These Fratte$”
use the movie attitude of the Blue Ribbons.”Disturbing Behavior’… most specific…
< H/Menny baddmen…. they think they got sum tin roof ova Ya>…..
the kid who rippED the nose0ring from the actual cool kid…
ha ha haaaaa ! ‘AMena$$$ing’ B$
—haven’t i proven that nobody that ‘matter$’ ..Care$ about these ~Societal~ Term~ite~Z~z~
yup, S.T.D’$~……… ~Societal~Touchdown~S ~
Sociopathic Termite Disorder in my Court … Raise Your Right Hand.. Take Off Your Hat!
i’m thee Jenga Player of Society
………. …….. ………… ……..
=======Turd Might$, close Enuff U ====these chyppo$ are my biggest …in the…. Bri@r ; KkkritIc$$==========
p.s. my next topic
.. Actual Gay Mafia… they band together like….. [Duck]
Liberti-EZ RaPED ..then #Drape(R)….. .$0$…ed.Dr. is In . Now !
===O’ $ay CAn You See …. the Writ -ing on Chair BoarD ?? ? ?? Defense Ladies ?
Post-Epy-Logue VI Chapter