..& Cocaine.. That’$ all do$ $tarrZz kNOw$..(NO$e) [Hut do Y’all Think?!?] <=====$ex @nd Drug$==Rock ‘n’ ….Role=====> Citizens conducting world affairs as ‘citizens’ is a crime ?!? Like Rodman going to NK and in any covert way intervening in ‘Politic$’ !?! ==Circadian Circum.DDance$==Acce$$, Motive, AlibiZz.. IJS…WWJDDiff.er.R.ent…… Everything after Play.. button
William Higgins·22 d
We (R) …….. V [V is 4 victory, vagina, valor, valid[N]ation,..Vagina ..V is Not for Violence, Vengeance, Vendetta, [Valet, ] Virtue-Le$$,..] Peace and 2nd Bill of Right ‘$’ ……. ====’You said Vagina twice?!?…… =======
William Higgins·23 d
In ¢@$€¥ ….. ¥0…. (W)e R…@….$(L)(e^2)P, CHECK
William Higgins·24 d
Is a High 5 Foreplay for gay guys ??? [So, you gonna roll my bones tonight.?!?.. Slappy…!?] =============\\ Saw a gal with a knife tattoo on the inside of her calf , I believe….. I later started analyzing by going into “simulation thought mode”…(empathy)& Thought bout… =========Missionary… The tat which I believe was pointed down…. Would be constantly across.around the neck of her lover… What thoughts go tru…e this gals mind !?!?!?!? =Non Kkking==Resent$ +++Ali vs. Foreman Grille ++ ==> H…@…[$]…t…e =====> Off.. 2 …4th Reich…. ……..backED by most Jew$ ======$.halo.==w………m===edit: I callED Check[kk]¡¿¡== ‘Why do$e he keep switching games??’==like with this blog..it’$ Ne[x]©e$$@®…Y…… & ..I Can [… Care !!!! Fuck.WHeir$] ======++++++++++:::::::======== New Indica shatter strain… Golden Lemon @neta <===I am clearly an unpaiDD=reactateer=> InDDica Fish_¿_ng baby…….yeah !!! =====&===== Rise Amherst … has some awesome strains from 2 MA dispensaries… Today got a 1/4 of ‘Night Nurse’ using my doc renewal credit… Paid 50 and for a dollar got a sweet ‘elyce’ Red White Blue silicone pipe worth like 20. The reason for the post is i love this indica strain… This was a return trip for Just this strain ! a Free… Rise design bic lighter both times also!!! ==== Taylor may be $waft…uma.. Swift… Hut I expect wasn’t is clean-up/…truckload$ so not surprised practice was not gonna be public monday/tuesday.. Fu$$….. No… me @ B.L./ Camp this week…?next?
William Higgins·25 d
Hi Cannot Wait 4 new kids on the education block .. LOL … 2 my [dirty] Hat.err$ ===== Did I ever tell ya about the time whilst parking in a garage behind church street orlando.. 2004,5,6,7???====> partying at chiller’s.DT…. So.. i’m alone in the elevator going down to church street level… And the elevator opens…. 2 chicks and…one of the NKOTB… I smirked to myself and said nothing the whole trip and the walk to church street!! Not A Fan!!!!!!!! Gotta Smile.[ & a $tory.. It was J.K.]
William Higgins·25 d
I waitED til the driver left before ex-Hail …..da Chief…( raise left hand…. Palm open) How !?! ==thu$ they had a Ra$pppp.berry $quirm.Di$h 2 report back at the circadian fellatiou$ jello par.t LOL [wit.me] !!!! !! !
William Higgins·25 d
I stared at the roadie$…_then at the A.C. Then back to Roadie$..@@ And…and. And…. Held my nose shut between my same middle finger and the thumb.. And held my breath…. The older kept asking the younger for clar.witty!…. Then the realization Wit both of Dem..true Dem$ .. C[ The $quiR.MING Dynasty ]!!!! !! ! Pa$$ED B4 Heir Eye$
William Higgins·25 d
And gave her a middle finger ‘Dirty [email protected]….. Continually til gals passed by… And then SmileD…. Then the $world flippED… Cuz right then… A Rab…nud armored truck stops in the middle turning lane between the luRe…..che church… And a bitty bank croSs street…. kk&k and the driver gets out and goes to the bitty……. Here is where Your Humble SaVant …. Come.$ t.Win
William Higgins·25 d
Lost that update cuz ..Amherst Free Internet $uckkkk$ BaLL$ Daily!!!! !! ! The businesses around Boltwood have switched to having ladies take out the trash… Everyone looking to file a complaint #@421 !!!! !! ! DesPIC.able…. I’m Hot…. not really interested!! [ sorry.LTM] ====back to fucking the ACLU $$$.eRR===fuckED ‘M Peacefully once again !!! Gotcha…¡(cha)! FU.pu$$…Y ..zZzZ ?!?!? Centri$t.. Kkknow … No t…..Ru$t !!!! O’ lay..here gloWs =========================== parked/sitting DT .. Yesterday.. 2 @cLu roadies pass by.. I gave a quick middL finger….. k…they stopped to twerkkk in front of the UU Chum…Church of Hypnotherapy. kk…. So a couple of young teen girls gets stopped by them and after walking away towards me…. I stared directly at the older roadie who was wearing a blue ACLU $.mockkk
William Higgins·27 d
As a group of teens in ‘camp’s walk by…. “One ‘$h0′ a Head.lie Lemar[Kkk], Ffu$$.. he knows wealth!!!! !! ! What is ap…Good Parent.. WH(0) the $kid$ that need to be chronicled in detail R…. ====trim $(0)m Bu$..h…[€££]….==== === If i’m a …. POS ………Wouldn’t Ya …think… MayB. Somebuddy $houlda $lapped the DR. ?!! instead a me !???! [===wrong exit hole doc..for the ReRe…zz ===] ====== Training Camp !!!! H…u….g[€] when pads are on =$1==bar L=== [MB smoked weed.@ team hotel..my 2¢] === Kay!……… I had a nutter touchED moment at the back nine…. So I wrote that last joke and headed to Cumbies for a celebratory treat…. I then headed to the’ back nine’ and watched the clouds and Sun dance… With sunshowers…. ..and as the showers continued … and at the sec…. I thought… Will the rain please pick a direction?! And an amazing full arched amazing Rainbow appeared across the valley! ==I had to turn on the car to get the wipers to work== Reason I thought that is because when it is vertical… You must keep all the car Windows \__$.$.__ Hut__/…..! _Bo[u]y_ ========== I think a lady in H….igh S..paces…. Is a Fannie ?!! ===== Whut I’m hinting at is Mother Nature might be a fan ?!! ===== By the time I finally got my phone on and active… I’ll add pix later.! ==== One guy yesterday yelled at me….. ‘You’re Mean !’ ====== Thanks for Participating in a Real Debate / Discussion ! ==== Oh yeah…… Trump is gonna give BILLianEZ in [approx.] ‘Counter.fe[d.ex]it Bill$’ to Farmers… Cuz his prizED E.G[et] O[ut] $orry.. Tariffs aren’t working like he plannED… [IHH] Budget off…..Ice fishing!!!!I I’m Knotts ..an economIC.$$$ Colon.L ¡¿ butt That’$ Knott Howl it’s $uperimposterED supp.hoe.zzz 2B… [Or Knott$] ============== Sour… And ….Diesel…. Are ..[psych]…PB&J Especially after di$$… Whenever I hear Rednecks.. Go.. Git R Done….. I tip my imaginary dirty #3 cap and… Finish….wit….[. Yup.. ]The Laundry!!! ============ You can feel the intensity R…..amp……U……../P\…. When they anticiiiiiiiiiii waiiiiiiiii(t) 4.any… it’$ less than a dollar…. Any sWan/!___ catch__ On??? ====== One might expect a celebrity kid to end up a Rich ‘Monster’….?!!.. And $um ThymeD the CeleB- [<=i.rate]Parent Doesn’t Change after Fatherhood+…. And $ucks Up all the M/B.adne$$…EPI-Centric.ally @bound Hymn…. Leaving family… StuntED…. Emo. FucK the 10% to ‘manger’. It… Should go to Therapy!! Lottsa WTFs
William Higgins·29 d
They will Constantly try to ‘define’ Y’all !!! … Millenial, gen..x, baby boomers,…to quick.ly Pivot & Dis($)…… Par.rot ……….Par.age … Eat your Poor[F]Ridge & (L)ike It !!! I’m S[(t)]aying…(D)efine 2 (R)efine m….. B4UR =====\========/======= Lenny Bruce Wayne’s World’$$$.(t)ode Watching coen movie and guy sez you are not supposed to show the process..ie$$$$. The badd jok…ezzzz…. MystEekkk ============*=*¡¡¿| Saw a deer in A.C.zz back nine….. Nothing new but as it emerged from the bush and crossed the dirt road towards the sloped field ..I waved from my perch… this caused a slight hesitation and then something I personally have never seen…[Pu$$…Y ????… FU2.4..j/k]… it took a Shit…. In the open field… How backwards their priorities are.open field is ?safer?.! Then it did a strut and took off back into woods. ======================================== RIP.. ‘Duffy’ …. You deserved more credit !!! Champ!!! [The Bends… !?! That’s the Duffy ‘we know’ !!!!]
William Higgins·29 d
See if I take my foot off the gas..[heir A$$]…. Wits .______… [_Kkk.not as fun_] ============= Heir media tWins the Tower$ 2.AssPound..[Liberty (//) and (\\) Justice for …] ====== Dey can’t wait to get back to …..Hand [job$… Heir A$$.et$ H…..u…R…t….]
William Higgins·1 mo
Where have all the Flowers… Gone ?? 90’s ‘Kids’ ???? ….. Still looking for an Oasis… [W]in the Desert of Diss Pair…. [I’ve pretty much given up … ruffage …]So, where’s a ….. Diamond???? [ diss has Asian Delight written all over Wit….then I can **’Network’**..($h.out Window… I’m Mad & I’m…] =======what do you wanna bet I get verb.ally/physic.ally attackED for picking up 21+ year olds…girls..?!?!==if it was= ..dudes …. would be diff… Hey”d @ll… Shirley, want my # !!! === 8:56…. Slim Pic.Kens..[LOLtm]… Getting a few beers .. Hot ladies … be a Mirage 4.Me.21+! ===
William Higgins·1 mo
