matty P.

====howl are we all ?

—-blount breaks streak…unless traded

cooter’s nickname:  ‘Boo’

i got abscess wisdom tooth that needs to be pulled tomorro

cold weather exasperates it alot !

nice 1/4

matt  is excited…


12:4……5 verizon

Gronk shutout ?


billy mad.keyshawn – Hart flix


approachment  …… encroachment

27 to 9   9 to 27 ….9.27  mmmmmm

nice play staf…runnin dem rout again  13 is ok!

not saying it’s over..lol

did they ‘hopefully’ rewrite……desolate…motel heavy….. reign

Identity (2003)…John Cusack


obama kknight$ chi-towne

——ouch …michel

ronald ..in da pool   cookie monsta 2

down 10

=========tiger’s chapter 11 cancellED=

my book will only have 10 chapters

GT III  really the 3rd

=========Manifest…..reminds me…stephen king short story with bronson pinchot ..tear a page [listen to it tear..]========

didn’t know that..miami 3-0 sorry..this is my first game o day

Patrick Swayze’$   brother ……..in ..  City Slickers III

==#TNF=====i did see that minn will be well rested after buffalo===

wise cool jr.      cool pick…TY

no more 5 yards FM penalty

===wid        de===open

motorhead hat ? u see dat?



2 easy for them now……

2 china here i swim  (comm.)

decked by 52  full?

===wicked tuna at 11 ?


Higgins (me, & magnum’s butler & Fallon’s MC)

say no more           #Aretha

Tiger’s and Lions 1st today

Wicked Tuna ..now

Peace…gator signage








XquiZzz …. .. . Y ? We Can !

Choppy C’ ……..Zzz


NoWay to go AirPoiff ! – ¢anada‘$ Dry Res.. .ponce de leon


twas….Scoped, is it gametime.? WhoTFC!*

please don’t tell me you think i’m simulblogging Uma$s


i don’t see the harm in blogging pats game….

Harsh Words might… anybody comparing;

=?? ?=How DY Do ITT Technical Institute of Techmo mo mo Bowl==

Muddy the Water$ …‰TurtL‰Dance

===Hottest T trendd===

cool t shirts,,, image projection on back of shirt

girl with stunning ass in light stretch pants wow,,, dark t with a funky rollercoaster ride…drawing…. perked me Sup!??

Genie’s Pairing


a gay guy…. wearing t shirt written on back with

(sorry rogue? waters..not me)    Wish You Were Here !!

i was stunnED afta a few secs

a nutter:

Heavily: Meditated , …..

I said……


Mediation,  Meditation,  _____________ !! you know big lou

=====my GFs Tourette’s ====< ????  ?? ?>

Band from Soci Cubs for $ecuritty Seasons in the Son

Still waiting for someone to body slurp  surf the sh…itt

………………..,,,,,,,,,,/………………………    __ _



======College KkkidDz=DMz=======

========Alcohol…. Fosters …2 please!== Arrogance (ReRepeat)

do they takkk the hint..Whizz….Alcohol now Addjust 2A pprivilege…?

You Go, Girls  yes i prophed that alcohol holds up the…. Hole (repeat)

===I,===(MotherShip)===con==a wreck of a trekkk====







∴ Part Deux…. It’$ F’ RE..a….(L) U$$. Kkka$$$…..H…mir a..c..l…FU

The funnest thing today besides

my pRost@te is fine

my Urethra check was a not happening w/o anaes.

Sonogrammed my bladder… empty!!! good news!


driving by umass main courtyard and seeing in……the biggest brightest letter$$$ on banner:

RESPECT    OBEY >>>>>$$$ <<<<< OBEY



supposedly greensleeves is 55 hard way!

plan C D  ? ..same as b4 (hear) t**   ….. in my cah

==show credentials..i might listen.=====step into my ….=Hubble=




Tall Short  42 38 40 38 42 Navy Blue rue 

cho [GBY x] chew no he wok here 2…


——-10’$ are making the 50’s look like tomorrow


my next topic….

my XquiZzz $$..Shitanalysis of                                                                                                                                           Media.. Pre$$ On….===>Imp====>$.00

// XquiZzzZzzz.. qui = Y…pourquoi


WFI… (C….me)

the smoking gun of my media court case is i’m now gonna take down my anti “cider” stuff and it doesn’t matter !!!




