whut i wanted to update butt can’t find the post…
ladies…. i don’t ever shut my ears…. my ID, Super.. , a diff. !!
whut i wanted to update butt can’t find the post…
ladies…. i don’t ever shut my ears…. my ID, Super.. , a diff. !!
You Paid and …ultimately Pee’D it away…..
thin? 5 years when Mr. Lahey comes to ‘mind’…
I want a Jury trial against entrenchED Liberty tree$$$
I would like my trial in Puerto Rico
kkk (R) eep me (w)………..(W)+aite+ing…….
$tocks are B$.. PleEZ don’t try and correlate me 2 …any 1 stock
====FU Coke, Pepsico,…..=======
$tocks are a tic tock CON-t*-(R)-App- $$$- Bun ???
once again Brainiac$… nothing is a choice with consequence to (R)ep
History is what fUture Generations memba
Jeans or Jenie US
=======heir Bottle$ !!===============
fired up friday….
world seems on
you maybe already finished browbeating locals cuz they are….. afraID
me, not 2 Wuch
======>>>===LOL = Land O’ Lotto===K, i bought a Quick Pick, 1 !
===Scratch tickets in the future thrill ONLY be Scratch and Sniff==
ie ag.. a Novel-T
He was a sexual predator… not hiding it…
He was doing what was done to him…$o$.. HELL ‘f’
—–now today..i read headline..
‘AH seemed oddly comfortable in jail’
#sexual playground ‘bully’ ….
=⇓=incorrigibly legi- Bill=⇓=
takes place between the hours 1445 and 1455 hour$….// 1545
some girls,,i overheard… ‘Gotta Be Self-Sufficient !!”
$ear$ where i just made another player..layer to Funny
i immediately rehortED gives a Hooot:
Good #ord, Self- Sufficient….. is their an
in the Middle ???? ?? ?
—-Level 1 Complete====================
i go to finally grab my post-Wit ....notes
and my rolling papers went flying into the windshield and tried to ‘jump out the window’ DT, $ir you’re Underground, !!! couldn’t help mysHell…………..f
======so i stopped and analyzED this 4 ‘Coincidental Irony’…..
got these since 1455 hrs:
Average Joe with Average Job #$o$
spear—->0 Spiro A.G. Knew Vice Prez…me ? me ?? ?
+++++++++++++So now, it has taken new directions and i gotta go back to the original thought once i remem….burr! last night
You know who put-Z=$ ‘O’ in to be $elf-$ufficient ???
Newspaper Outlets (Just $aiDD NO)
It’s Natty-L Bullying Month
====WTF, hey ‘F’ratEZ
Browbeating Locals…. will come round……… C-nuff to get U$$$e Blinkin’
==========⇓=bottom of barrel=⇓========
===have we hit China, NYet ?=====Scurry Supp, Hott ?!! !==
e Vice, Time and the $Ham
by James O’ Kief’\g….H g (W)HizzZ
==another wow as 0’keefeek…0….FeeKkkO 1st Rounderr
======t*hay Don’t Cry m…e as a Victim ====>
How have their Rights been leftED lifted ??
===========$$lut $hamers 2 only cuz what ChappZ$z in Men’s Back$tall….(R)0om stays in Care NIMBY ===============
They keep waiting for the Butt bottom blue$$$
the CCanswer is the NWorb ….. (W)orm
at the gas pump and.. farted … asked whomever ..
. did i get credit for that ?
electricity via solar panels likey
====they aren’t necessarily good jokes..my drawing bored==C!==
you put your left hand on and i turn you 2 2 about 69°
====tat above was off the Tree=Swingleero======
tater …. coldplay….
i can make almost any lady laugh in proper space…
except now….
Peace and Love…
]==========another FU to the Mu$$$e of HoHoEZ just saw
Slow Chimes at…Border Inn “stupid “spoiler” ” 123 kills and 1 more ….order 124 toGoGo.======
———–i ¢ are a lot————
i hope abit giddy is charming
brady didn’t look happy
midfield.. ouch
i hate tests hu huh
wide open nice synch
no ch
=========Summertime for Hitler—–Fall of…
Hip Catch MAN!