Your Donations [D]Mean The World 2 me!……then I get ReREmindED… of All the Love 4 Me !!!! !! ! The WORLD is C orr UP t! These People are Innocent! ================== Average Moe gets to Marry Jane and live happily ever laughter ! ======================= P.P. tday..what a load of ReR…unzzz… I swear heir schlepping them in from a neighboring state…(not gonna name it….maybe a little.. later?!) Point $wa$ ti ka.L.L.L.L.l.l.l…. attention to my many enemie$$$ ….. Who only like Reality $w.hen they can //bitch\\….~~~….$¡$¡ about pe~on ….~~….[$=0¢]…~..s ==i.gott.!==Hand…Sum Wit…. just !#¡knot enuff to #knit[e]
William Higgins·1 mo
Good Gracious.Me.ss+dd. if you are not 21+ …. You Best Be @ 2.1 level til tHen… Pretty P.lease [on Life[r]¡.!] =========A Funny ‘Due[$]=llama’===== Ethic.$ in RELIGION!?!!???;;|| ************************ Is it ‘Ethical’ for a Reverend to be a Hypnotherapist??? U…..U….. Might Wanna No !!!! !! ! B4U …’Make a U…U.. Turn’….. Funny if I made it up… Hilariou$ that they have bumper stickers! [The Circle of $p[y.Lawn.&]Lice[..aka..Worm$..Waiting!!!! …Waiting!!!]] [$No Erkel humour hear!]
William Higgins·1 mo
Anybody else…. Feel the way I Woe ??? The Boston Globe is the Boston Herald 2.0 … IJ$. [U$] ****** Who’$ got TraiTor written Right on their 4[.FU gpa Get t Paid..[D D] Already!!!! ¡¡ !] Head…. Eyebrow$ C.L[/R.]own T.t…ea$e [*** Notice I’ve been doubling down on the subliminal…can’t do in wordpress?!*********] My L.[I.R.]ate$.t. ######## Whenever I Go by an Armored Car….. I hold my Know$ Hut. [IMH, IN!] ======== Comedy Central…. What……? Jeff Ro$$…(Kevin Nealon SNL. news.effect. I would need a big screen behind me for detail$@#%&..)….Jeff Ross .. ++++++++——/ Get back 2 . /–++++who invented this type.writerr conversation??+++++!?….?…!!….¡++++ ======!!Lo[(R)]re as I call him BizquickE…..his name’s BEn[zzZ ] Quick..lie..tossed round the hot plate (@) of every director…….Penn and $heller Ultimately. ..FlippED off. .t[?¿]a[?~] …..wa$te((@))basket…[& That’$ the Flap, Jack!!!] funny guy that… H……ue…Y?…….aLa$$…[ue ]……Range…of a tightrope —————–walk—er–(R) —-, … of … A blind hockey goalie…[U$e duh $chwaRtz, uh…LonePost!] [No Offense!![URF ¡]]. ….. +++++++++? Rating$$_ !++++++silence!+++this is acting!?!…human (ALOL)!!+++.. ..+++….true whor.E…Hef Ro$$….. [Big nosed Heffer . And Jeffree.!?!?!… U take monopoly money.???? ?? ?.. So that both of us are in Fantasyland!!! [Cock…Ducking….. Brilliance.. Right?!, Hicks, Bill!!!!! !!! Rodney joke ’bout monopoly money?…or channel ¿loud #9 ?…] &…..segue knack? ? Jeffrey Ross…==>[$Lois Lane].. And ..and…and..\ last supper dinner table prop/ montage with. ¶.. dai$uppermen…??.!!! [….quick montage..Foie Gras?]==fini….sh! ..==___u__\===AUI===/_____o______\===AUI===/ ___¡¡¡¡ ?? ! [LOL as I count my CHillion$…backwards] 99 bottles of meer on d.a. WuH___| |_____t.Hey count heir F.R.ill……ion$ in…. MinionZ.z.z.z.Z] =====@Tanks to all you Translators..Way Out There! +++++++++++ ===chuckle… Somebody tell $uit.0.Buckkk$.. They Aren’t Capable of Creating a $6 drink…ie.. No ice cream, alcohol,….. ======= Saw The Rock’$ …movie!… showed he found hi$ goal’$ post and hungover..on.. I’m hungover from having sat thru that witless ..with No Pro[zac…..H].No .A.Pro.Pre-[$]Election……[..(me).($)+($$)+($$$$) ]..got a bit of.. high anxiety..[IMH]…. Bored.Lame… My Point was ..how did I miss the $ign..?.. Crap is right there in the middle of the title…. I soooo… wanted the scream killer to run out of the “crowd” to get ‘$ydney’ or anything unexpectED.!! [WTF¡ (upside down)].. a Hollywood ending where the bad guy…..Revive……….$$$ ??? [And it’$…. Jeffrey Ross.in the comedy room ..with the mic ..Heil..$t. wearing a Scream Mask with a custom yamaka…yamaha…!]
William Higgins·1 mo
$$$now Gob….L…. See there are 2 lines i have triangulatED… First one… Who is the hardest person to make fun of??? A Socialist ! .. . Second…. Who Really Looks./.is BADD when an Autistic does things WholeheartED !?!? ====nice corner to hang!===== Who looks bad….? Me..Autistic… Awesomeness! (~ Otherr$$$…. [the World is ‘Watching’ Us !… IYC] ==========New World Man==== π ==== ########Trumpie$ (R) Constantly ‘cool sign languaging’ me…. ########The dirty Cap, …,Helple$$ trashy look [ ,WHall_mark__ greet(R),] sez Diff ############Why? ? Cunning.. Wing…FU$$$$=,… [That’s Funny, yet not Offensive, correct ???] Shaim, $haim, Know $haim…..?… Didn’t Thinkkk……? Foe! Autism $peak$ Again !!! Can You Hear Me?…..[ The Wind Cried Marry!?!] ===Problem:=====nobody here even admits to knowing about me or my web presence! Thus, I’m at a …constant verbal, social conundrum!!! Lies are Lies..To someone who Cares..[ME]…… YAddA.. ==== Trim those Tree==>_______$______$ ======= ====== Does anyone educated… actually believe I’m Wrong? ======= Spring Break… With diff shirts…local$ !!! ===Or was that a Lie 2?????… IAJS======= @Netflix…Finally Downloaded Scream 4. Whose 21? == Don’t think the dog owner liked my humour?!? Paris Hilton dog… I walk past into pond and say… Oh… A Dog on a Budget? ====================== Trump Pitt…… Doesn’t Like to Toot his ….own Horn …. He hire$ foreigners…. Hope he Vets them better than hi$ Cabinet post Quick….pickkk$.! ==================
William Higgins·1 mo
…..______________________________________/ Tay?….Lore has it they all ‘like’ me…..all the ladies…I swear! [Fuck Me Whil.st I’m A.Hear=o] ‘like’ me all of them (sigh) on Earth!?! ====LiberTy & Just(L)iCe For All= My Point about heir media is…[… One FLuFF piece on cable and I’m Fucking Prez !!!! !! ! (Technically,I’m Fucking Him /Dem con$taint.ly)I just meepED my horn 4.2.fU.$.eRR$] ==NSAd[,Re:]Visor… ===[H.S.T.]…. $now…job…your ..you give this power .. Duh….virtual ‘H.act’ oF’ National.$$$i-Cure=i(t.t)…Y? liber.ally to Foreigners.mass.mu..Re:aLL..Gang member$!!!!! Kinda Treason..O…..US[A]… Clear and Pre$$,’Ent.’ Danger… Will Robin.$$$hoods.. [You’Re; Fired!!! G.O.] =**===whateva you say bounces off me and sticks … and stones may …. june july=[??MAuggie????]===TY =====On.Core!! …….. Know! ++++++++++++++(+++++ So….my …… theory of Larry, Amherst’s Blog guy’s..death?…I believe that the kid driving was looking up the driveway of the big boobed girl who gets the mail at the street… WoW… I have seen her whilst driving the same direction…. Larry fatally was! RIP Also … Heard somewhere that the birds stop singing days before an earthquake in Cali! My anecdote is the birds were discombobulated …running into windows… Getting stuck.. ‘inside’… 2 times …”non-related” faults? both i sat…/stood through..happened on Sundays! The water came out of the inground pool next door and up the concrete wall 5+ feet Hi [ ho silver]..π√!#%&/∆\______________/====sorry bout this…..what did fonzie always get on his report card???======== Tracy;…karma is me walking around in “camo pajamas” and getting Yearo[L.der ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡ ¡] \===_===/ ===Back===Track======| ………..Kiefer (FBI)..Why do you still do it? “Rust Never Sleeps!” – ‘HueyWalker’ @ Rebel W/O @ppLause! =====I love the Parallel…..’Bar$’======== ================================ ============= Netflix app has made me have to erase SD card and now Amazon tablet is Knot compatible with Netflix app!!!! Edit; .apx fixed dat.a === Fucker$ in Amherst were tracking.trying to hack my smartphone… MoFoEZ!.. finally Google Secured it…… to screams of ‘NO’ …. DT yesterday! Money Doesn’t.t ¡ follow laws $weLL ============ ================================ ============ Like I said after this… You Can’t fault an Autistic for Good Thoughts…. ….Truth Betold… You all are a danger to me!!! …….. Deal with the Problem !! Who…WHose Really Crazy!??? … YouR Kids are also watching more intently than anyone! ====== Better have good answers cuz they’ll have to pass it On.[..to any offspring they decide to have..].. With a $$$.mile!
William Higgins·1 mo