124 Antsy… DD…..Pant..C [SI]



someone else is getting back to… the future

=======iam 240 minus==========

My Standard Deduction is they want in writing ,,

i don’t buy that 2 bedroom apt at Wind_______

Green$….leaVes   next month +

====DDon’t Hurry...Morry====

not going back to block…scene

evah…. not for ent.




my water shoes ultimately allow me 2-B comfortable walking on tip toes


No …. Action.?… News ?

macon    weekend plans…..?

gonna be ME…. Spoon EnuF,F

Cereal Spooner

the world literally A….weight…Zzzzz



======Cricket$$$  and then laterR  criEZ au

Hypocrite... now you know how it ‘F’ealZ … V

===to make up for the make believe bore E=====

Please tell me that a number / note can’t be passed..

cold war Heil


$$$hitler the ButtLure…ch

imf epi…soda    [wtfdhjs]

====we don’t believe you$$ are capable of admitting anything ===let alone Wrong doing …’BubbleJeopardy’ ==

my wheel of Misfortune heeds a Revolution

Can We Make Con…t*…aCt  ???

=====my estimation is 67 – 79% choppED________∏____________



Back 2 cof……..fee

I am feeling betta four a ‘Sketchy r.ealist’


  1.    Wearing Water shoes everyswear… less anxiety


i recommend moccasins for young autistics!!

2.   IC a ‘Gaza Ceasefire’ DDue RRing$$$ ????



======timED @ Block Party Day ’18===which means…?===




————-add link——bill maher on wackpack jeopardy————-

lettuce..no let’s go jam

mean with penis butter?

====i won’t be going to NJ anyRhyme tune


feel more hikkke Pesci How now

——–in bed or wheneva… put the food (solids) on your face while chewing…… ???       U R What  U Eat !!!



CockblockED and Browbeaten from all sides and persua$$$hun…S me’

how am i supposed to prove to U     i,mus,err$ that i’m not the bad guy exploiting young drunk chicks with cobwebs of  brow beaten…. bullying,

(“W”(illegal       Partying

who doesn’t realize the “F”(ratZ)$zzz Hyppo  Craz…..Y?

#Gott  AFFluenZZZZZZZ       ∴         @$$$$$   ???



…. i’m dealt Queens of Ice Age.”narcissistic  7’$$$”…

Giggling  ( high school girls @ starbucks cockblocking the whole store  ..kissing grandpa… was @ me!)

HoW……L many layerr$$$ of this do i have to illuminate b4 the onion is bad..   Bad Bunion!

we are at a time when we are…

Lliterally now Making $$$hIt up to do…

H…….game ovahhhhhh………….L

Spring Breakers…..UNO BO

∴    11:30 XD    review 2….


gotta be quick bATT LOWWWWWW

this was made as a fuck you to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


after,i used the shitter   with my balls above the water doing

42 long bit


to the 53 non-jew$$$ in HoHo

FU !!

the smoking gun is the Predator def play..

supposED LI

after t** \  ⇓  /heir Failure Small of Frame Work E(R,r)Zzzz

“2 have me arrested for being a ∴  ”   – 4th Rikers Island Men (Tall?)

FU All


the Spoils just multi plexED

4-D is Heir Weak Eliott Ness, Man… HELL0



what r you??


heard  … ‘Vulcan’   anyone else?


$$$um[, Ma !]




my dad iZ

‘i$…Real’ ……. Mad (brit)

..he shoots @nts outside his Castle GaLL…….. wahLī$ī$ī$


Dr. Evil finga pec 


===Oui=?=[appaused applause]===





my pats blog writing $atyrically is M$T: 2018



t     ink of it TaLl like building a {R}eservoir over a ]d}ump & wondering why PROb$


Dream Catch ErR ……. Complete 4  a TD

extra point just failed,,,,,,,

LI    51    Lie nothin well’th …..think ?∴

∴    11:30am  XD    review 2….


kkk missed ..op$$$ @bound…. the air changes when hellbats… mets.. FU maherwitz

frankenstein was Israeli ?

shocking ? !

it’$ Ono Bono !

so they are ‘making up projects’ to flood the ‘lo-cal’ econoliner

all driving 4X4  like.new  models

hotels are never empty….

just saying saturation of mercanariEZ

fascist ? hell yes.. german engineers …?

………..goes up to..

…………………….11 !…………………….





felt…. ‘proph’ of being hit by a bat in the back out back of inn as hotel key fails 4 times on the faulty card reader…Tubackkk…miss/Wed\


i evah tell ya…

i worked at Synergistics Na..tic, MA   (OME!) around ’90..

started ‘shakes’ dare !

first job i could get fired from… ‘pre-$to$ure’

they do card readers like at ATMs around world

===in late 80’s MBTA passes were  were printed and encoded on my route=@ mass mailing services #hollyrock=

8:20pm Sunddayy Fright W(hit)e

NFU cage no match..?….lighter…60 lbs


Howard My Ratings ?

==madison avenue is $pinning.. then there’s their SpineL  kkk(R)ap

==Hell=∏=Mat==that’s a door

“tri,,,,,,,, ED to WHack my back”…..

can’t buy Wit Aye Heir



Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!