notes dump 10-2

Political is a meaningless word if everything is technically

Political ???

=====Rhett OracL==

Trump & Co. are like…

Mr. Lahey & “$mokey”

======”feelin’ like the old lady in Donnie Darko ===@box”====

Superman changed time to save….??  Margot Kidder?


cop car goes thru Boltwood/Spring juxtaposition with Lights flashing and a small beep….. i look up at repunzel’s tower and read 4:59pm

i chort……    There goes my 5 o’clock $Haddow

any males ever have gay sex and have dear mate tell’m ..

you should have your prostrate checked … i “hit” somethin weird


Let ByOns….. Be …. ByOns


speaking of 5 o’clock shadow… same bat spot

when the 747 goes over for like the 4th time….

I look up and ask…stupIDly

Can You ValiDate my Parking ?


Prez a Bit Arian


i’d have a nat’l referendum on FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights ASAP after the landslide V

=========Fuck CConned Gression================


something about  Cheeto’Z    < i’ll remember note to…>


If you have a big dick… do you stay in MA.  ???


Preaching to the Choir is UnAcceptable !!!

=====they already ‘Believe’====

Never say…

yadda … since 2001


hip not IQ         &    hype not IQ


Last Week hypotenused the main st intersection

flipped my Harvey Dent coin in the air and……

Kept right on walking confiDently  “all eyes” are always on  ??



Art Modell…. Art Model Art Modeller for painters , i know i am but what are U

===Rubber B..isQuick==Biscuit=

Wrist ..toc….racy        v$.   Arist..talkkk Crazy

=====latter has a.bought of Part-Time.eRR$======


I like THyme cuz it groWs…(sic)


You Complete Me…..

finish.. I meant …. FINIsh !!


Who didn’t Fuck Up, that’s why we are HEAR !


first rule of Guano=ism   Narcissism :   Not an Alcoholic…

if not, you are a fake from da start… Best ?!!!?????????


Open Sesame.. $eed thyme


???   snickerdoodle ….???

many a cross dresser  draws toward me…..Hut’s in your (W)allet ??


PTTC is Foolishness.. yet i can’t remember what it was


Hear$ Bore….SillyBus for  Alt.L media/gov ReVLations 100


being nice by omitting the young lad in the park wearing a cardbored box as a tutu   amongst friends ……

‘That’s an Act’….. I said right away….

couple minutes later ended with the kid replying IMH….

‘The Aristocrats’





American Van DL S4.21

==wonder if i should be writing this

=============any street info i get is appreciated but mi$informer$ sound exactly the same …….(i rarely see/remember the voice..passing by……it has never bothered me…what a nightmare that’d ……..cause . i am terrible with faces.


I’m in my own H/Bubble for Organic Reasons  and Alec O’ Respect… is in dare 2


G.O. !



saw story about the football coach being suspended

which brought 2 my attention… the no media thing..this week….

adding some things up..

====+==something about tape recordings been bandied about @ me once..DT.couple of days ago… once again in my van/hub/bub ?

i know umass frats are after me…but I had given up on .any pre confrontation mediation

did the officer i gave my card 2 and told about the threat level surrounding me.     a  couple of weeks ago…….

get the recordings  and ……………thus No Confrontation..yet

I have been avoiding thuggery for weeks..the whole town was seemingly cognizant of  almost every play…err

I’m in inn now and think I’m in ….

Warfare Shock


Stepping Out of the Onion will be Nice.. my Comedy gets me THru

=====back in the Hub-L=========

k… at puffer’s pond or as i call it… P..punt..ah’s pond


watching the pi ..thinking about charts;

so… i hit upon the fact that whenever an agency overlord overhoard overwhored overboard overbored…

goes under observation… gets “auditED”

i become H…..u…..t*     ????  ?? ?

this makes a hardwirED connection to my MC “titL”


                                               Hott Potato

mere seconds after this realization a cat comes around the bend behind some tall grass…….

with a snake a foot long in his mouth… under the fence walking right past me….


Fu Man AChu

in Effect

—–sum peeps walked up the road a second later and they had seen the cat /snake come out of the grass






How long can the big ship lollipop …kkkeep taking on my pissings thru that Gaping $oul.. storry Hole

how should i feel when freaking out narcissists start banging into my door with theirs with me there watching.. ]acciDENTly on Purpose[.. kinda crispin glover like feud ,,dude ????  ?? ?

and one other less deliberate butt no morse code of …..


freakkk…. C…only $$$

=around steer clear of ===

$upposedly ‘Get Sleven 11’ is fil…..ming ..edit: ‘Warfare Shockkk’



anyone memba ‘Ari’ ?