1111 in the a!…. It Could get CraZy ….. Sound Heir! ============ seinfeld, cicgc: new seas…. ++++++++++++++++ *Chappelle.. It’s Dave…++++++ *Zach.. +++++ *Ellen ++++ portia… sez…No screaming fun kids *Mulaney .++.go fuck yourself…remember me?Mansfield @GW!!! Bore dumb choice ¿Slim Pickins wasn’t even avaiL!? *Tracy… +++++Manic. Brilliance+..[ $orry….Peace…I’m OUT!] *McKinnon.++++..freak I wanna meet!?! *Brennan..++++.getti n ready to watch 3 mics…4 real…no sitcoms..I guess it’s possible nowa.daze… of choices..edit; 9.999/10..science, man!?. Thanks kindred …Soul ???!!! *Jerry Lewi$ ++++..ok. Bacon……WTF!¡ *Alec..++++ A bit “Contrived” ??? as he seemed to have kind.a rehearsed his schtick!? *Dana .+++..ok ..Voiceman… *Regan..+++…really..a LH spoon? How’$ Bruce? 2nd date? *Hasan…++++good.. Now know 8 pack !!!¡¡!!! Next:Next +Bobcat… Discuss big boobed girls y’all dated Hat were way out of your league! [Soshanna, Nikki Cox]you gotta listen to stern calling Jerry with a lode to shoshanna…s.nick to snicker itz like S(t). Nick is {kkkk}neer hear…[ahhhhhh]….(t)] +Diceman: Ford Fairlane??? [See it!! Sat near (same row) as tone loc and ??? at a ‘Roc’ taping] +Paul Mooney: ’nuff saiD +Keenan ?????? ========== Coke, ‘diet’ Coke Can $,hit… And you CAN a da[[y]…..Hour?!?!?!?] $0 …FU …?”canned poison”? Cuz they……? [ [©an] ] ::::¶:::::∆:::::::¶::::: Saw a girl with a cityscape back tatt and while thinking ..N!Y!C¡… NYC.. I said; it’ll always be ‘sex in the city’ back ‘dere…..?. (Or close to it!)…. Altoids.. Reason beside$$ obvious…. Why????? Uncle…. Remu$$$$$ 2.|obey| WoW, Not.Everyday brings.the full arch (in view) Cool rainbow above Connecticut river area of NoHo … Can you manufacture that ???? ===how are things on y’@lls Chide ???=== ======gonna be interesting talking to you all!!!!====!!==!=== Purge Di$$ !!!! !! ! ======fasci$t fuck$=== [‘$=pine all Tap’][Pine$o[U]l[$]] …. They still sell Pinesol Disinfectant? ###############/—————–/ Obviously I don’t have personal connection$.[Danger (t)All Strang.eRR$..]. Thus random travel moves Di$$ ON to the deviL’$ campGround.. Money….Who isn'(t) a $.[H] eLL Out ???? Look Unbound !!!! !! ! [(L)00K um aBOUND] =============,,, ==$lim Pickins …What in the Wide Wide World of $.port Is a Goin’ On-a Hear? ===orr.doesn’t score and BTTDB=== I am Du[M.B.]o!!! ===My urine analysis…….j/k Fido [(Billy connelly….did I ever tell ya how I used to go to the Dennis Miller show alot! Jim Carrey would always come out in hockey garb….I would have seen King’s X for the first time there but something happenED.i.!!!¡ … Billy was on and was probably my fave storyteller from way back……. So I’m second row in the corner stage right….and Billy and Dennis walk over and we couple of aisles went right past Billy .. A foot away..I don’t say stuff to celebs .. Just smiled… We All got in a large circle and a ‘cirque de soleil’ guy performed on a thing hanging from ‘Ruff’! I was on TV!¡! ……….1992..LA ???? ?? ? ==I backEd away from the Clif Bars…. B(add) Crowd , j/k == Now ==. In.Dull.Gent Trail Mix === filed under VFD. Filed also under…. Way 2 Rich… Kinda hike……..@Trump Pitt ====== American Exceptionalism is/ Should Be…. How We Treat Our Poor! FU that Di$$agree !!!! !! !
William Higgins·1 mo
424 in the pm….. Peeps talking “bout” ovah?…. I haven Know Haven. Maaan! C My Extra Point… Or go 4….2.?…1..? S……Tun(¿a)ED…. Monday or 2’s ?????? #Table41 ===Who Figur[I]..D?….| Don’t likkk the day after Sundae …….. ======= I am getting @$$0 many $-tab me in the back looks….clenchED chagrin….. =======Love yourself B4…..@Me====== ========== I’m a Dead man …… what I did is unconscionable !!!!! ======= I believe what I did was necessary …. Why am I H…eaven. Here?… [The Devi(L) is Powerfool…Powertools… I Can’t Lo$E. [$]In My Head…. By the TooBz] … If I am so…… Evil..you mu$t U must.. You must increase your [vocabulary!]!!!…….. ======2.0 2.0 Day====== $how; Imagine, IYW. No 421 + Trump = 4th Reich (e is colored yellow with fear) ===now, imagine…. Me showing up giving the middle finger to the 4th….for all you ‘in tune’…….the Sir…Prize of duh 5th ‘Mic’ !!¡!! [QB sneak on 3rd down..H]……Ref????…
William Higgins·1 mo
Should I Go back… Now ? tonight? IDK ….. ====#Moroff than On[beat]===Hey…Lady!?!==== [Not Gonna play that Hand…agrin!!! Regretted Everytime!!] Di$$-B-Leaf….Err! ======================= ====Ju$t Saying… HMWTHP….. years a kno…W ???? ?? ? ======= Cache Money, Homey!!!
William Higgins·1 mo
I now… Tink……..H. $$$..¢==@=|||||=532=@==) the Jewish Community probably feels abit…IDK! Helple$[(0)]$ !!!! !! ! ……..WFI. (10minutes)?….fuck the 4th (dimension) Guess they NOW understand U$oA …. For my lifetime! Akkka.. AmmoR[$ic]aL, You [$]……Will Learn[ To Add Correctly!] #$$$Taking the Fifth ….. FU. #ANBTYR$PAIP….. Did someone say P[rogue…I digress]… ???…. Still don’t know what 2 say about…. Heredity. On the big screen…… 2nd gear…….cruise…. Really Dark Really Slow! +++++++++++————-+++++++++++++———+++++++ ==/!/=== Fear of a Fear==>Fool ‘Nation’===> Dick Cohen (L). Wash.Post….. 3 grain$ a.ho! Socialism oped… You.$lur, have a summation problem…. The whole tin.G leans left and……& in “confusion”… WTFuck Off Socialism…. Felt Bait and $=wITCH.D
William Higgins·1 mo
Happy 4th of….YGI…Ju LiE$$…… =====Here we go again…. Hotties are <21yo here or Mi$$ Taken…. There can’t be that much Actual Competition against ME… ???..!!!!meep meep! GMAFB. Delu$$$$$$nun.none ~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~De ~~~~~Nile~~~~~~~~ [You are just like the fucking media on papErr… [0 for]…. You actually provide Cove(R.R) ]…. Passive Aggressive (me) vs. Passive Dismissive (anyone i like) ….. I have Now proven that if the face.body is great… I will put in the time! (And when I do… $top listening to $$$$=houndZ. Your ear is their playground.(big bro is …!)…[I like you!¡!… Stay Close!] ===I Do=======Love ya @’ll ………….but I have said b4 and really haven’t changed.. Much….. I don’t sleep with anyone I wouldn’t Marry (visually+?)=== Even more so now…..You backed me up against your wall of ??? And I now have a Perception Problem… Which means the first one…. In a long while better be worth the wait or your image/mojo is taintED!….. No Excuses! ( both 2 blame) [====Seeking]====Single\ 8,9,10’s @21yo… Or….. Dust [king my .room], ===In Contusion (my Ego)===== You ladies also have an Addition Problem…. I have given you the answers to all my test questions… And you … Don’t Listen?!? Treat negatives as zero …so, really you have a negative number problem0 ======Y’all are like the ju.ju.bean$… Pre-emptive =(ignore and say nothing!)===Defense to Really.Offen$ive…..(ha.ha!)… And Never Ever ‘outwardly’ show Change! (J)heir magic is derived from fear of retaliation$$$) Fuck Outwardly, they don’t Ever change???!!! Introspection,lol!…they’d tell a clone race member [Jew.2] to eventually [Get Out!!] You’re messing with OUR Mark[, Don & Mel] =================== Insulated themselves in womb of ‘pity’, $elf-righteou$ne$$, a fear of the power of their media.. (See Me after class..lol!)…. And Extreme … Multi-FacetED connectionZ$==== the slightest light shined on “daily” atrocities$ commitED by I$(R)eal’$ Religou$ FightErr$.. Result$ in ……You Know, when you are called out on malfeasance and you are defensele$$ cuz you were negligent..(is putting it kindly!!!) You are logically out of Ammo !!!! !! ! You MUst. resort to attacking the Accuser! Day after Day via your Media Pulpit$! You are insulated from Anything, even Serial Neglect….death…?murder? ….. <2018> I gain Major, Sir!…traction cuz…. the ‘middle’ absolutely [P]LayED Down!!!! !! ! I sam Media Proof [the thorn in their achille’$) cuz they Ignored..me…&.[Kkk]now. Can’t Bridge that Far Back…… Outwardly still ignore me….. @hoarRoom..diff $tory! ==*===========**=========****========== $@$DD ==================== I have always wanted [ed deliberately in lowercase cuz idk.js..]..bout punk 2 Nation!???????! So, HS…. My old English teacher and I didn’t get .along…but one day early on…she told us a gem… And I was hooked on making jokes about it……. She lived in. Uh uh .. Dover, MA…. Next door to Jane Curtain’$ Mother!…..[JYIS]
William Higgins·1 mo
[object Object]
=PREFACE; The band isn’t involved..Kay ……. Leav’em A.bone…or 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!I’m just saying’ there’$ $hit Be Goin, Mon !!!!!!!!!!!!! ==King’$ X=&===G’$ S.==now (twistED finga$) ====$how==I $mellED… B$@NH=& (RI= #@*);= ==I Kinda Ruled Original Tupelo.Church.Bar.Music Venue! They are probably mad at me 2 …cuz, ……. Mike Schenker hasn’t been back!! [$peak Up.to the mic!] ===A&R, ..man! Gott Joke$ 4 U$errZ————–!======\\ G’$ S…. Quite the Wi(t)Z!!!! A Fucking sub-Teache(R)+(Re) Fired cuz he would have had to read and communicate Sheakspeare.. $uch Ha “Grate Communicater”..[In his head] Gave kids comics. $’More his HeiL !!! [Less twerk for Hymie] A Scholar of His- $ + torry?? No Kraut[$]¡!¡ [A Bitter Jew! Witz, there any otta “kind” ?] [Really!!!, blinded by the past..blind to any future repercussions!!!! !! !] (Re) CallED Hike ……… we All C …..[\] U$e(R)(R)=ZzzZ [/] Fuhrer Jerk ..H..O’… Witz.. He’$ broken more mirrors than Lady Gag me with a tune! Seriously, my final joke at a roast i wouldn’t be invited 2 is G’$ S. Hound 2…… Geesus, your last name was Witz? Really..??.. Really?