aflac Justice

stay SAFE , …..a Security Analysis



i  ever tell ya about my ‘mind meld’ in AMS  i thought hard about a girl who just spurned me in a co-dorm…. 5 minutes later alone in the dark diff bunks maybe 8 foot apart.                       she said…. ‘Stop It’… weird both stoned


===A==Banarchy=????  ?? ?=======



====⇑====nicest people in utero==⇑=======


Get ab Hernia Surgery  ( with 2 week recovery)..

Get a Housing solution  ..                                                                                                                            with indoor salt water pool..<dolphins with ‘lasers’>

Get living arrangements  Ready for weather change  RU

Christmas  ….. future…

Get Total Scan… <data>


singing lessons

what about my fish bait idea… Tool.. Comment ?

lawyer talk$ … complicit chicanery, charming  chats

girlfriend(s) …….⇑⇑ ♦ ⇑

self defense classes






it doesn’t harm his reputation by under-peytoning himself and losing on the road to former coaches…



did they hold the best stuff vs. tenn for  probable playoff rematch… now no winning streak to ‘keep going’


good fodder


yoyoin’ shit against chalkbored down 5th Ave.

these are the days of a pats fan


did seem to go cheap this year…

nts: check patriots cap space used

ouch, lots of cheap…’deal$’

//   harry sinden style

i swear he has done that B4 to prove to that team…..they can

titans /$$$/ TarED vs. UP⇔PU

commercial:       ,,,,,, wow dude  1/2


wow 3rd  & downfield

TE duane allen   DnoTD

// TY H.G. going to the  WElls vs. Wash Nat’ls

go to ybor city was in my ear …]by hater$[

TY for the $_$egue,   $hat.err$  … the girls there are ..plast..

first thing i’ve seen in ybor city. fl  twice in diff years is an old black guy on ~50K chrome motorcycle…cruisin ! he wasn’t the only one that stood out from a semi-floridian ..10years

so to hear it’s the southern Harlem is appropriate to me….

that black porn site has (R)00t*$

==@=peta jensen and VV… library flasher gal=== =======saw ..m   at AVN ’16==

$orry, …i couldn’t ‘erase’ the humor ice creme , man!

i reasonED……

$0 YC—chur¢H has  Alotta, Bling & $ing ? ??



guess warr E  (R)  i go for xmas new years?

==========if the checkmark ¢lear$ !#@^X===========

// checkmark is my mission statement..look it back sup

bend and oopsy  // Tenn TD


green room noho… martinis excell

// bart ender made a drink with an egg

a week ago…. Excellent

it … then highlighted the ..?

my point.. why i have said nothing… know reference point ... Happily 

—————can’t pose….not returning...kinda like meeting a girl at starbucks……….need to buy stock i nit wit——



nice call misdirection

——-7 down  ——



ncis fez                 Zincs   Fe   (how..hand) talk2it



interferED on pats db

===== ……..

Mexico Good

Education Better!           True 4now

// WoW



2nd Half———=======

–‘F’armor’s     not        Progre$$hiver$ //comm. about covering cupp

they’ve been……mmmmm…./

‘sauna’ in a pineappL costume


h&c baked in huuGe croissant

filling..S  mile …

//======GOV Bg CHeez==

// like i said you  lit snooze …  <10 more Days>

=======after 3 times …..___========


honey,   wi$e the poolboy here agrin ? we don’t have a pool

===//==on front door camera ==comm           imh=====

they all play their playoff level game vs. NE

big circle on calendars…

oh….road No’$

==============starving .. now know

lewis & butler….

======//=survivor trail or lick my ball$

fu ……..rob burnett…. bible ¢humpah. ..

\\====>><<===,  pink = checkpoint alfalfa


gotta be kicker with stache’


hollist   -er   -on


stupid play //scary play  

// Brady tumbleweeds    *      it after the catch

4 11:11     not diss… mere    cash

may i have your permission to….. DDive

Vrabel RulEZ…2day.. cya Real Playoff$


\\milk and raisin bran  ……sleep…


===cannot stop.. starin  …. sharin’ my …storiED plight of … E.T.


//   ====til

//   insert clip of ace ventura.. U [email protected].

// my lonely point of reference     ; ]



so, my ‘devil i know’ is prob…. Weed in my social befud

<—-verboten ——-<–<<

maybe tuna tan later

=///===second thoughts, if only… +  found + 


the fact data to follah back girl !!

i shine despite my hands and freedom bein toyED, t*EYEd, t[rye]D

by the …….. _FITB_

==The Point being…ISO GooDD i a Victim anymore to “U”=?=

3-Pointah===Imagine Hut Hut Their Holding  @Mach ….Speed

===Segue==See gu=== Damn, Seagull ! works 4 me

why are gays and fred$ workin it upside beddy….?

where is agent 99… what have we become ..B.ambi Rex.Loss

i’m kinda a big square WHee…L  ..abound sears

=====we have only 1, LOLFMC======

i constantly think of meryl streep and … going into the guy’s boardroom/studio and saying i know i$.. you’ve all got your dicks in your hands … no solution$0$..