Hip tatter thought… commercial with 13 clock
the one negative comment this week i respectED yup 1
and it didn’t arrive IMH …on time……
Dick – Tatter
tatter…hott i am 54 in years loltm
thats a hands team … til knott
A2M ]out[ H
no kanye but ===
50 sounds like a team
buy (make) me a footBalling team
2 td drives when i get hear correlation 00
holden on
klinging on
king is dumb
hairy butt kicker in BK.. ummmm Wallyworld bathroom.. FG is,,,, wide Left
what’s up??
isn’t halloween when we take off our MmAa$$$kkK
1st and
=======will they score agrin b4 half ??========
females shouldn’t be mad at me….youngins luv me… $m00chY
i’m holding in my future plans….. dr. GooDD —-Love
————-00—-0——————–trying to not dwell on
21 seeeeeeeee
———-the fact that they cock blockED me with dolla coverage yuppiez 10 times dime coverage gays do it freely,,, makes their dick … brown… my point..(h)azEZ were they tasked with surveillance ???
free dumb and dumber
peep are always blinkin’…. i said that b4… i no u no
=======and feeding me meatballs….
====u can say that again,, 4.21 sec$ later _____
Laidies if you have sex with me ……
you’ll turn into a 50 yo Angry Suppy
Be Aware Always !!!! !! ! !! !!!!!
// kc td as i wrote down
====today=====oHoNo is psyche.. G.O. ==
=Kkk, send over my knew friend===================once again zip no unzip hear==
here is my overalls with suspenders.. wow what an image i hope you all got about greeks being suspended above us and placed where eva is $$$afe,, Vaukkkt*
Dali-esque IMH
=====Ma Homes==FU Columbia Ga$$=======
sorry, chip off the whole block… please laugh
my one overalls comment is,,,
i didn’t want this,,, cuzzzz….
now every fuck that isn’t ….. is technically ‘cheating’
they corra(L)led me here with victim shaming in my travels …florida/ key we$$$t*…..U.$.o’ A… to the point that this is only place i feel safe..autistic abuse shaming now… DDone!!
===Kkkan you increase my account in the balance of the Pi(R)==
world is PH@,,fat…lat …?
next weak …
Count the a maze …..
bunny…. Hop on by my Art VanDe(p)lay
21+ Fit, Mouthgoing
Give Something to quiver..quibbL …over !
=========Victim $haming$====is Jool====
Greek Gatsby…. umASS any$where $incerely Epstein’s Mother
Mr. Caught-E(RR) don’t asskk.kk
Greek Goodne$$
is abot-L ikkke
Achu,,,GBY, what’s your name ? ACLU… oh FU
Winner Window Dresser but Empty Draws
===the discussion about “the Di$$ // Gus /…H..ian
====is WHere Wit’$ @t*
Gus was a jackass ?!
====Peking of Duke$$$ & of Wich..
greeks nt$b gone ! ‘F’Lie BoyZz
====Greeks of Greed, $aye No More L&F===
didn’t want to say right away but they are holding up #Pro…gRE…$$$
they perp..et u ally ? $us….pend.ing reality of $hallow ……gallow
Heir Problem iZzzzz… Wi$$$$$$ they are Seamlessly Being..
Held FUn.Accountable …. Held Hostage by ………
Audience:…. <The ……. !>
yeah i shoulda coulda woulda beeped the horn had i known she is the only person that can’t hear me when i talk loud….
===Love Ya, Mean 2 be faster.. Anutter Wisdom Tooth Extract Monday Aft… miserable for 3 days… <what will he say ?????!???>==
it’s not who will know who i choose to consensualize with.. it’s if they are a fannie or a trash talkin’ ……. pos.. pot-plant.. moley, holey
.. Gotta Smile mo’ …. Great Je H ovah jeselnik … I Care Alot !!
Je H 0vah Sorry, Kraft .. .Y Bass .. . Tt*uRd$$$ (have yoke$ but like Carolinians more !!!! !! !)
the W (ovaL) didn’t go ovah. Well..fell 42Long 40 Fuckin…_ (the Aristocrat$$$, um.. The Ring
3 Treealities + going on in the Hubble Faced Station
like Children of the Porn…umb ¢0(R)n Vs. Sweet “Children of Mine”..
time machine to John Connor