…. How Fucking ……Purr Affect….. After all these jokes about the groupies, the tongue, groupies, shannon, the groupies, son,groupies groupies…YGTP… After all That … Shannon is Still Here! your Light..your Wife! Geesus, stop looking at all the groupies….look at Shannon….You have long ago Literally lost your Witz and now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt…..Figuratively 2. =======0ar! Gee$us, you have not only literally lost your Witz…. Shannon’s living proof that you’re Also, Figuratively Witless =====Happy Hannukah, I mean 4th of Jew…?…Lie[$$$]== =====Have they ever been remorseful???==WoW=== WUTL skkkit; The WisenheimErr$… What’s that…you can’t shake my girlfriend’s hand….you are FuckED UP ![Get OUT !!!] Live from NY…. Wit’$…….. ==========\=\\\\\\\\======\ As Their religion won’t allow its Coven to touch a ‘foreign’ female…. Their religion seems to have no problem putting a bullet or 2 in the fucking head of a Palestine lady! ====New$ to Know!======= Free Reign…… ‘Journalism’ No Regulations about Country’s Best Interest…So we can Sue them for “Malfeasance” and “Treason” ? Now, as I’ve statED b4, their T&C, state clearly…2 anyone educated.. They continually reserve, use, reserve, use, reserve the Wrong..right to FucK USa $0UL-Less Fluffernutter… $’mores? We Eat’m Up ! ====== We continually revert back to ‘friends’…… Once again …We have an Addition Problem in USoA !!!! !! !I ==well, we need tv after a hard day of taking shit from the Man!…. ====== It’$ callED brainwashing…. TirED, very susceptible to Dem! I’m Ju$t Swaying! ====== Drove by Antonio’s today..read about H.F. couple days ago… Said to ‘the breeze’ …. No Celebrities …WTF… What about LoneStar??? Drove by people loading/unloading ..the red zone is for loading and unloading…sorry…..Airplane flashback……… @LJI. With a fight the power fist i exclaimed.. What about LoneStar? (Do I really have to say…see Spaceballs?) ============ UncheckED Agre$$ion…Ma$$ Murders @Home=== Ma$$a ‘Murders@TwerKkk…. [Pre$$ & Bull] Twist knews$ to fit Heir agenda…. Countle$$ stories of Neglect and Disingenuousity…. TragED…….Y? ($$$ and the power to squash, or in my case, IGNORE any story w/o being callED a Lout ! Or $ueD Cuz they aren’t regulatED enuff…[Already!] ==Arrogant, No $oul$, ===Haven’t Found many Jews with much, if any remorse ‘Cept …..J.S.==stewart,sein,….stiller?.= when does a jew lose their soul? Saturday School? [ Lotm]. CCD? OCD? ICU? [Cuz the Reaper is ‘U’] ==A$=======Hitler H ..as ….. Re.¢.ly Retired @Hell===== =====[the l@@k on their fece$…..faces]===== O’Bay ….. The point Was, [ Don ]…. King’s X, please come to Western Mass in the Fall !!! [ …….Of the Wealth Wall$] [Thrilla By the Villa¿] /=======Crazed $and Lazy from the Heat========\ Don ‘t worry gene i could sleep with more chicks and take their pix for proof. . But I’d end up like U…. Surrounded by ‘Love’ and always looking elsewhere!…. [Wait, LOL] Big Diff, is …. I Know it’$ not in my bank account!!!! !! ! [My wife is also not a Playmate! Douchebag, Ditzy Galore….. She is your $aviour, Dingleberry! The fact that she is still there after kids are grown is the Ditzy part! 1/2! You have everything but Witz about yourself! ($nickerr-doodle)… How,Why,WTF is your issuEZ??? Uncle Milton H………….urL ===@Moi===Semite=threat$ UP. .. …©Heir @ DefCon !!!==[seems many blacks are angry about my choice of hyperbole !?! I can understand and I Put in… A little more effort….== Def – Con WGO?!?== Been thin/king…!¡ ….. Abbott…. Les Less.. Nessman… One of the shows i saw a bunch and saw Harry shear, Roseanne ‘s original eldest “daughter”, walking cross lots…others… Saw Michael Mcmean..the other spinal tap guy.. in a convenience store..what a Dick! [C.G. I apologize but who would recognise ya if they hadn’t seen your excellent flix… Casting? French waiter from LIS!] Kay.. The New WKRP… And the guy who played the guy above the ‘les’ character in pic [can u see it?] was amazing ..slapstick in one perfect take many diff times.. In the background.!!! ======= Oh yeah…we are in the mid$(t) of 2+ EPiC [Piles O’. ] $..H. i…(t)(t)($)(t)0(R)(M[e])($)! Merging (fucking). Another “Perfect” $torm ….. [sorry, AJ] and that’s where I cum …..tWWins
William Higgins·1 mo
Is It (R)iley a Funny Game or Joke … Me?!? ======= DC Wink$, We $cott Di$$. ======== My Point B~ , The Reserve Thanks for the Mother$hip ….. Have been Di$$+C0N+ (-nect[(R)])+ED. Pop Quiz! Add ….Rendition…..[o]op$..Addition (L) …… $ummah $Cool HeiL [ ShittBerg[(R)] Buffet(t)] …. In ($ummation Sign) …. Think of it as my Pre$ent! A Bubble… UltiMAtely !!! A$$ it’s gonna Deflate Untime(L)..Y? (Audience??)…Audience====>You’ll Learn!!! [2 Love All] ==================
William Higgins·1 mo
coup de gras$ …sum tin …sum tin…. Vempire $(t)ake…….. Building….. Whittle Me This ???? ?? ?
William Higgins·1 mo
U.S. Mass Mur..Media ======by the time they ‘Gotti” me…. Vittle Ve Veft Vuv Vempire ???? ?? ?
William Higgins·1 mo
Yee.. H……awe. Aye..Aye!! (jihad call)….[can u please, Hold?!] And the Bim=$kkkaLA=Bim Hoe$ to;
William Higgins·1 mo
They Wear Know Close [D]… Now!
William Higgins·1 mo
Any Hue ?
William Higgins·1 mo
Salmon <~~~~~~~ No rusH 2 DDie~~~~~ sez. The Lifetime Achievement Award for Terrorist Organizations in this our Beautiful Planet¡ [ Uranus ] Goes to the MothErr of All Terrorism…. Worldwide…. Fuck You HatE(R)[(T)]Z …… (E,Z are colored Green with Fields of Dream$) WFI…..
William Higgins·1 mo
With Great Darkne$$ there will be a Light …(I Heard) My ‘$in’opsis is that the greater the Darkness the Light has more followers! [SubScriBe-Heirs]. (LA-CrossED out Heirs and wrote Cares !) p[(Re:)]ez.word.to.your.MothEr[(R)] . Wink to the Dink!!!! !! !
William Higgins·1 mo
And In…Field [Bye Rule] Kkknewts … The Bar has been $€T. I don’t go to Bars ….. I Ain’t No Socialite… & Von’t Ever Go to a Party Hat….. I haven’t seen/approvED the guest list 4.21 !!! Not [Bought…U???] ..um.. Safe As I’m White Hott !!!! Mo..Foe$ …… === They’re $till Doin’ $hitt !===Ladies of Spring Break ===FloorideA.meth.crack.candy.coke==then there’$ the bad guyZ$…++++++++++Hike I’ve Said B4… Americans have $y$tomach problem$ Wit $impL Addition …… Every Ting$ Cheating ..[a.dumb]……Fine. ++++++++++++++:: I am Homely getting more Powerful…. in Reality ….[ At least I’m not $caught Di$$ic…..LadiEZ..aka. Rich Fuckerrz] ====6/29/18 funny me!?!==== Driving back across campus from puffer’s pond ====== Umass…. Physical Science Bldg…………..Integrated Science Building…………this is where I steppED in…… And I said out my window to ‘the breeze’ Ass I continued on…… (hut..hut’$ Missing?!?)…….Where’$ the Christian Science Building ? [H….ell…Oh …[kkK]Newman?]
William Higgins·1 mo
UnKnot 2 Fear, @Socialism the SCOTUS becomes an almost exclusive Human Rights Company [ LLCOOL Aid ] You know how picky humans can B~ [Fart]! =================,===== Written on the spot in a parking lot filled with already ANGry Pick-$up TrucKkkk$$$$… Luv Y’All Tru //edit.delete.asa..\\…[Socialism Will Be So Boring.. Maybe Read a Poe[m] .. TrickED Ya … Such Fun !!!] =======!¶¡======
William Higgins·1 mo
Hand In Locale Knewts !¡! Best Restaurant Soundtrack (chain): Moe’s Honorary Mention: McDeeZzzzzz Across the street from Moe’s [once I become famous… I won’t be able to go in dare smores] ======SpeakING O’ chain restaurants====== stupID quest.E.A.n……. Should I Go Back 2 ….. [ H……] West Spring..[2.1]..Field O ‘ ???? ?? ? [ ….H] ===$tar It Up……[ $tir @ ] ========= A bunch of dispensaries have a license new/renew voucher program…. Just Do Wit ! P11005914 or say William Higgins referred ya! Kinda like an Amazon link [Wink] If this gets over 1k (21 people) there will be a mmj party 4 T[H]ru Fans !!! [ru]
William Higgins·1 mo
[With.Err Fom …..] Me? me?…. A Hearty Dose of …….. Everything and kNOwTHING[$] meet$ …. Cap. Equanimity.. Oh!?! [Anyone Remember Sadaharu Oh ??? ]
William Higgins·1 mo
Revelation #9 …… If Knot Now, 4 Di$$ Generation …… It $(Hal) B the …….(ir)Rationalization of .”any..future” (sic) 4 Procreation$…! [M..mistreatED Future KkkID$ As … Heir …. (L)oom$ ] =====$ell-(L)out$ Love to show off ‘fancy toys’ when I “Connect” as another way to control ya Thought$= ===$$DD, they think when I’m gone.. Poof! ….. .it’$ OvAH… [U Will Learn !!!! !! !]. =======Sorry ‘Uncle’ Altoid$, You $tin(kkk)=======
William Higgins·1 mo
4 a $Coar=I Worry…that it’$ Gall.$0===== acro$$ the Mason JarHead Ly2Wynn=[akg.. Duh (Ph)@ Line]=ie.D=Tower[R] Vi.[Ca.Did.U$.In.]King’$…Plan…. [Plank. i.ng— ¡ |×|×| U…U$…$@U(L) ]
William Higgins·1 mo
If and (W)…..hen. You get your MMJ license. ($200 plus have some doctor’s notes and any meds taking )… If You Eventually Go To… Neta please Plea$ write-in ….. Referred by: P11005914 ====TY ! ==
William Higgins·1 mo
