[(D)=] Progressive$, Weave[(R)] $eeN “It*’ … They’ve CoverED ‘#IT” [$$$]UPP


 (D)=  Progressive$, Weave (R)  $eeN “It*’ … They’ve CoverED ‘#IT”                                                                    $$$ UPP

it was like Taunt*ing me and I rarely watch tv any $’More$ ?

=============radio this time.. no pic to distract.moi   Fuckkker$=====>Whitey Bulgerr$=====expect this to be a (taple) 4   21============


how would you like me to prove to ‘ you  all ‘ that ( Gov== =>Bigg Biz ) is thwarting PROgre$$…ie….¢ontrol against (L)osing@ny   c ?


@ heir Religion       $$_

I am PrOgress


=Welch(R)$$$=====$/0\===billy connelly’$ humour ‘got me’ in trouble with some Welsh/Americans.. Sorry !.. We Are Noward $turn 2     1  or a Country of Bbbbacking each other up to a ¢liff and waiting for the great recoil on2 1’$$$-Dick..that’$$$ Amore !!!!  !! @


Welch(R)$  your Honor,

I am clearly capable of changing the $hip’$~head~ing when given my due dilligence income from my ‘inverse blacklist’ of donation$

Your Honor,

Zero donations for the MosT Popular Person in the Galax……Y

——Can I Getty A Witness—-   ?? ?

< Planet Ultimate Frisbee >


are they getting h/lair shit eaten G’(R)in’$

———> $’Moral Ga$$, kneadED…….===>  ‘F‘=ED

jackkk   ? ??

Browbeaten,,,,, all over NoHo // today wearing earphones H..tin lizzy catalogue

you will leave town,,,

they just missed me getting out for walk,  a 3 carload full 12 guys/ team? waiting on me @ judies art bah after my post yesterday,,, i noticed ya & that the cctv didn’t cover that area well cuz pick up trucks in way….FU,   ~DT~== => ,,U  <== =~@~DT~*~   4  $$$(H).e(r)(r)

=⇓=storm of the century guy at bus stop in NoHo this week=⇓==⇓=

i am going no where soon….. RESPECT


haymarket……..……et gonna ……..T.-40 min


slept from about 6pm til   9:22am   Oopsy

1 more try…today……. clean and “shaven’   .

no more comments cuz there A,L,L piss and moaning !

where’s my ______ ?


The Funniest Iron…….Y

of all this Police OT, drug use contraband (Kkk)ickbacks ….                                                              and (all round) (W)hitey Bulge(R)

it is EX-pensive to (L)ive hear me now and believe me swoon emuff

In Conclusion….. Capitalism has some deep deep hidden …. @hole$

BungkkkL $am, MaGuyV-e(R.R) Hymn Hut He QuotED…and All live Free and…WFI

Never  More Wore torn fuck’n jeans.. ?

====Eureeka, ====

Lou’$_$         C   ?? !

I’m Home from the Club < (Copacabana)..(Babalu)……ey!! fa fa flunky..

You gots some $$$plain.N  ….2…due ……Lucy…

<Lucy Cry>


Camel, you have a hunch things gettin’ a  Happy ReaL ??

=I Double Dare Ya, McFlytoy…ChickN ??=⇑=Pick a Straw any Straw..                                                                               $uckA$…$

========= Y   ?          Can It!===========

no second place…$orry


do i already have my $hark ?

==i bet my idea has already been “stolen” and being  implementED…

Anybody C Y It was not done…

they aren’t that Dumb !!

info = lawsuits not ‘House‘-EZ.Ways bye know …

they like CON…….trolls

Pa–Po(W) !——Jigs awe’s UP…now

they’ll be circlin’ Wagons


til a technology gets there first…. is the Catscan type machine …outdatED



outfront judies art ..’bah

‘Art Monk’ ..mostly to myself. i exclaimED as these guys stopped to see who the guy in the Sith hoodie WaZ

===⇓==look whose here .. Kelly Ripper Owven==⇓==$milE==

btw, they always make the next level of y’all complicit bike..sting a littL===whose listening to the radio any… Who Who… me?  >look right>   me?  look other wayCHu !

