i am most pissed off that my popularity should allow me to afford a car service./ driver….?? ? right billionaire$$ Elaine$$t
play⇔in’ me fom 420 plus end Hone(R)$$$
i am most pissed off that my popularity should allow me to afford a car service./ driver….?? ? right billionaire$$ Elaine$$t
play⇔in’ me fom 420 plus end Hone(R)$$$
eraser all borders with a toothbrush
Dat’s Humo(R)
Fargon Margon ConDClue.. line.
//⇑ inpoorgress
J/K …BorEdumb/p\
===Z^3.inc Dis==
ask Terry Bozzio,,…
How are you at…….. Catching Flies ?_? // in CF ?
unbelievABLE – Dice
====Generation ___====
KKK butt can’t use !! !
KLM nice but an Airline,,, whose stewardesses synched to on board film...ew & mcgregor
======We Have A Fruit !! !
Most Pec.u…liar Momma
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////
Hell Yellow… Hott
The Bubble’$…… P$I ⇓
===============Vote yEarly
======jog in place..water-aerobic=====
Pool ………………’Marathon’…ius
clear thinking.. toke..avail…new \Wave\
with maintenance and generator.. ? Winter-Proof?
forgetabout it, me ForgetaboutU
Sorry, J,Deep
You’re Cover Boy Agin
Keith R.ecommends yearly voting and blood transfusions.. did Hunter do dat… Aye thought kkknotta (Pats on Back):
==⇑=J.D. is in Rehab NOW Correct ???? ?? ?=[
sorry, i am betta than Hunter S.T… he was Brilliant for his Generation…k;;now Doubt…a Republican.
thanx asstrolLoG // erin? not andrews!
Pushhhhhhhhhhhh H
===yeah construction guys are gonna be constructing forever..
what and why ??
<bryan cranston comm. in my head>
deft footwork ! // for injured knee Rodgers
2 catches avg for top receiver against stephon gilmore ⇑ last 6 weeks…radio stat from earlier
===lemmy music in comm. Disgusted
hendrix music in comm. feel shame
==scenario imh..sorry
…if japan ok…usa ok sleight?
=balance==gotta……… Run ==stats check
archfoot drivel Trump’s Excu$$$e .?? ?.he $caliaED himself
$$$calia has KNow Concept of Impartial..a.Bully of B$A
manifesto hear me know
How are we… whose tare ? _
miralax……..rrelax after B$ digesting days ago..
you’ve tied my hands with your tort u re4me…
stablity …..ieZzz F’n foundation …. ally
expecting me to get ‘F’ru$h 2 t*raitor ……\ ‘F'(L)ush /
u B ……. $hIrley TemplEZ of Treason
10 up // 10-10 /// 10’s
‘quickest’ 1/2 evah…
I, I, I TKO’ED,’em,, $$$TokED
i saw alec baldwin do it
not fun to make a whitehead pop tart joke
Cancelled my A2M everything,,,my choice
will i get notified of my Votes Nationwide…Imagine me winning sum tin.roof.rustED area
talk is not cheap….federally$… no other opt….
can we all agree you/GOv are out of …touch & know H0W
1 7up
kurt russell means …action,…christmas? need more info
==did you=see that gel after gunshots demo on 60min ?========
gronky missD
====nose plays noise not smooth jazz===
stay low know…mattress?
does gronk get __ in offseason after nixing DET trade ?
wowsa catch..
another fun @NY guy nine nine brooklyn
=======4th quart==========
fumble …2 ne
=========a==puck…gets passed around and scores lotsa goals for other people…back 2 fridge…
you read
clayborn @280 lbs almost went 20mph on mccourty intercept.run last week
smoke beakr
=====service members overseas phonecalls discount
=====free is Heroic assholes..discount di$$
brandon cook vs. josh gordon ?
stat !! !
===== ==Peace Hype==
lookin at my game comments…hair few
——-fun 4 y’all ?__ _
Free Healthcare
High Impact Sports will self regulate down because of litigation
???? ?? ?
// my analysis of that full body scan and why
‘Illuminati’ sez “know tan⇒⇔⇔
Alec took one for that fun guy who just got Dumped
data same observer might DDeuce my Bit is Di.am.onD
=in car passin by====∑.. =Girl keeps giving me the ‘mitten Superfinger’… why dane cookiecuddLer boring.. Cereal insight__ _b.. .la..pathy….ise
===she mida =gave it up toe’m
============= =============
)M(issing ……..off the ¢(H)………(ain)(G)
I know i have dues to pay on e stage fright fleft
===⇓==’empty’ ‘] Blaim [of t*===⇓==
i’ve always ‘felt” Amherst’s Iconic Maple tree to be
===========¿===every restaurant i go t*aggEing me$$ w/ my order don’t refuse service…just be a
Do.. spanish speakers get riled up about my IDC attitude ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿
====Bueno stick 2 nachoEZ====back 2 Hock…?=chuckyL==
Whut is My, I StyL _
in jail cell dark coat …staring…
Storm O’ Century Guy or Alec
//Alin Guine@$$
===What did he have 2 lose..? charges b droppED=
A & E
The Difference ???? ?? ? [The World !! !]
P.$. 4 Reichs A( L )ay Fom amother
The World… Now KKKnoWse
I have one comment from friday night…
i have never been more afraid of gang s
since i saw this crew$ mode….. Karoake
Terrifying !!! Disturbing !!!!
======INSERT bAD _____ VIDEO, FANS…========
⇐===26.2==IMH or Pool=⇒
// Who Am I, H……..u…………H !⇓!
Brazil on lines 1-666, Chief Petty Off.
Technically… My God
It’ $$$$
the 1st of the Monolith……18th of lith
no CureRent. $900 a Wonth Nyet…. Can You (D)/(R)-igg IT ? <Code 305 aisle 18>
=IJA==where are the karate beauty and ledzep stairway =type=???
after the first of the year abun y’all start turning ….2…….pAGE #21
===⇓==made up complaint…=====⇓===
Am I too repetitive ?? ? – Thanks Paul ‘Bunion’ j/k
what time on the tower clock did i say… Double Down.?... kids don’t bet f’real !!!
===i heard someone say …. A&W got… TaintED ersHelf =====
West Wing : Breast Wing makes no sense
hey,……. LADY !
==any up ⇑ data..lotm
can’t I find an “individual” with discipline and a soul @21+