Sloe Been …I a..just wanna make y’all notice the Crescendo H…ike….. emotion building H …..@………..Heir was s$tokkking …… I need this first ‘date” to happen on a low note or a descending note…… Notice the “Big Diff”? I Do and TATM2M now! [Classy [Gal]…, Wit,, Discipline! = (@Respect@)] [Me?, me? 2 outta 3 ain’t Bad !!!!] ==Bo==[2 da]==Zo I’m H…open… the Pass is Complete.. [don’t like my chances of a Statue of LimitNation$ QB $neakkk on 4th Down] ¶ ***************” ** “””” * “**”””””””””” *$*=: “‘.!” **** ¶ [ Initiate ME, Ladies ¡!¡!¡] ===I Hott Jokes…. Boo’ Know [My Choice..]…… ID..Prefer getting “Beat Up” by a ‘Hot’ 21+ Female cuz then I can Fuck her Ass Tur !!! [Even.[Mu]tually]
William Higgins·1 mo
Trimming My Trunk … Tree ========== One local coffee chain’s manager has the best hiring practices….Their choice of character employees is continually Top-Notch !! I miss so many… Previous workers here ……. I can only remember one that was hostile towards me. [Sorority gal..(I’m #1). ] Wonder Wall they all go to ? [DD] ========= The funniest thing to happen directly related to my Wicked Tuna posts…. [Amherst’s OCD guy… Doesn’t stick his finger in meters Smores ! ($till?)]
William Higgins·2 mo
So after rewatching i was close…I think …he lost the tip he said… And looks like the door pinched it off … “Crushed” it going left !!!. Def. Be back b4 Dot Com ! =editude;=I don’t know what I got correct ??? ‘CEPT his name???=[tie the lure]= in MA, If you are 20, I’d already have had my MMJ card ..for a year + ! Just Saying !?! Alcohol will get u ‘trappED’…… 1 way or many other$ …. Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, ‘Autism'(not a valid condition, yet!), DreamCatcher (ptsd), “pms”, crohn’s.. Kinda $tupId N0t 2… For @3 years of no bar hopping… Weed shoppin”’ Betta Choice in Every Way …. ‘CEPT Forgetting my …00PS Poe, It , I hAm Not a Paid Actor… How UNprofessional a Figure, Literally !!! ***==== https://www.marijuanadoctors.com/medical-marijuana-doctors/ ======= Get credit for that $200 at NETA … Good a Deal !!! === I only play a Doctor of Proctology on my Comcast . BIG Brother Surveillance..streaming on ‘Elite TV’ $Ho..[util.devising Candid Camera ” \\ 2 way mirror” tv’$==w/ LimitNe$$=Bandwidth== =========== Lots of MA land available this year vs. last. ========= Interesting…. ======== They get wall street cred for taking political and ..potshotZ @@ Moi …. Netflix, Prime with that fucking’ show…$now across aged ashes of consciousne$$ ..2 a High TasseL…..[.Knew..Jew$ 4 for HitLer !!!] ======FuckED up Logic From FUP==== The media with Heir.Code. Dig the Hole First … Nation.L.Wiz.Dumb …. FascisM.. No $tatIC… At A.L.L ================ “Love Ya Mean It” … Shout Back..abit. To a @CVS.. Wise Guy who sez aloud.. “You’re #1” … (My reply to getting the middle finger) ===***========*********
William Higgins·2 mo
They use commercials to send subliminal ‘Fuck You’$’ to Dissidents Hike ===> Me … ====Madi$on Ave. DDouche$ (R) ==whore.[st]able==> Example?!? =====> Kay, just recently said for no reason .. Shit Cups =====on during ‘my show’==> Just saw Reese’$ PB Cups commercial…======> We’re Not Gonna $top, Deal with IT !?! <=====Really Important .info….Judge Me !!!! !! ! ====stupID stuff======> =did Tyler pull the door backwards..reach in to the inner handle with his middle finger hooking the handle from out on the deck then slipped on the ice cubes and fell ripping his finger out of socket. It probably was totally severed ……… fell off the handle @ him …wowch!!!==>gotta be re-attached in MA hospitals ! & Dot$ Com gotta mojo remind-err <===========up&wait====== Tyler Theory, everyone must have read f(x).!!!!!! WTF!!! They must be losing their shitt! my @ base is sky- rocketing up to a ‘$pacestation’ !!!! Was it Tyler’s Middle ? or Second finger of his ? left hand..? (Gotta watch again). If he swung around and used his right hand… to normally shut the door after entering cabin… Diff … Story! How many days will be miss? None?? Worst to First is my… Pick….. Tyler 2nd place….he won’t soon forget…. ¿.[WoW]
William Higgins·2 mo
Lettuce Begin “Drunk” blogging……. !!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!… Ok, seen a lot of peeps in relationships seeking …Madison…. Homie Don’t Play Hat !!!! LMA If you are under 20 and can’t wait to get to know me..til then…You’re Part of the Problem.Now!…. LMB…. WeightErr, Check ! Herp Check (no beards.lotm)!! CrazeD Check !!! Peace+ ***************************** If my Haters restart complaining about Work.. ..Tell’em 2 STFU !!! [Duck] ================*= Where Have All The Flowers Gone ???? !! ? Really! ==========**===**********= =====Haze===anybody analyzed why 6’s & 7’s are crazies ??=====you can’t go up w/o surgery…The Gravity of Gravity [ edit: nix Hormones ]!!!===,=,,,, And Catty-mess Ensues like Hatfields and McCoys .. ========irrational behavior becomes the norm =======8,9 & 10’s…. Know they gotta work on a Personality! “””” ”\==============/************************ And how now do I continue here ?……..IDn ,,,,, These Acronyms are easier for me, huh ?IDn ============== The fact that my single 21+ female fans wouldn’t come up with any kind of positive plan for me…. And ‘hid’… Doesn’t bode well for $ummer he@R…….
William Higgins·2 mo
Scotty, Engine Check ! All Go ‘Caption’. Completion Backwards Principle… Engaged… [My Fiancee] Peace Pipe 16:20 ……my quarters…… Rock & Roll….in’ with Bones ! Eh ?!
William Higgins·2 mo
I Am CornHoli0 !!!! !! !
William Higgins·2 mo
You be the Angel / Ho De Michaelo Judge !?! ….WFI
William Higgins·2 mo
Just lost 30 minutes of blog….Shit Cups?!? Recap: Const.A.Pay.[Nay, Nay].$hun [$,£,€,¥] Sew. Give me your tired achy hole and I’ll show you the Light in the Dark….-+Assman….Speaking of Assholez… … Jeselnik: Funny! [‘?Games? ] They can’t all be SuperBowl $ea.Sons…. Luv Ya, Mean Wit === The (Rabbi) + (t) [ <== colorblind (t)] = The (Hare) = The Hair = Pez goes to Pea …Pee man = Has illegal sex with “dirty porno girl” = And rails against EVIL pornography much like Jimmy $wagg.Art ….same person ? Iq ? ?Pee obsessed? Pez.Pitt.Arian!!! !!!!! [fucking brilliance of funny names] Did trump write melania’ s doctor’s note Al$0 after[W..aLL]¿ ======= ….. $aints and Sinners ! B∆ ============================== Hear…..would be the Swan Song of The Assman [Character….] @ the Dirty Climax, with a Beautiful Buxom Blonde he …exclaims ….
William Higgins·2 mo
5 hours in DT NoHo, and no “upDate”…. UP&wAIT
William Higgins·2 mo
Show is Rear[ing …… Wit’ sez: Go Big or go home….(e not o)] Massachusetts 6’s & 7’s (blimey) is NoGo… ===guess My Billion Dollar Integrity[, Baby] ….Ain’t Apart Hideous De¢on$truck.$hun =======And the good GTFOOH ===== Importation is what money allows…….. Righty Ho….. Trump Pitt. ~ [TP]~ +++PMOB!++++Forget Me.. Fuck Youzzz+++++;;;;; ReligIBu$$ …… You’re mime stepping on me..is funny ! But you really should leap from a tall building to even reach my dick ====Swallow $hame Much ???========/ Does It Look Like I Worry About My Career ??? \===
William Higgins·2 mo
Class Cum So Loud sez… “Mentally RapED” =======We Have A Winner============
William Higgins·2 mo
Opportunity $howED it.self ….. A Quick Literal Punch to my Car Horn …..startlEd …. All ””” Discombobulated them and broke the moment and thoughts seized … ==========Now I See The Evil Power They Utilize DDDDaily… In many form$…. ===== What I really want to focus on for a few days is those girls and the walking young guy… How did you feel before and after !!!???? ? Eyes Open ?
William Higgins·2 mo
The Greatest Punch comes from deflecting heir’$ and Continuing that “Newtonian Apple”…… 6/12/18…I Got My Chance…..The Hatred Against Me Was Building …Bill made a Hicks Joke !..Kay.,,,, ——::scene set.. Puffer’s Pond…I’m PerchED in my “corner office” .. To my Right by the fence area is a Chubby [Fat] Older Guy suntanning in shorts and t-shirt..close to the walking entrance…..Kay… 2 girls.a couple?!. Were suntanning by the beginning of the Sandy area…Sew! [My lesbian dreams ] A guy walks up the path ..and has short words of agreement… He then keeps walking and gets to the girls and they ? agree? AND just then HEIR shit heir Pant(I)EZ
William Higgins·2 mo
I feel like Kramer after he got someone else’s license plate….. Hey Assman !!!! [ My Wick has Nevah ! Nyet ] ……..updata; …OMG…. BitchEZ Be Out !!! ….girl walks by me…. I wait til she almost passed by and I glance up and she says to ??? (I read lips a bit) I feel “mentally raped”….” …… edit: …. thought $ and prayer$” ma’am .. [Welcome to Rationality in the Thump Terror !!!] editour:Me..now ! Weird-Know$ abound ¡¡¡ don’t worry….they don’t read [SirHoundED by.@: PredatoR$] ================== I think she just walked by again =============== I Really Try to be as Nice as Possible ! ====oh so misunderstood (π)===== They will offer you the world if you even think about me! ====Test Them !!!! [ …. 1point for moi..; ]====== ==== So, no donation$, no Date… Tix are going up on Craigslist for 75 bucks… after that I go get Happy Pending ; til Spring Break in ????????? [My Pants…]…. Waterfalls at 12 feet / second…..My Mojo …Defie$ Gravity …..[Rising] ,,,,…… No Donation$ … No Date . No Go Pixie Hicks! ====Rappin’ Rodney sez.. I get Know Respect….==== The tix are up on Craigslist.. For $75. Gonna use it to get a Happy Pending ….. til Spring Break ’19 [in my head/pants] = ….. !!!! [Stop the Hate!…..LIS…….. – My Peni$]