+  Cortez had ? 500,,,, i only needed ~4  2.1 keyboard characters+


======81%===∏ ___=====

cap…..tan     how am i (L)ock.heed.inn billion dollar D.P.


=you have been exposed like Geraldo’s riverA”$$  [va∫ult]

playing me from both sides leaves me to Story’s  side Tree

Double Hubble Bubble WrappeD    Live Album

$..Hide 4   ?? ?


==========Court Case $$$in Oop$===Bro====

5 years ago, if i got any recognition from media my fanbase would number in the

Billions … it is DARE NOw

$ 4.21 average donation… they have gotten their monies worth all spaghetti  not counting 5 dolla a pix ……. 


LitMess, …Witness, can i get one?







Plan ET 421:  JOTP worldwide


oh yeah, I know My Right$ under the

Geneva Convention

====really a billion peeps read this…ie. views..

not directly, 42ure   4 du jour


No Change? I Can’t Change ?!






Beer ?!

No Steer !! Moo?

=====⇓=====think about wit====⇓=========

Have you met my GF…. Inga   from Sweden, ME

Ya, i’m Inga from Sweden…. Y……..Ahhhh Yah can’t GTFH

====H….Alf=====Permanent Midnight

badd connection to a divorcee… i don’t remember if he was???


9-28-18 and Chips around Me M/F …… Don’t Smile at me…? why would i approach you?



pokED Bear $eZzzzz=======I’m not leaving til you realize the H….Kennedy gene pool went down ,,,with Jr.’s Plane… 18+ years ago==== =who needs ‘obama jokes’ redundan$$$y when Kkkennedy’$$$ be apart of an ..”in,,verse”.. die first verse kkklan………..D=====Ho?!!!!  !! !========


Fire Your Dat….a Anal WHi$$$t*

+++Ffffind++++someone whose been to the upper levels++



++++People are Watching++#Wristocrazy vs. Aristocracy++++

++++++ Kkkon___t*-error-if-i=ED  ground    .hare. shows that

No  Emergent  ‘white’ individuals graduate from non liberal studies @ umass #amerst

+++++worker low level analytic$++narcissistic tendenCiEZ++++

what do you expect from F.(r@t).(rat).([email protected]*)$sss Anywhere ! ?

=====you have been 421 warned===Fake New$.Edit: $.w…heat_boyZzzz

======Check Please !!   Litter======



If ya don’t smile….around me….blah…..inspiration…

==meet me at  “your stoop” with a smile)==and proper ID

———-so many lips read as  ‘We Fucked Up’ !!!—–Yupp   ie.——–

see if i tried anything else to earn money )disabled(

they would KkkNOW use that as the basis for my losses of income by ‘total.Arian’ mal- funkshun -feasance !!!!  !! !  FU …421k richEZ

now you see…Heir gamEZ  Clear..Lie


lots more Quip Notes…whole Stack

P……….Layers of Guana ie.  Kkkosher Dduty free @ low low p(R)iCes

==roll that up and $mokey it

P.O.rca doesn’t have “Laser Beams”.

but he/i saved 15% on

Di$$==>Emmy  NATION ……  of

9/26/18…..Contrite pez $eZ

‘Waves” of Emotion just below the Sir…..face to ….


Something’s a Miss… Demeanor

====ex… t==U===LOL=====

Fucking Pouring Rain~….

I can’t have Anxiety for $$omething ……..De~niL__ _e…


a nutter graVy greye

MC Tatter Thoughts

==hey;===Hay P..ride===Parade in bed of P\U trucks==

in birthday in 5 minutes


++++++don’t be mad if you didn’t think of the name  first.. ++++++

+++ +++++++++++++++++++

==’i’m an Honest Man’…  sez…==Delusions of Con FU C Iou $hite==

alotta hands …..

watchin Z$z pull confer den$$$e


kkkReep putin me unbound  ..#I Got Jokes!



(<(   kkKon   t* Right   )>)


mad cuz my set of car keys are missing…

change the “combo”  ???

WTThursday… 54  45 in the clutch 



Heavy Penicillin

===Hut of a backtracked transition approaching..who??====

post brady thoughts;;;;; only!

To…………nyEason,  I never even heard of.. that Farm Aid was happening nor….. nIMBY

t*+(i)$+Z…. H…all 2 Surreal… nowadays..WYWHair…..NIMBY





Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!