2 Me, as a Liberty and Justice-deprived Socialist, The bars in Noho and Amherst the big city/towns in Pioneer Valley
$0$ Toxic
TV ‘WCU’rimes….(R)+(D)are$
and compare them⌊ 2 heir multi-Billion war$ they will star..t*… gotta keep up
// More Ale
=i told ya.. i bet Kraft/terry glenn comment / schtick…by me at training camp put a RickkkooooochEZ highlightED target on me…. =====and then SHowcase Live…. full on video surveillance plus… sound out
gonna see how to best describe Maddow’$$$ and speaking of Gay Pieces of $$$HIt, guess who was a big rachel fan whilst this comcast bs occured AH
involvement.?!! !..
her producer is married to the ex-MTV Girlfriend of the MLB guitar player.
yup friends of the late Andy Wood took great umbr@ge with me youtubing and wood play
—- —– ——-
Big FLan$ of Human Right$ not Lefty a major part of my early detractor$$$ (rock groups) ….
they saw the 2$ue..nam…I Cummings
==$ on Tour… Don’t Ask About Me !! to any Band LOL LOL ==
they see y’all ‘Signing’ and i(t*) Drive$$_
. (R)em $leeple$$
Losing Hei(R)EZ…
Losing Their Religion
=====Tree BuggerrS======
==Sleeple$$===Rockers Roll….overover actual kid signings,…..===
And the #1 Reason ………. for my Maine-iacal Hate-REd
Camptown Faces Sing MY Song
<=I’m Left… Totally Unaware of the level or propensity of These DelinSquints
=wit a =tinkle in her eye== the smallest dick in her office, No(w)>>
Back to Rachellle RocHell && &.. .TV Crimes any Rube-€ [ LIVE ] !Boom Chaka KHAAAAAAAAAAAN !!!! !! !
My best buy tv (they ‘mistakenly’ sent us 2) from Bernie and Phyli$$ had….. updated technology in early 2000
i lived across the street from their headquarters… they “needed” protection….!!!! !! ! my tv was transmitting facT2 thru ComCast a broad definition of CCustomer DDi$$$’” ‘ire….Vice
i wanted to add:
RM was someone i greatly admired above almost all.
Educated, Gay, Out….ta co mmun i…Cater to $$$
if you are a frequent reader you know i believe lesbians females are the only ones with any inte ggrit….ty…
So, i was a meatball towards her…
yadda badda ……
Young Adults…. the Final Frontier is U
All, H……………………
when kevin smith had that heart attack …. i thought… why didn’t he fuckin know !!!! total blockage like his daD
$8,000 a person… total scan in heavy detail…
==and my socialist law firm will make extensive use of these B&A images…..=a real ballsy lawyer$ $’cream $ue…P
1st year after i get paid … my family will all get scannED..
and i will promote the production of many more for
lowering the healthcare costs A$$…H,,,ole$$$$
Correct me if they have been debunked.. or ??
nobody sez anything but mind melding Get Out.
<=====..Swoon.. Spoon… Soon Err D’en _________
Waiting .. . ) on a Friend
====Wit 2 knee so funnC====>==
Anybody else seen [deer] own DT’$ for 2019…..U.$. oh!! $0….GOing BackYard$$
——————————Electric FencingonGuar…………….
see it..wit…18…17… A,B,C
————————–D———-Electric Fencing————–
etc——————etc…..excedrin… imagine em not hungover* with my shit on their hare brainED cube desk to anal queef… desk draw fulla nips 4 tuR=(D)…. . . [Ø______Ø__MacH__Ø______Ø–lÐ[—Ø-Ø ]>
supposed to be a turnip truck..lol only to my…elf ego
—-0—–being me and saying the best thing are…..Horizontally …….AGoof
I Need A Vacation from my Permanence
===course it is mind warping the amount of pix “secretly” taken ,,, dad mom …………. kids don’t they ‘sur-f.….. 24/7
Cru$t*, they just react,,, zombies of minimal motion to get purrpix
my writing,,,the interpreter’s Tone … Rhythm ..HeiL…Impressions
Wonday ……. Light Foot mass..(R)age
CirCling the Wagons with Dragon & _ _==Puff,,,or Poof===$
From out here in the Hare.&.get.any,…. those Mammoths look Cool.. those trucks going by the park...a 2day
–——feather$$$ flufErD
=======Kkk======>> >
they Liberty feed off each others Ignorance..
On & On & …… (W)On !?? ?
I Decree, 2:48 SiestataS
(reclined in carseat “nearly horizontal” mimicking the town “castle” clock)
The CornerD I backed Into …….
Ooo Oooo(H), I Had to Butta Call Mako…. Statement
this Week Please, My Friend !!!! !! ! IDK L&F
Monday Tuesday ….Have A Nice Daytime temp & a touch of hay fever coming on……..
==========Kkk Jessica Hahn==============
and Real Ladies,, Pleez Yell Core Poor Rating Amorica …
FU and your Purse Parties
with alk, t* fuckkklmn
—Gucci Gucci Goo———->
Kno(W)……….. NO
peking l&F China call home we r home hero
===== Don’t Waste a Vote in an Important Race==
======Hut==WTF… mako diff ???? ?? ?
William C. Higgins (421)
Write In Tuesday, Nov 6th
Specially if they haven’t media….Ha t*ED…DE nyet
C, mr Pez we have c0mmon ground.. We Hate Thi$$$ Media!
What are WE You gonna do about i$Raeli $(H)elF=0ccupation Within Ou(R) Border “Wall$$$” … akkΓ Sovereign Grounds ? Bigg Fann (repeat) for……
===?? ?==Are Fannie$$$ Getting the Belt(Way)~~~~~~~~
======Who……>? Who…….<?======
PHat Guys you ca$H…cast*ED your Best and White$t* @ Me…
You think Coach has Faith in Youuuuuuuuuuu..?../ Nex..\
You (w)aRe………Vomit Inducing
========H…….<===== i ggi n…… s=========
(W)hy Do you Believe in Lesbians, So Much.???
.. never any Dicks HounD
==⇑==is that why the guys felt b-tray==
South o Border===
Peeps… look at me and Say U..U Deniro… Deniro ..
Well, i kinda got the attitude when nec…lotm
Deniro… …..ohhhhhhhhhhH
the reason all this latest shit stepping is cuz of
southernbaptists …. FL 20-yo black females slow stepped it to me ..Disappointment Necc ….GrinchEZ
Morphing out of ya Bowling league... 7-10….. V