William Higgins·2 mo
And now…. The Eclectic Rich Robinson and Rand…. playing ‘ One Road Hill’ from his FANtastic Album ‘The Ceaseless Sight’ ….<clapping> RR..Reality; <the finger@me> ========= Jezelnik $Hould be Tony Bologna ……. Badda…Bing0
William Higgins·2 mo
Well, well… How Deep or Low will they go….. $cumbags last night musta got into my vehicle while I was sleeping behind Florence bar…. Got my 2nd to last Rubi pen and all the filled pods i had…(3).. The missing pods is when I knew I didn’t just misplace the pen for the hundredth time in my vehicle…. Gotta Love ..Alkkkie$ ==== alcohol isn’t high enuff for Losers like these POSzzzz p(L)uck You$zzzz … End story is now I have to change up ..protos… cuz my “semen/fluids” zzz gonna end up in a “suit/case in DC”… PO$$$ !!! !!!!! =================== One’s College Experience Actual Learning is directly proportional to how far one Truly Opens their Faucet ! ==================== Everybody hates report card day…. I B Earth’$ Report Card Central…. Scoring Rubric Cubical$ ======================= Their Laughing all the way to Heir Bank $ ============= Wind cyclones off of 116 ….in the open crop field after you get to amherst….. I wanna go and belly flop on one… And say I saved the town from a blossoming tornad~~~~@—–0 ——i guess that’s how I. Deal with [A] Depression !?!—— ……(lotmosml) =========%#@!¡∆~••~π==== Heir EZ ……. Real Here$y ——I obviously can do this for 2 more years …w/o a LifeLine … =================== Autism $peak$ Y’all Just Don’t Wanna Listen !!! !!!!!! ============ Heir AS Guilty as $in….and the Corruption is ¿ Ab$0[u]Lute ¿ ========== When you see the media on the street…… [I Wood] Laugh AT Them !!! ====================== WDYD? I usuaLLy Critique A$$hole$ who ask me WID! =========== Hear he is ..cast outta Hell for being a Nerd with Feelings [of an almost Human Nature] ! ====Me introducing …¿me?=== ===WTF====##=======Wed Thurs Fri … =======What’s My Line ?==========?======–______________==Well that was ReFreshin’ !=== For all you psue psue dios [hologram][wow where did that come from?????????] =========6/6 – 6/12 gonna be weird…============== 6/12/18. End of Rhyme / Reason ? _+()&=* “‘:;!”””””” Douche$$$$$ are Child-Like…. Chucky’$ %%%%%%%%tear [Role.ing] down walls of wealth%%%%%%%%%%%* ==6/14==The Master will enjoy meeting… you.. In Deed [spoke James Mason] ,, =====gonna have to wait til the sequel…. Salem$ Bought for Booze…. Open Bar !! USA.. Fuck Ya !!! Get So Drunk, … Newark looks like Boston…LOTM…LOL =========*_*___I AM Sorry Detroit. ! WTFWIT. Literally, Man !
William Higgins·2 mo
Didn’t MY ACTUAL relatives sail to America with Columbus to get away from Kingly [Queenly also]. Worship !!! !!!!!
William Higgins·2 mo
Are there Really any Rational Minds that think the youth of today on a “ReBoot” [edit: I got called out for not using the proper analogy…. ‘ReFormat the Drive’ …..which Now sounds better, tanks] could Fuck things up worse than they already are ??? ????? ………. Stand Up and Be Diss CountED
William Higgins·2 mo
Future Topics: When the “Evil Fiend” tells you his plans….. Watch the “Good” Guise….. ========== +Leiu and other secret gov / ; rcmp collabhorgyration$ +The Real Evil Henchmen: Comcast +An Update of $um Bung + Sex ===qualls===== Huuuge RatingS ,,,,Megalomaniac, me. ? Me? No Chance,, F[(R)]ight The Power !!! !!!!! ======= The next Roast should be for….. [Keenan Thompson] Yup…. C.Centrists presents The Roast of Keenan Thompson.. We’ Callin’ ~Wit~…. Roast Beef (U Movie Star U) …..It’s Rare that We Roast a Black cuz they All got $o Much Exposure. … ¿Already? ….. But this Diamond in the Ruffage …. Doesn’t Get Enuff Credit… Literally he was panhandling outside ABC [liquors.. looking for a credit application cosigner] when we found him… And made him the Somebody [ .who can get laid now!] Blacks can look up to…. Never $old Out..like … Al Toker ….please ! [Actual Black Writer(s) needed] Now ,….Pleez Put your Cellphones Down and Clap …..MoFoes for the Shoe that .Heels. $aturday Night (L)ive….. Keynand….Peel …… [After which we have a late breaking story… Sum body took my toke… I mean one of my pod vapor cartridges with my special blend…. If you have info… Fuck You ]
William Higgins·2 mo
Howell…. In Deed, youzz$ think these kids are gonna forget Moi ? [ Makes Know ¢ ] ……….. I am their Rolling Stone, MadLibs, Rubikkk$ Cool .. (@) In a BONg [sharp] …….,…..this thief wanted 1 bitcoin……. Ticketfly Hack got me…Itunes must be the go to post-stolen CC ..”free”purchase site! ==check your online statements== What else…. No properties and yes tiny houses should be allowed in every really rural area ! Comment$?? ……………………………… …………..not the Orient But ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ 900 bucks plus tax÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ for 45 max days ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ an 18 ÷÷÷÷÷segment ÷÷÷÷÷train ÷÷÷÷trip.÷÷÷÷ (( ))..sorry HI ,,,, I wish I knew where my fanbases “bar” !!! …….. LMK ThursDais…. [..by FriDDais i’ll have eaten a ton of Hope…(tummy.Full) ] [ gonna forget me, you(R) Funny !!! !!!!! ]
William Higgins·2 mo
Obviously, they Plan to Keep me away from the 18-20 yo girls… Least of my GrievancEZ… Prob is and …..SSDD.. Hay. Target them and guarantee to $=Heir$….. They will have them or someone very close to them in the ‘fold’ by 21…W™=HeiL SS(germ.) sez…No Prob…! Hat ..’DDirt’eed POS… $Will Follow Order$, ….. [21 and Life to Regret!] [ wimp=err ] Yes, Masters of My kNew Reality…. ….. Moral[e] G. Thanks. MA & PA kkkettle.. [Kinison Scream… AH…………….H !!! ]
William Higgins·2 mo
I’m trying to get to their Collective Souls before the Alcohol /SSDD Win[e]$. ….. Your Parents Have Given Up the True “Fight”… [Tobe be Good sLave] .. I Have Essentially ReReSet …… True North ========== Oh yeah, yesterday at Quabbin … Wow ..waves of denseness swirling like fire above the distant forest behind the SPB . … From seemingly nowhere… Awesome…… Soon a heavy breeze came my way ………Then….. the Mist
William Higgins·2 mo
OG Money hasn’t [C]had Heir Pantie$ @ in a Long Time…. The Denial is Running ….. Far and Girth
William Higgins·2 mo
Tyr,.. Ultimate Bubble is gonna burst cuz ..Penn [and Teller]…Ultimately …. Me and Those People Differ in 1 Basic Belief….Faith… [In You] ….. Sew I’ve WeavED a WickED List of Grievance$… Now, if Kennedy’$$ or any other Demo of InJust try to look good… Stood UPP to the OverHoardZ$ We would have UHC plus… =ON====to ReBoot the System ! ===and UpGrade from F.$$$ To ….. [(Faith)/(Love)==(H.open) …math modeling with my figure], ========= Mothers and Dads are begging their kids to not believe a word i say…. Easy here but Knott “H”ear ……to ZimbabWE.?.. They Really Like Wit ========= Critical Tinkering…is Knott Thinking …ie. …Criminality..wiz (crossed out) Commonality ============= Some peeps were Philly Wingin, Wit @… [Penn needs another boost after Pa$tern0.. Pitts Shout Kraut 2…$hark Party. I Wood Technically owe ‘Hymn’ 1k. Butt * …. Fuck’m ] ====== Parents here…and Zoo$ going to Cape are really losing their lunch.. ======. I Simply StatED a Logical Extrapolation of Event…..$ (Falls Forward\Backwards)
William Higgins·2 mo
A$$ the Kennedy’$$$$ (R) (retail-i-zing)….. History’s Book (edit: (R)ight there on the very first page.. on the very first page…… HANDwrit,ten …. it saID[D]……) Fuck You !
William Higgins·2 mo
The Stop The Insurgency Tour has reachEd the Crux…… I now am offering 2 second row orchestra right tix to Anthony Jeselnik @AOM.northampton, ma Thursday the 14th of June 8pm. (an $80 value) For the first donation of $4.20 or Higher to my FUNdage. Lettuce $ee if discounted tix can overcome any “BlackList” ! …..=========…. What is the opposite of gofundme ?? —— GoFuckYourself !!! =Amazon must be losing their Shitt= funny thing happened on my way thru Amazon chat to discuss a charge… After getting forwarded through 3 people… I was finally helped by….nice lady…. Harshita. [ Harsh Shit] ======= Saw Han[DD$] Solo In Real 3-D by myself in the theater tuesday….[ Vape ignore the Trails.] [……..Cowa..Bung a Ditta] edit: Happy Snails .. ————– Donate Donate Don’t Hate