====must be Live obvthink about Weather Channel/Local Weather GirlsDMBroom======


my big pix=|¢asey| Hat the _ _ _

=====>>>===⇓==⇓===Heir’$..t* Reason =

remember Pearl Harbor ErR

.. $$$=He amended & signed  & AlignED an  I$(R)aeL Fielder Fly (R)ule$$X


It’s (R)ight ====>>>

&     ignor

Look the OthErr WAy (figuratively only ..F’n F/T-ree smuggler$)




Wanna Mend my Nex…us Chapter.. & Turn Another Page

2 Me, as a Liberty and Justice-deprived Socialist, The bars in Noho and Amherst the big city/towns in Pioneer Valley


                           $0  Toxic





TV ‘WCU’rimes.(R)+(D)are$

  and compare them⌊ 2 heir multi-Billion war$  they will star..t*…                                                                    gotta keep up


//                                       More Ale

=i told ya.. i bet Kraft/terry glenn comment / schtick…by me at training camp put a RickkkooooochEZ   highlightED target on me…. =====and then SHowcase Live…. full on video surveillance plus… sound out

gonna see how to best describe Maddow’$$$  and speaking of Gay Pieces of $$$HIt, guess who was a big rachel fan whilst this comcast bs occured   AH


involvement.?!! !..

her producer is married to the ex-MTV Girlfriend of the MLB guitar player.

yup friends of the late Andy Wood took great umbr@ge with me  youtubing  and wood  play


—-      —–   ——-


Big FLan$ of Human Right$ not Lefty a major part of my early detractor$$$ (rock groups) ….

they saw the 2$ue..nam…I Cummings

==$ on Tour… Don’t Ask About Me !! to any Band  LOL LOL ==

they see y’all ‘Signing’ and i(t*) Drive$$_

.                      (R)em $leeple$$

Losing Hei(R)EZ…


Losing  Their Religion


=====Tree BuggerrS======



==Sleeple$$===Rockers Roll….overover  actual kid signings,…..===



And the #1 Reason ……….                                                                                    for my Maine-iacal Hate-REd


Camptown Faces Sing MY Song

<=I’m Left…                                                                                                                                                         Totally Unaware of the level or propensity of These DelinSquints




=wit a =tinkle in her eye== the smallest dick in her office, No(w)>>

Back to Rachellle RocHell  && &.. .TV Crimes any Rube-€  [ LIVE ] !Boom Chaka KHAAAAAAAAAAAN !!!!  !! !

My best buy tv (they ‘mistakenly’ sent us 2) from Bernie and Phyli$$ had….. updated technology in early 2000

i lived across the street from their headquarters… they “needed” protection….!!!!  !! !    my tv was transmitting facT2 thru ComCast a broad definition of CCustomer DDi$$$’‘ire….Vice


i wanted to add:

RM was someone i greatly admired above almost all.

Educated, Gay, Out….ta     co mmun i…Cater to $$$

if you are a frequent reader you know i believe lesbians   females are the only ones with any inte ggrit….ty…

So, i was a meatball towards her…


yadda badda ……

Young Adults…. the Final Frontier is U

All,    H……………………


when kevin smith had that heart attack …. i thought… why didn’t he fuckin know !!!! total blockage like his daD

$8,000 a person… total scan in heavy detail…

==and my socialist law firm will make extensive use of these B&A images…..=a real ballsy lawyer$ $’cream $ue…P

1st year after i get paid … my family will all get scannED..

and i will promote the production of many more for

lowering the healthcare costs A$$…H,,,ole$$$$

Correct me if they have been debunked.. or ??

nobody sez anything but mind melding Get Out.

