Sorry to All the Peeps been sign-this … p.s. my next topic.. Actual Gay Mafia… they band together like…..[Duck] & LibertiEZ RapED ..then #Drape(R)… …ed

These Fratte$”


use the movie attitude of the Blue Ribbons.”Disturbing Behavior’… most specific…

< H/Menny baddmen…. they think they got sum tin roof ova Ya>…..

the kid who rippED the nose0ring from the actual cool kid…

ha ha haaaaa !          AMena$$$ing’ B$

—haven’t i proven that nobody that ‘matter$’ ..Care$ about these ~Societal~ Term~ite~Z~z~

yup, S.T.D’$~……… ~Societal~Touchdown~S ~    

 Sociopathic Termite Disorder in my Court … Raise Your Right Hand.. Take Off Your Hat!

i’m thee Jenga Player of Society

……….   ……..    …………    ……..

=======Turd Might$, close Enuff U ====these chyppo$ are my biggest …in the…. Bri@r ;    KkkritIc$$==========

p.s. my next topic

.. Actual Gay Mafia… they band together like…..     [Duck]


Liberti-EZ        RaPED                                                                                                                                                                             ..then        #Drape(R)….. .$0$…ed.Dr.  is In . Now !

===O’ $ay CAn You See ….                                                                                                                       the Writ    -ing on Chair BoarD ?? ? ?? Defense Ladies ?



Post-Epy-Logue  VI Chapter


Trump Trumping UP his Worth Numbers… had me In KLing OutsideN U’re (midge?) Boxxx

maybe Trump and I switch Portfolios  ie…. Wealth and

Trading PLaces &  Life Stink$….wit…..ief        $ee him …..

Knott   …Y

GgetT O’……. IDK (church lady dancer, Private? pec litt fing)


====my No kkknow )r(espect Double Dealer(R)… Laid playED..

my……………….. Hand


=⊥=thumb? suggestions?=>>    ⊥\V/   ==<?<==’LL&P’

(H)ow, (W)ow ….

Two-a-Day$        gots me in turbotaxi>.. ShappR.

Post 161 wheW, i don’t know how t0o tart ? [Pop.fu]

on the one Bigg Handd efe

I thought/clara’ED/wrote:


‘Night Thoughts’ and Dreams get backed up     when smoking  weed only, peeps

(know ?no dreaming? 21+!)

and they maycome out during daydreams    thus…. ‘Writable’

wrote —–L—–after ——>


Ink….>>> Dawn of the Dead ..heaven ..HEll backED $up


thought it was the ‘shit’… mehhhh

and was taking a pix when epyED

i just created a nutter thing i diss—-> /gust/—–>ED

my writings are DigitaL not …..Pricey


Byron Allen is $till On ?? WH0 Knew ?

Byron Allen is $til? On ?? WH0 Knew ?

==================next us… nexus+


previously on 24:1

we yoked about flanking a flanker

and it leads out of bounds..

How Do You Know  ? <—-> asks (w)

If you look down and you can See $$$ea

that’s over the …Edge Lo$$t* 

we call dem groundED Hear..

The Cliff$  of Dover / Sherborn


oh my connection would have been cut a hun..dread rhymEZ DT



i get asked if i’m gonna pick on __IT   ,    __IR  next ?

i’m not picking on ..

our G-g-great Immigrants ……..\_______/……….homeland.

.. I REspect their ‘Road’.

Fuck Lichtenstein, Though… u understand, Correct ?

YBR —————–little dick haven”t*’


Buckle Up, Ladies !!

this is watt it’s like around me……

Who can these $Hor  t* ¢Hick man ALL$(W)ayZ Al(w)ayse CCrye 2.?.. any age ! FU dirty hyppoZ

think of the gross slide of thoughts and libertiEZ they CAN

men imp u in ?/late





Smith son         Ian   (my first son’s n@me)



wfi             sorr for delay ow

if i only had a heart[ache]!

tomorrow we go on the YBR

to see …


Kids,, we are once again proving the GovernLord$$$

‘live up north’ with Santa ,The Penguin, Mr. Freeze , his Ice Queen

=====$tock “Market’ … is  A Lair.of Banjo $ingers


every cup o’ metres al

tomorrow we go on the YBR

to see …


my ‘first’ smithsonian “art   piece” is ready to be viewED

—phone pix to follow—a/b sides

Due Dilligence…. that’s what i do..

I mention it at every leo encounter i approach… Just doing my DD!        – E.F. Button


Politics is used as a ‘simplifier’ when it in fact is quite the Opposite

L & F

that’s why we smirk whenever it’s brought into a convo

====philosophy also comes to point=======

Due Diligence….  O O


gonna get a room and sleep morrow and go blog TNF

oh yeah… like a year ago i got a room..big suprize for  ME

and the curly shuffle …yadda went to the dollar store right after for ????


i get to the counter and the cashier old walmarty walmary comes out and around the aisle smelling down by my feet….WTF!

today subway..(fresh food) . ‘gay’ guy behind me is picking all kinds of chips around behind me… def…… sniffer… WTF 2


grasp berry badge(R)e(R)

=======Blues Brothers:  Rubber Biscuit========

You Go Hungry..!!!  .Bow..bow..Bow


It Can Only Get ________ ???? ?? ?

in what can in this humble, hubble bubble of trouble reporters…

EsteamED OPED..

the nail that ultimately broke the Camel Filtered Cigarette

Karmic Synchronicity ?

first “stuck in parking lot” DT by a Armored truck at TH.. gotta “nose it”…whateva….

after clearance clarence  head East… end up at cumbies..12pm-ish.. i see what can best be described by ….the armored van the TPB: CTLD used by boyz in the movie .. no prob seen it before… walk in…

====this is negligee.. uma Negligentlemen—

stacked rolling shelves blocking the view of the cash register… i peek right around the shelves on wheels and see the guard is in line on the far left lane… which is the way to the bathroom..i gotta pee..

i take a quick left along the outer wall window and i hear an exalted gush of air…

thought nothing of it actually ? smirked ?

went to bathroom and bought my products..

and saw the cash register lady mouthing….

he took it out !!! ??  to someone ??

i didn’t realize this all til i got back in my vehicle…

why was there no back-up in the store ??

cheap van/armor/ cheap rates cheap-o reap-0

my cat lives just dropped


cumbies peeps correct me if i’m wrong ?


==sum street talk ?? he only patted???

has cumbies had any probs with this sort of thing? the armored car co

is my “lawyer” requesting the footage ASAP ?

Deserved but… Not ServED

Please tell me with all these docs umbrellaing me… i have a court appointED Attorney… Banana$$$.. RepublicE ???



Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!