William Higgins·2 mo
The “Ultimate Bubble” bouy is Gettin’ Sharp… And the $tar$hit Enterprise, LL[u]C dba Gambling Casino … RiggeD, of course, Par [ty]……Favour [eat,..$$$] Has RearED its Weakne[e]$$…Heir M.achille.villian.$$ Heel… ————————- Contempt-U–>U$ Intolerance ($ is crossED CLout)
William Higgins·2 mo
https://video.wgby.org/video/wgby-documentaries-under-quabbin/ ================== Wildest part of this docu is the name of the ? Only ? Train connecting to the valley ……..and….the Super Troopers character i saw working at the overlook of said Valley..LOTM
William Higgins·2 mo
A nutter byte of Reality KNOt breachED @ Local KKlan meetings…. No Need 4 and KnOw Unnecessary Abortions with Socialism !?! Peace Know No Doubt !
William Higgins·2 mo
For every Hundred Dolla Donation, You will Receive a heart pendant with my Fingerprint imprinted! I Live and Love On !!!
William Higgins·2 mo
The Girth of My Truth ™ kinda like a moment in my TV time viewing history when the great Harry Anderson (I was at the final episode(s) of Night Court) took on 10 superb chess players….@ Once…..
William Higgins·2 mo
How come We can’t update our policies with that ease ????
William Higgins·2 mo
BTFW, DOtard$… If you think I’m a blip.blop.blimp. in Time (X) … You’re gonna need my number 4.21 objective.. A new Language… Universal and Unambiguous….. Cou$. I OWN Di$$, Mon! …..this is the condensed version……
William Higgins·2 mo
Dere'($) Johnny !!! Aka…..#Israel defense chief …. Israel is like a molested child who KKKeep$ the “Tradi[a]tion”…”A.Bribe!?!..How Many Points .. We Talking?! I’m just asking?! Badda Habit….IK (under the table ..molestnation..of our SO.u.L) $hallow.. M[e..?] Sew, Some DaRe! .. Some.udder $hare SanctiMoneyU….SA… —–God musta got his Bearing$ Tossed (Salad)..and betold them Miss CoN JewED (Clampett) to build a High Castle .[and bang Hot Chicks!!!. (Little Evil)].Repunzil…what’$ her game? Refutta Re;Putt……(O) …ah !!! RefuttERRz$… Let down your $care and let me climb up your step-ladder of your “Luv”. Thank U…and U U…. Hey [ Like Me ] ¿Now………/ ~~ ~ /=====> Get Help, I$ $$$$$$$$ reaL …ly what I want most..to say..HowL ABout…we give it all to you and then say money has no value….then will you PleEZ.Fuck..The Fuck Off…. May your diamonds be carbon copied , WickHead WitchEZ from Gauze. #WTFDHJS Peace Scout… V….V [on YOU]
William Higgins·2 mo
New WUTL character …. Who …who’s there ? .. Who every time he heard ‘How’ he immediately raises his open palmed left hand ‘push-up’ “height” …u … Know…… HOW we no get PAid Re..Re. Rent from these Yankee MoFozzz ??? [Mr. Pezzz?] Excuse my Indian speak..sounds Racist to whomever i “copied” ============ You Can’t PUT(T) Your Faith in the Devil…IF You Wanna See GOd ============== Capitalism’$ Watergate …..DamnED B.Yee [ H awe ….. H ] …Higgins Weight..[Wait] ========== ===============. locally: Did anyone catch the Goose? 5/20/18 =========== I’m a fan of Hartford’s attempt at noise reduction with a lesser tone on some emergency vehicles…Start, Some DaRe …. SSDD —–>SSD——>SS-(germ.)—->$ = Null Set ========
William Higgins·2 mo
Can a Female Fail a Drug Test for Thc after Semen=Ding [@Dong] our Relationship ???? ?? ? Inquiring Minds…
William Higgins·3 mo
Getting Ready …. 2[0¿] Jack My Signal Sup 2 HDD “”””” Who “””
William Higgins·3 mo
The Know …..No Nothing .. Yes ============ === albrecht macht frei === ==edit 5 minutes later==== === Poetic Enuff for Litz$ ? …
William Higgins·3 mo
Contemp(LA)ting .. LOTM¿ Spa [F]arting Sooner than Latte(r) I’m gonna buy land only…. And I’m asking for Designs FannED Funds to build a Way Cool Home.. On the {St}range …. [ Talk to Me, Pals.. ] =========== What U Rink ? Dude(tta) ? =============== =================
William Higgins·3 mo
I had a $hark Prank idea; I’d look for property near French restaurants …Chez ?????? And I setup a dive bar chain called you guessed it ¿ [Chez Lounge] =========== Second joke not about “Amerst’ === If you initial your son APB !?!I Court Based Options 4 Choices Attorney., ,||||||, ========= I made a King of Comedy like joke tonite when I said to ????? ….. I’ll Be ON Carson, Next Week !!!I ====¿[Pride and Joy]¿===== ===== Wow, trump will love this joke … He’LL want to make his own video… ,,,,,, Ever ????? ,,, Try to take a piss while having Sex ? [=======LMK======] Go Fu[nd ME]
William Higgins·3 mo
Is this thing on ? (Touch mic to my dick!) ….. I kid myself .[..I don’t even know mike. And I sure wouldn’t want him to touch my snausage]..I repeat !myself when under stress.. I repeat myself when under stre$$ ..I talk 2 much …..udjust tye …..how am I doing for a time[X] ???? ?? ? Who are we Roasting AnyWho ?? Woo ? I saw his last pic, nothing like a Woo film !!! TMZ[ero]…. I heard Tang and Clan just got outta…… $. money … And are UP for a Reunion Tour ; Or .. just a part in your next flick? ———- What? , it’s Not John Woo !?! —–Well … That’s Wrong then…. Change the Monicker … Fuck Comedy Central … Tear Down that 2 4 $1 …Paper ..impressed not..Pressed Paper ….and Put Up… Woo Hooo To Nite..(Wave ); Thanks for the future Mammories, Peace [ I put up 3 fingers inglorious German HeiL]
William Higgins·3 mo
You Hear Pootie ?……. Sa Da Tay
William Higgins·3 mo
Sew, I was sitting in the dentist office watching Alyssa Milano knitting a warm blanket for Mental Health …..Cool .!.!.. I turned to the gentleman sitting next to me and said….. Aren’t We All ….Really!?!!!!!!
William Higgins·3 mo
Keep those Donation$ Whitney Cumming$ ….. Every Penny counts… Bazinga !!!
William Higgins·3 mo
Best Buy Time Lout ========= They paid a Bonu$ last year to shut up employees who know about me in the training videos… See Best Lie ran a promotion with MSN which was technically illegal therefore unenforceable and for a time in California the stores were emptied by shoppers taking full advantage of deal ..$400 at a time…. I wasn’t in Cali butt FLorida .. $mile … Your on Candid We FuckED Up Camera .. Never “stole” from them ! PlayED the game like Benny at the BJ table ! Suck MY Girth… Besty
William Higgins·3 mo
So. Concert great ‘Cept gotta get that tablet to stop messing with the guitar… Almost like bad playing …not! ,, Traveler’$ Insurance Umbrella “Ride’ was fun..[knee]. Mary Poppins ‘Round ? Kay, while waiting, …i’m using a legal pad for writing now and I write 2X a$$ munchin Good.EZ !!!! !! ! ===,==Jeff Ross dais yokes=== Jeff, which is bigger. Your tooth-prick or that Snausage you got there ? WFI Out comes a Wicked Tuna crew to measure that nose.. …. Long tape measure from top of nostrils to Eye Cow line (touch’ eyebrow)… Wait For Rep- Lies —–:-:- Jeff has been around so long and gone so Knowhere$ backwards.. He’s a mirror image of his bulbous cranium.. Pluto He’s $till Out There We Just Don’t Care Anymore !!! (J/k). ¿ [God. that one hurt me in the mirror] …….. So, I’m a Point ===> R. ..eventually..off to random memory …overbitten… ——————— Chris Rock. ; I’m $till Workin on that FUNding for Pootie Tang IV : President !
William Higgins·3 mo
Graduating Class of ’18 …. Work Makes You Free …… Hurry TFU ….. ProCreate WTTM
William Higgins·3 mo
Anybody Else see that Wells Fargo commercial with an Empty Hangar ? Projecting Mucho …. Just [ice] $aying … They’ve been Bad, Bad, Really Bad… [High A[L]titude ¿ ?NoseBleedERR$] TBTF Imagine .. [Hat]
William Higgins·3 mo
Rough Draft ..did someone say draft..not in IS,Real …[2A] T >->-Ass-Blasters in the Kitchen-<-< Dear John, DEEPaFarting FOM JuR .[y]… KKKrispies …….. ‘Logical Reality’ [ KKKnow shame …the J€wish Media ..ie..and Conne[L]dUS once again ran a OG Re;Play…..Who Ha$ the BaLLLL..ieio…. Reality’$ $tatu[t]e of Liberty play … Trying to $HLep It in between Graduation / Mother’S Day.. $HameLess $aim Me $$] CYS? CaHoot$$$ $eems over / undermining of sum Liberty,. Basic Choice$ Lost … War Ain’t Kno= L Card Game . ================ Insert Keenan Wayans… He’s Not !?! Keenan ..what is it ???..Meat Movies Guy ? Thompson .. Holding …a Super Troopers 2 standard regulation Mustache Template To a JB … FatHead …. Shaking his head .. In Refute ====== Reality sez you’re fired in @ 2 years ¿ Feel the Bern
William Higgins·3 mo
$=Hock…Confusion….. Ridicule ….. LOL .. [ For Humanity ] tanks, michaeL
William Higgins·3 mo
Know, Mr. Bolton, WE treat YOU people and attachED bubble… Hike We ….treat your upper lip ! $ir !!!! !! !
William Higgins·3 mo
Like to follow this case ..Hey !!!! ..Wait A Minute !!!! Ahhh Kinison Rile !! https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2018/05/11/nra-sues-new-york-governor-over-what-calls-blacklisting-campaign/maoVoJGNJRvPrQO7o2nykN/story.html Ah Ah Ah!!!!!!!

