we got s a great show tonight….sorry..andrea mitchell later that day made me remember the timeline clearer. post fu Rachel PO$ … msnbc stuff… alex wagner.. stay tuna ….
during my second..joint
i memba hitting on alex at Alex Wagner’s msnbc noon roundtable show.. the interns were the ‘stars’.
..alex, son of russert,.,snarky (b@ )s..turd .,
now it was my I..missunderstanding that Alex Wagner was also gay…jeez female anchors all gay….always wondered about andrea mitchell married to world’$ biggest asshole or sue i’ve hearDD …(drum)kitt toot a Loot.. Lout… Left .get Out !?
now we know she’s ‘bi?’ married to then president obama’s…. second chef
l apologised via ……. the next day thinking she was gay””’‘
she sez… when i tune in …[i’m trying to think if i just wrote my answers on just my computer like in word or online….
the interns knew every keystroke…
she sez… the taint
and the interns giggle when i ask did she just call me ‘Taint’ ?
O ; it’s ON btw wicked ___ as i will reference this
i get the interns roaring when i reply like 45 secs later with …..
Is the Pussy Good !?!
Alex Wagner ‘when told’: oh.. that’s a well kept secret! but i got under her skivviEZ..lol
she was filled with em0H!…
the tape needs to be rewound.. pre$$ play
now we go back and forth about who won..
i give her crap cuz she just lost to a stoned los-err
yadda yadda..she didn’t lose.. a disputed tie
——–surreal ————
ed sgt. schultz probably motivatED hymn…. seemed morally correct
what about that Socialist?!?
i read his bio…gonna check it again
off top of my head…..boston kid, would fight often…
gonna check
‘ I like writing TV drama best’
Say ……..Know More ??? !
=======Fun CCrimEZ$$ ComCast a $hadow over Democracy==========
So like i said things got frantic about 12:24..loltm…as liquID LunchEZ
got…..’inter-ruppert’ Bevel..ed
==========tired, and infused … #tatter thoughts…
whut a War……………………….M achine
tangenting to sleep happy halloween, sugar
BS morr…. Hunch ~1:30