<=====..Swoon.. Spoon… Soon Err D’en _________

  Waiting .. . ) on a Friend   



====Wit 2 knee so funnC====>==

Anybody else seen [deer] own                                                                                                                            DT’$ for 2019…..U.$. oh!! $0….GOing BackYard$$

——————————Electric FencingonGuar…………….

see it..wit…18…17…   A,B,C

————————–D———-Electric Fencing————–

etc——————etc…..excedrin… imagine em not hungover* with my shit on their hare brainED cube desk to anal queef… desk draw fulla      nips 4 tuR=(D)…. .  .  [Ø______Ø__MacH__Ø______Ø–[—Ø-Ø ]>

supposed to be a turnip truck..lol only to my…elf ego

—-0—–being me and saying the best thing are…..Horizontally …….AGoof

I Need A Vacation from my Permanence

===course it is mind warping the amount of pix “secretly” taken ,,, dad mom …………. kids don’t they ‘sur-f.….. 24/7

Cru$t*,   they just react,,, zombies of minimal motion to get purrpix


my writing,,,the interpreter’s Tone … Rhythm ..HeiL…Impressions


Wonday   ……. Light Foot mass..(R)age 

CirCling the Wagons with Dragon & _ _==Puff,,,or Poof===$


From out here in the  Hare.&.get.any,….                                                                                          those Mammoths look Cool.. those trucks going by the park...a 2day

——feather$$$ flufErD


=======Kkk======>> >

they Liberty feed off each others Ignorance..


On & On & …… (W)On !?? ?


I Decree, 2:48 SiestataS

(reclined in carseat “nearly horizontal” mimicking the town “castle” clock)



The CornerD I backed Into …….

Ooo Oooo(H), I Had to Butta Call Mako…. Statement

this Week Please, My Friend !!!!  !! !   IDK L&F

Monday Tuesday ….Have A Nice Daytime temp & a touch of hay fever coming on…….. 


==========Kkk Jessica Hahn==============

and Real Ladies,, Pleez Yell Core Poor Rating Amorica …

FU and your Purse Parties

with alk, t* fuckkklmn

Gucci Gucci Goo———->



Kno(W)……….. NO

peking l&F China call home  we r home hero

===== Don’t Waste a Vote in an Important Race==

======Hut==WTF… mako diff ????  ?? ?

William C. Higgins (421)  

Write In    Tuesday,    Nov 6th

Specially if they haven’t media….Ha t*ED…DE nyet

C, mr Pez we have c0mmon  ground.. We Hate Thi$$$ Media!

What are WE You gonna do about i$Raeli $(H)elF=0ccupation Within Ou(R) Border “Wall$$$” … akkΓ Sovereign Grounds ? Bigg Fann (repeat) for……

===?? ?==Are Fannie$$$ Getting the Belt(Way)~~~~~~~~

======Who……>?      Who…….<?======


PHat Guys you ca$H…cast*ED your Best and White$t* @ Me…

You think Coach has Faith in Youuuuuuuuuuu..?../ Nex..\

You (w)aRe………Vomit Inducing

========H…….<=====  i  ggi   n…… s=========

(W)hy Do you Believe in Lesbians, So Much.???

.. never any Dicks HounD


==⇑==is that why the guys felt b-tray==

South o Border===

Peeps… look at me and Say U..U Deniro… Deniro ..

Well, i kinda got the attitude when nec…lotm

Deniro… …..ohhhhhhhhhhH



the reason all this latest shit stepping is cuz of

southernbaptists …. FL 20-yo black females slow stepped it to me ..Disappointment Necc ….GrinchEZ

Morphing out of ya Bowling league... 7-10…..  V




Soldier of Digit-L, the Midd-L Won

Field Gates…. Yates..Hopening



draw was full

==across… thru  mason – dixon Line… chuck-L=


cool bear beans

//////waiver wire tapping/////////

=======no gronk===============

nice camera placement ….stadium  overhang

// ‘beetle’… pats postgame radio guy sez that chi- soldier field has the    // worst camera angles in the league…..love data…

//  all most never get that commentary on tv.. air, chuck…


billy ,,in,,,commercial


===Pats have gov connections so they knew……

and finally saw the light. //  Wight, Isle

when my WP password “predicted” the comeback win in SB

—————-if i evah have a band …..we’ll start at my home.. Showcase Live———–as whi’F”F”——====


i was just gonna make an ‘I’ comment…

fumbled to I=Team

===annoyED vs. ===Ill====ill===

ill annoy



neva eva ask a black person to “make” you a Tuna Sandwich                                                   … Fom  $cratch !!