Fal$e Star(t)$…

 1 day ago
Is It (R)iley a Funny Game or Joke … Me?!?

DC Wink$, We $cott Di$$.
My Point B~ , The Reserve Thanks for the Mother$hip ….. Have been Di$$+C0N+ (-nect[(R)])+ED.
Pop Quiz! Add ….Rendition…..[o]op$..Addition (L) …… $ummah $Cool HeiL [ ShittBerg[(R)] Buffet(t)]
…. In ($ummation Sign) …. Think of it as my Pre$ent!
A Bubble… UltiMAtely !!! A$$ it’s gonna Deflate Untime(L)..Y? (Audience??)…Audience====>You’ll Learn!!! [2 Love All]


 1 day ago
coup de gras$

…sum tin …sum tin…. Vempire $(t)ake…….. Building…..

Whittle Me This ???? ?? ?

1 day ago
U.S. Mass Mur..Media

======by the time they ‘Gotti” me…. Vittle Ve Veft Vuv Vempire ???? ?? ?

1 day ago
Yee.. H……awe. Aye..Aye!! (jihad call)….[can u please, Hold?!] And the Bim=$kkkaLA=Bim Hoe$ to;
2 days ago
They Wear Know Close [D]… Now!
 2 d
Any Hue ?
2 d
Salmon <~~~~~~~ No rusH 2 DDie~~~~~ sez. The Lifetime Achievement Award for Terrorist Organizations in this our Beautiful Planet¡ [ Uranus ] Goes to the MothErr of All Terrorism…. Worldwide…. Fuck You HatE(R)[(T)]Z …… (E,Z are colored Green with Fields of Dream$) WFI…..
2 d
With Great Darkne$$ there will be a Light …(I Heard) My ‘$in’opsis is that the greater the Darkness the Light has more followers! [SubScriBe-Heirs]. (LA-CrossED out Heirs and wrote Cares !) p[(Re:)]ez.word.to.your.MothEr[(R)] . Wink to the Dink!!!! !! !
And In…Field [Bye Rule] Kkknewts … The Bar has been $€T. I don’t go to Bars ….. I Ain’t No Socialite… & Von’t Ever Go to a Party Hat….. I haven’t seen/approvED the guest list 4.21 !!! Not [Bought…U???] ..um.. Safe As I’m White Hott !!!! Mo..Foe$ …… === They’re $till Doin’ $hitt !===Ladies of Spring Break ===FloorideA.meth.crack.candy.coke==then there’$ the bad guyZ$…++++++++++Hike I’ve Said B4… Americans have $y$tomach problem$ Wit $impL Addition …… Every Ting$ Cheating ..[a.dumb]……Fine. ++++++++++++++:: I am Homely getting more Powerful…. in Reality ….[ At least I’m not $caught Di$$ic…..LadiEZ..aka. Rich Fuckerrz] ====6/29/18 funny me!?!==== Driving back across campus from puffer’s pond ====== Umass…. Physical Science Bldg…………..Integrated Science Building…………this is where I steppED in…… And I said out my window to ‘the breeze’ Ass I continued on…… (hut..hut’$ Missing?!?)…….Where’$ the Christian Science Building ? [H….ell…Oh …[kkK]Newman?]
UnKnot 2 Fear, @Socialism the SCOTUS becomes an almost exclusive Human Rights Company [ LLCOOL Aid ] You know how picky humans can B~ [Fart]! =================,===== Written on the spot in a parking lot filled with already ANGry Pick-$up TrucKkkk$$$$… Luv Y’All Tru //edit.delete.asa..\\…[Socialism Will Be So Boring.. Maybe Read a Poe[m] .. TrickED Ya … Such Fun !!!] =======!¶¡======
Hand In Locale Knewts !¡! Best Restaurant Soundtrack (chain): Moe’s Honorary Mention: McDeeZzzzzz Across the street from Moe’s [once I become famous… I won’t be able to go in dare smores] ======SpeakING O’ chain restaurants====== stupID quest.E.A.n……. Should I Go Back 2 ….. [ H……] West Spring..[2.1]..Field O ‘ ???? ?? ? [ ….H] ===$tar It Up……[ $tir @ ] ========= A bunch of dispensaries have a license new/renew voucher program…. Just Do Wit ! P11005914 or say William Higgins referred ya! Kinda like an Amazon link [Wink] If this gets over 1k (21 people) there will be a mmj party 4 T[H]ru Fans !!! [ru]
[With.Err Fom …..] Me? me?…. A Hearty Dose of …….. Everything and kNOwTHING[$] meet$ …. Cap. Equanimity.. Oh!?! [Anyone Remember Sadaharu Oh ??? ]
6 d
Revelation #9 …… If Knot Now, 4 Di$$ Generation …… It $(Hal) B the …….(ir)Rationalization of .”any..future” (sic) 4 Procreation$…! [M..mistreatED Future KkkID$ As … Heir …. (L)oom$ ] =====$ell-(L)out$ Love to show off ‘fancy toys’ when I “Connect” as another way to control ya Thought$= ===$$DD, they think when I’m gone.. Poof! ….. .it’$ OvAH… [U Will Learn !!!! !! !]. =======Sorry ‘Uncle’ Altoid$, You $tin(kkk)=======
7 d
4 a $Coar=I Worry…that it’$ Gall.$0===== acro$$ the Mason JarHead Ly2Wynn=[akg.. Duh (Ph)@ Line]=ie.D=Tower[R] Vi.[Ca.Did.U$.In.]King’$…Plan…. [Plank. i.ng— ¡ |×|×| U…U$…$@U(L) ]
7 d
If and (W)…..hen. You get your MMJ license. ($200 plus have some doctor’s notes and any meds taking )… If You Eventually Go To… Neta please Plea$ write-in ….. Referred by: P11005914 ====TY ! ==
=/Hay Barney ..Frankly she’s a much Greater A$$et 2 HumanKind/=
What gave Ocasio-Cortez’s platform its power is not just her rhetorical acuity — the fact that she’s frank where others are euphemistic. She’s able to be frank because her ideology is internally consistent and uncompromised by the influence of money — just as others are euphemistic where the truth would upset their donors.
why am i so very correct  [alot] ? Sound Famil?
#Ideology is internally consistent and uncompromised by the influence of money

How R ReliguBu$$ $pin Doc=Whoring..Friar$”’ 1-prongED Plan[ET] 2 (UN)Account 4 My Knotty Tree Trunk O’Laughs… (do nothing …. With A Shit Eating. $hit $pouting Grin[….D] …Correct, Parkland, FL HS ???? ?? ?

Cow Can Hay Reconcile Heir EZ God’s Will (>>>$)                                                           which they’ll go to HeLLC …… believing…’if necessary’..      

 and My Story of literALLy InDefensible Righteous Lefty (I)dioms  ???

<to deer caught in headlights looks> and Quickie Excrement$..Exits

                                       4-D ReaLLChange isn’t Nece$$ary over $1





++++++Where Have All The Flowers Gone ????  ?? ?++++++

[=$$$$$$$$$=]  Children of the Corn



=Humpty =joe Pesci crossed with brain of  joe Piscopo==P(R)ez=¶

<LiterALLYzzz,…. No Thank You Mr. AckevanoUSA> ..ie. we are paying all heir tab$… (see Wise Guys)


=I wouldn’t be surprised by my name being written in on ballots ..Jabba the Hutt’$.. Oy-stir$… won’t even acknowledge this.. PO$’$ =

==Fuck Off that I’m Anti-$emitic    .                                                                                                                   …A Good Vomit Can Cleanse Long-$tanding BS …

===========Seriously, I Call’em A$$ I See them!============

keep notes on these Rich-Tards and Heir Henchman ….15-20 years from now or hopefully sooner they will stand 2 be countED…

Big Hig … Dem ¡

You’LL Have Numbers..    +  Annie DDirt can break Stalemate$  !                                                   Political Science 4 DummiEZ

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!