Well…. CHere comes The Backboners





Sure is Surreal …. [all]over my head..

u tink …


a Pearl of pre-strife life…

at the heart of every PEARL in Life…







1pm   peeps…. bone chilling last night so ….. no chance of proper convo outside…

gulp’ oprune juice daily ….. meep meep


who r u gonna behave…..


Happy Vets Day.. never totally!



In anne b[c[0]de] frank me$$…

I Am Gonna tell ya my plans in an effort ‘affort’ 

to CCurb Betting Tendencies !!!!  !! !

Statements are my sting.


Storm of the C..ent.. Millenium FalCoN


I’ll Leaf…

[NAFTA]  [U2]     // words cut from magazine

Heir biggest f’rear  looking like i am betta and then haven to pay me…

Perspect… no doubt.. they

                                        ‘F’ Lost.


Wicked will wait war…..m whilst waking wankers walk waldo wish wendy well wonderful woman whom washes windows when walter works wagerless waxing wendy’s whole

from hear on pout no they won’t..

Hardened they will be… [t*   .. H.. e-MeΧsa Yoda-Dish]

few will keep outer beauty as rage and hatred will be tough to Lasso

Corral Fem By [Kindness.]


($$$)=(D)=(R)eligion ignore$&¢≥ 2 much

to be taken a place at any rational roundtable ..

===========btw, i tink socialist males are Awesome and vote worthy.. still gonna live a mostly seclusion-nite..

#Put the Monk, TiBet …. Tour

see saw i the perp$$$ perpetuagitatterZzz

merging way too close to biz biggy$… with commonality of hatred for me…females next/b …..

The only thing i’m /seam/ ing ly ‘Guilty’ of …

Is ‘$tealing Heir $ignL$’ from the Green Monster SRO

and they are in DC

My Hifi[V] .b[l]ogart respons…OrVe[WHe][L][m]i]n[G….they adore me…..

My HifiV  B og~Art       respons…OrVe WHeLming.

…they adore me…..

===========my resp is mute u all====================


( at what Di$$Di=Point were yOuOut of Bound)==,=>>'<$  ? ?? ?

compounded Daily from                                                                                                                                      …… Dem on ==>  Fuckin’ Male$… no real woman abound

==========where did chad’$ think i was gonna piVot 2 ?

i just watch the

…\…….\……..\ Current..\..Imp-load  ..\.Y    Nacht@ Sea….\Ho.. of Cardd$..\

Tidal Waiver was apart of ADA… Hay CoW


They’re having trouble [$$$]potting …. A ccounting (WCH421)~ my shape shifting blob .. blog,,, dairy..diary..diapurr, diamond, diatrib..FU..anal.. $$$ir Viv..ignoRE,… point twas…

Shameless and always aim towards $hit….. WHo$eAmI ??? ?

WAIN.4Reich ====>>>E(R,R,..) $$$ IS(L)&  ?





Asked town hall amherst if done.. counting write-ins… said almost and would post any info….

//all others…. chuckL..will see if i can get more info



once agrin, i’m the organist…. originist !?


Anybody get this one b4me ?



Elaine’$$$ //BO$$\\  ??  IMH playED by Moi

Mr. PeterMAN…J.Peterman




————–=======————–i had to pullover again to E-statement my Bill to y’all



My Statement

Art      Doesn’t…… Wait on/4 a  … …..

Van Delay


(car service bulletin(


Shucks and giggles is my main course…

Gigglers stay away..!! !        G.O.

<Big Smie>

=========then i connect sum shit from mars and venus to…….Uranus of MAtter=====harpo===uma===gro..=


1st star wars movie… ijs… Jabba Wookie


my my… for ever my bro had wondered why i kept calling things an ‘E-Ticket‘…

one day he askED..

we both were on the same ride….

Magic Mountain had recently opened and you need…



is my Ticket 2  ~~ PRide  ~    ..statement/bill

ie. Riding Blind but my Eyes Kkk<==<Han Still CC..Mr. Anderson, I Presume ….the Vag is betta than Butt esp. b4 child..or so i h ere


//saw new     ‘Suspiria’

great timing for an ‘anti-woman’.. film

my analysis:

very few males in film

guys will use scenes of fun woman ……inter/extrapolate

……..    to belittle woman ‘in utero’

Whilst CCreaming ovaH ……..


this plus the 2 books plus daily brows beaten

i’m insuring they have layers of layers of 

‘couple’ off.. anti woman books that just came out….

Interrupt Fow….===/  /=== Veil… Curtain===\ \====Fa⇓⇓…s

L,L,……. C   ?!!


Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!