====you know me==⇑==

timing is eva

==pats sb qb dare.. against buddy==tony eason


keep’em Home More All


tater no chips please  (wise)

====un beli[check symbol] penalti======


–due dilli..peeps..@showcase alive


a maze in… sum buddy talk to me who passed by.. the .. Bah





that’s howl………………………….


a tie PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzZZZZZZ

  • Roc-kkkneeD,    newt


i was always a fan of his Halfback…. Hunch..Y


Wtf  pass on 4 and 1


don’t wanna make any more A.H. comments… but i bet he didn’t try that balls shit with brady or gronk or bigger peep$


anybody believe females real ones feinfucker…

couldn’t have  handled my hunch..back

Betta !!!!  !! !

TimeZzzz Up …. Male…fiss [ y ent A$$$ not allowED ]



5 syllable tackle


bill would like  an Assante comment…


whose the TE for pats now… ghost


to the thought of My First House



54 Power


marky mark me Kraut*…… not his Wurst


mini me  1/2 54 =


jackson up  //   ??? ?

gilmore down

//  [w/o coach’$ All-22 game film.?.. Mall Fluff unless an ex-player?]



sum buddy talk to me who passed by.. the .. Bah

White is playing like a ‘ Billenial ‘Patriot

Dane Cookie …is a terrible comedian

======make it what you …..===============

Ron White just put in a cookie cutter special…Hi? can’t suck,,,

Fluff your Pil,,,,,,low$ ????  ?? ?

mayor raymond

Whose Insuring our Tru$$$t*

oh yeah..”I Feel Betrayed”… comment

1st  or A-Tray   Trust both WAy$

B-tray  Broken Trust or (R)ust*

—-where was my A   astray        H

=====U enabled this medio acre  media===========

Betray der$ of U$ ..maybe U


the mirror first, $ir..//. [would be my reply]

//i wouldn’t answer a comment like that w/o lotsa totZ

//    I understood that one !!!!  !! !

Door #1

=====It HurtZz… How… How Could U.. ??

said Indigenous Indians==(II)===


Jeff ‘AA-M is a Leftie…     dick is crockie


that is all on the QB


i did not know that.. 1st road win

-======// post scribal============

the buffalo bills knew what’s correct… jim kelly’s home/disc…go..

famous peeps  Kkk   @n’t go $$$ocial like olde daze..

Care and Caron, Richard, Sir  my proof and logic teacher.. wrote the text











Weak Lie… Dia.trying …tribe

Who Loves Me?

… why no donations ?

why no gov help ? cuz boogeyman id Dem(R)..all

why the hate and browbeatings and passersby in periph.. always …always… always… look my way after..wards c=>leaver?   Brashtalk

why no media when everyone that comes to amherst is expecting me..?lol


oh..so just abit agogo a lady mouthed to another passerby,,,

‘He treats us like toys’  ….. Kkk memba

 listen 2 rush 2112 side 2 track 1


“i treat you better than toys, Quitch”WTF  !!!!


actually i think in ‘arrays’ or groups…point is

I ¢-ram

the Reality‘ Chancellore,

The IntegrItty / Media #Matters 

II (Intellectual Integrity… )     my own term ? 

  i define it.. my pix in dictionary..tongue out einy.. H

I am the E.F. Hutton of ME Idia Anull Analysis

Mimic KING .. your previoUS gov/media… but T-ruthfull

=.. saw Cantstandza (george twin at cumbies) here==what are you a poet and  …………….?


Movie parts Flea has played is a Thesis topic ?


t* +  hey #treat us like puppets…!!!!  !! !

puppets or “my toy”    ???         U make the Call  ?


If I Only Had A Job ????  ?? ?


What do recovering Alcoholics and 2021=have in Common==???

   Both Wanna Put D.T..’s Behind Them


should i wait til i get elsewhere to procreate… …..check + mate


still waiting for the news report about what happened ‘to me’ #UMA

====LMK !!!




“Run Outta Town”..?.. more like Rot…10/10  Now… give it 2 years..

===what will be left of your image of it…. ????  ??


Is this gonna be settlED by Sadie Hawkins dance on my dick tater titration


Satur Day Live

Tatter O’ Day

America is EASILY Self-Sufficient

minus all unnecessary works for the $ake

=====try==essentials only for 6 months+======



Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!